
Shades Marathon Training



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    Well done Ian.    I wondered if it was the cramp in the last mile or so, when your tracker seemed to stall.   

    A really good race and you can put that memory of ending up in the medical tent at Seville as history. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 14
    Ian, that would have been HA, who Shades and I know.  I thought you were near each other towards the end. 3:08:59 she did.  Very well done on your run!  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-She looked very strong,just waiting for OH to finish,gonna be close to 3:40 hopefully.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Amstel Gold is on today, and in the ladies Wiebes lost to Vos because she celebrated too early. Ooops. 

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    Just seen this on Facebook...

    We discovered today that the new England Athletics road running platform Run Events has issues. This meant the Ivybridge 10K did not appear on the new system You can still enter the fantastic Ivybridge 10K using the link to the old system which is available on our website race page https://www.ermevalleyharriers.co.uk/ivybridge-10k/ 
    Apologies if this caused any difficulties for anyone.
    We are told it be be transferred to this new system in the event few days. Enter soon as the race is filling fast now.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Bit more of a report.
    I'd decided to aim for 3:15,no real reason to think it was achievable but it felt right.
    This is my 4th Manchester but not done it since 2019 and the course has changed a bit,you now go towards the city,it makes it more spectator friendly but also hillier.10k went by smoothly enough,about 30s ahead of plan but in control,so decided to slow very slightly to avoid blowing up,got to Halfway 15s under target I think,and HR was under target so felt good,so thought I could speed up a little again,the only real hill is about 16m in but it was fine,and the crowds when you get to the top were brilliant and I went good down hill,got to 30k and still really strong so felt it was all going well but after this I slowed just a little,I felt I had more to give so decided to put more effort in but I was starting to slow a little now,I realised 3:15 was a bit if a stretch but I was fine with that.
    About 23m I felt my hamstring tighten but altered my stride and it went,but at 24m it suddenly went into spasm and I had to pull over to get rid of it,it cost me just under 2 mins,once it went I managed to get back to pace and finished smiling.
    OH had a little lesson today,she went out a bit fast and paid at the end,still her 2nd fastest time and only 2 mins behind seville on a harder course but she'll learn from it.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Found this interesting,so from 10k to 13.1m over 300 overtook me,it did feel like I was getting overtook but stuck to my plan,but then to 30k when I just stepped up a little I overtook 440,and even at the end,despite my stop I still overtook 60 overall.

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    Ian - well done again.    Apart from that cramp a very well executed race.

    Still a very good run by your OH too and her splits were good.

    Now when I tagged you, your OH and HA from the Trotters I noticed that the silhouette of HA was different from yours and your  OH.

    So later on I checked the results and my suspicions were confirmed that your OH was listed in the results as Male.

    You might want to correct that or not?  

    Incidentally HA ,the Trotter that passed you in the latter stages is a former DD winner.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Yes we noticed that earlier and have already sent an email requesting the correction.
    HA was running very well when I seem her,she was gliding past everyone.
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    edited April 14
    Ian - HA is very talented.    She was in my running club many years ago and followed my 3 runs a week plan and achieved a GFA time with her first marathon.   After her first marathon she said her legs were sore, she'd never experienced that before after a run/race    Everyone else was tottering around with severe DOMS. 

    She's also brilliant at Ironman events.  She's also very modest about her achievements. 
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    Big G - that's a great finish photo.  I often wonder how winners can actually tell if they've won at that speed, which is why they often get it wrong.
    Vos is deadly on a sprint finish.

    Running rest day today, Pilates and Stretch this morning.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    We got very lucky with the weather,woke up to 50mph winds and heavy rain today.
    Couple of thoughts about the general race.
    Crowds were immense,esp Altrincham,it really gave a boost.
    I wish spectators weren't allowed in the cricket ground after,it was too busy,got some food and couldn't even sit on benches because Joe had 15 of his family taking up 3 tables.
    The course could take more runners but I did see a couple clip ankles and go over,if so they need longer water stations or on both sides of road sometime.
    Very easy to cheat if that way inclined,only 3 timing mats,and none at the furthest points of the course,1 in the centre and 1 in Altrincham would help solve this.
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    Ian - you were lucky with the weather then.   Dry here right now bur heavy rain and 45mph winds coming in within the next couple of hours.

    Seems like they'll increase numbers for Manchester next year, they were saying it filled 3 months before race day this year and plan to be bigger next year.   But I did notice that there could be lots of places to cut the route short with a lot of sections having runners going in both directions on the same stretch of road and only using cones to separate them.   They definitely need more timing mats, however your tracker did track you for the whole distance.   So even, for instance, there wasn't a timing mat at 17 miles the tracker showed me that's where you were, whether they can access that data historically, I don't know.   Hope they sort out the post race area, that's important to get that right.

    Hope the legs are feeling OK today.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I don't think that was actually tracking me,it was predictive so I think it was guessing where I was.That will be why it said 26.2 for ages waiting for me to finish as I'd slowed down since the 30k.
    It would be ridiculously easy to cut nearly 6m off,at the start run 200m,then mingle in the crowd,wait 50 mins and the 10k mat is on the other side of the road.
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    Ian - that would make sense that the tracker was predictive in your location between timing mats.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Looks like Boston has amazing weather today,10-15mph tailwind all the way.
    Will watch that later on Eurosport.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I’ll be watching Boston too. I really want to do Manchester. I still haven’t done some UK marathons that are quite high up on the list of ones I want to do. A couple of Trotters had some big blow ups. I’ve done it myself many times, but the stats tell a story, like 2hr/3hr splits. Hope no injury for them and they just had a bad day out. 

    Shades, on that race, I think Wiebes thought she’d closed the left barrier off, and then drifted right.  She checked over her right shoulder before celebrating, but Vos was hurtling up on her left. MdvP didn’t have a good ride yesterday but he won Paris-Roubais last weekend and Flanders the week before, which are huge races. He has Liege-Bastogne-Liege next weekend which is more important to him as well so we’ll see if he does well there. I saw MvdP has signed for Canyon (bike manufacturer) for 10 years as some kind of ambassador, worth millions.  Nice to see Tom Pidcock win yesterday though. 
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    Big G  - I've got the highlights of Paris-Roubais recorded.  Have watched the women's race, still have the men's to watch.   Highlight programme is watchable as they don't have the useless studio chit chat, filming still pretty poor though. 

    Unusual for the Trotters to have such bad marathon races, not as if it was weather related.    Just one of those days I guess. 

    Which other UK marathons are still on your wish list?

    Every/any marathon is on my wish list right now😭
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Windermere (can’t believe I’ve not done it) and Langdale, but Manchester mainly, especially if I happen to get into fitness. I’d like to possibly do another Scottish one, but I’m not interested in Edinburgh. Motleys are doing Edinburgh this year and I was invited but I declined. I know it would be a good weekend with them but I am not keen on doing that race, and probably just as well anyway as my training is non existent!  Not UK, but I’d also like to do an Irish one, probably Dublin, but hotel prices tend to put me off when I’ve looked in the past, which I know is a bit odd as I pay it for other races. There are so many out there though, and probably I can’t do them all!
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    Big G  - I'm sure you'll have nailed those wish list marathons in the next couple of years.

    There are very few road marathons in Scotland now, there used to be more.
    Don't blame you for not wanting to do Edinburgh, I  wouldn't do it either. 

    Dublin is getting harder to get a place now,  was hoping to buy a place from a sports tour company next year if I don't get a ballot place but they're no longer selling entry only.   It is a great weekend. 
    There are plenty good marathons in Ireland.    Cork is really good,  but surprisingly hotels for that weekend are dearer than for Dublin marathon.    It's a Bank Holiday that's why. 

    Challenging but good Pilates and Stretch classes.    Half way through Pilates a storm came overhead and we thought the roof of the leisure centre was going to take off. 😱
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    First run in over 4 weeks.  5 miles on the hilly trails and probably about 1.5 miles of that was walking. Enjoyed it a lot though - really nice being out there, and the views from the top were as stunning as always. I don’t usually do this, but I drove somewhere about 1.5 miles away and ran from there, to avoid the roads, and keep to 95% trails. Glad I went out and foot okay, but let’s see how it is later and tomorrow. Probably I won’t run tomorrow, but plan to on Wednesday, a similar distance most likely. Very, very early days but Riga is now 51/49 ;) 
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    Big G  - that's great news, sounds like you really enjoyed your run. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Glad you managed a run,hope it continues.
    OH has had her result changed already,pretty impressed it was done so quickly.
    Spent this morning doing my plan for September.Trying to build some faster stuff in to it to see if I can get quicker and trying to race monthly as that's when I do my best,that's been missing the last couple of years.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Boston about to start,think it could be a fast race today,slight tailwind is a huge bonus
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    Ian - regular racing really does help with the fitness level.

    That was quick correcting the admin error. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-We sent the email yesterday afternoon so maybe we were 1 of the first and it was a simple one for them to rectify.
    Lemma is going for it at Boston,on course record pace after 10k,and that was with a bigger tailwind,hope he doesn't pay up the Newton hills.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Hug smashed his own wheelchair course record. And that included him taking a corner pretty quickly and crashing into a barrier. Fortunately he and his chair weren’t broken!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Lemma 1:00:19 at halfway,that's the easier half to be fair.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    What are you making of the British commentary Ian?  I’m a bit disappointed as they’re not talking about the iconic parts of the course at all. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Same,the noise when they went past Wellesley was immense and they didn't say why,so much more could be added to it to make it more interesting 
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