
Oldbury Power 30



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    K2 Thanks for trying to look for my bag and sorting me out with a finishers prize. I only left my bag at the 1st drink station because I didn't want to take my car on the course to fetch it and upset the runners! It is cleary marked with my number and so are the bottles inside.
    Anyway let me know about postage cost and I will send you a cheque. If you e-mail me I will forward you my address.
    Thank you.
    Benjamin Rollins - 483.
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    Hippo - just popping in to offer my congrats. I remember you referring to this event a couple of weeks ago when you hadn't been able to get too much mileage in & the confidence seemed a bit low.
    Really pleased for you with the marathon PB - sorry the organisers came up with an arbitrary ruling to make life difficult for you.
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    Yes the marshalls were lovely
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    Terrific run Hippo. Forget about the organisers, the laurels are yours.

    There can be few, if any, on the forums, who have made such determined progress over the years since the forum has been foruming.

    And some of us are sitting back, waiting for this season to continue in considerable anticipation..

    Organisers must learn - either publish the cutoff well in advance and loudly, or else accept us. It should not be left to you or me to be timed out. We need the bigger guns in road racing to make this a matter of standard practice. It's not as if doing this would be hard or expensive or in any way negative. It's just got to be done. Some races do already, but it needs to be all races.
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    Well done to everyone today. While the delayed start was almost certainly very necessary, it must have played havoc with some of your preparations. There was a chap who was going to run the 30m who ended up doing the 5k instead because he had to get back home to take his four-year-old daughter out to a friend's birthday party, and as he said, you can't let down a four-year old.

    So he did the 5k with me and came 10th in about 20 mins. There weren't all that many of us, only 40 I think. I was so impressed to see all you ultra runners, wow, what commitment and camaraderie!

    As for me, I had a good one in the 5k. Managed to come 1st in 15.06 which is my second best ever. Had a good race with Martin Hula from Bristol and got away with about 700m to go. He did 15.14 so we were both pretty quick.

    10k in Bourton for me next - that's as far as I go!

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    well done Stuntman
    you lot all waited for the last of us ultrarunners before you started-thanks

    I will do a report tomorrow

    5 hours later post bath gin and food im still furious

    and im sure this was a good rae really so ill sleep on it and hope not to post negative things tomorrow

    but yes i DID contat the organisers by E mail before told them id take 6.5 hours, and was told id be most welome

    I dont think trying to pull me off the course at 27 miles was really on and i only finished 5 mins outside the cutoff imposed today
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    (I am having trouble with my c key)
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    results for first 56 finishers is on the website ..... hasn't got your times Shades and Hippo. Maybe they will add them later.
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    well, my time WAS written down
    But not having us on the results doesnt surprise me

    was the winning time really 3.04?
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    RB - I can't find the results...
    On the Thornbury website or Beyond the Limitations?
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    thankyou Mike s and Stickless, for your kind words
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    I clicked on Oldbury Power at the top of this page ... it gave you contact details that eventually takes you to the resluts.
    Yes Hippo .... winner 3.04.54

    Try clicking below for the results

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    Hippo - thanks. Well done you for today. The sport needs people like you as much as it needs the people up the front. It takes a field to make a race, and it's a personal achievement for anybody to get round any kind of race in however long it takes.

    Good luck with whatever you're aiming at next.

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    flip me
    thats FAST!!!!!


    need to sleep

    will try to post positive and nice report tomorrow-but no promises
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    Hey, thanks for the results link-I've just seen my club mate Colin was 4th, 3.14.43 fantastic time-he's only 24.
    From that time it looks like he could have a new marathon pb too.
    Well done everybody, I hope all the first timers enjoyed the ultra experience.
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    I was one of the two plodding lasses(i was in a luminous yellow shirt and navy gilet) who held up your race start!
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    Wow Hipps! You've done so well!

    And congrats to the rest of you.
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    Well done everyone, I enjoyed the day despite the delay and cold wind. The marshalls were very friendly.

    It was my first ultra experience and I'll definately be back for more when my legs allow it.

    Didn't get a momento though which was a tad disappointing. Would be nice to have something to remember the experience. When I asked at the end I was offered a cup of water!

    Do they send out the momentoes, can I expect a huge medal in the post?

    Well done everyone on your achievements, PB's etc. Finishing for me was a PB.

    I was told by a marshall at the end that 2 men had done an extra lap due to a marshalls error. Still can't believe it.
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    Hippo you did really well! I am really angry they tried to get you off the course. It was so late by the time they started it that is was obvious they were going to be late finishers. It is horrible to be treated like that when you have had such a good run-it must take all the shine off it. I don't know what they are going to do with the marathon times as they are not on the website

    Lovely to meet you any way and I promise not to be such a wimp for Draycote I do know now these legs of mine can do ultras!

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    I am still angry too

    Considering you said you were hurting Rosas mum you were running bloody fast

    I have now located the e mail and it truly says there was no cut off

    I dont suppose im allowed to publish it on here?
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    Draycote are slower runner friendly
    Even though they do have a 7 hour cutoff-which i might even manage-you never know
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    I was looking forward to this one.
    First long race of the year-and a nice short ultra
    Only 3.8 miles longer than a marathon
    Prior communication with the organisers told me there was no cutoff-oh bliss, no pressure.I had a target of 6.5 hours though.Not having done anything longer than 10 miles since Stevenage marathon on Nov 7th-I had to be realistic.
    Also there would be someone genuinely running at my speed---K2 had very similar marathon times to me.
    The week before—very stressful work wise but only two on calls and no disrupted sleep-so as good as it could be.

    Got a lift to the start with Matt the Brum, and Rosas Mum.We talked racing and training all the way there-brilliant!
    On arrival at Oldbury I nearly broke my leg sliding on the ice in the car park-gulp
    The race start was delayed by about 45 minutes while they salted the roads.
    Most impressive-I remember the having trouble with black ice at another race last year
    Time for a cup of coffee and more whimpering
    And then we were off
    Started right at the back with K2 and her trusty Garmin.Shades started with us but it wasnt long before her trim rear vanished into the distance-------
    There was brilliant sunshine, and a little ice but the roads were quiet.
    At 3 miles we happened upon the 5k race about to start—in the opposite direction.
    The nice people waited until we had plodded past.
    After a 3.2 mile loop, we started on the 5 mile loops---there were to be 5 of these
    There wer mile markers up to 3 miles then there was a “golden Mile” stretch of 5 10 15 20 and 25 mile makers-all staggered
    As we hit 5 miles I found it hard to believe id be looking at the 25 mile marker eventually
    We plodded on confortably around 11.5 minute miling-and it wasn’t long before we were lapped by Matt the Brum—in the lead!
    I would be lapped countless times more-but arent runners a lovely bunch-all were encouraging.
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    I usually fall to bits at 7 miles but I think K2 must have distracted me as we got to 10 miles without me crying and feeling sick!(about 2 hours)
    My legs started to complain .They werent used to anything over 10 miles !!!!

    gave them a stern talking to and poldded on.
    K2 wanted a walk break at this point(so did I!).But my goal was to do 20 miles non stop-it’s the only way I have any chance of a sub 5 hour marathon.
    Was distracted by something wet on my face
    My specs had cut my nose and I didn’t stop bleeding for the rest of the race
    Dead glamorous, this running lark.
    Started struggling badly at what must have been the halfmarathon point
    Couldn’t help thinking that had I done the Brass Monkey half, id be finishing.
    Whose stupid idea was this?
    I thought 15 miles would never come-but it did—at 2.53.30
    I could feel myself hyperventilating—my legs were just fine but my body wasn’t
    I wanted a glucose tablet but id mislaid them-and fruit pastilles don’t dissolve in the cold weather.Gulped Lucozade sport and slowed down the running.More people overtaking me—sods would be getting to marathon point
    Brain whinging now that I could walk, Id done really well getting to 15 miles.

    Few tears, nose kept bleeding
    And I kept plodding
    I don’t really know how I get through these times
    Its not my body that tries to sabotage-its my bloody brain

    Anyway, just before the Golden Mile I saw a marshal who asked me if it was my last lap and appeared most annoyed that it wasn’t.This speeded me up and I hit 20 miles in 3.54.30.

    at last
    and leg cramps—oh dear
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    So-now we are in hippo ultra territory
    World shrinks to the next lamp-post or tree
    Run-walk run walk run walk
    No timing
    Passed the marathon recording point and told them I had another lap to do
    In fact told every marshal I saw as I was getting a bit concerned about getting lost on the extra bit at the end-were they all going to go home?
    hadnt been lapped by anyone for ages.Was K2 still behind me?
    The marshals reassured me they would still be there

    Just before the Golden mile for the last time I met a new marshal-who expressed surprise that I was still out on the course—apparently the ambulance had picked up the last runner(it never passed me)
    25 miles in 5 hours
    A car pulled up just before marathon point and asked what i was still doing out on the course
    They offered me a lift back---
    Just before marathon point?
    NO WAY
    and what happened to “no cut off”
    Hit the marathon point in 5.14.114-nearly 2 minutes off my pb
    Flat victory-recording people had gone
    So had the next drinks station---------------

    Now Hippos are used to the stations running out of drinks so i wasn’t worried about that as I had some Lucozade sport left. But I was seriously worried about getting lost
    Felt a bit tearful and lonely.The sun started to set and the temperature dropped.
    At around 27-28 miles the lead car pulled up.I got directiuons for the last loop easy enough, but brains arent reliable after marathons.The bloke in the ar said he adised me to leave the course and that everyone had packed up.He then told me there was a 6 hour cutoff(I was 5. hours 20 in at this point)
    he offered me a lift back!!!!
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    I had a mini rant at this point and let it be known that I want impressed, and that I was finishing the course whatever.

    More stomping than walking now---the running was faster, because I was FUMING
    Also I wasn’t going to be that far outside the cutoff

    at the last drinks station there WERE marshals-how sweet
    They told me it was only 1.5 miles
    The last stretch was along a bigger road it was dusk and I was a bit scared about the cars.
    Suddenly a car pulled up-it was K2!!!!!!
    She gave me a big hug and some glucose tablets
    A little while later, lead car pulled up again to tell me the finish was still up
    I should hope so too!

    and im still angry
    I wont be back to do this
    I actually did a respectable time for once and was made to feel as though I shouldn’t be there.
    And you don’t pull someone off a course less than 3 miles from the end half an hour before cutoff
    Having said that, the marshals were (almost) all lovely and a big thankyou to them from me
    Thanks to K2 for making the first 10 bearable and thanks to Tim for the phone support
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    oh yes
    Injury tally
    very sore left toenail
    the usual weals on the torso
    SUNBURN(Ant you should have done this)
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    Hippo, I hope that somehow this report gets back to the organisers. You get across very clearly how their actions compound in a perfectly horrible ways the misery of the stretch 3/4 to 9/10 of the way through any marathon. Those folks who are merely exhausted at this point haven't a clue what real misery is at this stage.

    People who haven't been at the back are unlikely to be able to imagine this experience. They need to have it explained to them. This should do it.

    By the way, the White Peak organisers, who so got up my nose on this subject last year, now require on the entry form that you recognise the existance of their cut-off!
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I think I saw many of you and met none of you. Note to self, either
    a. arrange to meet people
    b. take note of peoples numbers
    c. give people my number

    I was there and I had to pull out as they delayed the start. So I stood and cheered as you all ran past and I entered the 5k

    did a respectable 19:58 in the 5k but am still gutted.

    Well done all.

    Hippo, well done on getting the job done out there.

    ps. 5km races hurt, especially when you have done no speed training
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    Hi All - I have a bit more brain today than I did last night. It was good to be able to put faces to forum names yesterday and then to say hello again as people lapped me!

    Hippo - Thanks so much for your company over the first miles. Glad I was some help.

    My report - see Hippo's for fist ten miles.

    Watched Hippo gradually disappear down the road. Had been finding it difficult to drink as much as usual, but did sub 12 min miles until mile 14 (2:31:55). Felt good and confident of being able to beat marathon pb.

    Then at mile 17 it hit me - I completely lost interest! One marshall encouraged me to do another lap. I drank loads at the w/station, same again at the next, though by 21 miles I was walking most of the time. I knew I wouldn't cover marathon distance in any case so there was little incentive to try harder! (Lazy *** that I am!). In the end I did 25.25 miles in 5:26:20, so had an excellent cool-down and feel quite perky today.

    A good training run but anoyed with myself not to cover the 26.2.
    Never mind, lessons learnt.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    just read back the posts

    Suntman it was me the Gobi one

    19:58 and 9th it turned out
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