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For me.....



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    1.06????? Them skinny cow lollies r turning you into a mad cow!!!!

    Hmmmm, that sounds more like an insult than a funny pun, oh well i tried! No insult intended!

    You're going to be wrecked all day, cos you got confused sleep. Ah well it's nearly the weekend. Yay!

    Definitely going to try squash this weekend, maybe tomorrow for lunch as i want to eat low but still want to eat so that i'm not ravenous going out.

    I find lunch-out harder to eat low than dinner. A good old veggie stir-fry is a reliable low-pt dinner but lunch usually means sandwiches/rolls/paninis with mayo/cheese...Anyhow, egglet good luck with it, i'm sure you'll be fine you seem to know what you're doing these days, no bother to you!

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    Ariana - when I worked I used to take my own lunch with me as if I did that would be all I would eat. If I went to Markies, I'd buy a sandwich, crisps, yogurt and fruit and eat the lot. All probably from low fat range but more than I needed.

    Soup is a good option if going to a pub. Even a restaurant, if yo ahve soup for a starter it will fill you up so you may not eat all your mainsies.

    God, what am I turning into - recipes and diet advice - I need to get a job!
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    Legal there's worse things you could be doing than helping those of us struggling with our tums! We appreciate it :-)

    I do bring my lunch to work mostly or the makings of it, these days i'm having a pitta bread with hummous, tomatoe & cucumber and a couple of mandarins or yogurt after. All washed down with a glass of semi-skim milk. My alternative is tinned soup, i keep a few of them in the office all the time for when i've nothing fresh.

    The others i work with get deli wraps/rolls & always accompany it with a bag of crisps and a chocci bar so i feel quite smug with my healthy option! I never did the chocci & crisps for lunch thing though, the only time i ever eat junk is at night/weekends so that's the vice i'm trying to kick.

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    Ariana - MMMoooooO! I am a mad cow already - think they are sending me worse! LOL

    Just had a 4 point binge - 8 rice cakes with honey... was on a big energy dip - not good. Because we were so busy today I forgot to put the oven on for my jacket spud! Grr!! Still within points and feel energized, thank the lord for rice cakes!!

    Think I have oevrdone the exercise this week... will have to go easy at spin tonight else I'll ruin my saturday run :(

    Ref lunches being organised is the only way for me, if I'm left in charge with money then I buy all sorts... jacket spuds with big mayo filled coverings, LARGE sanwhiches etc etc.. is bad news. I do like volume in my food, at least when I make it myself I can beef up with loads of vegs etc....

    Ahh well.. weekend becons. Have fun and hope that you stay within your planned limits, just remember that we're each doing this for ourselves and once the weights reduced we'll be able to eat a higher selection of foods without as much forethought....
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    Egglett, that's hardly a binge! Fair play to you for surviving the energy-dip in a controlled way.

    Yay it's the weekend! Enjoy one 'n' all, ciao.
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    Morning all - Happy Valentines!

    Thought I'd celebrate by getting weighed and then off to Tesco to get flowers (doubt boyf will buy me any) and some "red" stuff to make a valentines tea out of... look after me heart this year!
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    Hey all,

    Egglett, fair play for buying yourself flowers - girl power! Betcha the bf will end up getting you some too, always works that way when you're not expecting 'em. Anyhow, because you're worth it that's what i say :-)

    Let us know how the weight in goes??? Always interested in your progress.

    I'd a good weekend, went out to dinner and had a yummy grilled seabass, twas divine, no dessert but i did treat myself to a calypso coffee, sinful but hey you have to live too. It was still definitely my best behaved weekend so far on the diet front.

    And now monday is nearly over, gosh the weeks are flying. Ever feel like life is passing you by and you just want to shout STOP, SLOW DOWN, WAIT FOR ME! I've soooo much going on that i don't feel at all on top off in all areas on my life.
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    I feel exactly like that most of the time!! It's a roller coaster isnt it! I think I need a holiday :)

    1.5lb this week - was gutted - god knows why! Had to give self a good talking to about it - disapointed because 3lb would have got me to the first stone, but I'll get that next week...

    Anyhow that's 12.5lb now - if you'd have said that 5 weeks ago I wouldnt have believed you!

    Will write more later - just a wuick whizz on at the min.. good for you ref the weekend - that's a good way to do meals out - chose well but something you do enjoy!

    Didnt get flowers in teh end - didnt see any I liked
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    1.5 egglett that's brilliant!! God woman would you just savour it, slap yourself on the back!!!

    Isn't 1.5/wk the healthy rate for weight loss after the first initial couple of wks when a bit more is ok? That's what i always thought anyhow, i'd be VERY happy with 1.5!

    I stayed the same this wk but it's that bloated week before my time of the month week so i'm going easy on myself :-)

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    I know I know - totally irrational behaviour.. .I think in part it's due to my friend texting me her results before I get weighed.. she lodt 2lb last night - so I am going to ask her not to and that we discuss over the phone when we're both been on the scales....

    I'm ok about it now - I reworked my goal and realised that I have cut 4 weeks off achieveing it so far... and not by trying. That's a good thing. I am creating a healthy attitude to food, that is very important for me, I used to binge so to control that and to eat to support running and to still loose weight each week is nothing short of fantastic.

    It's the negative demons isnt it - they always crop up.

    I also think I am just impatient. But I must get the positive goggle's out and keep them glued on! It's so easy to get into that down spiral...I'm not going

    Just invented a great afternoon snack... baked new potatoes with a tad of salt and honey - YUMMM!! (Forgot to switch the oven on at lunctime) They were great, and a late afternoon snack is what I need so I might give it a whirl all week!

    Your right about the sensible wieght loss... I think from here in it should be 1/2-1 or 1.5 at most per week. I will get the first stone in a week or two and then slowly slowly loose the rest. I am in too much of a hurry...slow and steady is the way forwards.

    Ref valentines, I couldnt find any flowers I liked so I brought best of the Boom Town Rats instead! Havent played it all yet but a bit of punk is a good thing in your old age! LOL
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    Oh we all understand the impatient thing! And the negative demons as well, i think it all stems in fear, fear that the weight loss will stop or that it'll all go back on and that. I'm the same lately at work, i've been promoted & praised a lot and now i'm panicing cos i'm not sure i can maintain it; i think it means that deep down i don't actually believe that i deserve the praise & promotion! Same with you & your weight loss, we need to take these demons head-on!

    I am feeling great though despite not losing a lot, like you, i'm controlling my binges much better and i'm eating healthier foods & healthier portions. That's my priority, the weight loss will follow albeit slooooowly.

    And i got my first compliments at the weekend, friends (who didn't know i was trying) asking if i'd lost weight or even better wowing at me looking very slim & toned :-)

    Tomorrow i'm going to book myself in for a facial for about 2wks time, i think i will treat myself to something just for me at the end of every month with the money i would've spent on junk/take-outs! I'm taking inspiration from your Boom Town Rats purchase! Because we're worth it!

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    Ariana - well done you! Your exactly right about the attitude to food, I feel the same. I want to learn how to enjoy food and eat to sustain energy rather than misusing food for comfort - out of anger etc which is what I used to do

    And regards the fear - you've hit the nail right on the head. I get that fear at work too - happened today. I'm busy sorting out stuff that the boss doenst understand and he's almost called me stupid for something else that I now need to get "upto speed" on - I'm like - "hello" have you seen what I've been doing today!

    Negative demons - there out there today! I'm going to spin mine out tonight, start back on the positive

    Ref the compliments I bet that was fantastic. It's so nice to get them - people dont realise what a boost they are. I got "I cant tell" from said 'orrible boss today - nearly smacked him!

    Facial is an excellent idea.. it's definatley worth a non food treat. I might have on eat least once a month in future
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    Are we the only 3 on here now? I think you're both doing well.

    Got the tape measure out this morning and things are getting smaller and I now weigh what I've been claiming to weigh for the last week. In other words the scales say that without me surfing on them to get them to say it!

    Y'know I said I was giving up bread & spuds for Lent - Hot X Buns aren't bread are they?????!!! - I've only had 2 today (and 2 on Saturday)
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    Least!! Boss came back - nag nag nag nag!
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    I think we are Legal!!
    But we make a good three!!

    HotXbuns - YUMMO!! I tell you bread has always been my weakness... it goes no where near me till I have hot goal and then I can start my plan of fitting in the foods I like without going mad on them.

    I love bread...but always with loads of butter and in huge doorsteps...hotcrossbun and butter....YUM!

    Ref tape measuring - I keep meaning to start doing that because I do think you hit spells where weight doesnt show change because of tone... muscle etc. It's a good way to keep you smiling when the scales say "stayed the same" or even "one pound on"!

    Your body must fluctuate at times, monthly and just times when it goes into camel mode LOL!
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    But HotXBuns aren't bread - right? I said right!!!

    They are all I've had in the bread department and no spuds. Giving these up is harder than giving up the booze. At least with drink you just decide not to have it but with bread and spuds you have to think up alternatives! Sunday I just had roast parsnips which was okay but lunch today, half a tin of tuna in the fridge and had to go and buy some salad to have something to eat it with.

    Get the tape measure out - its a good motivator especially when you've upped your exercise as muscle build cancels out weight on the scales sometimes but with a measure you can see that you are getting smaller.
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    Mmmmmm, depends which is the worser of 2 evils! Too call 'em buns or bread??? They're kinda sweet though so i'd say buns, haven't had 1 in years.

    Good thinking with the tape measure. Might have to root one out. I'd be interested in getting my body fat% done too but my gym has been telling me for the past yr that the machine to do it is broken & they don't have a callipers! I wonder are they trying to tell me something?!

    Had a yum dinner last night, loadsa veggies stir-fried & half a tin of baked beans as both sauce & protein. I was stuffed after, had some berries & natural yog about 2hrs later before bed. Very happy with myself cos evening/night USED TO BE my downfall.
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    Oh never trust scales.

    I gained 2 pounds due to exams (and stress emotional eating), but I'm sure they will be gone soon.

    But then I took out the tape mesurement. At least 4cm more on hips and stomach today. But on the other hand, I don't want to know what they were like 2 weeks ago. Because I'm quite sure that I already lost some of the flappy bits (I can see it with the wholes on my belt).

    So that means I need to start working out again (let it slip a bit, because of exams again).
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    Sasjeh - I think exams is a good enough excuse for letting it slip - are they all over now and what were they?
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    The remaining 2 HotXBuns are calling me from the kitchen - I have to go out now to escape them. Catch up with you later....
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    morning all

    definitely exams are a good excuse, one of the few good excuses. one of my mates does a full-time job and a full college degree course. she gives herself an awful hard time about weight but sure she's always on the run, it's next to impossible.

    i must gloat! i went to the cinema last night, first time in ages, went in armed with a hefty bottle of water and managed to walk right by the popcorn & candy, i was very proud leaving...the film was very weird - Closer (julia roberts, jude law (yum!) & natalie portman), was good though but a bit perverse...
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    Well done that girl!

    Not been to the flicks for yonks...cant remember the last time. It's good to avoid their sweet and popcorn isle though. My friend went with her hubby to watch oceans 12 and they took a ww friendly picnic!!

    I've been in TopShop today - got into a 12 skirt! Was estatic, about 4lb off a perfect fit but a 12 felt fantastic! Didnt like the cut - one these A line things, so I didnt buy it but is a major boost!!
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    sasjeh - i agree with Legal.. if you've already made progress you can strt again and resume!! More holes to view in that belt!
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    Morning all... had a great run last night - 5 miles... then you'll laugh at what i did

    Invented a new test - called "Egg's wobbleometer"...I was dying my hair so had 10mins developing time to kill.. so i braved the naked in front of a full length mirror (oooo it's not all that pleasant!!) but I figured that I needed to start liking my body again....stood there sort of doing small jumps to see what wobbled!!LOL

    I have to loose mine all round my belly- my legs were fine, hardly a wobble there at all, my arms need a bit of work but my god that belly still wobbles like a good un... is horrible - you can see all the flab! YUK!

    But on a good note - I can see improvement
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    I don't care to much that I gained some weight. I know that I loose it again, because my eating gets back to normal and the first weeks you have to rush from one place to an other, to get all your books together.
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    Egglett we are just the opposite then. At my normal weight, nearly no fat on arms and upper body and tummy.

    But then everything wobbles on hips and upper legs.
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    Confession time - y'know that bread and spuds I gave up for lent? well yesterday I had soup and a scrummy sun-dried tomato and pesto roll and shared a plate of chips for lunch and then a pizza last night - both meals out and justified on the basis that Friday is long run day - which of course I haven't done! doh - start again tomorrow!

    Good news is that I have a belt on my jeans now as they are too baggy and I don't want to dump them as they are CK's and I only bought them last September.
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    oh thanks for that, i needed a good laugh, but boy did it hurt all my wobbly bits! guess i wouldn't rate too high on your wobblemeter so !

    wobbly bits...hmmm, let me think...thighs, hips, tummy, tits...just about every moveable part!

    tut tut legal! shame on you!!

    only kiddin, sure we all need to break out every now & then, at the end of the day you want a weight loss that's maintainable for life while still having a life! that's my attitude anyhow, i'm not doing anything drastic now that i don't think i can keep up for the long haul :-)

    so it's friday again, yipee!
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    Well Legal - I think you'll be ok with that - I agree with Ariana that you've still got to live... but do remember man cant live by bread alone LOL!! Hee hee

    Friday - oh capital P capital H capital E capital W to friday!!

    Had a totally crap day here - hated every minute, so I am looking forwards to a big spinning class and then a big chill tonight!

    Boyf was meant to be round but the lads called so I've sent him off out with them.. means I get to watch Eastenders in peace!! Cant be missed...Den's 2nd killing!!

    Ref the CK's you'll have to start wearing them round your hips and saying "in da hood" and stuff... and tutting alot... LOL... d'you know I laffed the other day - I actually heard a teenage girl say "she was giving me the evils"... (little britain - Vicky) - it was the funniest thing

    I cant wait to be able to take my jeans off without undoing them!! Ohhh happy day!
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