
Over 60s training.



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    TS - sorry to hear about your troubles. Yes I did learn to swim - but with my cousins who pointed out that my rubber ring was not inflated when I'd swum a width. I was only 35........

    Put Mizunos on and out the door - 15 miles mixed road/trail. (Phantoms ok off road in the dry, lethal in wet)
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    Tough TS. What is the prognosis?

    Esc. There are several series of races round here (Oxfordshire) that take place mid-week in the evening. Tonight's is part of 5 x 4 mile races on the 1st Thursday of each month.

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    Morning (Yeah, well I wrote it this morning, don't know what happened then though)


    I taught my father, brother, wife, son and two daughters to drive. The worst were my father who was so rigid and held the wheel so tight he couldn't steer round gradual bends, that was SCARY, and my wife who argued about everything they both had lessons from others as well. Dad's passed on now but I have every confidence in the driving of all the others and sit quite comfortably as a silent passenger with any of them. Mrs W, however, always wants to tell ME how to to drive.

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    I drove round the course tonight before the run to plan my tactics. Although it undulated, there weren't any severe ups or downs but plenty of graduals.

    In the other 2 races in ther series I have started at about 9 minute miles and finished strong. Tonight I decided to go out harder and try to hang on. The result was about the same.

    The race started on the main road outside Chipping Norton Rugby club. However, those of us towards the rear were still on the pitch wwhen the gun went and it took 20 seconds to cross the line.

    The 1st mile was mostly on an incline and I reach the marker in 8:30. The course continued gently up hill for the next ½ mile and I passed a few and was passed by 2. Mile 2 in 8:30 - consistent if not quick. Mile 3 was the flattest but I was beginning to suffer a bit for going off quicker than I am used to and reached the marker in 9:00 dead.

    The last mile (and 402 yards) contained a nice down bit, a nasty up bit and a final slog up a reasonably gently incline but I was tired by this time.

    Crossed the line in 37:12 (8:48 minute miles) very tired - no finishing sprint tonight.

    Not very pleased with the time, I thought I was stronger than that.

    The last race in the series is on 1 September at Oxford Rugby Ground.


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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    TS sorry to here about your problems, hope the prognosis is for a speedy recovery.

    Lowgrade my father taught me to swim, despite the fact that he didn't learn to swim himself until he was 44, and was really patient with us - which is not a trait he is known for. Have to say there was no way he could have taught me to drive by that stage we were too much alike and I don't think we would have reached end of road.

    Mike T
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    BF sorry you weren't happier with your time, I still can't work out if I perform better by blasting out and hanging on or holding back and then going for it.

    Club run for me tonight 6.77m in 57.09 @8:26 pace. Turned into a fartlek session as I went on the loops which meant I did 4 sessions between 6:15 and 7:00 which made it quite a hard workout.

    No driving lesson tonight !!

    Mike T
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Signing off now until next Saturday (13th).

    TS - I've never been to Durham so am now looking forward to the train ride from Newcastle and the riverside runs. Sorry to hear about your health isues - bad luck that everything should happen at once but hopefully it can all be sorted.

    BF - if you're managing to maintain your times, that must be good. Improvement can take a long time, as I'm finding out myself.

    Have a good week, everyone, and run strong.
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    Morning all.

    Have a good trip Escargot.

    Rest day today.

    Empty. Sounds like a hard session. I may be able to do that one day.

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    good morning

    will scan skies for sight of a flying escargot overhead:-))

    at your stage of training I think it is better to start slightly cautiously and build up speed otherwise you run the risk of building up lactic acid in your muscles early on and making the run harder. Still a good session and nice distance to run hard

    another hard session which all increases confidence

    I'm waiting to see consultant and subsequent operation which, providing there are no complications should be a relatively simple procedure and a couple of weeks recuperation.

    Wonder if I can get them to look at the ankle at the same time..............

    With all these drivers aroound I may need a chauffeur for a few weeks
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    TS How long is the wait to see the consultant? Can you keep yourself fit in the meantime?

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    Sorry to hear about your problem. What a drag. Hope it's sorted quickly.

    6.22 miles at 11:46 in pouring rain.

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    BF, I'm with TS on this. I think in my case it's partly age related, partly psychological, but I much prefer to start gently and overtake later. I don't feel warmed up until 2 or 3 miles on.
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    I could if my ankle would let me!!!

    Fortunately I spotted the symptoms quite early and the operation will prevent any deterioration which could have caused more problems.

    Apparently a lot of top rank athletes in all sports suffer such a complaint...... so that's me in the right company:-))))

    It's interesting looking at my HR outputs on runs, which is a measurement of workload. On those where my HR builds up steadily to its average working level the run has felt easier irrespective of actual pace or distance than those where I have jumped in to a faster start.

    As Lowgrade says it may be part pyschological and part physical but even in races with a good warm up I tend to adopt the same approach.
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    I think I agree with both of you, but if you don't try these things, you never know.

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    Morning all,


    What a bu&&er that is, anyway like you say you had the symptoms earliesh and after op you can move forward again.

    I always find that 2 miles are needed to be covered before I feel right about putting any great effort into my running. It must be more so as I am at a late age :-)

    Restday too for me. Did just a 4 miler yesterday and now feel a runfree day is warranted.

    Wonder if Ceal will be back, I think she said she'd be back around this time.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Evening all

    Quiet day on the thread today.

    TS glad to hear you detected problem early.

    Late run today. Scheduled to be 8 miles at marathon pace but as route is undulating I was hoping to average around 8:30 pace.

    Ran 7.99m in 1:06:48 @8:21 pace, last 2 miles were at 7.39 & 7:15 pace which helped !!

    Being really boring did you see how much Shane Warne turned the ball to bowl Strauss - out of this world, I.m pleased to turn it an inch !!

    Night, night all

    Mike T
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    Another 0.01m and it would have made 8 miles! Brill though, especially those last two miles.
    Yea, I saw that sports news snippet showing Strauss being exited. But maybe England have the edge this time?!

    Done no exercise Friday, will train Sat.morning and then next week will taper somewhat for the 10 miler on the 14th.

    Goodnight to anybody still about.

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    Morning all.

    Rest day today, 10 miles tomorrow.

    Anyone racing this weekend?

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    Morning all.

    My next one is a week tomorrow. Today off for a 6 mile or so this morning at lakes.
    Is the 10mile a race or is it training?
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Morning all

    Quite a nice running day, a little overcast and a pleasant temperature. Schedule said a 40 min tempo run but the legs were feeling a bit tired this morning so decided just to run down to cricket ground, do tempo bit and jog back.

    So it turned out to be 4.30m in 33:25 @ 7:46 pace, splts were 8:30, 8:05, 6:41, 7:37 and 8:18 (0.30 mile)

    Tempo mile was a bit slower (20secs)than last week but I was able to carry straight through into the next mile.

    Last week was my first 50 mile week this year and have now run 57.7m in the last 8 days, no wonder the legs were feeling a bit tired :o)

    Have a good day everyone.

    Mike T
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    Morning everyone,

    5 miles xc with Jane and Vizsla 4 legged tornado, then 2 miles road alone to bring me up to 40 miles, 5 left for tomorrow to reach target.

    I'm really pleased with my Adidas Swoops, they're good xc but will handle the road as well. Most important for my style of running the heel is low. For forumites who remember my previous ramblings of last year, I'm still running in my Nike acgs (windsurfer shoes) which have covered some 400 miles now with minimal wear.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Hi peeps, I returned home last last pm, having had a very pleasant week in caravan with daughter and g-children. Weather mixed but it did not keep us in except the first Monday. I even went swimming in the sea yesterday and immediately wished that I had been in earlier in the week too. I am totally exhausted, lots of running around after littlies and late evenings with wine and fun too.

    Running hasn't been brilliant. I have decided that I am not very good when my routine is changed and I cannot run when I want too!!!

    We ran 16 miles last Sunday, which made a week just short of 50 miles. However, I found the run hard from start to finish, and finish it I did. However, I think it took me all week to recover, I didn't run the next day, then I ran ran 7 miles a day on Tues, Weds and Thurs. All slow, nothing in my legs. Yesterday I took off as running did not fit into the days plans. Then today I intended to run after visitng the supermarket but then I didn't and I cannot decide if it was a case of CBA (which is NOT like me) or just tooooooo tired. Whichever it was has now made me feel guilty:-((

    I should run 17 miles tomorrow, but I will not as I have a race on Weds, only 5k, but I get that over that then attempt 17 miles and hope that the extra days this rest will do me good!!!!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    TS I am so sorry to hear of your problems. But it sounds as if you are in good company. It would be good if they could get a Dr working on two parts of your body at the same time!!!!! However, maybe, the two weeks rest from the op will work wonders on your ankle. Lots of love to you.

    Bullfinch, some good running going on with you. A pb half marathon in training is a good one. Remember, although you were disappointed with your 4 mile time that you ran this recent one on a much higher mileage and perhaps your legs were more tired this time when you started the race.

    Impey, have you got a house full of antiques now????

    Empty you sound as if you are going from strength to strength. I am at the moment wondering why on earth I am running a marathon, the idea of it seems to be putting great pressure on me. I look forward to meeting up again on Weds.

    Maggie are you joining us on Weds???? I hope you have a good week with your Mum.

    Lowgrade, sorry that you will not be joining us for Abingdon, but holidays are always good. We had to put ours off until after Oct 16th! YOu sound as if you are getting some good miles in.

    Pammie, what was your official finishing time for your race?? Wo*k sounds fraught for you at the moment.

    Escargot, isn't it nice to have visitors
    and isn't it even nicer when they leave!!!! Enjoy your running now.

    Walkman that was wonderful service by Garmin, I think that Stewart's was returned quickly too and as there wasn't time for a repair then his must be replaced too. But we were out when it was delivered and so will not know for sure until Monday.

    JJ I expect you will be home anyday now. All bronzed legs and full of French Vin. What a fantastic mileage. I am impressed. I did a week of a similar style to yours 9/10 miles one day followed by 5/6 the next. Then I ran 16 miles and it bu**ered me. I am wondering about the long runs. What is the point of them if they are so knackering and one cannot do the rest of on'es training. Do you think that one could get by on a diet of long runs alternating with shorter runs? Thus building up endurance without total knackeration.

    I hope I haven't forgotten anybody, please please tell me if I have. DDP I know is on her Malta holiday now.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I forgot to read the above through before I posted so sorry about all the typo's!!!
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    Welcome back Ceal. Glad you had a good time.

    Impey. 10 miles tomorrow is just a gentle jog round.

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    Hi :o)

    Ran with dogs this morning :o) Longer one but lots of stopping and starting!

    TS I hope you get sorted soon.

    Great frustration with the hospital over Lizzie's leg. 'Cuts' mean she has been discharged and I am still waiting for an appointment!

    Ceal I messed up this week and can't make it down but to be honest I am so unfit that I know that it would have been dispiriting! Good luck to you, Stewart and Mike :o) I will check on Wednesday to see how it goes.
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Ceal - Welcome home and glad you had a good time.

    Looked for my official result from last Sunday tonight. 51:49 350th out of 734 so in the first half hee hee.

    So reckon i got a pb my unofficial (watch) pb was 51:40 and it took more than 9 seconds to cross the line.

    5k race tomorrow
    10k @ Canvey Sept 11th
    10K @ Southend Oct 2nd (the big one)

    Work is indeed hectic School holidays and all that. I think you forget how busy it gets. The analysts in the City reckon retail is not doing good. Well i reckon they must be all shopping down here.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    That last sentence refers to the shoppers and not the analysts.
    They certainly don't shop down here otherwise they wouldn't say things like that ;o)
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Evening all

    Ceal welcome back, it sounds like you had a busy week. Swimming in the sea - that's brave, not somethng I do very much.

    I know what you mean about the 16 mile long run, my legs were still a bit heavy today and I plan to do the 17 tomorrow which might compromse Wednesday, we'll see. I'm going to try out taking some gel's during runs next week and see how body copes with them and then try taking them properly on the 19 miler - hopefully they will help body cope and recover. Have you used gels on your runs yet.

    Mike T
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