
Over 60s training.



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    Well done JJ!

    Ceal, we are waiting for a big hurricane arriving on Monday or Tuesday.

    My next race is in november if things improve. At the moment i am battling with exercise induced asthma and maybe anaemia ( having the test done). Training is not going well. Only ran yesterday and today this week. all runs really slow and really hard on the old body.

    Erik is fine. he did his High School exams and passed everything. It means he can go to Uni in September but I think he will wait a bit, he is only 16. He is doing a TV and Radio Broadcasting course at the moment and was offered an internship at a radio station. People here seem to love his accent!

    Marks' job is really good. he is growing a lot and has been giving talks around Emory and the Cancer Institute. He has started some big projects as well.

    The pets are all good. I don't know when we will be going to England. I am extremelly homesick. Missing England is unbearable at times, specially in the evenings. And the bl$$dy weather does not help at all.

    how is Stuart? And your mum? Did you find another home for her? How is your training going? By what I have read, you are doing great!!!
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Morning all.

    Well done on your time, JJ. A brilliant performance considering you were not at your best.

    Hello Spud - hope you are soon through your rough patch. Feeling homesick must make a huge difference to your enthusiasm. One of the main reasons I enjoy running is that I so love the countryside where I live.

    I'll probably rest today in preparation for a 10k time trial tomorrow. That's what I did before my March half (as per RW sched) so it will be interesting to compare times.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Morning all

    Overcast morning here, out running later after Hannah has driven to work.

    JJ good run yesterday particularly with the conditions and your impending snivels - hope the cold passes quickly.

    Spud glad to hear Erik and Mark are doing well, hope you get over the homesickness soon but it must be hard and that you get back to full running order soon - as has been said just enjoy the running and take care of yourself.

    Mike T
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Morning, a bit late, but Saturday morning seems to be regular server problems.

    Very dull here and cool, I will be running before lunch, it has to be either a 10 miler or a tempo run, whichever I don't do will have to be done tomorrow. Well that is the plan and you all know the best of plans can go astray.

    JJ Hope the sniffles stay in the head. You asked how I was yesterday, I couldn't answer as I was with my Mum, and I never tell her when I feel off colour etc. However, I was feeling a lot better thanks. Whatever it was seems to pass quickly away. I remember where I have met Snail. She had lunch with us last year after a Serpie and I travelled back with her to the Station. A very nice lady.

    Empty enjoy your run today.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Spud I am pleased that the rest of the family are doing well. They all seem to have a definite purpose for their day and I guess that is hard for you. I hope the exercise induced asthma gets sorted soon. It is very common I believe. I hope that the tests do not show that you are anaemic, let us know on that one. Have you met many people?? Can you join some group activity besides running? I sincerely hope that the storm burns itself out a bit before it reaches you early next week, LOL to you, ceal x
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    Morning all.

    Late again.

    We got back from London at midnight and got up again at 3.00 to see the BF Juniors off on holiday to Devon.

    We were going to take the horses to go on hound exercise with the hunt at 7.30 but I couldn't get up again.

    The comedy show was very much like 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps, and was written by the same lady. They were all very professional and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

    See you later.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    Morning woke quite early regular route of 4.1ish miles miles done not timed but reckon on about 41ish minutes as i didn't wear watch or other gadgets. Just a nice relaxed run.

    Hippo best of luck this weekend.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Bullfinch, awwwwww I am sure that I would have stayed up until 3.00 having got back at midnight!!! I would have found it very difficult to get out of bed again. As for getting up at 7.30 after all that , I think you did the right thing, staying in bed!!!!

    I love 2 pints of lager etc, and watch it over and over again on Gold and still think that it is funny. I therefore look forward to the new series by the same writer.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I have just watched Rachael Heyhoe-Flint being interviewed on the TV, I have always respected and admired her, (still do). But I got such a shock, she is 1 year older than me, am I going to look that old next year, do I already look that old?? ???? ??? Scarey stuff. Did anybody else see it? I was ironing at the time, not sitting down!!!!!!

    Escargot have a good 10k time trial tomorrow, we all await with interest.
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    Set out to do fastish HM but after 2hr when I had only covered 9.4mi I realised I was well outside my best 10mi time and so would not get anywhere near my best HM I decided to cut my losses and head for home. The idea had not been to prove I can run HM distance which I know well enough but to improve or get close to improving the time which stands at 2:40:21 with an authenticated PB of 2:54:30. I would probably have bettered the latter but what would that prove? Result was 10.6mi in 2:15:19, not happy with that. 10mi PB is 2:0:37 which I did in the Sidcup 10 this year and haven't beaten in training.

    I remember Snail, I think, very pleasant lady. It was the time Angela and I came to Waggamama's for lunch after the Serpie way back, probably the first one I did.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Walkman the unaccustomed interval training will have made your legs a little tired. so that could be the reason for the slower time. However, you will reap the benefits of the intervals (if you continue to do them). But it will take a little time. I have NEVER got anywhere near a race time in training.

    You are right Snail was present the day you and Angela came for lunch too. But I think you had run a serpie run before.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Ceal - I googled Rachel Heyhoe-Flint because I remember interviewing her when I was a young reporter in the 1970s. In the pic I found she looks rather older than my mum, who is 78, so I don't think you have anything to worry about!

    Walkman - inexplicably bad runs happen, but you still got a good training run in. I do hope the next one goes better.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Escargot, I am glad you think Rachael looks old too. I was verrrrry shocked.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Another 10 miles done, very slow and fairly relaxed. Ran more for time on feet.

    I have looked in my log book and see that I only ran 47 miles last week and this week it will be slightly less than that, HOWEVER, in the last 7 days which included a rest day I have run 61 miles!!!!
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Schedule was to run 4m at marathon pace, managed 4.33 @ 8.01 pace so just about achieved the target.

    Must be log checking day, I've now already achieved my highest monthly mileage ever with 4 days still to go !!!

    Mike T
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    Afternoon all

    15 miles done today - 12.34 with friend then the rest through the park to make the distance. I felt needed to get to 15 as I'm down on the mileage I'd like. Happy with the pace, etc.

    I need to sit down with my schedule and adjust a few dates - next Sunday is the club 10 mile (handicap time based) championship, the following week is the last of the 10k series. I may do them and add a few miles on afterwards.
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    JJ - a good run yesterday, considering wind and sniffles.

    Spud - hope the hurricane decides to go somewhee else.

    ceal - never mind what R H-F looks like - just don't follow her style in clothes.
    (I know it's an academic gown when she was given a doctorate, but.............)

    Good miles, ceal!

    WM - Today I ran with my friend who's 20 years younger than me. We did 10 miles in 2:05:04 - about the same pace as you, I guess.

    Empty - good run! Well done on achieving your target.

    I may just go for a sleep now.........
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    JJ It certainly is a record pb for me! You sound as if you are following good tapering measures.

    Empty good pb miles too. I am still sort of following the schedule but I fit the diffferent runs into my schedule!! Seems to work so far. How is Liz today?

    K2 good run today for you, I bet you feel better mentally for having run 15 miles. Although as you say you may go to sleep now!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    JJ I just realised if you run 20 miles next week that will be 46 miles including your marathon. Hal H gives about 10--12 miles or so for the last week, in addition to the marathon.
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    Hi everyone!

    Ceal, you are GORGEOUS!!!! You don't have to worry about that!

    I haven't met anyone. I went for a run with a group sometime ago but they weren't the talkative types. I notice here the same problem I had in England. Peeps do not take to foreigners easily. But I have all of you in the forum and that makes me feel good!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Thanks Spud, I have always found Americans to be very friendly and curious about foreigners. I am sure if you perhaps joined an Art class or something similar where others have mutual interests to yourself that you would find peeps to be more friendly. Having said that it must be very hard for you. Can you not teach Portuguese at the Uni???
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