
MARS Triathlon, Matlock - £6 to enter!



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    Well you should all practise your swimming because if this rain continues it is going to be a 12 length pool swim followed by a 10 mile swim followed by a shorter swim.

    Good luck to you all.
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    That certainly was a lot of water that left the sky yesterday!

    No tri shorts yet, had better think of a plan B.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Just a quick post to say good luck to LMH and others that are doing this one.

    And a quick thanks for all the newbie questions, I'm getting ready for my first Tri next month so your questions and all of the helpful answers have been very helpful.

    I look forward to reading how it went!

    There should definitely be a sticky thread with the top 50 newbie questions and answers >:)
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    Thanks for all of the advice on swimming etc. I have put down 14 minutes on the entry form and am just hoping this isn't too inaccurate!

    Now I have to decide between starting just before 06.45 or after 9.00. Much as I would like a lie in, it'd be nice to be finished early!

    Am really quite excited now. Will be in a red/white cycling top on a red dawes bike if anyone wants to come and say hi!
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    Thank you Spooked Bunny - forgive my ignorance, do I know you from elsewhere? Have you had a name change?

    Bexmanc - go for the early slot - at least you know you'll have company on the bike ride then, I'd worry about not seeing anyone else if I started late, as it is I know I'm going to be passed by loads of people:-) Do you have your number?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - I have taken your advice. It'll mean a v.early start from Manchester but at least I'll have the rest of the day to recover! I'm hoping they'll email me with my number later today so I'll add it to the list when I find out....

    Very impressed at all the swimming practice people have been doing. I think I need to follow suit!
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    You're welcome LMH, I was spook / Voodoo spook until I finally found the name I'm comfortable with. You kindly gave me your support following my first 10k a few weeks ago, since which I have followed you over here to the Tri forums (kidnapped by an innocent looking thread started by Mr Barlist!) and lurked.

    Initially I was going to follow your example and have a go at the Matlock Tri, but I thought I needed a bit more time so decided on the Derby Tri in mid September instead. I've also had delays on getting my new bike and I hear they're quite an important bit of kit for these Triathalon thingies.

    If I wasn't on call for work I would turn up and wave a Pirate flag at you and the other forum members participating.
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    Ahhh - thank you for clearing that up SB, and how did the first 10k go? I'm doing this on my older than old MtB - bite the bullet and join in!

    Bexmanc - way to go!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    My 10k was good, I was aiming for an hour and managed 57 minutes. Not bad for a starter, my training runs are improving though, I managed 55 minutes this week and 27 for the 5k, I'm not going to break any records but I'm enjoying it.

    Mew bike arrives Monday / Tuesday so I'll have a couple of weeks to get some practice in before Derby. If I were to have attempted Matlock the best I could muster would have been a unicycle, although that would have been a grand and novel entry into the world of Triathlon.
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    SB - 57 minutes for a first 10k is fantastic, well done. I'd have loved to see you tri on a unicycle:-)
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    - 17 - BexManc
    17 - Not Greased Lightning
    21 - Little Miss Happy
    46 - Quimby
    50 - mark*w (Mr LMH)
    68 - marshallini

    Ever so slightly nervous now it's down in print!

    SB - <1 hour for a first 10k is really good. Think I'll be pushing a 40min 5k on Monday with legs of jelly after those hills!
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    Bexmanc - it does seem worse once you get a number doesn't it? Can't decide whether to panic because my tri shorts aren't here, faff around my bike and worry about what I'll do if I get a puncture (can't really call a 'man who can' or stand around on the side of the road looking helpless which is what works in the car:-), write more lists or start to lose sleep cos I have to get up really early (though probably not as early as you)!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Lol, I know what you mean. I don't own any spare inner tubes as I wouldn't have a clue what to do with them! I'm not generally a girly girl but am really lacking in the technical bike knowledge!

    Where did you order your tri shorts from? I think I might invest in a pair.

    Also (and I'm sure this is a very stupid question!) but do we have to register in our swimming stuff so that they can write the number on our leg? Not too keen about wandering around in very little at 6.30am!

    Heading off to the pool later to try out my new goggles :-)

    Good luck with the list writing! (Is there a standard must have list for a tri? Sure I'll forget something really vital!)
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    Bexmanc - I did a froogle search on 'women's tri shorts' and the best deal I could find was from www.jejames.cycles.co.uk (sorry, can't do links). Mind you - they still haven't arrived, perhaps I should have paid the extra for the quick delivery:-) As we can only rack our bikes 10 minutes before the swim and we have to register before that I shall wear my swim stuff under something much warmer until the last minute. Luckily Mr LMH (Mark*w) swims a lot faster than me so will be available for placing abandoned kit in the car before racking himself.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Hi All,

    I put down 8 mins on my entry form for the swim and was thinking that might've been a bit optimistic, but I've just got back from a swim and I managed a 7.29.61 and a with 2 minutes rest a 7.47.96, nowhere near my best of 6:20 from 5 years ago but I'm happy, my goggles were ok as well.

    Bexmanc - I'll be registering well before my start time and just rolling up my trouser leg to be numbered, but unless you can park real close to the pool and change in your car at the last minute I think there will be a lot of people wandering around Matlock semi naked.

    Oooh it's getting close now.
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    I'm ashamed to say I also would struggle with a puncture. I do know in theory how to change a tube, but I struggled terribly with the tyre levers last time I tried (in the comfort of the kitchen). That was on my MTB, though, so maybe I won't struggle so much on my road bike. I am doing a tri training day in early Sept which includes a bit of bike maintenance, so I should get some more practice then, before my next tri. I'll just have to pray to the puncture fairies on Monday!

    I haven't done another swim time trial since last week, but I reckon I might manage under 9 mins as there's less turns than in a 25m pool. Depends how hot the pool is, though - I can't stand it too hot, it affects my breathing.

    Off to peruse a variety of tri race checklists on the web and enhance my lists. You shall recognise me arriving at the race by the estate car packed as though for a fortnight's camping trip.
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    Don't take this as gospel because there is always something new at tri's but, all the pool based sprint tri's that I have done they number you at poolside before you enter the water.

    There is always the possibility that your swim cap will be numbered instead of your person. If in doubt, ask the organiser.
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    Muzzy, the race notes say we need to be numbered at registration before we start. And they haven't mentioned caps, so I reckon there aren't any? But come to that, they haven't even mentioned paper numbers!
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    LMH - I'll maybe build myself up to Bala next year and get the unicycle on the road >:p

    Thanks Bex, the whole running straight off the bike thing is going to be fun, are there lots of hills on the course at Matlock? i think that would finish me off.

    I would definitely recommend tri shorts, I've been swimming amd running in mine and they are surprisingly comfortable.
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    Apparently there's a big up (and then hopefully a big down!) on the bike section though it's likely to be pretty flat compared to Bala!

    Thanks for the shorts recommendation. I'll check out Decathalon tomorrow incase they have some and if not I'll put in an order with the website LMH recommended.

    Quimby - If I pack swim suit, goggles, change of clothes, bike, helmet and trainers do you think that'll do. Not sure i'll be up to remembering much more!
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    Bexmanc - no tri gear at Decathlon at all I'm afraid:-(
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Bexmanc - I am sure that will be enough for any normal person. But I like to go prepared for a North Pole expedition when we're just walking a mile to the pub. I blame the Girl Guides. "Be Prepared."
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    Tri shorts arrived this morning - they don't have a lot of padding do they! Must try them out at least on a run later. I seem to have transcended into a strange alternate reality where Monday is ages away and I'm not worrying about any of it, unfortunately I'm sure I shall come back down to earth soon:-)
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    The Matlock course is nice and flat or downhill for the first 4.5 miles and very downhill for the last 3 miles, it's just the 2.5 miles in between that is nasty.

    It's been 2 years since I cycled either of the Bala courses and only 2 weeks since I was in Matlock so my memory might be playing tricks but;

    The Bala standard/olympic distance bike course is not that hilly, I'd say it was more undulating, there's nothing on it which is as bad as the climb from Lea. I managed to average a speed of over 19mph and if I could do that on Monday I'd be well happy.

    The middle distance course has one long hill on it near the start and then it's downhill untill you rejoin the standard/olympic [undulating] course back in to Bala.

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    Oh no Marshallini - stop right there! You're beginning to make me think that I might be able to do Bala and I haven't even started this one yet:-)
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH, I think you're a perfect candidate for Bala next year, join the ranks for the 2006 / 2007 season Pirate intake in their first big race.

    Yes, That means it's fixed firmly in my sights too >:)
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    And mine :-)

    I think it's a natural progression - at least we'll all be in the same boat!
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    LMH - are you thinking of doing the middle distance - swim 2000m, bike 78.5k[48.7 mile], run 20k.

    or the standard/olympic - swim 1500m, bike 40k, run 10k.

    Don't get me wrong neither are the easiest bike courses, but they hold nothing to be affraid of.

    I've just been practicing my tranistions and I've decided to go for the shoes already in the pedals approach, something I haven't done in a race before and I'm going to wear the tri suit as well (eeeek!)
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    Bexmanc - I think we have to swim, being in a boat is probably a no-no.

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    Actually <<looks nervously over shoulder to see if husband is about>> I have a strange ambition to do an Ironman, just the one you understand, so that I can say that I have. Mind you, I said that about the marathon and would have done two more this year if I hadn't have injured myself. Not sure I really have the time to train for it to be honest but it's hovering on the horizon as a target. So in answer to your question would probably look to the middle if I were to do Bala. Trouble is I become a student in a week and the outlay would be quite high - new bike, wet suit, open water swim days etc etc.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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