
Chicago Marathon 2006



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    very impressive showing in your marathon-to-train-for-a-marathon not blue not wombat.. if not a blue wombat what are you? a red kangaroo? a purple koala?

    but seriously - well done..
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    Hiya everyone,

    I posted on this thread way back and I've not been in here for months, mainly over on Fetcheveryone.

    I'm in this event too, hoping to go under 4h 30m, would love to manage under 4h 15m but I'll settle to finish in one piece.
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    Hi caz1562 - I can identify with the aim of finishing in one piece. Blue Wombat - that's very impressive, training for a marathon by running one. I'm not sure I could cope with that mentally.

    I also got the message from the embassy (twice, from different people). Maybe the under-18 thing is only for foreigners??

    I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Cornell, via Detroit. I've packed lots of running gear, for all those tapering runs I'll be doing over the next 10 days or so.
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    caz1562 - i have the same target as you (doubtful I could manage under 4:15 but would really like anything under 4:30) and so would Emma so you're in good company.

    AndreaB - have fun acclimatising in the US!
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    She should already be acclimated.
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    No running for me this weekend, basically because I have the stupidiest injury ever.

    I've broken my bum.

    Or at least, that is what it feels like. Lesson to be learnt? Don't run on a tiled floor in flip-flops and expect to avoid a pratfall. Or to fall like a prat.
    At least all these Dubai takeaways made it a soft(er) landing, but boy does it hurt! Bit stiff today but walking round Karama loosened it up, so hopefully I'll get a long run in tomorrow after work :D

    Karama was full of bounty, lots of 'genuine fakes' (as they're described by vendors), hopefully the watch I bought won't turn my wrist green or the lady's new 'Gucci' handbag won't disintergrate in rain.

    Anyway, hopefully everyone's running is going better than mine!

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    Dear BJP - poor you! I can't deny I laughed a bit - it IS funny - but I'm sure it's less so for you. Doesn't sound marathon-threatening though - better to damage your dignity than something you need for running .. ;)

    Love the "genuine fakes" as well - very postmodern..

    No running today - I'm exhausted - and determined not to arrive in Chicago as exhausted as I was in NYC last year. Even if it means missing a day's running... We'll see how things are tomorrow. I've got to be at the end of my audiobook soon right? It just goes ON and ON...
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    :D Oh, it's funny, almost as good as when I fell down a rabbit hole whilst plodding through Bushy Park last summer!

    Where do you get your audiobooks? Great idea for a long run!
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    BJP - I get them from audible.co.uk which has loads. one year's membership gets you a free iShuffle (handy if yours has just packed in which is what happened to me) and one book and magazine a month - you can buy more though. it's really good actually and between that and phedippidations (runner's podcast at www.steverunner.com) i get through my long SLOOWWWW runs..

    embarassing running stories - I run on a farm so always assume I am alone .. recently nature called on a long run and I obliged only to be faced with a gamekeeper and his helper who came round the corner on the track to feed some pheasants.. I just yanked up my shorts and ran - I couldn't think of any dignified way out of this..
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    If we're talking of real names then I'm Paul! I started off as PaulB 5, then it kind of kept changing!

    Caz - I'm Balham Bouncer from Fetch. Good to see you found us over here!

    Ben - that butt injury sounds painful. Ouch! I did the Bushy Park Time Trial this morning - lovely weather and this marathon trining is paying off, as I've got a shiny new 5K PB (12 sec improvement to 18:20)

    Better head to bed. Race number two in the morning!
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    Ah, you should've said that your real name was Balham Bouncer, Paul! I'd have recognised that. I'm a Fetch fan, trying to decide whether to wear my Fetch vest for Chicago?

    Hope the glute sorts itself out, Ben. Ouch! Sort of thing that running might help sort it? A recovery run?

    Didn't run today. Only 4 miles this week, after the marathon last week. Might get out for a few miles Sunday am.

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    Crisis! Have just woken up with a sore throat! NOOOOOOOOO!!!

    I suppose I should take it easy for a few days? Should I skip today's 12 miler? What do you think?
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    Good thinking, BW. I am sorer today than yesterday but a good stretch and a light jog could be just what the doctor ordered!

    Oh no, dieselgirl, get the masks on! Hehe, I'd be tempted to rest up. You've already put in a fair few long runs so missing or doing less than 12 miles this close shouldn't have a massive bearing.

    Well done on the PB, Paul. Super quick! Are you a member of one of the clubs local to Bushy? Hope today's race went well,

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    dieselgirl - we'll be a right pair in Chicago - I'm all sniffy and sore throat too. Got an afternoon of Dairy Milk and crappy movies while the casserole is cooking and bloke is out for his long run. oh, and I've got to go and buy some presents for the relative's kids (can't turn up with Scotch for 13 and 11 year olds!)Figure if they're letting us stay, its only fair.

    Hot Orange Juice, honey and grated ginger is a good cold remedy. if you're prone to throat infections, get some Dequadin sweeties from the Pharmacy. They got me throught this year's FLM taper too!
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    21 miles today. Felt better than I did during last week's 20-miler.

    The taper can begin. :)
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    thanks E and BJP - I know I brought it upon myself with the oxygen tent stuff.. Emma - excellent advice which i will take immediately. feeling dejected i've just hoovered up a bowl of popcorn .. hrmmm.. this is a different face of taper madness.. last desperate query - should i try to make up the 12 miles missed or just get on with the rest of my taper? saint hal would say get on wouldn't he? the 12 miler is gone ...
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    PS Champagne - you sound ready to go.. good for you
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    dieselgirl - thanks! The achilles hurt at times today, but I feel more confident about gtting round in a reasonable time.

    My advice is get on with the rest of your taper. Forget your 12 mile run. It's better to have a sore throat now than in a fortnight's time.

    Anyone got any advice on feeding stations? I think they're every 2 miles, so I was thinking of alternating water and gatorade. Any ideas?
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    Hi,,,my real name is Jim. Hello, I'm Jim.


    I've been moving house. This has been and AWFUL experience, but I reckon wy Quads and Gluts have taken one hell of a pounding and it should stand me in good stead for the marathon.

    If I can get out of bed tomorrow morning, I'll be doing an early one. More likely Bacon Butties in bed tho.

    Diesel, do the rest of your taper...don't think about it, and it's as if it never happened.

    I think an old Blackadder IV quote states,

    "That's the spirit, George. If nothing else, a total refusal to look facts in the face will see us through!!!!"

    Champers: With regards to water and Gatorade, I found that listening to my body on the new york marathon was best, rather than sticking to a preconceived plan, but a 50 50 split was about right.
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    Hi all, hope everyone is starting to feel a bit fresher and the legs are coming back to life. I had a massive confidence boast today despite having a slight cold all week decided late on Friday evening to still go ahead and do the half marathon in Eindhoven as I had already paid for the flight and hotel. Had a great race and finished in a time of 1:16:30 faster than I thought I would be able to run considering my last half 4 weeks ago was a PB of 1:18:51. 2:45 is starting to look a bit more possible.
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    01:16:30?! Well in, Big 5! If we see a big cloud of dust roaring off at the start we'll know it's you!

    Well as I have no running news today, about:
    Tip for Chicago no. 203: visit the Shedd Aquarium for a chilled out pre or post-race stroll (it's very near the Expo too) ;)

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    Big 5 Dreamer - that's amazing. Just amazing. You're on fire man!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    B5D - great run, that's a huge jump in four weeks! Your HM PB is now quicker than mine so I think you might have me in 13 days time (yes, only 13 days!).

    Kingston went well yesterday. Plan was to do the first 8 miles in 54 mins and the second 8 in 50 mins (marathon pace). Predictably I couldn't hold myself back quite as much as I planned in the first 8 miles and did 52 mins, but it felt quite easy so I wasn't too bothered. The second 8 I was more or less spot on my planned 50 mins.

    Just need to add a 63 min 10.2 miles on the end of that! Sounds daunting but hopefully after the taper it should be doable - I did a hard 10M run on Saturday which probably cost me a bit on Sunday. Not entirely convinced though.
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    Bloomin' heck, everyone's so fast! :)

    Well done Padams, sounds like the Kingston course treated you well (that stretch along the river leading to Hampton Court is great).

    Anyone else want to join me and stop for a burger at the halfway point in Chicago?
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    that'll hit the spot Ben - you'll be there first so can hold the table.. we'll need a base for all those beers afterwards..
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    Slow and steady doesn't necessarily win the race, but it does allow for halftime burgers and beers!
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    I'll get a few pitchers of Bud, it's pretty watered-down beer so that's got to be hydrating, surely?

    How's the moving, Jimbob?
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    yeah and the burger bun is carboloading as are the fries so based on our diet we'll outrun them all - that is if we can actually get up off our *** and run....
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    Good Run Big5. you can give the finish crew a hand giving out our medals then?! Can't believe how soon it is now.
    Its official - I have a cold so off the running yesterday, may go for a slow 5 miles at club tonight as I find it sweats the bugs out more quickly. Got to be on top form for Cabbage Patch 10 on Sunday.

    Bloke's legs are in a right and while I'm thinking I can get a good sub 4.30, he's not sure whether he'll even get under 4.20 (current PB) and there's a very real risk of me beating him. So - marriage ettiquette. If he's at the side of the road having ankles strapped up by St Johns (or equiv), should I carry on doing my own thing or help? Hmmm.

    Incidentally, years ago, A shopkeeper and I were at loggerheads somewhere in Downtown LA - I was trying to buy Sellotape and she had no idea what I was talking about. Realised they only know it as Scotch Tape. So, to save me and hassle during the race, is Vaseline still Vaseline in America?
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    E - feel miles better after your hot orange concoction with fresh ginger and honey - bit strange but good..

    About beating bloke - see how the mood takes you at the moment.. Mine is not marathon fit yet - I know that when we do finally get to a start together the competition will be bloody.. Probably what I need to run faster actually. It's between you and your conscience .

    Vaseline IS Vaseline I think .. though I'll be bringing my trusty Bodyglide to deal with chub rub.
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