
Over 60s training.



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    Afternoon all.

    Did my last run of 2006.

    5 miles 57:21

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    I was not trying to get the totp.
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    no - it was only a half marathon post:-))

    Now look I am not going to cluck nicely and say everything is going to be alright - that's not what you need at the moment.

    On the assumption that you will not run too much in Helsinki increase the distance of each run this coming week by 1K.

    On one day instead of steady running try a pyramid of 2K's = 2K steady, 2k at faster effort, 2K about 10K speed, 2K at faster effort, 2K steady.

    Make sure you follow it with an easy day.

    That should satisfy your need for speed as well as bringing a higher level of aerobic effort into play and send you off on holiday feeling virtuous:-))

    Ther will be no coq'up:-))

    sometimes those battles against the elements (which can never be won but sometimes drawn!) are the most satisfying runs possible.

    pleased you are feeling a little better. When you feel as though you could go out for a run give yourself an extra day off.

    good run yesterday despite conditions


    hard gym session yesterday - it would have been easier running:-))

    good consistent pace this am in the warmth

    me - for the first time in ages I was woken during the night with cramp in both calves which required a quick sprint around the bedroom to ease it off:-)

    Got up with still stiff calves which I attempted to ease off by my staircase circuit and extended stretching.

    Felt ok so of I went for 7.04 miles in 58:09 and avHR 135

    1m 8:55 hr130
    2m 7:32 hr138 getting into it
    3m 7:24 hr138 ditto
    4m 8:04 hr136 first twinge of cramp
    5m 8:17 hr138 headwind and bit more twinges
    6m 8:25 hr132 calf quite heavy
    7m 9:07 hr138 ditto and Hipps Hill survival mode

    so baled out at that stage. Not a good end to an easy week:-))

    Oh well - I should be well refreshed for this evenings dinner dance!!!!
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    oh yes you were!!!!!

    nice consistent effrot there - good way to leave the old year behind
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    step back week for me-tired
    46 miles

    and that only to get to a round number for the yearly mileage
    taking food over to sisters house later
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    Don't be hard on yourself today. It is very very windy out there.


    I opened my RW last magazine and found a lovely friendly face in it. Bernard did comment on your very short shorts.
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    Enjoy your stew later.

    This week my total miles are 15 miles. Did 16 last week.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    that is better than my 9 miles!!!!

    YOu will have to take Chouette's advice on the cramp, Horse Chestnut Extract, I think it was. Btw I hope you don't have another 'attack of-----' this evening.

    what was the yearly mileage?
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    Very consistent splits and a good time.

    My total mileage for 2006 comes to 1160, 149 more than last year and includes the slow recovery from knee-surgery in Oct 2005. It was run at an o/a average pace of 12:06.8 which is 1.1sec better than last year and the best annual pace since I started running April 2003.
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    Well done on your years milage. You have come a long way since your surgery. I predicted lots more pb for you in 2007. Next year your average pace will be in the 11 min/mile pace.


    I am building my milage back up slowly. Next week I hope to do 17 miles.
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    I actually found quite a nice weather window - not too much wind and very warm.


    me too - both step back and tired and I have only done 34.5 miles this week.

    However December has seen me do 204.5 miles which is my highest monthly total since April 2005 so something is going right at last:-))

    Total for the year is 1500.7 miles which considering I started off the year in January with a grand total of 7 miles is a fair build up with the achilles problem continually lurking in the background.

    Need to produce my Excel run log for next year now - anyone want a copy when its done?
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    yearly mileage 1950

    i just couldnt do 2000

    still-600 more than last year

    we have all slogged out those miles
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    oooooohhhh a list coming on

    aws 1,160
    torque 1,501

    please insert your totals above!!!

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    aws.......... 1,160
    empty .......
    hipps ....... 1,950
    torque........ 1,501

    blimey Hipps were they all races:-)
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    thanks for those good wishes - I will attempt to avoid any lurgy by stocking up my blood levels with neat spirit:-)))
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    Oooo an alphabetical list. Ever the diplomat TS!

    Little Miss Low Mileage clocking in then...

    I'm afraid I only started recording from July. So just 6 months worth from me. I would have done fewer miles in the preceding 6 months so no point my just doubling it.



    The .75 is important!
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Well done everyone on your mileages. I will work mine out later.

    Hippo - you have given me a target for next year: get to the point where 46 miles is a step back week.

    ceal - sharkie was saying you have to ignore the hammock. Or at least that's how I read it before looking back to check.

    Thank you so much for the worst-case scenario. I shall print it out and take it to Finland with me, and I am sure Seth will thank you for making me better company!
    On shoes, I have decided to lace more loosely and also to do something K2 suggested a while back - contact New Balance to see if they can make me some F-width shoes (which ProFeet said I need).

    Haven't seen K2 lately, have we? I expect she is busy with the sales.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Tracey - it's not JJ's shorts that are short, it's his legs that are long.
    That was a good run. You seem to have the Mrs Sensible hat at the moment.

    I am posting in little chunks because the dreaded blue screen is about...
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    As for today...

    I didn't quite have to thwceam and thwceam, but it was pretty blustery out there again this morning.

    I could really feel it in my quads as soon as I got up - which proved last night's effort was 'different' to say the least of it. However with 'get the miles in' and 'base training before sharpening' echoing round my mind I was determined to get the weeks total to between 25 and 30 for a second week.

    I was out for over an hour and did 6 miles. Conditions similar to last night but not as extreme and at least it was daylight. I was very slow on the outward half - deliberately - I really didn't need another hard session - and also because I was knackered. However, on the way back with the wind behind me, despite tiredness in legs, I stuck a quick sub 8 and a halfer in because I could. It wasn't easy and I had to hang on and concentrate for the last minute or so but well worth it I think.

    Or is it? I'm still not too sure about how much rest and recouperating we need. Different for everybody I suppose. Is it another of those listen to your body things? Trouble is my brain seems indifferent or just plain ignorant to any messages the old bod is trying to get through.

    Got home only to have to go out climbing over hills and battling the elements AGAIN. Needed some provisions for tomorrow. I pine without fresh vegetables.

    I am now officially Done For. Think that's my lot for exercise this week. I will pretend that I have forgotten about press ups tricep dips and their hideous ilk.

    You did say I could do a 100m as a reward. Well I did a fast mile instead!

    These last two weeks have been 28 miles and 27.5 miles. I will keep the next two between 25 and 30 as well and then start my 5k plan. How does that sound?
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    TS - yes please to a copy of the Excel training log.
    No thanks to the clucking.
    But many thanks for the training suggestions, especially the idea of adding 1k to every run.

    This week's step-back total was 42k or about 26 miles. Seems only yesterday that was a hard week!

    I have only five running days left now before holiday. Thought I might do:

    Mon - 10k sandwich, with as much target half-mara pace in the middle as I can muster (ceal's suggestion).

    Tue - very easy 9k

    Wed - rest

    Thu - long run, 18k?

    Fri - TS pyramids, which I think total 10k.

    Or perhaps long run Wed, easy Thu.
    Definitely no running Saturday and only easy running for the next week.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    TS - hope calf stands up to the dancing.
    Yes, do try horse chestnut extract if you haven't already. You can get it from Holland and Barrett.

    sharkie - having only started records in July, you will get the prize for the fastest progress.
    Most of my running is on roads (hmmm, calculate percentages with HM - another task for 2007), but quite a lot of those are "roads". Much of the rest is on farm tracks, more or less regularly maintained so varying from deeply rutted mud to practically road standard. And very very occasionally, while travelling for instance, I run on pavements, where I invariably trip, stumble and generally make a fool of myself.

    Impey - forgot to say, I love saunas. Just wish they counted as exercise.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    sharkie - a sub-8min mile, THUD!
    And I meant to say earlier to you and to Spud, thanks for the "sharpening" idea. Great image which I will keep with me.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    aws.......... 1,160
    empty ....... 1,682
    hipps ....... 1,950
    torque........ 1,501
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    I am full of admiration. Honest. Your easy week is my hard week.

    Been meaning to ask you: with the increased mileage has the cycling been decreased? And have you done much other exercise? Just wondering how you fit it in - you and I both being freelance but fully employed types. There just aren't enough hours in the day for me.

    And before anyone shouts - I KNOW we make time for what we really want to do.

    Yes, where is our favourite tiny mountain?
    Calling K2. Come in please.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Boy am I glad I went out early, the weather is awful now.

    Sharkie you can certainly pick the weather to run in - not :o)

    Mike T
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    NO no no nonononono
    Can't let that go uncorrected
    Sub 8 and a half
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    and wind assisted
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    aws.......... 1,160
    ceal......... 1756
    empty ....... 1,682
    hipps ....... 1,950
    torque........ 1,501
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    that is tremendous mileage considering the time taken for knee op. Well run.

    you are definitly getting more able to churn out quality miles.

    I do things like that, churn out a fast mile when sometimes I really shouldn't. But it does give one a buzz.

    Glad to be of assistance to Seth.

    I am still not sure about this---ignore the hammock, remember I am sick and not at all well in the head department at the moment and you will have to spell it out to me.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I have just been tyding out some drawers, hate it. I found that some foot cream by Scholl has Horsechestnut extract in it.
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