
Over 60s training.



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    Hi Folks

    Crook Log 5k
    New shoes, first time racing, got me a course PB by exactly 30sec.


    32:28 = course PB

    Distance PB is 32:17 and the fastest I have ever done the distance was incredibly at the beginning of the Dartford 10 last month when I did 31:50 (by interpolation).
    Now for the Sidcup 10

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    Forgot to tell you that the kids caravan bedding came this afternoon.
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    What time are you aiming for on Sunday?
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    Hi everyone,

    The connection has been giving me lots of headaches.:o(

    Is anyone racing this weekend? Ceal, is your 1/2 this Sunday?

    I haven't been to the gym for the past 2 weeks.

    Spider is better but he does not want to go out anymore. It has been a nightmare.

    Chou, snow is a rare occurance (sp?)here and everything stops when it is forecast.

    I have a question for you, peeps.

    I have been noticing that , when I do my runs (1 hour) slow, my legs feel very heavy and tired next day.

    For the past 2 weeks I have done one faster session: 10 minutes slow followed by 5 minutes fast.

    Next day my legs feel very good and relaxed.


    thank you.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Well run.

    Must be the new shoes:-))
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    because you are probably running with a much better technique when you run faster. In other words the technique goes out the window when you plod.

    I think that treats are in order for Spider. He needs encouragement and a reward to go outside. That doesn't mean loooooots of treats, but given at the appropriate time, like as an enticement and then as a reward it might just work for him.

    Yes it is Wokingham half for me on Sunday and Empty. There are wicked winds forcast at the moment:-((
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    very well run indeed - huge improvement.
    In fact if you had not sauntered through the 4th K you might have been a minute up:-))))

    quick - buy another pair of new shoes for Sunday!:-)


    what Ceal says aboout technique - finding the pace that equates to optimal efficiency is not always easy and when you do the faster bits you also recruit more muscles to work on your running from thighs and buttocks instead of just largely using calf muscles so the load gets spread around a bit.
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    You must think I'm made of money !
    I can only afford bird shoes anyway.

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    Ceal and Torque

    thank you,

    shoud i try and run a bit faster on my slow runs so the technique is better?

    Ceal, I tried giving him treats during and after the walks byt he still does not want to go out. Last time i had to carry him back home after he heard a dog barking. He was so frightened:o(
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    sorry about Spider, have you asked the vet for a referral to a dog behaviourist, I am sure they have plenty of those in USA.

    Re the running question. Perhaps, it would be better to run for not so long as an hour so as to keep the technique correct. Maybe, run every day except one and keep the runs shorter with better style and quality. With maybe, just one slower run as along as an hour. Try it and see. You will soon know if this is right for you.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Re Spider again, I think you just have to keep trying, don't give up.
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    I went out for a 4 mile run to see if it would make my left leg better. It does at the moment and my knee is not hurting.

    JJ, just had to do it for you.
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    Ceal, thank you very much for the advice relating spider and slow runs.

    You gave me a great idea. i am going to look on the internet for some help with Spider.

    Regarding the slow runs, i will follow your help.

    thank youXXX
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    Thank you.

    It was not very fast 46:00.

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    Quickly scanning through todays posts reveals some airs of frustration :-)

    If that Garmin has played you up before as well as today then it would be a great idea to insist on a replacement. As you say, you need it just now, but you have plenty of warranty time remaining.

    Shoot that mouse !

    I read your report earlier in the day and it made me shiver to think of running at that bitter time. But then I remember how the thought is always worse than the deed as I proved this afternoon.
    Smart run again, the conditions don't slow you down much :-)

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    I am also sorry that Spider is finding it hard to adjust to being outside again. The only thing I can say, as has already been said, is to persevere. Maybe making walks very short at first until he regains confidence of other dogs about. Longer walks might then be okay in later days.

    Hoping to run in snow this afternoon I was rather disappointed. It was only freezing rain and sleet. Big boos !! Plenty of clobber was needed so the bright blue Gortex CCV,shirt and vest plus R.Hill tights with flashes, gloves and woolly hat made it feel more cosy. Left leg hamstring felt less tight but I was still cautious and kept the 7.4 miles down to average 10m15s/mile place. There's always better days to come to use the accelerator :-)
    The trails were all coated in frozen half-inch "deep" snow and the Nike trailshoes did their business. I am very pleased with the way they have kept me from falling on frozen surfaces as well as the x-cs.

    Right now we have good heavy snow, settling easily and just about 35mm in depth. Would have liked that earlier :-))
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    There are two hills in K4, the first short and sharp the other rather longer and a bit of a drag. Enough to make a difference.

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    Well, I'm happy with what I said but I think it lacks panache.

    I posted quickly because the phone rang and I thought it was running friend arranging to meet up.

    Glad the furniture arrived ok, ceal.

    TS - lucky you, having the deer for company.

    Foul underfoot here - slippery slush - so not running. Also got home late as I was selling shoes to a forumite.
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    Impey, he does not even walk for 100m. As soon as we leave the cul de sac he gets very nervous and we have to come back.

    I think I will have to carry him in my arms then let him walk a bit and see what happens.
    Weather forecast said we were going to have sleet but nothing happened. Grey and cold here.
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    Wow, Aws, 30 seconds off a 5k is a great PB!
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    good morning

    bit more white stuff overnight but not as cold so its going to be a bit less crunchy underfoot.

    >extracts tongue from cheek< re 4k speed:-))

    very good run in the conditions yesterday - good news about the shoes.

    letting commerce get in the way of running? - whatever next - to say nothing about totp brevity:-))

    hope the bed was ok:-)

    well doen for getting out there and pleased there was no reaction form your dodgy leg

    Off out now and then cat looking after, and then granddaughter to chat to and then rugby..............

    its a busy day!
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Morning all

    Aws another great run yesterday and a course PB brilliant.

    Ceal glad the furniture arrived, annoying about the damage though.

    Tracey well for getting out yesterday.

    Spud I often find running slow more tiring than running slightly faster, I think that's why my solo long runs are always alot faster than the club long runs.

    TS, I'll be intrigued to see how JW performs this week. Performing as he did last week first game out is one thing but can he do it again with so little match practice. Hope he can.

    All week I have had a cough but was confident it would be "gone" by tomorrow but have woken up this morning to a streaming nose :o(( Hopefully if it just stays where it is it will just be a nuisance rather than have a real impact on the race - we'll see.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Mike T
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Hi TS. Got any spare motivation? Wet and windy here and I'm forum-procrastinating my LSR.
    May need more tea.

    aws - you seem to be pb-ing all over the place these days. Well done.

    ceal - did you sleep soundly in your new bed?

    Spud - don't know what to suggest for Spider but give him a hug from me. I guess it will take a while for him to get his confidence back.

    Good morning and good running to all.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Hello MT. How annoying about your cold. Perhaps try some First Defence?
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    how very annoying about your cough and cold. I am sure you will make another decision tomorrow as to what is the right thing to do re the race.

    have a good busy day today.

    Bed was good thanks, so nice to be able to get out of it and stand up with no problems. We went to friends house for dinner last night, it was delicious, but I think that she must have looked for the highest cholesterol recipe's she could find. LOADS of dripping butter and cream, in all three (four if you count the cheese) courses. I feel bloated still this morning. The hostess goes weekly to Slimmers World!!!

    Norunday, just lots of jobs to be done, also feeding neighbors cat and mother visit and rugby to watch.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    the sooner you get out the sooner it will be over. Plus you know the thought of-----is always worse than the actual execution of-----------.
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