
Here we go again?



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    Hi all,Done 9.63mile@ 7.19m/m in 70 mins,intervals tomorrow.I'm doing the Watford half on 4/2 and the Wokingham half 11/2.
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    I'm on Atkinsa diet and just did 8 tonight... around 56 minutes which'll do, but feeling very tired :-( Well in Rowan... going alright, you liing your Garmin?

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    Defo mate,I love it!! You know what? I'm 90% sure i will do NYCM 2007.I cant resist it.
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    you know what mate, I might be there with you again, as Sharon is thinking of us having a short stay there, so while we're there, I may just enter as well... could be like old times again ;-)

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    We're off the front page, that's can't happen ;-)

    Right, how's everyone doing? I'm on the 6th day of Atkins... and feeling crud, however, managed a 5 miler tonight in 34:33... so can't be that bad, think bosy is just getting used to not having any fuel!!!

    So, got my Half Marathon this morning, errr... in 9 and a bit hours... so fingers crossed I can finsh ;-)

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    Pug let me how you got on,I am doing a 16 miler in an hour.Did some intervals yesterday and took 42 seconds off PB so it must be working. Good Luck PUG.
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    Mile 1 = 6:09
    Mile 2 = 12:24 (6:25)
    Mile 3 = 19:02 (6:27)
    Mile 4 = 25:55 (6:53)
    Mile 5 = 33:20 (7:24)
    Mile 6 = 40:52 (7:32)
    Mile 7 = 50:32 (9:39)
    Mile 8 = 1:00:42 (10:10)
    Mile 9 = 1:09:33 (8:51)
    Mile 10 = 1:17:52 (8:18)
    Mile 11 = 1:26:38 (8:46)
    Mile 12 = 1:34:10 (7:31)
    Mile 13 = 1:41:45 (7:35)
    Mile 13.1 = 1:42:44 (00:58)
    Time = 1:42:44

    Not the best in te world, but considering how I felt at 4 mile, dead... check some of the miles out? 10 minutes+ lol... I was walking at this stage hahaha...

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    PUG you were going through the motions at least you did it!I wish I was there I might have beaten you for the only time in my life, LoL. I just got back did 16.37miles@7.19 =1h59m58s
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    Im a double leg amputee that is looking for a 4hour marathon time for my first FLM(ran New York Marathon in 4.09). I have ran 4 marathons(2 for Macmillian)NYC x2 Snowdonia and Two Oceans Cape Town SA and 1 Ultra Marathon.
    Im looking fo a running Buddy for the race!you will already need an entry!
    Just need someone to talk to in the race and help with getting water from the busy water stations.
    Can anybody help?

    Richard Whitehead

    my website below and an article about my story
    www.inspiredtorun.co.uk/2006/06/12/believe/(feel free to comment on this story)
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    Hi Rowan/Pug

    Sorry I haven't posted for a while.

    Rowan - some great running going on! You seem a lot faster now than before NY. What is your target now for FLM - 3:10?

    Pug - I understand what you are trying to do, what why run a HM in the middle of your diet? You seemed to have survived ok, even if you did have to suffer getting around. I never weighed myself before starting running, but now I do it almost every day – currently 1.81m (5’11.5”) ~66 kg BMI = 20 (according to a web-site I’ve just checked, I’m classified as underweight + on the 7th percentile compared to Americans’ weight!)

    My running is going ok - 60 miles last week, including an 18m + 3x1.75m LT session (~10min each or 5:42 mm) + running into some very strong wind!. I'm supposed to be running Fleet HM, but I've found out I will be supporting a satellite launch for 10 days around this time. May have to do FLM with no racing beforehand.
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    Hi all just got back.I did a treadmill ses today 10.19miles@ 7.24m/m 1h15m.
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    I had a realy poor session this evening. I did 2.2km warm up on the treadmill then i went outside to the track.My intention was to do 10x800.I started sprinting the track was icing up I would have been alright is i had spikes on.I could feel my feet slipping at that fast pace.I didn't want to risk an injury so I decided to run 10 laps at 7.10m/m- 4Km.I went back into the gym then done 5km on the treadmill.
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    I've had a really poor week ,Tuesday was fine 10.19 mile@7.24mm. Wednesday on the icy track inflicted 2 niggles one on my left foot and my tendon behind the right knee.Thursday took it easy quit after 4 miles and went home.I needed to rest on friday.Saturday I was meant to do intervals but decided to have a 6 mile run instead the niggle were still there but felt better. Today I did 18.37miles@7.35m/m=2hrs19m23s.I was just pleased to finish the 18 I nearly quit after 10,12,14 I kept reviewing my foot It gradually felt better but the niggle is still there.Thats a poor 43.56 miles this week.I will be talking it easier over the next two weeks as I have two HM's coming up.Watford next week and then wokingham the week after.
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    Keep it going Rowan, and dont' think just because you've done a lower mileage week, thats' crap... don't forget, it could mean rest, so the following week you do something a bit on the good side ;-)

    I'm having a decent week now I've finished Atkins diet, probably about 2 weeks behind my schedule... however... my plan says for tonight 1 hr 30 mins steady arghhhh noooooooooooo :-)

    looks like I better leave early form work then ;-)

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    Hi all,i've been laid down with a cold.I decided not to run in the watford marathon.I've been really frustrated today not being able to race or run.I running in the wokingham half next weekend hopefully I will be fine by then.
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    Be interesting to see how you get on mate, soz to hear about your layoff though, but think about it this way, it will force you to be fresh for next weekend!!!

    I've had probably my best week ever training, knocked out 88 miles, plus did 1 speed/hill session which was 4.5 mile warm up then 15x177m hill sprints... was hard... then tempo 5 miler Friday... 19 mile on Saturday with last 6 mile at 6:34 m/m pace... then knocked out a cracking 5.96 miler today in a local club race in 34:13... 5:44 m/m which was good enough for 19th place...

    So, everythign has seriously come together this week and I'm made up!!!

    Got another 75_ mile week this week, then start torelax next week ready for Bakery Half Marathon on the 18th Feb... going out at 1:16:50 pace... wish me luck... as this is the realm of the unknown and probably suicidal :-)

    It's quiet on here now, where the other mottley crew?

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    Hi all Just got back from Wokingham half 1.32.39.a PB by 6 mins. I'm happy as I havent trained much in the last 2 weeks. 9 miles this week and 14 last week
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    Rowan - great run!! A PB by 6 min is very impressive stuff. Bring on FLM - looks like sub 3:15 is on the cards?
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    Hi all,i've been very quiet on this thread for the last 2 weeks because i've been struggling with my training with having two niggles in my left and right legs that wont shift and catching a cold that caused me to miss the Watford half last weekend.I been resting and keeping away from the speed/intervals as I dont wont to make them niggles any worse. I went into this race not knowing what to expect or what kind of time I would do.This was make or break for me with these niggles.They would either get worse or stay the same.They are still there but not any worse.I will still have to take it easy with the speed element.I felt rusty today. I took 6 minutes off my PB today.I really suprised myself.It was a beautiful day for the race with the sunshine. my splits goes as follows.

    1- 7.20
    2- 6.58
    3- 6.59
    4- 6.43
    5- 6.59
    6- 6.40
    7- 6.58
    8- 7.08
    9- 7.22

    ave speed-8.4mph- max speed 13.9mph
    heart rate ave-180bpm max heart rate 192bpm
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    Hi all,i'm just getting back into this training lark.7.61 miles on wed and 8.30 on thurs I took it really easy.I still have these niggles they are slightly better. I seem to feel them more when i'm not running.I gonna see someone on mon.I was gonna do some intervals but decided to take it easy, taking the niggles into account. I did 6.48miles@6.53m/m=44m40s. I suppose I have to be happy with my form when I compare it to this time last year.All the times that i'm doing at the moment means that i'm 6 weeks ahead fitness wise and taking 6 minutes off my HM PB time this time last year.Having done 3.16 in FLM2006 means that doing a 3.15 this year is well within sight, injury permitting.Good luck to anyone who's racing and to anyone who is doing a long this weekend.Get better soon for anyone who's injured. Rowan
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    Hi all,just back from my run.I still have these niggles so I popped a ibuprofen pill before my run.I'm not feeling much pain at the mo maybe because of the pill.I know i will defo feel it in the morning.
    20.30 miles@7.33m/m=2h33m18s a PB by 2 seconds.
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    hi guys, hope all well.

    Have had a few health issues to deal with so training hasn't been as good as i hoped but up to 16 miles for my long run now. Will do an 18 miler tomorrow morning and getting back on form. Still not doing enough midweek though - the 3 hour daily commute just exhausts me!

    Anyhow, fingers crossed for the fleet half in a couple of weeks - i guess that will be a good marker.

    All the best for the weekend.

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    Hi El C.Nice of you to pop in and it's good to see you getting back to form after your issues.
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    Hi all.I'm just back from my first run this week after another bout of sickness. I was having coughing fits trying to bring up phlem while I was running and my nose was full too.There has been a lot of rain this morning and my local park has rolling hills so all the water drains on to the paths that I run on and makes massive puddles 3inches deep.I try to keep my feet dry for as long as I can so I had to run on the outsides of the paths which thus gave me a longer distance on my Garmin which didn't occur to me at first.I feel a a tad rusty especially on the chest. I did
    6.74 miles@6.50m/m= 46m03s.Now for my 20 tomorrow.I'm starving!
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    You get you 20 done Rowan? I did 20.28 yesterday and just come back from a steady 16.76... feeling fantastic in the knowledge, that I've just done my first ever 101.0 Mile Week. To be honest, I feel great, the last 3 mile of my 16+ today I did in 18.59 working hard, so pretty happy... could've done a few more miles, but knew I'd cracked the big 100, so couldn't be arsed lol...

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    Hi everyone, how's it all going?

    I'm going well, and there's some serious speed coming into my legs, did 1k reps last night and was 10-14 seconds up on each rep minimum from last Tuesday night, so really really happy...

    long steady one tonight, and not looking forward to it, raining and windy here up north :-(

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    Mr.RowanMr.Rowan ✭✭✭
    Hi all just got back did 22.34miles, yes 22.34miles@7.36m/m=2hrs50m.01s beautiful sunny day.I feel great and back on track. Off to the bath now
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    Hi rowan/pug
    just back from the fleet half which i did in 1.49, which is my fasted half mara, so well chuffed, especially as i fractured my leg there last year and felt good after it this year.
    Going for 18 miles next weekend and then 20 the weekend after - then its 2 weeks holiday in panama - god knows wher i'll run there, but i'll run!
    I think coronium was in fleet too - wonder how he got on?
    Anyhow, good luck with teh week ahead.
    Great run Rowan and no idea how you do so many miles, Pug .... just awesome.
    El C
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    Well what can I say... the worst piece of uncontrolled running I've ever done...

    Warmed up and legs felt okay, although heavy. Went out in the 2nd lead group, which placed me 4th ish... group was 5 including me.

    Went through 1 mile too quick and slowed... once I went through 2nd mile,m thought well, achillies isn't reacting... so lets see what I can do...

    It was very windy, but thought, maybe do 15 miles of it as close to 6:00m/m, fat chance...

    Realised when I got to 5, I was working too hard and made the decision to slow of and let the group go ahead.... this left me in 8th position and in no mans land for 15 miles though, and that's not good. Realised at 8 mile, that the club record was slipping away, and it was time to work, but legs were starting to feel it now... although I was happy to do 6:20's, felt very easy, wasn't breathing hard... then at 12 mile, the wheels just came off... just legs were gone... and it was very fustrating...

    So, at 14 mile, it was hang on time... and forget times... race... I could just see a yellow shirt, one of the lads had fell off that pack... so just prayed he failed and came back to me... but was running on fumes now...

    17 mile was it... it was hang on time, and the realisation that I'm a 100% Tool going off so quick...

    So, what have I learnt?

    1). I'm no where near 6:00 m/m pace pace for a 20 miler.

    2). Injury isn't playing up, which is a massive releaf...

    3). You can't run quick with no runs in 6 days prior to a race

    4). I don't run well in the wind...

    5). I know what I have to do in the next 11 weeks...

    6). My pacing is dreadful, and and the sooner I realise this, then I'll have better races.

    7). I'm simply not good enough, either on the day or in general and am considerably slower than I thought I was going to be.

    1 Mile = 5:48
    2 Mile = 6:04 (11:52)
    3 Mile = 6:01 (17:53)
    4 Mile = 5:54 (23:48)
    5 Mile = 6:00 (29:49)
    6 Mile = 6:07 (35:56)
    7 Mile = 6:08 (42:05)
    8 Mile = 6:20 (48:25)
    9 Mile = 6:20 (54:46)
    10 Mile = 6:29 (01:01:15)
    11 Mile = 6:41 (01:07:57)
    12 Mile = 6:34 (01:14:32)
    13 Mile = 6:22 (01:20:55)
    14 Mile = 6:45 (01:27:40)
    15 Mile = 6:58 (01:34:38)
    16 Mile = 6:51 (01:41:30)
    17 Mile = 6:59 (01:48:30)
    18 Mile = 7:04 (01:55:34)
    19 Mile = 6:59 (02:02:34)
    20 Mile = 6:18 (02:08:53)

    20 miles
    2:08:53 (6:26/mile)

    So, doing Spen 20 Miler on Sunday, and going out at a sensible pace...


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    Mr.RowanMr.Rowan ✭✭✭
    I've just got back from the finchley 20. I guess i'm happy did 20miles@7.14m/m=2hrs24m35s,a new PB by 4 minutes.It's 4 laps of 5 miles and undulating by time you get to the 4th laps you know whats coming and it's a killer! I'm getting in the bath.
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