
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good Morning,

    Just a quick one as I am off for an early massage and then a run then out, so missing for a lot of the day.

    Have a good one everybody whatever you are doing.
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    morning all :o)

    have a good day ceal, we are off to the podiatrist after Lizzie's exam then work!
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    Morning all

    Although PB stands at 1:54:35 (and I don't know how I did that), I'm still challenged at the prospect of a sub-2hr 10 miles as this shows:
    10.02 miles; 2:02:39; 12:14/mi
    Target was 10 miles in 1:58:00 = 11:46/mi pace.
    It's a while since I did a 10 and I knew I was struggling by the end of mile 3 so I said, "Sucks to Vic Parry" and ran the rest as I felt. As is patently obvious I didn't feel up to much. Actually I quite enjoyed the run after that as the pressure was off and I could just go with the flow as it were. That probably counts for something.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    A ten miler that you enjoyed is always good aws, keep cracking them out.

    A day spent travelling yesterday, lots of airport time. I did manage a 9.2k at a 5:11 pace. Hamstring still sore but improving. Stride and efficiency still affected and I am still adjusting to running in the higher temps 28c range so heart rate is elevated. I do not feel ready to start 10k yet, need to be pain free. I have another physio session planned for today. It is a good job she's cute, it makes the session enjoyable.
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    aws, it's good to manage that distance, even if at slower speed. I have to accept that if I am to up the mileage, it will be slower, but ultimately I hope to manage both distance and improved pace. My record is 1:45:13, but since then I have been slower.

    Hope the massage/physio is helpful, ceal & Mick, and the podistrist works whatever magic is required, Maggie.

    ((Spider)) - will be waiting to hear his test results, Spud.
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    same route as wednesday. but 64% WHR (+3%) and 1 second slowly, but it was a bit blowy so well pleased with run. Decided to switch my splits to kms as i am more concentrating on 5ks

    5.09kms altogether
    so overly pleased
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    slowly = slower
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    aws you may not have hit your target but an impressive 10 miles nonetheless :o)

    podiatrist is going to prepare orthotics for Lizzie we have another appointment next Friday!
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    great pace, thats equivalent to a sub 47 min 10k, 46:45 to be exact, well done
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    I've discovered you can race with your dog in the UK too, Spud!

    Anyone interested - the link is http://cani-cross.co.uk/
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    One for TS and Diana I think:

    The Nagging Question of the Max Heart Rate
    TS, I see you are now encouraging Diana to have herself a merry little max heart rate test. From what I recall it seems that the formula might not be accurate for her. But I think you have seen various high readings in races or hard workouts Diana? As for me, sorry but I still haven't done a test. It's not that I am unwilling. I would love to now what my MHR really is. We all know how long it took me to get the damn thing working. Now it is but there just hasn't been a time when I wasn't knackered from miling it up, doing a few intervals in a desperate attempt to get my speed back, racing, mini-tapering or recovering. And You have to be fresh for the test to work. I wonder if you might have this problem Diana? Nearly every run you do sounds tough. Good, but tough.

    I seriously hoped that by wearing the wretched thing in this year's 5k and 4.3 mile races I would have hit near max - but I'm not convinced I was able to push hard enough on anything I've done this year. I don't mean the races weren't hellish hard work, but there have been all sorts of extenuating circumstances....

    So, not an excuse, but an explanation, from me.
    Diana - are you using a high you've seen or the formula's answer. I realise that there are at least 4 formulas (formulae Latin fans!)

    Anyway, anyway, anyway. I have revised my MHR down for the time being and am doing all my recovery runs at sub 70% - more like sub 65% This means ploddo pace for me - 10:45 - 11:15 at 65 or lower. 10:30 to 10:45 for around 70% But it's all pretty inexact isn't it? Tiredness, terrain and temperature all affect the reading.

    I am also going for quality over quantity at the moment.
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    Awwww...Thank you very much for the link, Diana. I wish I was in England.:o(

    We got the results from Spider's blood test. He has hypothyroidism (sp?) and was put on medication. He should start loosing some weight soon as he gets better.

    Hi everyone,

    Mick, where are you?
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    Hi Spud - that's actually good news about Spider. I'm sure he'll be a happier greyhound when he can run as fast as he'd like to, without the extra podge to carry. Then you will have to work extra hard to keep up with him in the next dog race! How's your training going by the way? Are you still mainly on the treadmill?
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    Apropos of my earlier post here's this week's training after Monday's racing.

    Tuesday Recovery run of 3.75 miles. Mainly at 11:30 ish pace with heart rate in low 120s, then got a bit bored and as I am trying to ENJOY running at the moment upped the pace a bit to 9:44 for 1k - an average of 130 bpm, although it did sneak up a bit by the end so I slowed down again for the final 2ks.

    Wednesday Cycled 8 miles. Weights, leg press, press ups, bit of treadie at the gym. A. did 20 mins soft tissue work on my hard worked legs.

    Oh - just remembered - Wobble Board Fans Alert - I did the leg press in the gym with the wobble board under my feet on the plate. It was quite difficult. Even more b****y difficult when A. made me do one leg at a time! Try it Pammie!

    Wednesday evening Task from A. was 1 fast k in the middle of my short easy run. I had to be well warmed up and remember to do a proper cool down after. We are trying to get my stupid leg functioning in road races! So 1 k slow warm up and stretch, then 2 X 500m at 5:32 k pace - That was my idea. I needed to get my hr up a bit and my legs moving before I could tackle a fast k. Fast k was alright - I was under instructions not to jog then sprint ;-) - it came in at 4:57 (7:58) Felt quite good. It was tough but it was even.

    Thursday. Another slow 3.85 miles at 11 mins plus pace. Bit tired. Resisted ALL temptations just to do a quick few strides at the end. I'm sure they would have been pointless and perhaps even counter-productive? But I find it hard not to want to prove - just to myself - that I can run faster when I have trudged a slow run out. Does this make sense to anyone?

    If I feel energetic enough i will try and put two fast ks together this evening.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Thanks Mick I will go for that time!

    pleased to hear that Spider has been diagnosed and he will soon be sprinting at top speeds.

    Looking encouraging again.

    well done on the distance. Save the pb's for a race.

    What are you up to today Diana?

    well I can't stand on a wobble board with both legs and do a leg press let alone one:-0) Sounds like you have been up to some good training, I wait with anticipation to see what you come up with this evening.
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    good evening

    hectic week draws to a close with me back home - for now.

    In fact I got home late last evening after battling through floods and squalls of extremely heavy rain thinking it would ease off overnight.............

    ........this am it was heavier than ever!!!!

    Sallied forth clad in shorts and CCJ which was a wise move. Body stayed toasty dry and warm and legs were nicely cooled by rain and wading through raging torrents which used to be pavements - in places over 6" deep - which made running interesting.

    so 5.1 miles done in 42:45 (8:30m/m) and avHR135 = 69%WHR with a max of 147

    1m 8:36 hr127
    2m 8:22 hr137
    3m 8:56 hr135 really deep here
    4m 8:01 hr135
    5m 8:41 hr142

    all perfectly mediocre

    Arrived home to find the drive under water and nearing front door threshold!!!!!!!!!

    Huridly checked all gullies and cleaned them out then next door neighbour came around to say his drive, which is higher than mine was under water as well and we discovered it was overflowing from his drive through the hedge and border and pouring onto mine.

    Virtually swam down to clear out more gullies on his side and then water wooshed away. But there was still a broad stream coming off his lawns onto his drive and this in turn was coming from the next house up which had almost 12" of standing water on the drive and garden and no sign of gullies. No one in as they were away on holiday and water was threatening all their ground floor doors.

    eventually located one large road gully in thier drive which was filled with debris and managed to clear it enough to get some water away and relieve the pressure on our properties downhill.

    Moral - if you are ever in this situation make sure you have a CCJ jacket:-)
    My upper body remained dry and warm and shorts were ideal for plodging through torrents.

    By this time I was running late for meetings so had to hurridly shower (!!!), get changed and head out again. Fortunately the rain has now eased and the problems have abated but we must have had 4" of rain over the last 48 hours
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    are you saying I nag???:-)))
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I had a good massage followed by a mad moment, well it lasted rather longer than a moment.

    I ran 7.2 miles, a warmup, stretches then 10k. All sounds ok so far, but I decided that I wanted to see what it felt like to run at an av of 75% WHR when my legs felt tired. What I forgot was how tired they could be. I had been thinking that the race was two days ago when in fact it was only 39 hours or so ago.

    Well, hats off to all of you who run a 75%WHR because I can't. I found it too flippin hard.

    I knew that I would have to go out right from the start fairly quickly to get my HR up enough to hit 136--142. 142 being 75% for me.

    I ran 5k then had a rest for a minute before I had the energy to run home.

    The result was quite a fast first 5k and then a very laboured 2nd 5k. Very laboured.

    1) 4.49, (7.45), hr 119, this is 10k pace!
    2) 5.08, (8.15), hr 137
    3) 5.00, (8.03), hr 137
    4) 5.04, (8.10), hr 142
    5) 5.09, (8.17), hr 147 (feeling knackered)

    5k, WHR av 136, 25.13, av pace 8.06

    1 min rest in order to get home again!

    1) 5.35, (8.59), hr 130, so much slower
    2) 5.37, (9.02), hr 137
    3) 5.46, (9.18), hr 139
    4) 5.34, (8.58), hr 136
    5) 5.55, (9.32), hr 138, and slower

    5k, WHR av 137, 28.13, av pace 9.07

    Boy was I pleased to be home.

    I will try again to run at 75% WHR when I am not so tired. I just never do. I either run at around 64% and under or a tempo run which may end up with an average around 77% WHR.

    So I say again, well done to everybody who runs around 75% of WHR.

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    any day with a ten mile run is a good one - and you were on your target pace which makes it even better.

    speed freak:-)

    I thought you were injured?:-)) Good pace this am.

    if the hamstring is still sore be careful not to overdo it otherwise it will get worse - I recently proved that!!:-))

    (((pats))) to all poorly dogs on the thread:-))
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    welcome home, and what a welcome you had. I had heard on the radio about the floods further North in foreign parts, but from your description, it is obviously much worse than I had imagined. Your CCJ is giving you very good service on many ocassions, today being one of them. Running in 6"'s of water must have been very strange to experience. Good run I say under the circumstances.

    one can go to the swimming pool to experience similar conditions:-))
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    I can feel your weariness through the reports:-))
    "Another slow 3.85 miles at 11 mins plus pace. Bit tired"

    not surprising after a tempo session the previous day!!! Good pace btw for your fast middle bit.

    I think the difficulty you have is grasping that what you describe so derogatively as "slow plod" is actually essential to prepare an aerobic base

    I would much rather run fast every day but know that down that way injury lies and i will not improve without first maximising my aerobic base.

    the reason I stress the maxHR test is that without that bit of vital info everything else is guesswork.It helps if you are perfectly fresh but it can be done as long as you are not fatigued from hard effort or long distance previously. All it needs is the right hill and a bit of willpower.....................:-))
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    thank you for kind welcome - much warmer than the weather:-))

    My - you really did put yourself through it this am -hard session for both 5K's especially the second one when the fatigue was really setting in.

    I am only managing one tempo 3 mile/5K at the moment with HR around 72-73%WHR and like you find that very hard work. My last one got me to 76%WHR (7:45m/m pace) for the last of three miles before Hipps Hill wiped me out:-))
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    TS - I was
    This week have been gently testing it out so far so good but will keep it easy

    Baby steps - thats my new motto
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I think I forgot one vital statistic, my 1st 5k was run at 70% WHR and the 2nd one at 71% WHR.

    Nowhere near 75%:-((
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    are you able to explain why both you and I find it so hard to get up to av 75% WHR when we train, and why we can't maintain it there for very long?

    Is it because we are weak and feeble:-((!!!!
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Work and travel has been keeping me busy but it is Friday! Glad to here Spider is treatable and hopefully the treatment works and doesn't break the bank. Our two westies cost a fortune what with all their grooming, shots and checkups. I have to say that the female is more expensive than the male.
    Just finished a physio session on the hamstring. This tiime she located the tight and painful bundle of muscle fibres and apply pressure on them to try and force them to relax. Certainly good brining tears to your eyes.
    Have a run planned for tonight another 9k, pace will depend on how it feels. Will skip the long run this weekend.

    ceal, TS,
    I am interested in your workouts where you are finding an average WHR of 75% difficult.
    I often run at that rate with no real difficulty. I wouldn't say it was easy but I wouldn't say it was even a half marathon race pace.
    If I am feeling off as it not well then I would find it difficult. If I have returned from a business trip with lots of travel I would find it difficult. If I am rested and feeling normal then I enjoy that level of effort.
    I have a max hr of 190 which I am reasonably confident about, do you think your max hrs are okay?
    Does 75% always feel difficult?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I would imagine that the pain the Physio inflicted to your hamstrings bought more than tears to your eyes. For me it is unrepeatable language:-0)

    As for my MHR, you had a look at my graph very recently, remember, there was a Max of 173, so am presuming that my MHR is 175 or thereabouts.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Sorry didn't answer your question as to whether 75% always feels hard, I would say it is faily demanding. But don't often get that high doing 4 mile temp. Just in racing when it goes higher, then of course that feels hard. I know that my threshold is 147/8. But of course when I am fresh it will feel a whole lot easier.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    hec, feel fresh not am fresh, above:-))
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