
Over 60s training.



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    preparing for the match This must rank as one of the most complete pieces on the mental preparation for the big day. I could almost smell the changing room....................

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    Serpies 5k Friday 26/10

    What's your estimate of JJ's time.

    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58

     Copy, paste and add your scientifically assesed estimate.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Nice one aws

    Nice relaxed LSR today
     Saturday, October 20, 2007
     2007-10-20  4-305TCX CanadianTrail22.6k, cloud ,20c, windy, recovery
     Avg Pace =  5 mins 33.838 secs
     Fastest Lap Pace =  Lap 23 -  5 mins 25
     Slowest Lap Pace =  Lap 17 -  5 mins 49
     Total Selected Time =  125 mins 52.470 sec
     Total Selected Distance = 22.62 kms
     Average Heart Rate = 139 bmp  Average WHR = 65.5%
     Lap01 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:35 per km, 09:00 per ml
     Lap01 Avg HR = 119, Percent WHR = 52
     Lap02 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:40 per km, 09:08 per ml
     Lap02 Avg HR = 124, Percent WHR = 55
     Lap03 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:30 per km, 08:51 per ml
     Lap03 Avg HR = 131, Percent WHR = 60
     Lap04 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:35 per km, 09:00 per ml
     Lap04 Avg HR = 148, Percent WHR = 71
     Lap05 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:30 per km, 08:51 per ml
     Lap05 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap06 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:26 per km, 08:45 per ml
     Lap06 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap07 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:35 per km, 08:59 per ml
     Lap07 Avg HR = 137, Percent WHR = 64
     Lap08 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:27 per km, 08:46 per ml
     Lap08 Avg HR = 142, Percent WHR = 67
     Lap09 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:25 per km, 08:44 per ml
     Lap09 Avg HR = 141, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap10 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:28 per km, 08:47 per ml
     Lap10 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap11 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:33 per km, 08:56 per ml
     Lap11 Avg HR = 141, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap12 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:31 per km, 08:53 per ml
     Lap12 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap13 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:32 per km, 08:55 per ml
     Lap13 Avg HR = 143, Percent WHR = 68
     Lap14 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:29 per km, 08:50 per ml
     Lap14 Avg HR = 147, Percent WHR = 70
     Lap15 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:41 per km, 09:08 per ml
     Lap15 Avg HR = 141, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap16 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:37 per km, 09:02 per ml
     Lap16 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap17 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:49 per km, 09:21 per ml
     Lap17 Avg HR = 142, Percent WHR = 67
     Lap18 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:40 per km, 09:08 per ml
     Lap18 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap19 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:28 per km, 08:48 per ml
     Lap19 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap20 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:36 per km, 09:01 per ml
     Lap20 Avg HR = 140, Percent WHR = 66
     Lap21 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:41 per km, 09:09 per ml
     Lap21 Avg HR = 142, Percent WHR = 67
     Lap22 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:31 per km, 08:53 per ml
     Lap22 Avg HR = 144, Percent WHR = 68
     Lap23 Distance = 00.62 km, 00.39 ml,  Pace = 05:25 per km, 08:43 per ml
     Lap23 Avg HR = 143, Percent WHR = 68

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    That's it for the week
                   WEEK 164 SUMMARY
     START DATE         Sunday, October 14, 2007
     TOTAL DISTANCE    = 70.952 Km
     TOTAL CALORIES    = 5124.5
     TOTAL DURATION     = 377 mins 19 secs
      AVG PACE PER KM = 5 Mins  19.1 Secs
      AVG SPEED             = 11.3 kilometres per hour
         DATE         LENGTH    DURATION  AVG %WHR
     10-15-2007     12.5 kms       1:07:59         68.2
     10-16-2007     07.7 kms       0:39:50         68.2
     10-17-2007     09.9 kms       0:51:38         68.2
     10-18-2007     08.1 kms       0:38:02         76.4
     10-19-2007     10.1 kms       0:53:56         65.5
     10-20-2007     22.6 kms       2:05:52         65.5
     Weekly Average %WHR = 67.9
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    Serpies 5k Friday 26/10

    What's your estimate of JJ's time.

    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58
    K2       24.47

     Copy, paste and add your scientifically assesed estimate.

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    Legs still a bit stif from Thursday.

    Work tomorrow.

    Good night

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    good morning - just


    nice and long - no cardiac drift, very consistent

    good going - mileage building up nicely.
    I will ponder awhile your time - I am cy=urrently drinking Chateau Palmer 1992 if that is any helpimage

    Went "long" this am to dissapate the after effects of the match last evening, tight calls all round decided it.

    7.28 miles in 62.65 and avHR 137 (71% WHR) and a max of only 153 so some improvement

    1m 9.27 hr126
    2m 8.42 hr136
    3m 8.46 hr138
    4m 8.31 hr138
    5m 8.43 hr141
    6m 7.52 hr137 downhill bit at last!!
    7m 8.35 hr143 Hipps hill
    .3  2.16 hr150 rest of Hipps Hill

    beautiful am full sun on lightly frosted ground made me feel I oculd have gone further but reached for the sensible hat just in timeimage

    see what the knees make of it tomorrow......................................

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    Back from marshalling the first Inter-club Cross Country of the season. Very cold first position in the woods, but back to the start/finish once the sweeper had been through to encourage the runners for the last 100 metres to the finish, and that was in full sunshine. Glorious morning.

    Yesterday afternoon, ran the 2.75 miles to the race start, jogged round the course to finalise the route, then ran home again. Forgot to restart my garmin for the first part of the run home, but estimate the total to be 9.3 miles minimum.

    Week's training:

    Monday - 6.53 miles includng the 10 x 1m 20sec hills. Av. HR 153 - max HR 184.
    Wednesday - 5.59 miles includng the 2 x 1200m & 3 x 400m. Av HR 140 - max HR 174.
    Friday - 6.37 miles forest run. Av HR 139. Av pace 11.07.
    Saturday - 9.33 miles - stopping 7 starting round course. Av HR 139

    Total for week 27.82 miles.

    Good work TS & JJ - both clocking a sub 8 minute mile.

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    I'll take a glass of TS's then!!

    What's your estimate of JJ's time?

    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58
    K2       24.47
    DianaD 24.25

    MickC - good weekly mileage. I've forgotten when and what your next targetted race is.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning, a totally beautiful day here today but it is a rest day and I need one so I will resist the temptation.

    40+ miles and the weight loss bodes well for the training, well done. Motivation and the discipline to get out are the key to successful running and you seem to have them both.

    I have one more race for this season planned and that is a 10k next weekend. It is my first 10k as a 60+ so it will be a PB no matter what. I have a great deal of experience at racing 10ks and have found it to be a race of 2 halves. By that I mean you need to select the pace of the first half and execute it precisely and then race like a 5k for the second half. I have a habit of being too aggressive in the first half, dipping during kilometre 7 and 8 and coming back on 9 and 10. With my Garmin I should be able to execute the first half exactly and then leave my body to handle the second half, we will see.

    Your avg WHR still seems a little high for you for that pace, I would have expected you to be comfortably under 70%. Lets hope the knees behave and you can get out for more longer runs.

    I cannot watch the Rugby game until tonight but we did get to  a NHL hockey game at the local rink last night. If you have never been to a professional ice hockey game it is vey different. You have 20,000 peple in an indoor arena with loud disco style music and lights. It is very gladiatorial, where fighting is illegal but allowed with a minor penalty. The crowd love the fights so it happens at every game. Some players are on the side for that purpose only. The players are big and most have missing teeth and scars. One was carried off on a stretcher last night after being rammed head first into the boards. I can't say I am a fan but it can be entertaining every now and then.


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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all

    Two runs over the last few days

    8.19mi at 8.08 pace, faster miles at 7.33, 7.22, 7.40
    8.28 mi at 8.21 pace, fairly consistent pace except up Portsdown Hill

    Mileage for week only 24 but much higher quality (faster) than I'd intended when I set the target at 30.

    Next week have to be careful of mileage/quality as GSR on Sunday.

    Rugby was disappointing but could have been different if we hadn't given two silly penalties away in the first half.

    JJ good pace and great mileage. Well done on the weight loss, it makes such a big difference doesn't it.

    I was meant to be marshalling this morning but the car faild to start and by the time the the recovery man etc had been it was too late image

    Off to meet up with the kids late for a meal to celebrate Darrell's 17th birthday tomorrow.

    Mike T

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    JJ Congratulations in triplicate: impressive weight loss, impressive mileage and of course that 7:56 mile. Knowing you i bet there will be two of those put together very soon. End of the week perhaps?

    What's your estimate of JJ's time?
    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58
    K2       24.47
    DianaD 24.25
    Sharkie 24:15

    TS That run sounds to be all in the right direction so to speak. (But I bet you would have liked my track session today too - in just perfect conditions, more of that later)

    Diana Good training week Missis. Glad you had good weather to marshall in. It's EVEN worse standing around in bad weather than running in it.

    Hope the celebration meal is/was fun Empty. (PS - our footie's going quite well, yes?)

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    I hope everyone else enjoyed their Sunday running as much as I did mine. Another fab and really rewarding track session. Glorious weather, the sun was warm as well as bright and there was no wind to speak of, always a bonus. Mixed bag of 5 x 300s, 350s and 400s for the others, - the two 20 something girls did 300s and 350s - and 5 x 200 for me. Walk recoveries of 400m. for everyone.

    My legs felt pretty tired during the warm up and strides but it went really well. P. told me that again it was all about holding form, running relaxed, letting it flow (you try flowing on your 5th rep at 3:10/ 5:06 pace!)

    Standing at the 200m start I had to wait until someone was within @40 metres of me and then start myself. As a group we all got faster on each rep and P. was very pleased with more or less everyone. He told me I got noticeably faster and was holding form really well.

    And this is music to my ears - he says I look better the faster I run! So my fastest rep looked like the least effort. This is such good news for me - I couldn't quite believe what he was saying so I joked about it being better than the other way round, and he reiterated that my style was looking relaxed and 'easy' at the faster pace. Weh hey! Err - need I add it certainly isn't easy!

    And for once my times and distance will make sense to most of you so....
    So 5 X 200m - 41, 40, 39, 39, 38.

    Self timed on none hand held watch so not super accurate - but ballpark folks, ballpark!
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    Your track performances are really starting to flow and glow.  And why shouldn't I say so,  you are a fellow Aquarian after allimage    Aye, be pleased with the progress, I can foresee even better times to come.


    That most recent picture of yours is very, very much like the view from my mum's back garden, beyond the fence that is. As JJ says, it could easily be Lincolnshire in that case. Painting great as is all your efforts.


    I'm not pressuring you,  your mindset precludes that. I stick to my prediction!


    Like you I have to be careful this next week with Worksop HM a week away.  Not just to aim for fresh legs for the day but to avoid further problems with the groin niggles. Will do fairly easy softish runs 'til Thursday then no more.  It's too late now to put anymore "in bank",  whatever training has been done so far will have to do.  Que sera,sera.

    Last week's total mileage only 22 but I feel happy with that .

    Can't remember what was on previous pages. I'll look over them again later.

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    JJ How about the Christmas Pudding Dash in Battle - Ashburnham Place.

    And that's 39.4 to be strictly accurate!

    However, the boys were running their 400s in 58-9 seconds which is pretty good for reps...
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭


    What's your estimate of JJ's time?
    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58
    K2       24.47
    DianaD 24.25
    Sharkie 24:15
    Chouette 25:12

    Of course the new slimline JJ will thrash everyone after another month's training in November. It's looking more likely that I'll be there too as the friend I stay with in London has reminded me I can use her computer if I have to work that weekend.

    Good week's mileage. Take it really easy now and enjoy your taper.

    Wonder how LynneW got on in Amsterdam?

    I hope your groin injury eases soon.

    Mine seems to be OK. I had an extra day's rest on Saturday and ran 10.5k in glorious sunshine yesterday with no twinges. Total for the week: 32.4k (20 miles).

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    What's your estimate of JJ's time?
    MickC  24.53
    Impey 23.58
    K2       24.47
    DianaD 24.25
    Sharkie 24:15
    Chouette 25:12
    eMpTy 24.50

    I had an enjoyable evening with the kids, it was nice just to sit back at times and enjoy the banter between the three of them - something I really miss now they are older and don't come down regularly. 

    Chouette glad your injury seems better.

    As I'm working from home today hoping to get a lunchtime run in, which will make a nice change.

    Mike T 

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Is ceal back this week?

    8k before sunrise for me this morning, through the woods which were muddier than I had expected but gloriously still, with just a few startled blackbirds to register my passing. Average 65%WHR and 7:03m/km (11:21m/mile) pace - OK considering that I was reduced to walking in places.

    I've been browsing through some SmartCoach scheds. They look good and I like the steady build-up of mileage but I think the pace of the easy and long runs is too high.

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    Morning each,

    Red sky in morning not always a correct warning!  I bet it stays fine today for you.

    Glad you have got rid of groin discomfort, the one day rest seemed to work ok for you. I have had two consecutive norundays but the prob is still there.  Not that it seriously affects me when actually running but I am always mindful of it.
    Yesterday enjoyed trip to Derby Uni for giant antique fair,  followed by walk around the motor-bike haven of Matlock Bath.

    This week's taper will take the form of a medium run today, another on Wednesday albeit shorter and a rest Thursday, couple of miles either Friday or Saturday.

    Ceal could be back very, very soon.

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