
Sub 3



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    JEJ - yes, maybe 10k pace (~5:20 m/m) will be closer to reality
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    Coro / Padams,
    Don't know whether it comes down to age, or ability or both, but in the past for the 1st 7 attempts I had to try and sub-3 (allbetween 3:03 and 3:09) I did similar training to what yor plans suggest.
    Slower or faster than race pace, intervals and tempo faster and recovery and long runs slower.
    Certainly didn't do the trick for me. Like I said before, I am old (not Dull-like, but not too far off), and I don't have any natural running ability at all, so I changed my plans in desperation really.
    The 2 Hadd 80% runs became MP runs in Feb and March for me and, whether it was confidence and / or conditioning, the extra MP worked.

    My main problems in the past have been cramping within the last 10k, and so it may not have been just down to the dfifferent training (strongly suspect it was though), because I made other changes to my regime too.

    More than one way to skin a cat.

    TT,  The 2 x MP 10 milers were always 2 clear days apart, either Mon/Thurs or Tues/Fri.

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    Just to add to that, didn't do ANY speedwork until 13th March, and then did 1 session per week (replacing one of the MP 10 milers) for 5 weeks -
    last one 12th April.

    5 x 600m
    4,5,6 minutes, 5 mins recovery, 6,5,4 minutes, 1/2 mile job between reps.
    6 x 3/4 mile
    14 x 30secs
    3 x 1 mile

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    That was the mistake I made WW. Putting a 14 and a 10 @ MP back to back, instead of leaving a gap like you did, basically meant that the second was probably more anaerobic than aerobic and undoing a lot of the good from the first one.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TTBefore I knobbled my calf I was doing 10’s, 12’s and the odd 14’s. So I agree, as my calf gets stronger I will add 2 miles to the longest run each week. I guess I’m just being careful not to push it too far at the moment.

    I have no interest or aspirations in doing doubles, but then I pedal (a bit) twice a day and swim some lunchtimes already.

    A 20, 13, couple of 10’s and 8’s, already totals up to 69 miles in 6 runs, with the option of making it 75+ with a 7th run.

    I don’t intend on doing any more than that. I fail to see that a good few consistent months of that won’t be enough.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    You can still run off-road without a Garmin, you just go for time instead of miles.
    Your body doesn't really care !
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    Hmm, but I still think in terms of miles not minutes and Garmin fulfils my need to be able to log as accurately as possible how far I've run.
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    I know TR, but I like to know how far I've gone, and, more importantly at the moment, where I've been, as there's loads of little villages around, and if I spot someplace that I like the looks of, I can just retrace my route to find it (I'm a country boy really and would rather live in the middle of nowhere, but failing that, a small village would do). It's half running/half house hunting image

    Know what you mean with singles, I'll probably reach 80+ with just one double a week (but still only 6 runs as well) when my long run is up to max. Any doubles I throw in would only be to get used to running when tired/recovery (which I'll do closer to London for a few weeks).
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That wasn't a dig, others use them off road too - just saying !

    Reckon I'll be doing similar to you with less runs but making them all a bit further in a "seeing as I'm out there doing a bit I may as well do another couple" sort of way.
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    I didn't take it as a dig TR. I got a few houses to get Mrs TT to have a look at too. Prob way out of our price range, but fun looking.
    I think it's the way to go. Family commitments mean that my morning runs are easiest to fit in, and if I'm up and oout..... I'll be doing a few runs of the type Padams/coro mentioned, but will pad some of them out by making them combo runs as previously mentioned. Funnily enough, I was considering the viability of that some time back before it made an appearance in this month's RW, which made it a v. timely article for me.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Just me about tonight then !

    Did a proper bit tonight 4 out in 28 mins dead, 4 back in 26 min 27s. So av 6m 36 ish per on the way back - into a stiff breeze too, and it was nice and comfortable too.

    Now I know I've been doing some base building but for the last 5 ish miles my HRM reported a HR of between 58 and 62, with a final av of 85 !
    Gadgets eh ! Fckin useless - I'll stick to pumps and vest.

    6 running days in a row for 42 miles.

    Was about 30 sec too late at one point to see some poor fella on a MTB get lifted over the bonnet of a car on a main road. The bike, the car and the poor fella were in a right mess too.
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    ...eww the things you see when out running.   Was said cyclist ok?

    Enjoyed reading the training strategies - my own weekly schedule also focuses on the 3 key sessions: LSR, Tempo, LONG reps (in that order of importance if I need to prioritise), mileage volume comes in as a secondary consideration but I do respect it has a place too and have been slowly working at it over the last couple years (my "easy" pace is a lot faster than it was this time last year so I can fit a few more easy miles in image).

    Dull - interesting to hear you'll be cutting the mileage, hope it works for ya, I am sure the high volume you've put in will still pay off long term anyway. 

    TT/DoT its exploring country (esp. mountain country) that I enjoy the most.  I often study OS maps of remote parts of Scotland trying to find interesting looking places to run, quite often taking in a few summits, drinking from burns, not caring wether or not there's a trail, enjoy a great feeling of freedom when doing that stuff and its the kind of running I'll be focusing on once these marathon PBs dry up.  I couldn't resist running up Ben Nevis 10 days before Amsterdam - not exactly smart training but I was in the area on holiday and couldn't resist, fantastic scenery.

    Actually I've got my first hill race this weekend.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice to see you Gator, enjoy the hill race.

    Not sure if he was ok or not he was pretty still, there were folks looking anxiously over him. He'd smashed the windscreen and put a dent in the roof of the car.
    The bike was in several pieces.
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    Missed that about the mileage earlier Dull. Are you changing anything (i.e. quality wise) other than cutting back?

    Gatorade - yeah, it was great. Only downside is it'll be a v rare occurence for me as darkness and bumpy fields tend not to be good combos image Good luck for the hill race.

    TR - sounds nasty. Was he wearing lights, etc? I can't get over the amount of people who cycle in the dark wearing dark clothes and no lights. I nearly ran into one guy on a bike the other morning and thought if I can't see him, what chance does a car have?

    Good luck to all weekend racers, and as I'm probably only going to be on sporadically, if even that for the next week and a bit, good luck to any racers for the following weekend also....
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    Never mind cyclists, I've nearly taken out several fellow runners who don't wear anything reflective/pale, etc.  Maybe I take it to extremes, but when I run in the dark I have an LED 'arm-band' and reflective stuff, too, as there aren't street lights all the way round the Downs where I sometimes train.  I nearly swore at some on Wednesday night because they must have been able to see me but didn't move out of my way at all.  First I knew was about 4 paces out when their breathing became audible!

    Rant over.

    As you were.

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    That's "I nearly swore at some runners", btw
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    I was feeling a bit down this morning so I looked for something to read...


    This picked me up, inspired me - enjoy! 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Not sure if he survived or not, it’ll be in the local press no doubt.

    Got the afternoon off to replace the bath mixer tap (which wouldn’t turn off properly last night) should be a 1hr job – so I bet it takes about 6 !

    Didn’t intend on doing any running today – but I’ll miss my swim and pedal cos of the plumbing, so if I get the plumbing done in under 6 hours I could get a run,swim or pedal in later.

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    Coro / Padams,  Have you guys any thoughts / preferences on relay leg order for Tergat 222?
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    Morning all,

    TR - ouch, that sounds nasty. Being in London a lot I'm often glad I'm a runner not a cyclist - looks like absolute murder....

    So I went for my trot with Mr Vero and it seems he's getting some interest in that documentary of his. It apparently hinges on how close he can get to 2.25 in a Spring marathon (either London or Rotterdam probably.) Given that he's run a 73min half and seems to be improving that by about 2min every 6 months I suppose that a sub 2.30 has to be possible. Be interesting to see how he goes anyway....

    Gearing myself up for an LSR today (hopefully about 18m) - first one for ages as haven't been marathon training this year. Me and LSRs generally don't get on (am more built for speed) so not overly looking fwd to it.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That’s not really the right “at ee chewed” is it ?

    You need to learn to love your long run cos of what it’ll do for you at FLM. Forget about the run being 18 miles and go for 2hr + run instead. Changing the mindset will help.
    Cos I only used to do 30-45 min runs, the thought of a 20 seemed a massive chore for me, but once I got my head focussed on going out for a 2h 30 run instead of a 20, I so it as less of a chore.
    Anyway you’ve a nice day for it, I wish I got daylight running time in the week.

    I thought I was built like sprinter and you were built like a high jumper.

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    NM2 I'd be more interested in Mr Vero as a film maker if he made a documentary about someone else running. As it is, the video extracts and photos I have seen are corny in the extreme because he hasn't got the editorial objectivity to portray himself in anything other than a flattering light ("our hero does another tough session").  In any case, there are many more interesting and worthy candidates if the documentary is to be sold as "the Road To Beijing".

    And I'd be more interested in Mr Vero as a runner if he wasn't banging on about his bliddy documentary. In that context he's an ordinary guy doing the best he can (like all of us here) and good luck to him.

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    TR - heh, you're right, I am a bit of a beanpole (unflattering nick-name at university: "Nick the Stick) , but I guess I just have more of those fast-twitch fibres. And thinking about it - it's not really that I don't enjoy the LSR - for the first hour and a half or so - it's great, and there's some fantastic countryside around here to explore too. It's just that for me, the last 30min of an LSR are more painful than the lung-busting 400m rep type stuff. let's just say, it;s not something that comes naturally to me....

    R_B: yeah you may have a point there. I haven't actually seen any clips of the documentary so I don't know about it's tone or anything (though he says his own story will only make up about a third of it once it's complete - the rest is a more general discussion about the decline of British distance running etc). I guess I'm therefore going more on Vero the runner (in which I have to take my hat off to him on his achievements) than Vero the documentary maker. He's certainly shaking things up anyway, which sometimes isn't a bad thing in my book.

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    Hmmm - maybe I should embrace that nick-name.....NM2 is a bit on the dull side.
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    NM2 - What pace do you do your long runs at?  Maybe too fast if the last 30 mins are tough?

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    JEJ - apparently the first leg is shorter than the other two, so I wouldn't mind doing that one!

    I can't see Mr Vero getting close to 2.25 in the spring. At best he could just break 2.30 (hopefully not 2.29.19), but 2.25 is quite a jump from 2.30 (and he hasn't run 2.30 yet).

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    EdB - yep, I used to do em way too fast and that was when I wasn't doing many miles either so that's probably why I used to dread em. But I've learnt a bit more now so don't worry, today I'll be going out nice and slow..... hopefully that'll allow me to smell the roses a bit more - even in the last few miles. I'll let you know anyway.... 
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    WW - I've read that account before.  Now, I don't mind a bit of a long race myself; but there's a line between impressive and just plain sad.  Mr Brown has more than crossed that line image

    On a separate note, my usual pre-marathon race in the spring, the Kingston 16 mile Breakfast Run, is being held on 30th March - two weeks before FLM as opposed to the usual three.  I'd normally have no issue with a half a fortnight out, but not sure about racing 16 miles.  Any opinions?  Will a fortnight be enough for full race recovery?

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    Hail Hail

    Ya f***ing dancer!!!!!!!!

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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭

    Everybody's talking all this stuff about him
    Why don't they just let him live
    He don't need permission
    Make his own decisions
    That's his prerogative

    I had a deep tissue massage last night.  Everything seems reasonably ok, but it was noted that one of my thighs takes after Stuart Pearce, but the other takes after Yossi Benayoun.  I suspect all the recent cycling is to blame (my muscular assymetry was never quite so bad when I was just running).  Any advice?

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