
Over 60s training.



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    Morning all.

    Club handicap tonight 2.8m, 1 hill x 2 & curry for supper, what more could you ask for.

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    Afternoon all.


    Hope you club speed training goes well tonight. My next speed training will be Serpies image


    Good luck with your Club handicap tonight.

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    LOL JJ.

    A huge well done to you on that huge mara pb.  I'm sure all the training will help you to a good 5k time at the mass Serpies gathering.

    Tuesday is my new long run day and I did my 10 miles today in 1 hr 55, much of it on a gold -and-tan carpet of leaves and in a sunny 2°. Gorgeous. The last 20 minutes were tough going, though. Average 68%WHR.

    Keeping this short as arthritis has flared up in my right finger joints for some reason and typing is painful. Better than a running injury, I suppose. But I am lurking so y'all behave now!


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    That is a nice run. What out for hiden holes under the leaves. Hippo fell over in our marathon on hiden hole.

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    Afternoon all!

    We are talking about running, aren't we?

    Sounds perfect! Good luck.

    At least at Serpies I'll have someone I know to follow!

    You run sounds great. Sorry to hear about arthritic fingers.

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    Good news. I have just finished opening all the unopened envelopes. Very lucrative. It took me six hours altogether to go through the boxes and open any letters that hadn't been opened.

    I'm trying to work out what the next stage should be (other than divorce which is perhaps a bit drastic).

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    good luck with the speed session tonight and remember easy easy does it.

    Upgraded chart with Tracey's 5k PB


    I saw an article recently about blood pressure while running. It seems that pulse pressure, that is the difference between the two readings which is normally 40, can increase to as much as 100 while exercising. Anyone with any experience with actually measuring it and what does it mean if yours doesn't increase or increases too much.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    sorry to hear about your arthritis, does it affect any other joints beside your hands. Does it affect your running?


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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Thanks Tracey, K2 and MickC

    X-rays show it in my knees and hips too but so far only the odd twinge and stiffness, nothing that hinders my running.

    Doc says running will make it worsen faster but even if that's true I reckon the overall health benefits of running outweigh the drawbacks. And once I get moving I'm fine
    - sitting in the same position for too long is the killer!

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Intervals todayand I even enjoyed them.
     Tuesday, November 13, 2007
     2007-11-13  4-305TCX RifleRange, Intervals 8x400m, sun, 8c, felt strong

     Avg Pace =  3 mins 53.991 secs
     Fastest Lap Pace =  Lap 20 -  3 mins 44
     Slowest Lap Pace =  Lap 6 -  3 mins 57.
     Total Selected Time =  12 mins 48.190 secs
     Total Selected Distance = 3.28 kms
     Average Heart Rate = 147 bmp  Average WHR = 70.9%

     Lap06 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.25 ml,  Pace = 03:57 per km, 06:22 per ml
     Lap06 Avg HR = 153, Percent WHR = 75

     Lap08 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.26 ml,  Pace = 03:56 per km, 06:20 per ml
     Lap08 Avg HR = 158, Percent WHR = 78

     Lap10 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.25 ml,  Pace = 03:56 per km, 06:21 per ml
     Lap10 Avg HR = 161, Percent WHR = 80

     Lap12 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.25 ml,  Pace = 03:53 per km, 06:15 per ml
     Lap12 Avg HR = 160, Percent WHR = 79

     Lap14 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.26 ml,  Pace = 03:54 per km, 06:18 per ml
     Lap14 Avg HR = 162, Percent WHR = 81

     Lap16 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.26 ml,  Pace = 03:53 per km, 06:15 per ml
     Lap16 Avg HR = 162, Percent WHR = 81

     Lap18 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.25 ml,  Pace = 03:54 per km, 06:16 per ml
     Lap18 Avg HR = 162, Percent WHR = 81

     Lap20 Distance = 00.41 km, 00.26 ml,  Pace = 03:44 per km, 06:01 per ml
     Lap20 Avg HR = 166, Percent WHR = 83

    I would have thought that the running would have help stop your joints from stiffening up but I guess there is the wear and tear to worry about.


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    Who's K2?

    What's running?


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I am interested in adding pyramids to my speed workouts, but when you do them is it an all out effort or do you try and run them all at a similar pace that is each element of the pyramid rather than each set
    You did the following three times if I understand things correctly
           800 - 4:22/km
           600 - 4:10/km
           400 - 4:35/km
    When I used to do them as part of my 10k training it was go up and then down at a pace that was consistent across them all. Typical would be 1 lap, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 at just faster than the target race pace.
    Was your recovery active or passive?
    The way to go JJ, this really bodes well for your recovery. Let us know how the legs feel when you get up tomorrow.

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Morning everyone. Fingers a bit better this morning. These things are very cyclical and I've had a hectic few weeks.

    I said K2 too, sorry. Have read back a bit but can't find why you are opening envelopes or why you changed your name...

    Yes, I've taken glucosamine for about three years and it healed my knee. Or was that the physiotherapy, custom insoles or conscious effort to improve posture? The positive side of these oldie aches and pains is that they force me to take a closer look at how I can help myself.
    Hope the legs are OK this morning. Pyramid or no, that was a tough session.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good mroning all, Keep the typo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a great set of 400's yesterday. Re the blood pressure bit whilst running, I have no idea. Hippo would know more about it, but she seems to have completely deserted us these days.

    I don't know how you do it. How many weeks is it now since come back? Like MickC, a great set of intervals. How are the legs today????? Or even tomorrow!

    I am trying to think of a sequel to TLC that will help me remember your name!!!!! Did you find any more cheques in the unopened envelopes??? Maybe you should get all your post redirected to the shop!

    hello, your back, good. Sorry to hear about your arthritis, I am presuming it is of the Osteo-a sort. I am sure that keeping the muscles strong must help support the joints, that's what I'm hoping anyway! You seem to have kept your running going well during your unexpected visit to UK. We never did hear how your reflexology course went. When is your next module? 

    I visited Profeet yesterday amongst other things. This is my custom made inners for my running shoes. I have to change my make of shoe, as Asics have changed the design of my style of shoe. Typical!!! They did not have my size, so it is being ordered. They are Brooks Glycerin. I tried a size smaller to run on the treddie with and they felt nice. I also ordered a pair of trail shoes, as I dislike the one's I have, they give me blisters. But I will run with them today. I think!

    I have a Julian session today.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    How is the decorating coming along, it sounded like a big task to me. No kneeling, I trust!!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I am not sure what to wear for running today, it feels very cold in the hosue even with the heating on!!!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    How is the decorating coming along, it sounded like a big task to me. No kneeling, I trust!!
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    Morning all.

    Of out this morning for a recovery run.

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    Morning all

    (Keep snuggling under the duvet wishes to you)
    Unopened envelopes - K3 is very(!) bad at dealing with paperwork so I decided to go through all the boxes. I kept finding uncashed cheques. Think I've found them all at last.

    Name change - I was the only lady doing XC for my club on Sunday so managed to be team leader (and almost last runner). I'm making the most of my moment of glory as it won't last long!

    The name will be back to K2 soon (see above).

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    off to work.


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    Morning all

    Didn't make it to running club, an accident blocked the road and brought down electric cables.  We ended up in 4 wheel drives on the sea wall defences and farmers fields to get home, so went out for a 4.5m run instead.

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    3.27mi; 38:30; 11:46/mi
    Consistent or just plain boring? Well I enjoy the running so that's not boring but reading the results is. So consistent is a handy euphemism.


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    3 miles done and legs are ok.
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    JJ yes I got home earlier than if I'd waited for the road to clear.
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    Hi folks

    I've had a struggle to reach my 30mpw target for the past couple of weeks, because life has been a bit too eventful - but I've just about managed it.

    The weekend in Lisbon was lovely, but cr*p for running. I asked the hotel receptionist about the large green area nearby on the map re my morning run. He looked horrified, shook his head vigourously and said "Not safe! Not safe!" I was imagining bandits, packs of wild dogs, or even snakes - but apparently the danger was traffic - a motorway, a railway line and 2 dual carriageways between me and the green bits.

    When we got back our electricity had packed up - no lights and no heat. £150 emergency electrician callout (plus Vat) and we now have lights but still no heat. I've come to work to get warm.

    My son was home for a sad reason - his close schoolfriend died very suddenly age 25 from a brain tumour, and it was the funeral on Monday. Puts the rest into perspective, eh?

     Also I had an exam. After swearing never agin when I got my higher professional qualifications, I weakened and I'm doing beginner's Japanese at the University. It was my first oral exam last night.

    I'm now off to Ludlow for 3 days to see clients - at least there's some decent lanes for running there, so trying for another 30 mile week.

    JJ, TS, ceal and anyone else - can I start some speedwork now to target my Feb 10k? And what sort of sessions will really work?

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