
Over 60s training.



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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Great look forward to it.
    A bit worrying about the knees, are you sure training for a mara is a good idea? What seems to aggravate them the most, running long or fast?
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear about the calves, which sound very much how one of mine was last week. Icing and stretching sorted it surprisingly quickly.

    I'm sure aws could draw a veil of invisibility over the gym building.

    Mild and sunny morning here. I chose a flattish 11.6k route, decided to run a negative split, and did -- about a minute's difference between out and back. Here are the splits (the hill is easy to spot) with average WHR in brackets.

    6:36   (62%)
    6:56   (62%)
    6:46   (63%)
    6:46   (65%)
    6:48   (66%)
    6:42   (65%)
    7:04   (70%)
    6:20   (72%)
    6:14   (76%)
    6:28   (74%)
    6:28   (70%)
    and 3:46 (76%) to finish

    HR peaked at 82% during the fastest ks (8 and 9) and at the end. 

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    I did 14 miles this morning, I wanted to do 18+ but too tired from lack of sleep.

    Ceal -  Just before I switch my Garmin on I told Bernard about your prombles with yours, and then mine would not bloody turn on. Bernard press a couple of buttons and got it working. Just what you need before a LSR.

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    Chou I'm not actually sure about a veil of invisibility, I've never actually seen one clearly enough to know how to draw it, actually.


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    Hi peeps,

    Answering Chou and Mick's question: I have a 1/2 marathon on the 17th of Feb and a full marathon on the 30th of March.

    I think the reason i am doing well (at the moment) is because I run with fresh legs. Oh, and i am taking one day off every 3 or 4 days.

    The cycling is helping with keeping my heart fit and not pounding the legs. The impact on the legs of running every day was getting to me.

    Ceal, i did it on the tready. Too icy to run outside at the moment. If the weather warms up i will be doing my next 15M at Stone Mountain Park. there is a 5M loop there so i will try it.

    JJ, I forgot to mention how impressive your time and position were for the 10M. Great job!!!

    K2, it sounds like you may be in need of a good session of sports massage on your calves(preferably done my a fit fireman!)

    Tracey, you are turning into an ultra machine!

    Ceal, your session makes me want to have a lie down. How do your legs feel?

    Happy birthday to Impey and Sharkie for tomorrow! imageimage
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    running .........................................................................

    very nice. The last full K is very impressive - same speed with decreased HR. Had you found another downhill??

    only 14 miles - go out and do the other 4image
    very good going on sleep deprivation

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    Chou, i forgot to asnwer your question about my mileage. I have been running by time. I do between 1h and 1h30 minutes runs. my pace varies from between 6M/h to 7M/h. The only exception was my 15M run that i measured in miles.

    I haven't done any structured training. i just try and run 3xweek and cycle 2 to 3x week. I do one long run (1h30)weekly and will start doing some runs at 1/2 marathon pace or maybe tempo.

    I just do what I feel like doing and i have been taking 2 to sometimes 3 days off (not in a row). I did 4x1M intervals about two weeks ago with 10minutes warm up and cool down.

    Before i got ill with the cold i was doing lots of cycling.

    I have to start some structured training urgently.
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    VO2 Max - Chapter 14 (c) Torque Steer (can't be too careful with other budding authors around image)

    VO2 Max = maximum volume of oxygen that the body can consume during whole body exercise whilst breathing air at sea level

    Remember my previous chapters on aerobic and lactate threshold and the connection becomes obvious. Aerobic is with oxygen and lactate threshold is the steady state at which the body produces energy without resorting to anaerobic effort thus producing lactate.

    So oxygen uptake is the ultimate regulator of performance and as oxygen consumption is linearly related to energy expenditure when oxygen consumption is measured one is indirectly measuring an individual's maximal capacity to do do work aerobically.

    Now what controls oxygen uptake?

    Well it depends is the answer. No fence sitting but it is different for a range of reasons.

    In the well trained, aerobially fit, athlete (notice we come back to that A word again -can't get away from it!!) oxygen delivery limits VO2 max. It has been shown that the capacity of skeletal muscle to use oxygen exceeds the heart's capacity to supply it. What is more the body will not switch resources from essential body functions to supply muscle demands.

    Now in the less well trained, aerobically fit person, skeletal muscle capacity can be the limiting factor ( the A word again!!). This is not counter to the above but because muscles have not been trained to maximal oxidative capacity they cannot use all the oxygen supplied to them. Which is why if you are not aerobically fit it does not matter a damn whether you breathe 1/1 or 4/4 or any other dance sequence it will not affect the capacity of the muscles to use more oxygen, they simply do not have the capacity to do so.

    Hope you all can now see the fit between aerobically fit, lactate threshold and VO2 max.

    Running is simple but the science behind it is not and the boundaries to peformance are constantly being improved, even in the UK if one takes Paula Radcliffe as an absoute examplar of someone who trains very scientifically, by people who understand what goes in to improved performance.

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    While I remember - I sent an email to the ladies a couple fo days ago.
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    TS 'So oxygen uptake is the ultimate regulator of performance'

    What about the central governor theory? (Noakes)

    I've found a link if you ain't got his doorstopper of a book (aka the distance runner's bible)

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     I paraphrased 17 pages into "It has been shown that the capacity of skeletal muscle to use oxygen exceeds the heart's capacity to supply it. What is more the body will not switch resources from essential body functions to supply muscle demands."

    which is basically the central governor theory writ small by me!!!

    Anyway such an interest in these matters from a sprinter displays a welcoming return to the proper pursuit of perfection.......................image

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    As training to improve VO2 max and LT are different, what are the obvious indicators of defficiency in either area, so you can tailor your training?
    You have often talked about aerobic training which I am now a believer. I have always assumed that intervals help maxmise VO2 max, but how do you know what mix of training you need? My current half schedule calls for alternating a weekly speed workout between intervals and tempo with the rest of the mileage aerobic miles. This is obviously a compromise generic programme.

    Of course my board meeting dragged on and I could get out so it looks like the treadie for me tonight or if I can get away early a run in the dark and soft snow.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    For those that are interested, a US RW review of the new Garmin 405

    Garmin 405 video

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    K2- Thanks indeed for the email *big smiles*

    Ceal - typical, today my rest day and couldn't switch it around if i could been out all day theres no wind. totally jealous

    spud - Good training

    thats all to report really be back later

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    No, no downhill but I think the relief of having nearly finished a run makes me relax as I often get that lower HR effect near the end.

    Now, assuming that I fall into your second category (less well trained but aerobically fit, and muscles can't use all the oxygen supplied to them), does that mean I might need to do more strength training?

    Thanks for the details of what sounds like a wonderfully laid-back training programme. You clearly have a lot of natural talent. What is your pb for the half?

    I was saying the other day (though I think not on this thread) that my best month of training last year was the one when I did the most cycling and I'm planning to do a lot more after my half.

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    Evening all

    Track session - 5 x 1000m at 5k pace with 200m jog/walk recovery. I was a bit late and only did 4k.
    Splits, measurements approxinate:
    5:54       (9:31 m/m)
    5:36       (9:01)
    5:43       (9:23)
    5:48       (9:07)

    Not great but it felt useful.

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    TS - Have you got any more races booked?

    JJ - I really hate LSR's, but love marathons. So I will just have to learn to enjoy them.

    K2- You have your speed back.

    Chouette - I don't know where you find the time to do all your running.

    I will be cross training with the ironing tomorrow image

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    I've not got it back yet - mcmillan gives me an equivalent marathon time of 5:24.

    Some work to be done.

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    K2 - What is you marathon pb?

    JJ - Have you got a race this weekend?

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    4:57:12, Abingdon 2005

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    K2 Don't say things like that, that's what I want.


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    Hi everyone,

     Chou, my PB is 1h53m??s. It was the New Forest 1/2 and it was at the time i was training for tris.

    JJ, I will have to find some structure for my training soon. It;s just that I am thinking about the tris but haven't been swimming. If i want to improve  my 1/2s and marathon running i will have to do something more serious. Also, i have had times when i could not do any training because of tiredness so I missed too much time.

    I am starting to do a longer run once a week. I was doing 1h30 but I will start doing 15 to 20M. 15M this Saturday and, depending how I feel I will do 20M the following Saturday. I am also planning on doing a tempo run alternating it with some intervals once a week and one easier day. I may change one of the cycling sessions for a running one. At the moment I am doing 2 easy/recovery bike sessions and one hard work/hills session. All on the turbo.

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    have a good one
    orft travelling for next two days - ondt' get up to any mischief on here. Queries answerd when I return!!!

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    Happy Birthday to Sharkie and Impey xx
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    cealceal ✭✭✭


    a nice negative split yesterday.

    I hope you got more sleep last night.

    such bad luck about your rest day being on a no wind day.

    yes, thanks, received the happy emails.  That was a tough track session last night. I would not have liked to have found it sitting on my schedule!!!!!

    not sure if you ran yesterday, or was it last night with your Club?

    you are doing some excellent dedicated training at the moment.

    I haven't mentioned it much but ever since RW changed their website, I keep having problems getting onto it. In get redscreened and extremely slow. It makes getting here very tedious sometimes.


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