
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭


    Maggie's Mike finished in 3:45.36

    Stewart finished in 3:58.32

    JJ finished in 4:04.58

    A HUGE well done to all of them.

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    HI ceal - I suspected you'd be first in with some results.
    Huge congrats to all of them.

    How will they feeel about those times? What did Empty do in Canada last year? Is that a PB for Stewart?

    No news of Pammie, Wicked Witch, Hippo and Diana yet?
    What about MickC?

    Happy Birthday K2 xxxxx

    Me an Mr. S. have both been sprinting this morning. Track was open and beautifully sunny for the whole session.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Briefly, both Pammie and Diana have run pb's and I think Hippo has too. I'm not sure of hipps pb but I think they are all massive pb's.
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    ceal Massive PB for Hippo - just checked. And didn't she do two back to back maras at connemara last weekend? In her own words.... THUD.

    I think all our girls done good!

    But what of MickC?
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I can find nothing on MickC's race page as yet.
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    Wow! What great running!  Many congrats to all FLMer's especially those with pb's  imageimageimageimageimage

    Although MikeT was about 10 mins ahead of my Mike and Stewart and JJ were not far behind we did not see any of them!  But we saw our Mike twice, just before 9 and just after 17.  Got wet and a bit chilly but at least it went to plan this year.  journey home took ages, just missed trains at every station!  Friend cooking Sunday lunch for us  image

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Stewart home safe and sound and tired and elated. 12 min pb.
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    ceal That's a great PB for Stewart - especially as he hasn't been able to do all the training he would have liked to. Please pass on my heap big congratulations. And let's just hope he's not SO elated he wants to do it again and knock another huge chunk off! image

    Will he do us a report please?
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Back from my battle, I see we have lots of news on our FLMers, well done to you all.

    Race Report
    My race was tough. I arrived at the start to find we had a strong cold headwind and at 1c it was a bit chilly to start with. My ears were all unplugged which was good and I felt ready to give it all.
    The course is two laps along side the canal and round a small lake, pretty but the wind can be very variable. It is a relatively small race so I had plenty of room even though two races were started at the same time the half and a 10k.
    I knew I was going to have some problems after the first 5k
     Lap01 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:36 per km, 07:25 per ml
     Lap01 Avg HR = 150, Percent WHR = 72, Avg Cadence = 84

     Lap02 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:37 per km, 07:26 per ml
     Lap02 Avg HR = 164, Percent WHR = 82, Avg Cadence = 84

     Lap03 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:40 per km, 07:30 per ml
     Lap03 Avg HR = 168, Percent WHR = 85, Avg Cadence = 83

     Lap04 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:44 per km, 07:38 per ml
     Lap04 Avg HR = 172, Percent WHR = 87, Avg Cadence = 83

     Lap05 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:40 per km, 07:30 per ml
     Lap05 Avg HR = 173, Percent WHR = 88, Avg Cadence = 82

    23:18 was on pace but it had cost me when we were running into the wind
    The next 5k confirmed it, this was not going to be a PB day just too tough for me.

     Lap06 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:46 per km, 07:40 per ml
     Lap06 Avg HR = 175, Percent WHR = 89, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap07 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:44 per km, 07:38 per ml
     Lap07 Avg HR = 176, Percent WHR = 90, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap08 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:44 per km, 07:37 per ml
     Lap08 Avg HR = 178, Percent WHR = 91, Avg Cadence = 83

     Lap09 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:48 per km, 07:43 per ml
     Lap09 Avg HR = 178, Percent WHR = 91, Avg Cadence = 83

     Lap10 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:51 per km, 07:49 per ml
     Lap10 Avg HR = 177, Percent WHR = 91, Avg Cadence = 82

    47:17 still on pace but it had cost way too much the next 10k was going to be hanging on.
    As you can see I am redlining already.

     Lap11 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:37 per km, 07:26 per ml
     Lap11 Avg HR = 177, Percent WHR = 91, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap12 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:43 per km, 07:35 per ml
     Lap12 Avg HR = 179, Percent WHR = 92, Avg Cadence = 83

     Lap13 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:39 per km, 07:30 per ml
     Lap13 Avg HR = 179, Percent WHR = 92, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap14 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:47 per km, 07:42 per ml
     Lap14 Avg HR = 179, Percent WHR = 92, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap15 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:48 per km, 07:44 per ml
     Lap15 Avg HR = 180, Percent WHR = 93, Avg Cadence = 82

    1:10:50 still within reach but I am tiring fast and now I have to battle the wind to get home. 

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Race Report continued

    I am holding my position well so everyone is having trouble too.
    As I turn around the lake I know this is going to hurt but I was determined to try and hang on to something respectable at least.

     Lap16 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:51 per km, 07:49 per ml
     Lap16 Avg HR = 179, Percent WHR = 92, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap17 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:51 per km, 07:48 per ml
     Lap17 Avg HR = 180, Percent WHR = 93, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap18 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 04:49 per km, 07:46 per ml
     Lap18 Avg HR = 180, Percent WHR = 93, Avg Cadence = 82

    Now I am fast a small incline into the wind to get to the finish line and I am digging deep for this

     Lap19 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:09 per km, 08:17 per ml
     Lap19 Avg HR = 181, Percent WHR = 93, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap20 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:09 per km, 08:17 per ml
     Lap20 Avg HR = 180, Percent WHR = 93, Avg Cadence = 81

     Lap21 Distance = 01.00 km, 00.62 ml,  Pace = 05:08 per km, 08:16 per ml
     Lap21 Avg HR = 182, Percent WHR = 94, Avg Cadence = 82

     Lap22 Distance = 00.15 km, 00.09 ml,  Pace = 04:34 per km, 07:22 per ml
     Lap22 Avg HR = 183, Percent WHR = 95, Avg Cadence = 81

    I am home in a disappointing 1:41:32 Garmin time. The distance was very close so an accurate course.

    I should be upset with this but I managed to redline, that is >90% WHR for over 72% of the course. That translates to 1 hour and 13 minutes with my heart rate over 90%. Last year on the same course I was 64% so I cannot say I didn't try hard enough.
    Sorry Tracey, Pammie but I lost your FETCH points


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I can feel the effort you put into the race. I am tired just reading about your redlining. Can one redline for that long???? Well you did. But maybe your MHR is higher than you think. Not wanting to take away any of the  effort glory you put into the race. I am not sure what your Pb for a half is. But a very well done for running so very well with a bad wind blowing at you for a lot of the race. You certainly trained hard enough for it. Is there another one soon????? I hope you have a good rest and a good food binge. Where did you finish in your age-group?

    thanks, your message has been passed on. On asked if he will do it again, he says "maybe". But he didn't like the pain in his hip for the last 6 miles though.  

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    Congratulations to all FLMers and to Mick!

    Conditions weren't great but you put in a lot of effort. you can't do better.

    Superb pb.

    Excellent time.

    A big THANK YOU for all the good wishes and an extra one to Pammie for the sparkly card!

    Club group running from Chepstow up Wye Valley Walk route to Tintern, then back down Offa's Dyke path. I started in Chepstow up Offa's Dyke and turned back near the Devil's Pulpit Garmin had low battery so I've no idea how far it was but we guess I did about 10.5 in total.

    Superb views over Wye and Severn, beautiful woods, cliffs, etc. All topped off by glorious sunshine.

    Back home to watch tv coverage of mara.

    Son just about to cook me a birthday meal.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    My over 60 PB is 1:40:10 set on this course last year hence the reason for my high hopes. My max is 190 I don't think that it is any higher than that. I have certainly have never seen anything over 190 in over two years of continuously monitoring it. My resting is 42 but even if that is wrong it doesn't have much effect on the percentages.
    I have lots of races to chose from over the next couple of months. I will see if I can find one with a nice flat and fast course. Summer comes very fast here with high temps so it will have to be soon or I will have to wait until the autumn for another PB attempt.
    I managed to scrap a second place in my age group but not even remotely close to the guy that won. He ran 1:32 but he was a couple of minutes off his usual pace so some encouragement there.
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    MickC That was a tough tough race as your report so clearly shows. That you know how tough it was is shown by your acceptance - if not satisfaction - with your time. Really well fought through (and thought through!) Second in your age group is JUST GREAT. A huge well done and lots of love from me.
    xxxxx sharkie
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Just got home from FLM. Had to pick Andre up from his nans. It was horrible weather for the baggage. Got soaked a good few times. The first person I saw finish was Pammie, then Diana, 
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    evening all

    tough, tough race - well done. Some days are just not PBs no matter what the effort and wind is normally the determining factor particularly on a two lap course. Comparably you have done very well with the age group winner in time terms.


    great run from you look forward to hearing more details of it

    pass on congrats to Stewart - less is more for him in trainingimage

    look forward to hearing other reports

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    sorry to leave you manning the wires Ceal but I had forgotten someone (not me!!) had arranged for me to meet the wedding photographer today to go through the venues. Really nice in pouring rain after getting wet through this am...................................................

    Had to bale out of my run this am with both a pain in the upper achilles/calf and a knee - opposite legs.
    Maybe a surfeit of red wine and over vigourous exertions on the dance floor had promoted such pains but they were bad enough to call a halt to proceedings with only 5.5 miles doneimage

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    Back home now, tired but pleased. I can't get onto the FLM site at the moment for chip result, but by my garmin, I finished in 4:47:43, and I ran ALL THE WAY!! Really pleased, as I hoped for sub 5, really hoped for sub 4:50, and to manage to run all the way, so a fantastic result for me. Previous FLM in 2006 took me 5:32:34.

    Daughter has just rung to say my chip time was under 4:47:30. I got to the halfway in 2:24:50, so a negative split by a whisker. The last few miles really hurt - hips were aching, but not feeling too bad now. Will be having a really early night.

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    Happy birthday K2, and well fought, MickC - shame that the conditions conspired against you.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    ((((JJ)))) - You gave it your all and that is all you can do. Well done for trying so hard.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the virtual hugs Sharkie, its appreciated.

    I am with you all the way, know exactly how you are feeling at least  mentally. I hope the pains disappear soon. Finishing a marathon at our age is an achievement in it self. I think you and I are out of the same mold we are our greatest critics.

    Yes I made some comparisons to others and it seems that everyone fell short so I am not feeling too bad about it. IThe results are now posted and I found that my 10k split would have won the 10k over 60 so that helps a bit too.
    I have also found another race on May 4th to give it another try.


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    Evening all.

    PB by 6mins but disappointed with time 5.28, but I will not be trying to better it, I will not be doing another marathon.

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    Got onto site, and a correction - finish time 4:47:59. I got to the halfway point in 2:24:36
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    Mike felt that missing two long runs may not have helped him ... he is pleased with his time although it was not a pb ... second half 6 mins slower than first ... not on camera finishing as he was just after Gordon Ramsey!!  He says he is feeling it now although felt good after his massage!  He sends sympathy to JJ as do I.

     WW you should be pleased with your pb you earned it!

    Well done Diana, Pammie, Stewart and Empty  imageimage

    MickC a really tough race and you gave it your all, second place for age is great so well done for that!

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    Diana That's a fabulous achievement for you, and so well deserved and well trained for. I bet you are - as they say - over the moon. Negative split is absolutely brilliant. I am really impressed. Stonkingly well run missis!

    JJ Hmm, I knew you wouldn't be satisfied with that very good time. Course PB is excellent news, 2 years older and course PB is even better. You would be the first to agree that the marathon is emphaticcally NOT your distance - I reckon you will be looking forward to some excellent race times, 10k s and 10 milers spring to mind, off the back of your diligent and well executed training. Yes? Anyway, well run sir whether you like it or not!

    Wicked Witch Another dis-satifsied customer? With a 6 minute PB! And you nearly didn't run it.... well done lass!
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    Know you must be disappointed JJ & MickC after all the hard work not getting the pay off, but hey its only a race, and you tried your best and thats all that counts.

    well done DianaD that is a massive PB.

    Off to bed now to see if I can sleep, my body is aching.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Witch - Well done today. Sorry it was not the time you were looking for. Sleep well.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I know how you feel, but just think of the 10k race times etc you will get from all your training. Mara's are hard and I think you did well with the training since your knee op etc. In fact Very well.

    negative split in a mara, wow I am well impressed. Just think what you will do next time.

    well done on your pb, sensible decision not to run another maraimage

    well done on 2nd placing. what did you win. Cheers to the over 60's today.

    dancing, that's no allowed. I hope crock bits feel a little easier tomorrow.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Evening all

    Big, big congrats to all my fellow FLMers a geat set of results. JJ course PB and two years older is a plus, don't be so hard on yourself.

    Mick sounds like a tough run, I'll read back again tomorow when the brain is functioning.

    Tracey sorry not to see you but my lorry was on the "otherside" and the legs weren't working that well at that time !!

    My race was great to about 23 miles when quads/hammies/calf's all sarting to tighten up but full "breakdown" tomorrow. Official time corrected to 3:33:53 which is a PB by 9.06mins, so pleased but disapointed not to go under 3:30 but not as disappointed as a fellow Jogger who clocked 3.00.04 !!

    Badly affected by "coming up behind" the gentleman in his thong suit with Free on one cheek and Tibet on the other. Quickly overtook him but was getting changed when he came to collect his bag, and he had to do a twirl in front of each lorry - there was a lot noise from the ladies image

    Mike T

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