
Lucozade Sport Super Six: CC2 - Speedy Goth



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    Not sure what to laugh at first, the 'child' reference, or the 'saint' reference! I'm 29 and did you not see the rest of the week? Mars bar, turkish delight and large choc crispy cake all featured in there. I ain't no saint! image

    I just have a race tomorrow, that's all image

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    good luck tomorrow CC2 -  can't help with the green screen but will let you know if I find out!
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    *determines to never post her grub on here*

    Even though she's quite good....

    Most of the time. image

    And as you're not yet 30, you're just a pup! image (Wish I was 29 again)image

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    Good luck in the race.

    Looks like it might be windy.

    Try and run it steadily initially ie go out closer to 1:40 than 1:35 pace and run a controlled realxed race in the first half then try and build pace and work hard over the second half.

    I think you should be content with anything under 1:40 but best to do that by going out 1:40 pace and getting quicker than going out at 1:35 pace and slowing. Save the sub 1:35 for October!

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    I had a feeling you'd say something like that! My usual style is to go off like a loon at 6.30 pace, pass the 10k mark in close to a PB for that distance then hang on for dear life!

    I'll give it a go though. But, 1.40 pace???? I haven't run a half that slowly since 2006 and I really couldn't be happy with anything over 1.38 unless it was either really hot, really windy or really hilly. I don't think it will be any of those things. How about a compromise? I make a real effort to not go off at crazy pace and aim for 1.38 pace instead? Then try to pick it up a bit because really I want to get 1.36.58.

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    Oooooh  speedy is getting rebellious  image

     Hope you don't mind me saying but I'd listen to the expert if I were you  image.     

    This is an ideal opportunity to experiment with a different strategy - does it really matter if you don't hit your target this time if you learn something from the experience?   All the work you've been doing over the last 3 weeks will have made you stronger and more likely to get close to that magic number so have trust in your training and yourself - (that's the best piece of advice that I have  been given since I started running, so I am passing it onimage)

    You can always tweak it at your next race if it's not quite right for you but I suspect that it will be if you give it a chance....image

    In the end though, you'll do what feels right, I am sure.... good luck , look forward to your report ....

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    At this point now, I would say that CC2 is going to do what she feels she needs to..... 1:36:58 here she comes....

    Have a great race CC2image

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    Hopefully you had a great race - if you did go off at 1:38 pace that's fine, or if you went off 1:36 pace and kept it going even better but it would be good if you can change tactics in races like this to see if a more cautious approach means you finish stronger because all evidence on the najority of runners shows faster times are more often achieved when you feel good at halfway and feel you can pick up rather than reach halfway shattered and slowing!
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    I'm back! That was tough. Two of the speedy girls I know were very dissappointed with their times (of 1.23 and 1.26 - can you imagine being dissappointed with that? I can't! But they were both some way off their PBs). I mention it just to set the scene somewhat!  After what I said this morning about it not being hot or windy, it turned out to be both, but the heat had nothing on Heckington two weeks ago, and the wind had nothing on the North Tyneside 10k back in March. I actually ran a bit faster into the headwind as it was taking the edge off the temperature. I tried to slipstream but found the others were dropping their pace and I didn't want to, so I passed loads of people on the windy stretches.

    1. 7.13 - I made a concious effort not to go off like a bat out of hell. It was still faster than I intended but I felt like I was going backwards and people I normally run with were well ahead of me within the first half mile.
    2. 7.22 - slowed it down a bit and had a chat with one of the guys from my club who had turned up late and caught me up. Not liking running this slowly at all, it doesn't feel comfortable.
    3. 7.15 - start to pick up the pace a little to a more comfortable pace, it's still flat at this point.
    4. 7.25 - water station. I discover that I cannot get any water into my mouth from the stupid plastic cup without stopping. It's hot, so I stop. To this point I've been running shoulder to shoulder with 'the body' (no idea what her face looked like but by god I wish I had her figure!). She passes me as I stop. Grr.
    5. 7.19 - catch up with 'the body' again. The sun is beating down now but I keep telling myself it's not a patch on Heckington.
    6. 7.22 - another water station, another stop. Why can't they give you nice bottles with sports caps?
    7. 7.26 - a little hill here. I pass 'the body' at the top but she catches me again a little while later and keeps cutting in front of me. She's really annoying me now.
    8. 7.14 - put on a little speed to get past 'the body' as if she cuts me up one more time I'm going to have to rip her illegal ipod out of her ears and strangle her with it. No time for that so I pass her instead.
    9. 7.23 - starting to tire now. To this point I've not dared take my gel as my stomach has been sloshing and gurgling the whole way round. However I decide I have to go for it. Taking it in little sips and wondering where the next drinks station might be to wash it down.
    10. 7.34 - the only real hill. Stupidly I talked to someone half way up it then wondered why I was struggling to breathe. D'oh!
    11. 7.40 - at last, a water station. Have to stop to make sure I drink enough to wash down the gel. I'd only managed half of it though.
    12. 7.48 - what happened there? I was passing people by the shed load so didn't realise my pace had dropped. There was another water station but I didn't think I'd lost that much time.
    13. 7.08 - I can smell the finish line! My legs are tired and my breathing is laboured but I pass quite a few on this mile. Just before the finish there is a little hill, and just to really take the mickey there's a headwind *and* the sun is beating down. Nearly there though, dig in!
    13.1 - No idea. As I approached the finish line they tried to move the cordon, but moved right into my path forcing me to stop just metres from the line. Once I'd manoevered around the marshall and climbed back into the funnel I completely forgot to stop my watch and hadn't seen the clock as I was otherwise engaged! As I was approaching it said 1.36.4x so I think I must have scraped a PB. Will have to wait for the official results, assuming they did get me since I don't know if I was in the correct funnel or not.

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    Usually when I start off fast I have a cushion of time and can spend the last few miles thinking, 'it's OK, I can run 8 pace and still get a PB', but starting slower meant I didn't have this and that worried me. I spent the whole race in a general state of panic (when I wasn't being annoyed by 'the body') and didn't really enjoy it. However, I crossed the line out of breath but not completely knackered. So maybe I could have given it a bit more?

    Had my Recovery drink afterwards but haven't been able to face real food yet. image

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    How stupid were they to try and move the cordon when they can see someone running towards them? I hope you have a new PB CC2.

    Well done anyway image

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    10 mile split 73.30 (so better than Heckington thenimage)

    13 miles in 96.05

    Estimate for 13.1 miles based on running the last .1 at 7.30 pace (I would have been faster but that cordon incident may have cost me some seconds) - 1.36.48 (watch time not gun time). This would be an average pace of 7.23.    TBC!

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    This may be TMI....

    After an emergency trip to the loo I feel much better and suddenly ravenous. I have munched through 2 slices of malt loaf and a huge handfull (or two) of mixed nuts and raisins while I wait for my pasta to cook.

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    Well done CC2-Hopefully a pb.Great race report and all your training is going well.Chuffed to bits for you.image
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    Great race report CC2 and a big well done! image You must be over the moon!

    Well passed my target time now, but I reckon you'll be flying along on GNR day image

    Surprised you had enough energy to talk motoring along at that pace 

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    You are not going to believe this:- Provisional results (how's that for a prediction?!)

    I think they're wrong though as my club mate's time is 6 seconds over her watch time and I reckon I was about 6 seconds faster too. The clock definately said 1.36.4x as I was getting near the line and I refuse to believe the cordon incident lost me that many seconds.

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    Fantastically well done! I did notice that none of our local clubs had any representatives in this.... Probably because they were eating pies from Iceland in the street....image
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    Yes I saw "the body" with headphones too


     Do hope she's not reading!

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    I hope she is!

    Wonder where she finished... Couldn't have been too far behind me.

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    201st of 863 runners. Top 5% of total field. They've not separated the results into male and female so I can't work that out without doing lots of counting!
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     Well done CC2.

    Spot on target. Excellent result image

    I should think that marshall's ears are still ringing.

    I just can't imagine keeping that pace up for 13.1 miles, I have enough trouble over 400m. Make sure you eat plenty and take time to relax you've more than earnt it.

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    Quote from Speedy Goth prior to racing:

    "because really I want to get 1.36.58. "

     well done on reaching your target to the second. Great running on a warm and breezy day. At first i thought your 12th mile may have been quicker and 13th slower if it was done by the mile markers, which may not be entirely accurate, but if it was Garmin'd then it's a great 13th mile.

    You may have been panicking by not getting so much in hand but then had you run 7:00 miles initially then maybe your miles between 10 and 12 would have been outside 8 and you would have ended up slower overall.

    Hopefully with more training, the right pacing, and a favourable day in October, then you can go inside 1:35.

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    It was Garmin'd.

    In the GNR last year I ran mile 13 in 6.56 after a slowish mile 12 of 7.45. Some kind of pattern? Maybe my brain slows me down in mile 12 so that I can kick ass in mile 13 image.

    Just checked back over the 5 half marathons I ran last year, and the slowest mile split I ran was 8.00 on a great big hill in the Turkey Trot. I ran 1.37.07 in that one. In all of them I started fast, slowed in the second half and hung on for dear life. I got PBs in 2 of the 5, was 2 seconds outside my PB on one of them and 8 seconds over on another and 14 seconds over on the other. You can see why I've grown attached to the tactic!

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    But if you don't try other tactics, you won't know whether even pace running or faster second halfs would give you even better results and its these sort of races where you need to try it.

    I know some people insist that they feel better where they start fast and get better results but I remember someone telling me they have to start fast to do well, but the first time they started slower (only because they were doing it as a training run), they took three minutes off their best time and they enjoyed it more as they weren't in pain over the second half

    This time you started slower than normal and did a pb so i could argue that's a 100% success rate for a slightly more controlled start but ultimately you have to do what's right and best for you.

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    Well done CC2!   Great race report!
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    I make it you were 20th woman but top 23% of the field overall and agree it's an excellent and informative well written race report.

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    OK, we've already established that my maths sucks! I was dividing the numbers the wrong way round!

    There were 195 confirmed women (I didn't include the 'no details' ones). So, I think I was just outside the top 10% of the women. I can do better.

    I'll try the whole starting slow thing again at the Great Yorkshire Run. I doubt I've ever started slow in a 10k! I once ran 6.10 in the first mile of one, but it was downhill. In the Robin Hood Half I'll start slow and no doubt finish slower since it's the day after our training day with Liz Yelling down in London!

    Teversal this wednesday will have to be a tactical race. I have to beat one particular girl to get a team medal. Whichever of us finishes ahead of the other will get the third medal. image She beat me in the first two races, but I was coming back from injury in race 1 and ill with Laryngitis for race 2. When fully fit I beat her at races 3 and 4. However she beat me today. I think I still have the measure of her over a shorter distance, but she's really in form right now. Ironically it's unlikely that either of us will make the A team on wednesday as one of the speedy girls who doesn't normally run will be there.

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    I read somewhere that running a marathon at ALL puts you in a category of 1% of Britain's population! I'll take that! image

    Where I live I think you get the freedom of the city if you get off your arse to turn the telly over....image

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    Liverbird, don't you have remotes there?

    CC2 You do have quite a lot of races and I am wary of you running each one flat out from the gun every time but this wednesday you may as well blast it (but controlled blast), and in terms of the 10k, do what you think is best to run the fastest possible time - i think you can approach 10k and half-marathons slightly differently.

    ie I would suggest for the 10K setting off just inside 7s (ie 6:50s) but no 6:15s but see how the training goes over the next month.

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    No 6.15s? Spoilsportimage. Not even in the last mile? (I wish!)

    In the interests of research I had a look at my splits in my 10k PB - 6.20, 6.44, 6.47, 6.46, 6.59, 6.36, 1.52 (6.07). Again a slow second to last mile followed by a blinder of a last mile. I wonder why this is?

    Last year's GNR was 7.45 followed by 6.56. On both races I started fast.

    However, in opposition to that here are the splits for a recent 5.5 mile race where I wasn't sure how fit I was and started conservatively (well, for mile 1 anyway!): 6.59, 6.28, 7.04, 7.17, 6.15, 3.17 (6.21).

    So maybe I can throw in a 6.15 later on, if it's downhill!

    One thing bothers me though. Going into last year's GNR my 10k PB was 43.20 and I ran 1.36.59. Going into today's race my 10k PB was 42.15, so surely I should have been able to take a bigger chunk off my half PB than 1 measely second?

    Today's nutrition image

    Breakfast - porridge, powerbar, coffee, lucozade with caffeine
    Run - half a gel and some water
    Post run - about 8 cups of water (I was very thirsty), 500ml Recovery drink
    Snack - 2 slices malt loaf, large handful nuts and raisins, 500ml water
    Dinner?/Tea? - Pasta with sundried tomato sauce (no cheese, didn't fancy it), 2 glasses cherryade
    Snacks - Brunch bar, cranberry cereal bar, slice malt loaf, 500ml lucozade
    Tea?/Supper? - Banana, blackberries and strawberries in fruit yoghurt, 500ml water
    Treat (soon) - large glass of red wine (for the antioxidants of course! and surely it must be a fruit portion  image)

    Not a lot of fruit and veg today and only two proper meals. Races always mess up my insides though.

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