
Radio Worcestershire



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    Mouse - so I've gone and bought one, when I could have just nicked yours like usual? image

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    Debbo - I was only being silly. image  But actually, if people do want to do it in pirate kit, I'd have to borrow some.  I'll drop you a little message.  Thank you.

    SVT - yes. image

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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    okey dokey

    and if you want pirate kit, just ask ; - )
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    2,000 press-ups challenge - so is it till the end of the month or till Beachy Day? Ta image
    SVT: 630
    Trickster : 580
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 445
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 133
    Barkles 122   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    I think the choice is yours, Min.

    The original idea was 2k in the month, but then certain people <glares at SVT> decided to finish it with 10 press-ups in mid-marafun at Beachy...cool plan, I reckon (but I'll be aiming for 1k in this month, which is more realistic...)

    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    Trickster : 580
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 445
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 122   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    Okey coke, thanks Crashie. Think I will bow out of the forum today - tis painfully slow here and driving me bonkers!! Catch you all later!
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    BarklesBarkles ✭✭✭
    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    Trickster : 580
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 445
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 132   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    Trickster : 580
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 470
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 132   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    I chopped SVT off! I think that means he has to start again image

    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    SVT 630
    Trickster : 580
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 470
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 132   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    For some unknown reason, I'm crossing my legs.
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    Blimey, Beachy has come round quickly! I think you've got to do it in some sort of pirate kit! (if you're a pirate, obviously)!!

    Debbo I wouldn't mix with Worcestershire riffraff if I were you, we're an odd lot image

    In my defence to Joe Simpson in touching the void..... the bloke is a nutter yes, but he's obsessed with his climbing, it gets you like that sometimes. They were desperate to reach the summit of the Suila Grande, nothing else was important to them, failure wasn't really an option, we've all been there. OK, we don't push ourselves quite to those near death experiences (even doing IM or a double!), but we have all battled on when we should have stopped. They made the wrong decisions, as I think they said in the film, "you need to keep making decisions, even if they're the wrong ones." Joe was obsessed..... climbing was his life (and nearly his death), I know a bit about what it's like, I was married to an obsessed climber who loved his sport more than me..... that's why we're not together any more! I admire Joe for managing to crawl back to civilisation, I think I'd have sat and blubbed until I froze to death. Anyway it made a good read and a good film! So there.

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    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    Trickster 700
    SVT 630
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 470
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 132   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15
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    Squishy and Joe Simpson sitting in a tree


    (obviously Joe set out to climb the tree, then got it all wrong, slipped down a few branches and broke his leg, before heroically clambering back to ground level using only the local ffire brigade for help, then wrote a book about it)


    Did you get my (fairly dull) email babe?

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    Errrrr... no email hamster..... and stop being so cheeky!

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    At the Mercy of the Winds was another book I enjoyed. Hempleman-Adams tries to fly to the North Pole in a Balloon. That bit wasn't the amazing bit for me. The amazing bit was the story of the bloke who tried the same thing 100 years earlier.
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    I'll look out for that one Tricky.... it's my burfday soon and I'm hoping for lots of book tokens image
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    Weird, sent it to you a while ago at your home email addy...just sent it again (even though it is dull) image
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    Debo i'm staying at the Big Easy and will be up for some nosh and a drink on both nights

    been to Tk max and got all girly, I bought 2 gym tops with shelf bras, though I willl need a proper over the shoulder boulder holder too, one is Puma, one is Tommy Hillwotsit and has some little diamnate bits on it, all I need now is some false nails and a fake tan and i can be a proper gym bunny image 

    No getting ahead of yourself squish, though I can see that your sanity is an important thing to hold on to 

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    Check you out with your glitzy gymwear Beebs image

    Crashie i just had your email.... do I gather you didn't get mine at lunch then? grrrrr bliddy computers.

    We've just had big rain and thunder here. how exciting (can you tell I'm bored) image

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    No, I got yours, but aas it wasn't a reply to mine, I wondered if you'd got mine. you hadn't got mine, but now I've forwarded mine to you to you, you have mine, though it's out of synch with yours. I think that explains it... image

    No thunder here, b it disappointing really.

    Good shopping Beebs!

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    Rain has been torrential at times here today, nut no thunder

    Its all perfectly clear, Crashie image

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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    oh dear, I can't go for drinks with people who wear over the shoulder boulder holders

    it shows me in a bad light ; - )

    Squish - if I can mix with you and Crashie I can cope with any weirdness thrown at me

    and I reckon that if Joe Simpson and the other one had been women they would have been fine, because they would have talked endlessly about what to do and possible outcomes rather than being all macho about it ; -)
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    Afternoon all!

    No more press-ups yet!

    Rubbish day today. image Won't bore you with it. Schools are much easier without teachers, pupils and parents - at least they are when you're trying to reconcile your banking!

    Beachy Head - I'm hoping to be down on the Friday (booked half a day from work) and to meet up somewhere - staying in some B&B on the sea-front if I remember correctly.
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    not long now, HL, we should exchange mobile numbers nearer the time, though I had awful reception last year

    Debbo i won't flaunt in front of you  image

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    I want numbers too - don't want to spend all Friday evening looking in every pub in Eastbourne trying to find people who may or may not be forumites.

    list sorted numerically, then alphabetically image

    2,000 press-ups challenge -
    SVT 700
    Trickster 700
    HL 512
    Mouse 510
    Min 470
    Muttley 355
    Pig 215
    Do2 160
    GOM 160
    lurker 157 (22+135)
    Crashie 144
    Barkles 132   ARGH!!!
    Ant 120 
    Wickett 15

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    This is the first unaccompanied minute of my day image

    I have a problem with my work work work work life balance at the moment

    No press ups. 

    I have however fed and watered family, not killed the dog for eating corner of new hall carpet, received and unpacked nearly £200 of Sainsburys shop, read the story of 'The Horrible Aunty,', entertained Ma and Pa (my special envoys at Prize Day), entertained surprise visitor (my twin...nearly made him put the shopping away),  listened to tales of how boring Prize Day was (she got 3 prizes though), put small child to bed and am about to tackle job descriptions/guidelines and other boring stuff without which apparently people cannot function in life

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    My number can be mailed out.

    07770 774 914

    Friday night I'm showing Mister W a wild time. Saturday night I think we are planning on pubbing in Eastbourne but I need to check with him

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    i have a note from my mum so no more press ups until my "sniffles" are better

    i may not make the target


    you are a busy mummy mrs pig!!!
    all i have done today was me stuff - although i did have an 8 year old over to visit ad managed to find something to make for tea that everyone likes - hence enabling us to look like a family that eats normal food, rather than a bunch of fussy gets, them not us grown ups - we eat anything (apart from tripe and spinach)

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    An open letter to the "Controller" of Radio Worcestershire:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I wish to complain about the irresponsible way in which you are currently allowing the "2,000 Press-Ups Challenge" to be promoted on your radio channel.

    Having managed to ignore the whole thing for a few days, I was soon drawn in by the implied promises of untold riches, eternal youth, and super strength to be obtained through completion of said challenge. (Whilst no direct promises were made, there was a clear implication that something special must be available, otherwise theres no way so many radio Worcs listeners could be persuaded to be so active simultaneously!)

    Having complete 160 in my first 2 days, I awoke this morning and eagerly glanced in the mirror only to find that my grey hairs were still present, and there was no sign of any of my "laughter lines" disappearing. Furthermore, a quick check at the local cash point revealed that my bank balance had infact gone down during the previous two days rather than, as I'd been led to believe, increasing in its worth.

    Wondering if I should do more, I completed another 101 press-ups throughout the day, before heading out for my jog along the canal. I will admit that the burning sensation across my chest and shoulders did help to detract from the pain of the faster bits of my water-side exertions, however, on return I discovered to my horror that I was unable to lift my drinking glass to my lips, having instead to lower my mouth to the running tap, and as such I may have to buy a straw in order to partake in my monthly beer transfusion this coming Friday night.

    I would therefore be most grateful if, in acknowledgement of your error,  you would forward 35p to cover the cost of said straw. Alternatively, perhaps you could play "Push-It"* by Salt 'n'Pepper to help wih the motivation.


    A Listener.

    *I know the song wasn't really about push-ups, but it was the nearest thing i could think of without resorting to the theme from Rocky!

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    Incidentally, I have attached a short video of me doing some press-ups so that you can check my technique (I'm particularly proud of the ones around 1min 40 seconds in to the film)...

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