
Great North Run 2009



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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    Morning all image

    Mandie R wrote (see)
    I've just finished work for until April 1st!!!!!

    Mandie - APRIL 1st - Is that some kind of joke???? hee hee

    image ....Gets my coat......

    Have a good day all. 

    PS Very jealous of you having over a week off...have a good break.

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    Morning everyone - how are the legs? (to those who ran yesterday of course image )

    Mine are somewhat aching, but would like to go to club tonight for a bimble if I can. Massage tomorrow will hopefully iron out any remaining knots.

    Mr K - you seem to need to get your coat quite a lot these days!

    Mandie - not fair image  (but enjoy it anyway)

    Martin - well done in the relays

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    Morning all-some terrific runs over the weekend.

    Taking it easy this week, with running  the Liverpool half on Sunday,quite glad really because it has been blowing a gale the last two days.

    Think I will have to rest,eat and eat some moreimage

    Catch you all later.

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    Hi all.

    Back home from work now; picking up my son in half an hour from school.

    I've got the beginning of a sore throat today!  Not good; I'm getting really paranoid about getting colds!

    Enjoy the rest of your Monday. image
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    Afternoon everyone!

    Good luck with the cold Stringy - get some echinacea and vitamin C down ya! Curries are good too, once the symptoms kick in.

    My legs are aching too Yeti but loads better than they were yesterday. So glad it's a rest day though - have concentrated on setting up my justgiving page instead.

    Enjoy your taper DD. Have you done the liverpool half before?

    Right - off to cook some rhubarb for a crumble for my OH - he's out doing his 19 miler. Ahhh!

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    Got my FLM registration pack this morning so can update the list:

    GNR '09 - London Marathon Splinter Group

    Andy Sly - Red start - est 2:52
    Mandie - Blue start - est not bothered, just going to enjoy (under 4:45 would be fine)
    CC2 - Blue start - est 3.30
    WTS - Blue start - est - no idea!! Anything starting with 4 hours would be brilliant!

    Mandy lucky you being off until 1st April - are you doing anything nice (apart from training?)

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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    Quick note as among other things I`m writing my race report.

    My cousin has dropped out from the Reading Half this coming weekend & before I offer it on the Reading threads here on RW & FETCH - does any regulars want it from here (It is offered elsewhere too).

    Green - 1.55 / 2.10 pit. Start time 10.05am (clocks move forward thou)

    I`m still waiting for it to arrive here (he said he would post it to me on Saturday).

    Mail me.

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    Good evening all.

    Everbody fit and well?
    Blister Sister wrote (see)

    Good luck with the cold Stringy - get some echinacea and vitamin C down ya! Curries are good too, once the symptoms kick in.

    We went to Pizza Hut earlier this evening; hopefully Pizza has a hidden ingredient to fight colds!
    I hope I don't sound like a miserable old man, but my throats a bit sore, i've had a few sneezes and the beginnings of a runny nose image

    I need to get petrol on my way to work in the morning so i'll stock up with some fresh Orange juice.  not sure if they sell echinacea though, but i'll have a look.

    Going to jump in the bath, knock back a Becham Powder, make a brew then bed!
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    ((Stringy)) hope you can fight the symptoms off and you feel tons better tomorrow.

    Talking of Pizza Hut, I've been a bit organised today and booked a table at a branch near to where I'm staying in London for the night before the marathon.  Will be eating one of their pasta dishes of course (and no doubt Steve will have his usual pre-race meal of pizza image) I figured it would be better than trying to get into a restaurant and then having to pay the earth for the same meal!

    WTS - I'm going to chill out with a mixture of gardening and training, then on Friday I'm off to the Lakes (for the third time this month!!) with the whole family (kids and dogs and all) for the Coniston 14 on Saturday. No doubt the time off will fly by but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it just the same!

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    Evening all.

    Yes ,BS-twice before,but it's a brand new course this year,really looking forward to Sunday.

    Stringy-hope the sniffles go away soon.

    Mr K-any chance of the race report,my stupid computer seems to be on the way out.

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    Hi Mandie-good luck at Coniston on Saturday.
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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    Race Report For Hogweed Hilly Half V

    With a start time of 10.30am & that I`m 2 hours away it made for an early ish start along the M4. Despite the average speed cameras trying to slow me down I made it there with plenty of time.

    As I drove towards the HQ I thought to myself & maybe I didn`t use these very words but this could be an interesting one!!!

    This event had a `village fete` feel & that`s not disrespecting it at all, as in my view those are normally the best events to run in.

    Dropped bag off & went for a warm up.

    Made way UP to the start, after a short while 270 runners started off, the first mile (& see splits time) was fairly flat & fast, then came the second mile & the first hill - well that got the heart rate up a bit!!! Then it went up & down for the 6 miles taking in some glorious countryside which actually took you mind off those inclines (& there were a few of those - see race profile). Then came the hill just after mile 8 - and what a hill that was - 140 mtrs of hill . Did the right thing...and walked, had a gel, had a drink & got my breathe back. Walked for a distance of 0.3miles then off again. The `turn` at mile 9 was a real boost as you knew you were on the way home, `skipped` to mile 10 - only 5km to go....ohh flip....forgot about the short sharp incline at mile 12. Managed that & flew down the hill towards the finish - overtaking runners on the way down - yeah.

    Split Summary
    Lap 1 - 1 miles - 7:35(7:35/m) - 128cal - Ascent = 58 ft
    Lap 2 - 1 miles - 9:15(9:15/m) - 130cal - Ascent = 332 ft
    Lap 3 - 1 miles - 7:46(7:46/m) - 132cal - Ascent = 107 ft
    Lap 4 - 1 miles - 8:19(8:19/m) - 132cal - Ascent = 243 ft
    Lap 5 - 1 miles - 7:51(7:51/m) - 133cal - Ascent = 74 ft
    Lap 6 - 1 miles - 8:35(8:35/m) - 131cal - Ascent = 99 ft
    Lap 7 - 1 miles - 8:06(8:06/m) - 131cal - Ascent = 81 ft
    Lap 8 - 1 miles - 8:33(8:33/m) - 132cal - Ascent = 137 ft
    Lap 9 - 1 miles - 11:39(11:39/m) - 120cal - Ascent = 440 ft
    Lap 10 - 1 miles - 8:36(8:36/m) - 130cal - Ascent = 138 ft
    Lap 11 - 1 miles - 8:26(8:26/m) - 130cal - Ascent = 218 ft
    Lap 12 - 1 miles - 8:49(8:49/m) - 132cal - Ascent = 186 ft
    Lap 13 - 1 miles - 9:02(9:02/m) - 131cal - Ascent = 236 ft
    Lap 14 - 0.16 miles - 1:03(6:36/m) - 21cal - Ascent = 15 ft


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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    Time 1.53.37 (was expecting to run 2.00hrs so a great result)

    AND I won a prize ....OK, it was a SPOT prize but a prize is a prize (Yes my first awarded prize) - it was a bottle of beer image


    Start 120 mtrs, highest 190 mtrs, lowest 50 mtrs

    Great practice for the Midsummer`s Munro.

    I`m in the neutral camp when it comes to wearing ipods during races camps * but I can tell you it was SO nice running & listening to the sounds of the country - streams tricking along the side of the road, birds in the hedges, the silence of the roads - such a nice place to run.

    * except for when the leads dangle everywhere

    Seeing as my Sister lives 3 miles away I had (for the 2nd week running) support at the finish - Mum, Sister & Nephew. They couldn`t believe the low costs of the cakes, drinks & other refreshments afterwards. My nephew didn`t like it when I said there wasnt a medal - a few tears but they soon disappeared when he put on my freebie T- Shirt - it was a large & he is only 4 so it fitted him like a tent. He even got a bit carried away when we clapped in the remaining runners.

    Afterwards went to my sister`s for a roast dinner...and later a 2 hour drive back.

    Cracking event & I can see why it`s rated so high.

    Thank you Hogweed Trotters.

    Next week`s Half - Reading Half

    Opps sorry if this is another large race report with plenty of mistakes.

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    Thank you for replying so swiftly Mr K image

    Terrific race report and a big well done on your time and I love them kind of prizes.

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    The elevation chart looks like a  mountain stage in the Tour de France.
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    Mr K - as always, a cracking race report!! Sounds like you had a lovely day with a great time and a bottle of beer to top things off - Brilliant!!

    Thanks DD!

    Off to bed now, trying to get my body back onto days before heading out early for a medium-sized run. Depending on what time I get up I'm aiming for either 11 miles, or 13 if I get up a bit earlier than expected.

    Nite nite all!

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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭
    dd - yes it was a `bit` hilly but the surounding views took that dreading feeling of hills away - it was quite amazing really.
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    Great run, Mr K and to everyone who ran yesterday.

    10 miles in very windy conditions this afternoon. No fun! Club tomorrow, 11 scheduled for Wed then 2 day taper for Coniston. Might see you there, Mandie image

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    Great report Mr.K, well done.

    Off to bed, goodnight all.


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    I'm looking forward to Saturday for the scenery. Not sure about the undulations though. Just remembered, must check the weather. Please not windy.

    I use my ipod for most of my training, but not for my past 3 races (have actually only done 6 races!) and it is so different. I have enjoyed it much more. Not sure I can last a marathon without it though.

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    Evening all image

    Fantastic race report Mr K - I'd have given up halfway with all dem dere 'ills... image  Just wondered where/how you do your elevations?

    Mandie - hope you're enjoying the time off so far...

    Stringy - rest up, you'll be fine image

    Hope everyone else is doing well?

    I decided not to go for the club run tonight - had a headache when I got home from work as well as the still-achey legs, so had a 1/2 hr kip then chucked on my fab freebie 'Aldi Ashby 20' hoodie to head to the club as I needed to pay my subs for the coming year. I wasn't the only one there in said hoodie image

    I'm on day 1 of my 'detox' - eaten lots of fruit & veg today, between porridge for brekkie (first time ever!) and a delicious dinner of quinoa & chickpea pilaf followed by apple & berry crumble, but it's just a shame that the pilaf took me so long to do, and was so filling, that I've no room for the crumble!  But I haven't been hungry all day, and managed to resist both biscuits AND chocolate during the mid-afternoon slump in the office, although I did miss the coffee....   I'm being realistic, and doing it on a 5-day week basis, rather than aiming for a full 28 days solid. I've planned up until Saturday night, when I'll be going out for a friend's birthday, so having the night off, with Sunday flexible, before getting back on the wagon on Monday.  Hopefully it will still be beneficial doing it this way, if not quite as dramatic as a full 28 days.  I think it was MOTR who said I should be careful with the food groups, but really the 'allowed' food is similar to my current veggie diet, but without the alcohol, caffeine, wheat & gluten. My friends swear by it, so I thought it was worth a try!

    Oops, mega long post -sorry!! image

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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    Just read back...

    Andy - Cracking run even with two hours sleep.

    WTS - Nice running that - 18 miles.

    James - Have fun.

    CC2 - `Not racing` but still quite amazing stuff - the goodie bad was really a goodie bag.

    BS - A 13 miler is still good thou.

    Stringy - Good running, shame about the wind.

    Martin - Great running - 2 miles in 11.23.

    Yeti - Elevations - I pinched it from their website but I`m sure there is a way from google or mapyourrun thing. The asents are from the Garmin (totals). Good solid running from you on Sunday - looking at your split time from Fetch.

    kaysdee - That would be a good scenic run.

    Have to agree - some terrfic running going on lately.

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    Excellent, Yeti! I'm not on a detox, but starting from today - at least up until Saturday's race - I am only allowing myself 2 biscuits a day (down from...I won't say, lol). No sweets, no chocolate, no processed junk. I have succeeded today image. Like you, I haven't felt hungry either. I'm limiting carbs/upping protein for the next 2 days too, before I carb load Wednesday onwards, which will be done with complex carbs this time, not sweets image.
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    Does anyone worry about what happens after a big race/goal? I know there is always the next race, but it's going to be weird just running when I want (even though it's always very often anyway) rather than to a schedule. I hope I don't feel down afterwards.
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    Kaysdee - just book another race sooner rather than later! image  Well done on the biscuit allowance. I considered 1 biscuit a day, but thought if I'm going to do it properly, I need to stick to the rules

    Mr K - I noticed your comment about my times on FB - keep forgetting that people here and on FB can also see all my training details on Fetch! (including all my rambling notes! image)  That's not the first time someone's used the word "solid" to describe me..... image

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    For anyone who's interested, these are the 'solid' splits Mr K was referring to.  Special prize to the first person to spot which mile included the portaloo visit.... 

    Split Summary
    Lap 1 - 1 miles - 9:47(9:47/m) - 141cal
    Lap 2 - 1 miles - 14:07(14:07/m) - 138cal
    Lap 3 - 1 miles - 10:20(10:20/m) - 144cal
    Lap 4 - 1 miles - 9:52(9:52/m) - 141cal
    Lap 5 - 1 miles - 10:11(10:11/m) - 143cal
    Lap 6 - 1 miles - 10:31(10:31/m) - 143cal
    Lap 7 - 1 miles - 10:14(10:14/m) - 143cal
    Lap 8 - 1 miles - 10:09(10:09/m) - 142cal
    Lap 9 - 1 miles - 10:05(10:05/m) - 142cal
    Lap 10 - 1 miles - 10:12(10:12/m) - 142cal
    Lap 11 - 1 miles - 10:39(10:39/m) - 144cal
    Lap 12 - 1 miles - 10:06(10:06/m) - 142cal
    Lap 13 - 1 miles - 10:13(10:13/m) - 143cal
    Lap 14 - 1 miles - 10:35(10:35/m) - 143cal
    Lap 15 - 1 miles - 10:21(10:21/m) - 143cal
    Lap 16 - 1 miles - 10:19(10:19/m) - 143cal
    Lap 17 - 1 miles - 10:49(10:49/m) - 140cal
    Lap 18 - 1 miles - 10:21(10:21/m) - 143cal
    Lap 19 - 1 miles - 11:45(11:45/m) - 128cal  (run/walk)
    Lap 20 - 1 miles - 11:43(11:43/m) - 126cal  (run/walk)

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    I think if I cut everything I would just get major cravings and cheat! Maybe I'll lose my final pound though... I was 9st 0 at the weekend image.

    My next booked race is July for the Northumberland Coastal run, but no doubt I'll book something before then. I have avoided looking at upcoming races incase I tempt myself with anything else between now and Edinburgh. I have Saturday's 14, a 10K and half in April on consecutive weekends and two 10K's in May (the 2 weekends before, oops).

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    Well done, that is very consistent running. Excellent.
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    Doesn't look consistent to me - it's all over the place!  The Bath splits the previous week were mostly within about 10 secs of each other.

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    Pants. Just realised I've had the heating on since 7pm (it was cold then!) Time for bed mefinks - yesterday's all caught up with me.

    Night all image

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