
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    You have been training hard so can't expect your race to produce a fast time. Keep up the training and you will reap the benefits later. Will you be able to find out how many O 70's were running? The fact that you were running the race at all, regardless of your time, is ACE. image
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Maggie/Ceal you certainly missed something if you missed Man U's goal from last night, 40 yards, keeper no chance - absolutely brilliant. Not that Sharkey and I are biased of course. image

    Impey/Tracey well done on your races.

    Mike T

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Just lost whole post, aaarggh!


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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Start again.

    The weaving practice sounds very useful.

    Well done, you'll have a 100% AG for that race then! Time sounds good to me.

    Damp and blustery here. Did 10k session with alternate faster ks in the middle:

    Km time    av HR

    6:33            143 )
    6:34            148 )  warmup
    6:10            152 )

    5:28            169   Zone 1
    5:08            179   Zone 2
    5:48            171   Zone 1
    5:18            177   Zone 2
    5:52            172   Zone 1

    6:28            160   cooldown
    6:32            154

    Less hard than yesterday, but still have to push to keep HR up. Where is cardiac drift when I need it?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Annoying about the lost post. Good session from you today. It is hard when one is fit to raise the HR and there will be no Cardiac drift image, although really that should be a image. It was less hard for me today too. So snap on that one!

    I have of course seen the goal several times on the sports news this morning!!!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Like I said above to Chouette, felt less tired this morning. More zest in my body.

    Ran 4.7 miles which went like this:-

    4 miles ran in 31.46 mins, av pace 7.56 mm, av HR 124, MHR 139.

    8.09 mins, av HR 113
    8.06 mins, av HR 124--some hill here
    7.47 mins, av HR 126
    7.42 mins, av HR 133, MHR 139 --I pushed for the end of the 4 miles.

    Then ran some strides about 70 m's, around 15 secs, Fast. Then ran home .7 mile, av pace 8.22 mm, av HR 116.

    Strides felt fast, strong and relaxed. Wish I had taken my gloves, I wore shorts and   T shirt but my hands were cold. NO sun as yet. has appeared.  

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    Good morning

    Rest day today - not quite the same as nrd - this one's been written in from time immemorial.


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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Ceal/ Chouette good sessions from you both.

    Ceal, I think they may be over-egging the goal a bit now with the number of times it's been shown. When's your next race?

    aws enjoy your well deserved rest day.

    Mike T

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    Missed the re-runs too how careless of me image

    Good running from ceal and Chouette  image

    I have been out for a short run/walk today.  Please note the subtle difference, I felt like I did more running than walking today, which is good as I am a bit achey from lots of unaccustomed hillwalking in Istanbul and even more rare housework yesterday!!

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    Morning folks,

    Grrrr!  Wasted half an hour trying to get on here, blasted combination of pc slowing up and broadband working at slower than dial up wayimage

    Possibly I have too many races close together,  not really too much training,  but then it all counts doesn't itimage   I did run too fast for first mile too,  but its no good hanging about cos' its harder trying to play catchup later.

    Results should be around either late today or tomorrow.

    Useful 10k run of yours with variable pace.

    I bet Ronaldo doesn't mind all these playback repeats of his golden shot!

    Sorry,  can't stop to respond to others right now.  Have to get off to mums and get her shopping done. Why these villages don't have shops is a right shame.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I did notice the run/walk in that order and shall look out for subtle difference in your training report in later posts!!!!!!!!!!

    I am running Dunsfold 10k on Sunday.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    A truly beautiful day today and I am off on my bonnie this morning to enjoy it but I do have to meet a friend downtown which is a good excuse.

    Well done on your race again. I find races always drain me and I do need to take time to recover so I am not sure that too many are a good training process for me.

    I am not too sure what my half mara pace is anymore, I will just run them at a pace that feels comfortably hard.
    Good luck on your race, do you have a taret, is it a PB type course or one of your twisty bendy ones.
    Next month the city hosts what it calls its Race Weekend. It starts on Saturday night with a 5k and 10k with about 10,000 entrants and then on the Sunday the half and full maras with another 15000. All the downtown streets are closed down and it is a carnival type atmosphere. The local radio stations are hyping it all up all ready. That is my race race, the course is not a PB type with lots of hills.
    Does Stewart have the same squished up zones as m. As he been prescribed the same fix?

    It is good to see that you are getting fitter and making progress, keep it up.

    How fast would you have to run to get into zone 5????


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Aternoon all.

    aws - hope you get some rest on todays NRDimage

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I guess what I meant was that your 12 mile run on Sunday was probably still in your legs for your race on Weds pm.

    The race is a 2 lapper. Around an old aerodrome and it is also a test track for Top Gear. A TV programme here in the UK. Potentially I suppose one could call it a pb course. But it is very open and any wind is experienced at different points of the course. It is meant to be flat but in reality there are a series of long drags, but equally as many up and down. I have run it twice before and quite like the course, Last year I did make the race, we had a fall of unexpected snow and couldn't get the car out of the drive, let alone up the road.    

    Pity about the hills on your course. Is the 2nd half that you will be racing, flat? Your race sounds a race with a lot of local excitment.

    Stewart has had not prescriptionn as yet.

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    LOL Mick, I guess Zone 5 is above my LT so I guess it would be pretty speedy but impossible to maintain. As running flat out only gets me to Zone 2 I'm not likely to find out though...

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I did ask the question in jest but your zone 2 pace was pretty quick. I suspect you have a very fast engine in there, you just have to figure out how to unlock it

    We also get Top Gear here, in fact we get most UK tv here. I do not watch a lot of tv but most of it is British including live footie.
    Being big, winds take me out but I usually get lots of little people behind me. Your course sounds a little different and fun, good luck with it. I will be very interested hearing the details on Stewart and what the recommendations are as I suspect we are or at least were very similar.
    My race race has lots of ups and downs and tight turns in the first half, including crossing the river which is about 1 km wide with strong cross winds, then a climb up from the river into the downtown area then a 5k flat stretch along the canal, then over a bridge and back along the other side. The bridge is a short steep climb.
    Yes it is a very exciting event with lots of media coverage and elite runners and local celebs running. The city put up stands at the finishing line and the finish is lined with people for at least 1km with music and announcements piped down the road. This will show me where I rank in the local region so I am keen to have a good race even if it will not be a PB.

    Lots of bonnie riding done today and my speed group to look forward to tonight.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Being something of an expert on jet lag and how it affects running. You will feel it for at least a week, it is not that you are tired but you just don't seem to be able to dig for that extra effort.
    You may not recall but I started my speed session growth last Sept based on only 5 x 400s twice a week slowly reducing the recovery period and then upping the number of reps then the pace. You need patience but it worked for me.
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    Cranston Wharf, Woolwich Reach (it may not still be there)
    a wharf for unloading lighters, hence the funny shape.
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    JJ you are very kind I wish I were as convinced that I have natural talent as you are image
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    Evening all

    Club run done. 6 miles approx in some time or other - Garmin froze. Some bits were fast, some bits were slow, some on-toad, some off-road.

    It's been that sort of day.


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    Ah yes - I'll be on the Asics stand at the Expo next week so come and see me and say hello.
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    K2 should we be reporting you to the RSPCA ? image
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    Sorry - that's to the toads!

    I have a mental pic of a sort of hopscotch..............

    As I said, it's been that sort of day.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Morning all,

    I think you must have had a very bad day, 'cause I'm not sure what I have to do with the poor squashed toads.This is my first appearance on this pageimage!!

    The jet lag may catch up with Mrs JJ over the weekend. Good luck for your 10k on Sunday, you didn't say where it was. Well done on the 400's yesterday.

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    Good morning

    K2  - Lighters

    PTP2 Day 61

    4.14M; 52:47M; 12:45/M; hr135 m145

    12:46 135 142
    12:46 135 144
    13:01 136 145
    12:33 134 143

    Still felt good despite the rain, but slower today.


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    personality disorder - I meant Maggie. (Sorry Maggie - was in a rush)

    Thanks. I had been thinking Ronson...........

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