
Over 60s training.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    JJ - well done on your tough 10.6k. All good training for your off-road 10 mile race image

    Night all.

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    Morning all

    Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Your runs sounded lovely. Sad to not have beautiful places to run but at least you have mental photographs to carry with you.

    Is LFOTM the day before Beachy? Couldn't you just nip back to Mondon for the day? image

    And hello to everyone else. Trying not to have too mauch time on the computer. Club tonight.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    Stewart's answer to your Skype questions is to go for it. It is apparently very easy to install. We have a logitech camera. It will change Mrs JJ's life. It is amazing and it's virtually free. I can't believe that you hadn't installed Skype already. They must of course have the same system. We regularly chat to USA, Japan, India, Spain etc etc. But only use the video link when we want close contact with a family. You will be able to have a full screen view of your little ones, everyday if you want it.

    Your run sounded a very good training run and hard because it was very warm last pm.

    I didn't for a minute imagine that your  Columba was your real name.image There are one or two interesting stories on the thread about where one's name came from. I think TS's being the most interesting. Ceal was my nickname at school and am still called that by old school friends so I respond to it in real life very easily.  

    An appreciation of nature and it's beauty can have the same effect on me as it did on you, some music can do the same to me too.

    You are lucky to live so near to green areas. Come middle of Sept will see me start hill reps. Probably when we are on holiday in Croatia.  

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    I'll talk about overpronation some other time, perhaps.

    Sounds like a threat?

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    Hi! you jumped in while I wasn't looking.

    So.................. what's the story behind your name?

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Morning all.

    K2 - Beachy Head is on the 24th October.

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    So plenty of time to do both! image  If your legs are tired you can keep me company.
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    Good morning all image

    Still no running to report but cough is better and hopefully breathing will be ok soon and then I will persuade my reluctant legs out of the doo!

    Have popped in with great news imageimageimage not sure of actual results but Lizzie has just checked with UCAS and she has her place at Nottingham for next year imageimageimage she's so excited she's gone back to bed!!

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    just seen typo but seems a shame to edit it out as it sounds very descriptive!!
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Congratulations to Lizzie imageimageimageimageimage
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Well done Lizzie, must be nice to be so laid back.

    Waiting for Darrell to let me know his results, as he's not off to Uni there is less pressure on him to get particular grades.

    Mike T

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    LOL at typo! I know the feeling.

    Congrats to Lizzie. Sleep well. (Is she practising for when she's a student?)

    Oooh. Chucking it down.

    Hope it goes well for Darrell. What's he doing next? (Forgive me if you've said it before - i don't get much time on here).

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    That is great news. Well done Lizzie. I like her reaction!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you will be fit enough soon to get out the doo! Liz's news  is one less stress in your life
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    Good morning

    5.01M; 58:46; 11:44/M; hr149 m156
    11:46 143 150
    11:31 149 156
    11:50 151 156
    11:52 151 156
    11:39 150 154

    Went out for an easy run with G set to 11:58/M pace and this is what I came back with.


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    aws no 12's so you could call that a perfect result!
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    Nicely under target pace. image

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    12's totally banished from your runs now except for 10 milers.
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    Congratulations to Lizzie. I like her style too.

    Welcome home Tracey,  awww to you crying on your run. Agree that sometimes beauty can be very moving. But it's sport that makes me blub the worst!

    JJ You were asking about Chouette. She is well and fine and has been very busy over the past few months with work, her reflexology course and the never ending stream of visitors she and Seth seem to have. They were over from France for the weeekend  - for a wedding in Eastbourne - and stayed at Sharkie by the Sea for a couple of nights.

    We took Chouette to track on Sunday morning and Seth took a brilliant set of photers. Hence posting one or two of them on the thread.

    Chouette will be back on the thread once they are home. End of this week I think. 

    Ace run from Jenny Meadows last night. That's three littl'uns that have done really well now: Jess, Shelly Ann and Jenny. Let's hear it for the titches of the athletics world!

    There's hope for us yet (us being me, Chouette and K2) I think everyone else is over 5ft 4.

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    Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo for the titches!


    Not sure the lack of height is making me any faster, though.image

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    Columba - The cryptic message was typed with left hand offset one key left and right hand offset one key right. I'll leave you to work out which is which, but having got "how" I'm surprised you didn't solve it all including the address.

    Plausibility has a lot going for it but accuracy and reliability aren't on the list.

    The painting was one of a developing theme, you'll notice it's no.15. The early ones were from photographs (you can't get waves to pose while you sketch), then when I was getting the hang of it I let imagination take over a bit more. I've actually done a hundred so far and that's only the ones with Breakers in the title. No.15 was actually the 49th because I didn't number all the early ones and some were rocks and breakers, and you don't want me to go on and on and...........

    Sharkie - As I ran this morning I was thinking about your high knee lift in that excellent photo and concluded that it's impossible to do heel strike with that degree of lift. I'm more of a midfoot striker myself and a bit of a plodder but if I heel strike I am plodding. I do find knee lift difficult to achieve but am not convinced of its benefit to distance runners although when my pace is flagging if I introduce a bit of bounce it seems to knock something like 5-10 seconds off the pace.

    I'll shut up now as I have a remarkable ability to spout a load of rubbish about stuff I know nothing of. I know nothing about anything and everything about nothing.

    Maggie - Many congrats to Lizzie.


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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Sharkie - Im a smidge under 5'4" well according to the scales at work (although i always thught i was 5'4") so i guess 'm borderline

    Btw did you see the Mens High jump last night in the Decathlon one of the cubans with such a short run up Amazing

    Maggie - Well done to Lizzie She has style

    Empty - Best of luck to Darrell

    TS - I seem to have missed the reason behind your name as well as K2

    aws - good run this morning

    5 miles this morning well 5.02 in 51:43

    15 minutes warm up then 20 minutes tempo remainder cool down

    20 minutes tempo did 2.13 miles thats 9;24 pace well down but a decent HR avg 167 which is normal but struggled again but it was early not used to running this early i was back before 9am and it was quite warm then

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Bridget Foster-Hylton is almost titchy too at 5ft 5. I thought her 100 hurdle final last night was tremendously exciting. Wasn't Kamel a lovely man, I thought he was delightful and charming both to look at and observe and in his interview with the BBC. Yes Jenny ran a great race, rather Kelly Homes'ish in the way she tackled the race.

    On a different note have any of your observed the odd runner or three from Bahrain who are covered/dressed from head to toe. Imagine what it must be like to train dressed like that,  let alone race and  how much drag the clothes must be producing. Hats off to them. I guess they are lucky that they are being allowed by their families etc to compete at all.  

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    good morning

    excellent style by Lizzie - she is bound to be a super student with that attitudeimage

    you made it too easy on yourself (Righteous Brothers 1966) Try 11:50 next time. What does avHR149 equate to in WHR %age?

    welcome back -  your holiday runs sounded  lovely.
    I occasionally get that feeling when running over the moors and see them in an unaccustomed light or weather conditions

    your run did not seem to follow the maxim of alternate hard/easyimage. Stiles are good breathing spaces though!!

    How are preparations going??

    it must be 3 years back at least when I bared allimage

    you can take the sprinter out of the sprints but you can't take the sprint out of the sprinter  (c) TS 2009
    The girl did good .

    I am using the copyright sign form now on as having skim read Parker's book it is obvious that he has been closely following all I have been writing on this forum and distilled it into a book - d*mn him!!!
    From that you will surmise that I tend to agree with much of what he has written though in truth there are some aspects of physiology where there could have been considerable more detail and explanation and his procedures for beginners, returning/injured/ageing athletes etc is fairly summarily dealt with.

    However his overriding mantras are

    1. if you want to train by HR then you must know what your MHR is (Diana, Columba et allimage)
    2. easy days are precisely that - days when WHR does not exceed 70%
    3. no hard day should be followed by another hard day -see 2

    There are a host of caveats to those principles depending where one is in a training cycle but the general thread of he book, and I need to read it in more detail and consider its worked examples and suggestions for workouts meet with my approval - nice to know someone else thinks I am right in what I sayimage

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    aws I thought that was a perceptive comment about the photo. Mr.S. had also remarked on the contrast between C's style and the rest of us - and that she does look like she's race walking in several pics. This isn't a critisism btw just an observation.

    It is telling that you CAN introduce 'bounce' aws, I know JJ has remarked on this previously. You are emphatically NOT a one pace pony. However as distance - and LONG distance at that - is your main focus perhaps you don't do enough speed work for the 'bounce' style to become part of your usual repetoire?

    I wouldn't concentrate on knee lift per se anyway. It is more important to THINK TALL, and relax when one is doing speed work. Pauline said this was some of the most important information I gave her!

    Many of the the drills we do before a session are basically bits of the sprint technique broken down.

    HEEL lift is more important than knee lift.

    And most important of all is getting each foot off the ground as quickly as possible. Think dancing on hot coals. OUCH!

    EDIT: Pammie  I knew there was another almost titchy on the thread! How could i forget you? Perhaps you always seem taller...

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    oh yes - went out for a shamble this am on stiff unwieldy legs that did not want to turn over in their natural gait.
    Surprising to see the changes in only 2 weeks away from a well used route. The early sun in a clear sky has lost its harshness and the light is becoming suffused and softer, paths already had a covering of dessicated horse chestnut and ash leaves though the warm, humid conditions made it feel as though summer was still here.

    3.1 miles done in 28:25 and avHR131 (66%WHR) with a max of 146 - so I broke Rule 2 (however one of the caveats is that it's ok to do so occasionally n a hilly course)

    1m 8:18 hr121
    2m 9:48 hr136
    3m 9:32 hr136

    low water mark....................................................?

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    interesting remarks about heel/knee lift.

    However surely cadence is the most important aspect?? What is your cadence over 100m?
    I have heard that Bolt takes 44 strides in a 100m which would give him an average cadence of 264/min some 84 strides above a distance runner norm of 180. Intuitively that seems wrong so maybe its 44 steps = 22 strides but that seems wrong again!!!

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    cor - I am right againimage

    Bolt's cadence

    so he really does, despite that long ranging stride, get his pins moving pretty sharpish.
    Which comes pack to power - the article I emailed you was correct in regard to power/force generation determining speed but it is how that force is generated and applied that is the key to faster times.

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    Re head-to-toe running kit:
    (ahem) When Nike flew me out to Portland to look round thie HQ (and then represent my country in a race) we were shown some of the super-technical clothing for top level athletes (eg, Lance Arnstrong's time trial suit). They were incredibly sport-specific (compare running with tennis or speed-skating, for example) and had panels in appropriate places to reduce drag. What interested me was that the areas to reduce drag were quite "scaly"  rather than smooth, as I'd have expected. They're also highly breathable, so though the athletes were convered they were probably a lot more comfortable than most of us when we go out in vest and shorts.

    And the Walker Borthers? (Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor. OOOOOOOh, Scott Walker.)
    Must be time for yu to give us all a treat, then. image

    And you can tell us why you're TS as well.  image

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I agree with the above, somat wrong somewhere. 'cause Bolt's stride as we all know and have seen is enormous. I will count next time they show a replay of a 100 race.

    Is the new book worth buying, or do I know everything already from you?

    Preparations for wedding are happening. We have been responsible for purchasing the booze so what else is there to do image. 2 weeks to go. But I am not thinking too much about it yet!!!
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    agree about Kamel - laughed when he said he was still not the best in his family as his father had two gold medalsimage.
    very modest and unassuming guy but some runner.....................................

    yes - saw the high jump  -amazing performance by that Cuban off about 6 steps. Sharkie could perfect that technique in her bedroom image

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