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Beachy Head 2009



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    Podro, it was wet and cold in yorkshire last weekimageWell done and how are you and the family
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    "twelfth mars bar"


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    helly d wrote (see)

    Hi MB - so can we expect you back for this one as well as the South Downs next year? I suspect I'm one of those people who told you the views were great on this one and would take your mind off the hills (oops!).

    Echoing all those saying thanks to marshalls, organisers and supporters who had to stay out a lot longer than I did.

    Loved it, weather notwithstanding. Chatted to a number of people, no idea of names. I didn't get lost but did resort to yelling "Am I going in the right direction?"  as I ran after various shadowy figures in the mist. Managed to lop a whole 2 minutes off last year's time which made me happy as I've been on a bit of a downward curve this year. 

    Couldn't make pub afterwards due to logistics of baggage, location, wetness etc. May try to stay the Saturday night next year just so I can do the post-race drinks.

    Hi Helly

    I thought I saw you walk past whilst I was queing for the toilets at the start. By the time I had come out of my reverie you had gone around the corner and I didn't spot you at the start.

    As for doing it (or the South Downs again), I think not !!!

    I have ambitions of doing London, then stopping bloody Marathons all together (and I've only done 3 of the damn things).

    I have a few more planned for next year, but don't want to repeat any.

    Next one is planned to be Portland in January.

    Hope the trip home went ok.

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    One day I'd like to do this course justice.  After Saturday's cr*p weather I'm not sure it's going to happen for some time!
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    My legs still really hurt, who the hell made those kerbs so high image
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    Hi all. well yes that was some day out. I think compared to the other two beautiful sunny runs round Beachy I have had I would have to say this was really not as much fun and after the halfway CP i was just pushing to get home as quickly as possible. Sadly legs would not comply so it wasn't super fast. Still despite everything I knocked afew minutes off my time.

    Still looking back it was certainly an experience and conditions were so bad as to be laughable on the trek back to the finish.

    I will be hoping for some nice weather for the Dorset coastal marathon in a couple of weeks though!

    well done everyone on finishing! I'll be back next year fingers crossed!

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    Birdy, you went past me on the bridge around the 10 mile mark.  Soz I didn't call out to you but I wasn't quite with it enough to register it was you till it was too late.
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    I was in a group that got lost on Seven Sisters. image

     I have no sense of direction at the best of times so what with the poor visibility, I was following the people in front. I do remember thinking when they kind of veered off to the right that it looked a little odd but figured that someone knew the course.

     Wasted a bit of time tacking but found a path that turned to tarmac and a few of us came out of a side turning immediately before the finish line.

     Amazing weather / conditions but managed to do the same time as last time.

    Got to say, admire the marshalls for toughing it out - it was pretty exposed in places  

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    Heck, veering off to the right on the Sisters could be nasty!
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    Sorry Mouse, I nearly did say hello but wasn't sure which pirate you were.  Doh!

    I will know for next time. image

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    Sorry I didn't say hi ultra kazaaahhh! It was a brief moment of almost dryness as well when I was foolishly thinking maybe the weather would hold off!

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    glad everyone made it back and to reiterate the comment - never veer to the right on the course once you start on the Bitches - it's a long drop down....

    PhilPub - fantastic running mate - all we need is you and Matt the Brum (won in 2006) and a nicer day to give Millsy a run for the win!
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    Back in sunny Dubai and the rain and mist of Beachy seem a distant memory already.  A huge well done to Philpub, thats awesome. Finished in 4-27 so a course record by 17 mins, but then I only run it in the rain (2004 & 2009). Enjoyed myself immensely and thought the weather was marginally better than last time i ran in 2004! . Great to see everyone in the pub.
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    grrrrr still blamin' Dave for the rain image
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    Birdy most people didn't realise they'd gone past me till I heckled them!  That's what comes of last minute decisions to set off early! 
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    mordomordo ✭✭✭

    me legs me legs oh me legs

    well done phil great time

    big thanks to the marshall braving the weather which didnt help confidence level, oh well lets hope next year is like last year

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    4:02 and a big PW for me on this course.

    Having 7 previous finishes here, all well under 4 hours I thought I knew the terrain well enough to stick to my flat racing shoes that I always wear on this course (well, up to now anyway). 1 mile in having fallen over twice already I contemplated heading back to the start to swap shoes but instead I tip-toed on. By the time I reached Littlington 16 miles later I was just so fed up up concentrating hard to stay upright I nearly pulled but that was the scene of my only other DNF and I couldn't let it happen again. I'd nearly taken an accidental dip in the river just before the village as the snaking muddy path just gave no grip at all and I flew off onto the grass again. 

     Over the 'b*tches' I was certain that my clubmate who's in his 60's would be closing in on me and I'd never live it down if he beat me so that kept me going to the finish but boy, was it bleak up there or what ? 

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    I did see someone deliberately slide some way down the final hill on their arse but I think their legs had gone by then and they were not in a position to stand upright - he had to be helped down the steps by marshalls.....

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Cheers all.  Feel surprisingly human now, if a little stiff.  BTW fb, thanks again for the SIS caffeine gel tip - went down a treat at precisely 20 miles.  Energy levels felt surprisingly good all the way round.

    That last downhill - woah! I did a reccy when I got to Eastbourne on the Friday evening, trying to work out the fastest way down.  As it was I'm glad I wasn't racing for position, and headed straight for the steps.  The guy who came in 3rd (would've been closer to me but got slightly lost towards the end) went head-over-heels - thankfully no damage done and he was back up and running over the line.  (But if he's interested, my brother took a very good picture of the rather spectacular tumble!)  image

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    FB - I did the last hill on my backside on purpose, just the bit where the steps are. It worked very well and I gained a precious place by doing it as the guy on my tail walked the steps and I was long gone. I think that was the fastest I moved all day.
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    I saw the sliding guy too, he was just in front of me

    maybe if i had done that i would have got on the results

    (6 hours 30 secs)

    wasnt you tho Ed


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    PH - If he was helped down the steps then you should get him disqualified and ask to have his place on the results ! That's surely outside the rules.
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    I just saw a guy sit down and slide

    was too busy picking my way down to notice anything else


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    the guy I saw was somewhere around a 5:45 finish......clearly not the only one then!

    Phil - glad the tip worked - has worked for me a few coming back next year??? have to really I guess to have another crack at Mr Mills but you now have added knowledge to help
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    PodroPodro ✭✭✭
    Hi PH. I'm missing from the results as well. They must have missed us in the mist.....
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    I was over 6 hours podro

    hence i wont be on the results

    though someone did seem to be taking my number

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    Have you checked the results Hipps?  You may be on there
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    I have gone awol from the results as well though my club mate who ran the whole way with me is on them, maybe the two shirts with Dubai written on them confused the issue!

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭
    fb - not sure at the moment,  When I originally entered it was definitely going to be a one-off diversion away from the 'normal' marathon regime.  Also marathons are a bit like holidays to me - they don't come around that often (I'm no PH! image ) so I think if I'm gonna invest so much time & effort on one I ought to do as many different ones as possible.  On the other hand, BH and a couple of preparatory races really have opened my eyes to the off-road stuff, and I do have a score to settle!  I'll have a damn good think about it. Maybe NY/Berlin or something next Autumn and come back to BH in 2011?  Hmmm...
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    you'll be back - it's the lure of the Downs...... image
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