
Over 60s training.



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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I took a look at your running data


      Total number of trackpoints  = 508 ( 100 % )
      Total number of usable trackpoints   = 505 ( 99.4 % )
      Total number of usable trackpoints per km  = 66.4
      Average distance between usable trackpoints  = 15.1 metres
      Max distance between usable trackpoints  = 31.8 metres occurred at 1.6   Kms
      Average time between usable trackpoints  = 4.5 secs
      Max time between usable trackpoints  = 9.0 secs occurred at 0.8   Kms

      Total number of trackpoint timestamps   = 508 ( 100.0 % )
      Total number of trackpoint latitude coords   = 505 ( 99.4 % )
      Total number of trackpoint longitude coords   = 505 ( 99.4 % )
      Total number of heart rate readings   = 305 ( 60.0 % )
      Total number of trackpoint distance measurements   = 505 ( 99.4 % )

      Heart rate spike analysis based on heart rate changes between 2 trackpoints
        Heart rate change >= 5  < 10 BPM = 0
        Heart rate change >= 10 < 15 BPM = 0
        Heart rate change >= 15 < 20 BPM = 0
        Heart rate change >= 20 BPM = 0

    You have some 200 heart beat measurements missing, that is only 60% of your trackpoints had hr data.

    Normally you would expect to see 99%.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    It has taken me 10 mins to get onto the internet.

    thanks for the link. I will look when I have finisihed with my post on here, 'cause that will be another 10 mins to get there. But THANKS.

    Stewart has been so very stubborn about Norton, I kept telling him that everybody was abandoning Norton 'cause it cased more problems than it solved! Would be listen. NO. But now I think he is saying that he will not renew with them again. Fantastic I say. I have made a note of Avast. TS also had same problems with Norton and changed a couple of years ago.  I think NOrton are too clever for their own good.

    you deserve a medal of the GOLD variety for yesterdays race. I am sure your shoes will be ok. Stuff them with newspaper and don't dry them with too much heat. Bottom of airing cupboard is a good place. Ankle deep water, Empty and I have experienced that but not on a 10 mile race. Also it wasn't raining at the time. YOur next race will seem a dodle in comparison.

    piriformis, for sure will be the culprite.

    I haven't read the previous page, not sure how long it will take to go back a page, but I will try!

    I am running shortly, but only a short recovery. Then the gym with Simon is on the cards. Then painful massage this afternoon.

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    Morning all! 
    Not a good one, weather-wise, though the sky is slightly lighter to the west.

    I'm starting a week off. May go back to bed. image

    Columba is still having problems posting. She's contacted RW.  Meanwhile...........

    Official info now through about the race. Time was 2 seconds longer than
    my own timing. Was not last, - one other behind me. Was the only person in
    the 65 age group, and the only woman in the 60+ age range (about 8 or 9
    men over 60). So actually felt I'd done quite well. Then began to feel it
    was more a case of fools rushing in where angels fear to tread. Altogether
    there were 131 runners.

    Stiff and sore today!

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Been back and read, it took me 10 mins or so!!

    I think you did very well indeed especially in such a small field, it meant there weren't many runners around you. Took a lot of mental strength to compete in such conditions.

    yes agree about AV software, but not sure I am too careful about where one goes on the web. RW site being one of them!. 

    good news that you were able to walk Doodle ok.

    What a long drawn out process. But win you MUST. Keep going. Sounded scary about the car in the wind.   

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    Good morning

    5.06M; 58:48; 11:37/M; hr152 m168
    12:00 147 159
    11:40 153 164
    11:33 155 167
    11:45 153 168
    11:20 152 158

    That's better! After the first warmup mile the numbers aren't too bad, at least not by my standards. Got most of the way round before the rain started and even then it wasn't in earnest. I expect someone will tell me the HR is too high but that's how it seems to go these days. So then someone will suggest that it's time I did another maxHR test and that ain't good news, they're lethal.


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    Ceal - It's definitely a Norton problem. I fell out of love with them at least 10 years ago. When I was lecturing in IT with Sevenoaks Adult Ed one of my colleagues recommended AVG Free and I've never looked back. Download here. You need to scroll right down to the bottom. There are versions you pay for but I've always found the free one is adequate. Incidentally my recent replacement PC came with Avast pre-installed but after a hard drive failure I had to reinstall everything and substituted AVG. Avast seemed unnecessarily noticeable whereas in the main AVG just gets on with it.

    Columba - Are you sure you're still signed in to RW? If you aren't you will be able to read but not to contribute. Windows automatic updates often wipe out all cookies on your PC and that would put paid to the automatic login on RW that you don't even notice normally. To check you're logged in look at the top of the page on the left hand side, if your name is not there as an RW member then you aren't logged in. If it is there and you still can't post, it's some other problem I haven't encountered. If it's not there all you have to do to sign in is go to the box a little lower down on the left, fill in your email address and password and everything will be fine and dandy.

    All the best


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    Run done.

    My boring-but-useful 4-miler to the motorway and back. Aim - to get out.
    4.01 miles in 46:56, 11:43 av pace


    Hadn't slept well and none of it felt easy, but looking back through my log it was about the same as any others. 

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     Agree about Norton - a pain in the ...
    I had it on my old desk top which i did renew once but not since. When i got my lap top salesman was keen to sell me Norton (as he would) i was adamant didn't want that, i figured it did slow my computer down amongst other things. I went for mcafee in the end haven't had any problems

    Just 4.01 miles 41:26 (10:20 pace)

    1)  - 1m - 10:41(10:41/m) - 109cal
    2)  - 1m - 10:05(10:05/m) - 109cal
    3)  - 1m - 10:23(10:23/m) - 110cal
    4)  - 1m - 10:11(10:11/m) - 109cal
    5)  - 0.01m - 7(10:54/m) - 1cal

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    Columba, it sounds the sort of dreadful day where just turning up and finishing is an achievement in itself. Well done! And you were 1st in your age group!
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    River Shuttle, Bexley Woods
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    Heel feels great today so off for a run on my private track around the golf course in very comfortable and DRY weather.

    I can also offer support to aws' recommedation of AVG, great piece of free software. Why anyone would pay for AV software beats me. Since using AVg or Avast I have had no virus issues or performance issues associated with AV software and it hasn't cost me a penny.

    What is the cost of a typical gym membership in the UK these days.
    I am sorting out my next training cycle that will include a lot more core and strength training. I have a number of gyms to chose from with some great deals, about 200 pounds a year for use of all equipment and classes including core strength and pilates.


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    Mick 200 pounds sounds like a good deal i have cancelled my gym membership on the premise that i couldn't get there regularly enough i live in a small community no gym so have to travel out to use one. The one i used was near work but couldn't use it after 4pm during the week that cost me £45 a month did try to bargin using it after 4pm so i could use it before work, didn't want to pay the full lwhack (yes i am a tightwad) think it was around £65 a month. They weren't interested so cancelled my membership

    The gym attached to my physio place asks for £40 a month although this is much smaller only the weights machines weights and some cardio equipment but more personable, may rejoin them thats about the best deal that is convenient to me and i can use it anytime
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    It still sounds very expensive and does it come with any free classes?
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    Me and Bernard did 10 miles today. Well Bernard did 10.6 miles, I stopped at 10 miles and walked home. He was in a hurry for the loo. That wind today is horrid.

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    £200 a year for use of all equipment Mick, plus classes? Looks like another way we're ripped off in the UK then. Or am I being too cynical?

    I'm another contented user of AVG free.

    Nice run Tracey, especially in the wind.

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    with regard to the big gym i quit yes they have classes and its all in. Though if you want personal tuition you have to pay for that (natural i guess) a lady from work gave up smoking a few years ago and used the money she would spend on the ciggies to pay for the personal tuition

    The smaller gym no classes as such its too small but you have a trainer there so you do get the more personal touch

    Graham - you are not cynical at all or else i am - thats about £16 a month

    Well done Tracey

    Went out for a second run

    3.54 miles - 37:04 10:28 pace was a bit windy, though dark

    1)  - 1m - 10:33(10:33/m) - 108cal
    2)  - 1m - 10:26(10:26/m) - 110cal
    3)  - 1m - 10:42(10:42/m) - 111cal
    4)  - 0.54m - 5:23(9:59/m) - 59cal

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Pammie, Graham,
    I don't think you are cynical at all. I sold equipment into the UK for years and it was well understood that you could charge a lot more in the uk. We used to have two price lists, one for the ROW and one for the UK.
    It became a bit of a problem as people started buying the equipment in the US and shipping it to the UK and reselling it.
    Some things are a better deal in the UK, dress shoes and chocolate. Houses, cars and petrol are crazy prices in the UK. Running kit is cheaper here.

    A second run, well done.

    I did my 8k on the golf course with a well behaving heel, only the odd twinge. Averaged a comfortable 5:18 / km pace

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I just looked out of my office window to find these two cutting my front lawn for me.


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    JJ - my legs know that they have done 10 miles thou image
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    Hooray! Back again! - Thanks largely to no. 2 son who is home for a week (was dead simple actually, and he says I'm an idiot. I'll admit to being an IT idiot).

    Thank you all for your good wishes, good advice etc. Was very tired yesterday and fairly tired today but went for a very gentle jog for 27 minutes, to reassure myself that I could).

    Now will go back and read more thoroughly, also try to find Aws' photos again so I can show son what you all look like) 

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    JJ - I am doing Brighton marathon. So I will do another couple of 10 milers before I increase the distance. I have a new running buddy now thou. He is as bad as Hippo.
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    Now I've looked back, what my son did was exactly what Aws and JJ said to do.

    Interesting discussion about Norton. My laptop has Norton on it, and takes forever to do anything. I switch it on and go away, come back in 5 mins or so and make the next move, go away again...

    MickC, I like your lawnmowers. Bet they fertilise the ground as well as shortening the grass. BTW, my official time for that 10 miles was 2 hours 8 mins 6 seconds, and if you would enter it in your chart I should feel very flattered. 

    Another lovely picture at the totp, Aws. Looks like a very shallow river; is it?  

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    something has let me back on the internet. couldn't get on for most of yesterday. Thus was unable to look at and use any of the kind and helpful suggestions  made by yourselves. Stewart spent 4 hours last night with Norton on a chat line trying to sort the problem. But no solution, in the end I joined in the conversation and told them we are going to bin their programme taty bye. or words to that effect.We haven't heard from them since!!!

    I sometimes have to log back onto RW, so maybe Norton has something to do with that!!!!!!

    Stewart belongs to a Gym and pays around £75  a month plus there was a joining fee, has swimming pool and all latest equipment and does include classes. BUT that is a lot of money. I have just joined one £15 a month, huge place with every bit of equiment that you could possible ever want from a Gym, but no pool and no classes. But that price is cheap here in the UK. Gym's are going through a bad time here due to the recession. Bike shops for some reason are going through a boom time. Btw love the piccie of the deer. I am still envious of your golf course to run around.

    when do you get treatment for your leg? I would imagine that it is a buyers maket at the moment in the housing market so hope your daughter was able to get a good deal.  

    you are being very keen at the moment, remind me is Bernard racing Brighton as well as yourself?

    I survived my massage well, not so painful.

    Gym went well, I used 4 different machines and did 6 x 8 reps on each one. Feel ok so far, but weights were very light for first time.

    The bad news is that Simon is unable to look after me anymore, sob sob, He has taken on other committments and will not be on the floor of the Gym from Dec 1st. Sob, sob. Acutally I have known for a couple of weeks so have almost got used to the idea.

    My new massage/physio Guy, Adrian, will be a good replacement, but really noone could replace Simon really. Oh well, time to move on and make the most of what is available.

    I did run yesterday for 3.5 miles. Light miles this week due to decision to race on Friday. I have been given the go ahead!

    Now I will try and read back a page, may be back later.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    thank you for the AVG link. I have been able to look at the page but as I am unable to uninstall Norton myself, apparently it's not straighforward so will have to wait until Stewart gets home this evening. Fingers Crossed that all will be well later tonight. Well it will be if we can get on the internet.

    I'm now going to do a reboot, spent a lot of time rebooting yesterday. So slooooooooow

    I am now suffering from delayed typing response to my fingers. Grrrrrrrrr

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    Good morning

    4.79M; 55:41; 11:38/M; hr152 m167
    11:53 143 153
    11:33 152 161
    11:41 155 167
    11:49 157 167
    8:44(0.79M 11:07/M)151 159

    Used a rehash of bits of some of my routes that I thought would work out to about 5miles but as you see is slightly less.


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    Everybody's bashing Norton, myself included, and not without good reason as they seem to have lost the plot. Back in the old MSDOS days, which were probably before most people knew what computers were and PCs still hadn't been invented, still less Windows, you had to know a bit about what made computers tick just to be able to use them. PC World wasn't around and you couldn't buy much in the way of software, so most people wrote their own. About the time hard disk drives came on the scene (before that you had to save all your work on a 5.25" floppy disk or even a cassette tape and then reload it and the software before you could do anything), about that time Norton turned up with an excellent suite of diagnostic software that really took the inconvenience and pain out of using a computer. This stuff was simple to use and did the job to perfection. It was almost as though if Norton didn't do it, then it couldn't be done, at least not without a lot of time and trouble and considerable expertise. Now it seems to me that their software has become just a bit too sophisticated with too many bells and whistles when a simple down to earth product that keeps its head down and just gets on with the job is what most of us would prefer, rather than a piece of kit that appears to be trying to run our lives.

    BTW there was life and there were computers before Microsoft and Windows.


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    good morningimage - or image after looking at the weather outside

    Norton = bad
    AVG = good

    end of!!
    Norton does not like to be uninstalled and leaves sneaky bits to trip one up later - so Ceal I would let Stewart do it and he can take the blame - that's what blokes are for!

    No time for a real read back as, as usual, a return from holiday brings a large pile of stuff to attend to and meetings to arrange as people have missed me so badly image
    I had not realised that the LFOTM had come around so fast until I read Ceal's post above - curses as I have just arranged a meeting in London on Thursday.

    JJ's reference to wet knicks had me turning back a page or two but alas it was weather conditions ........

    right 'ard you are - 10 miles in that weather, well done.
    Mind I got as wet as that every day - but that was due ot swimming in the very warm sea - did I mention I had been to the Caribbeanimage??

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    TS - Yes, I believe you did image. Welcome back.

    The only thing I can add about Norton is that I had it for three years after it was installed with my PC. No problems really but then I decided not to renew the annual payment and use AVG instead. Funnily enough, shortly after not paying the annual payment I got a warning saying I was infected and needed to renew my Norton fee to fix the problem. I'd never had a virus warning before. Suspicious eh, or was I a bit paranoid?

    Anyway, I ignored it and got my friendly IT expert round to uninstall Norton and install AVG free instead. I'd seen a few horror stories on the web about uninstalling Norton but he said he'd never had a problem and sure enough I was fine.

    I meant to say aws, thanks again for posting the link to the Serpies photos. My wife was impressed you managed to get one of me smiling as she can never manage it!

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