
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    It is snowing hard here in the south now.
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    Mick - here are my spreadsheet targets. Thanks in advance.

    5K - 21:59

    10K - 46:59

    10M - 1:18:59

    HM -  1:48:59

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    Thanks Ceal image

    Mick - On the news this morning they were talking about clearing the path of snow outside your house. It said that in Canada you have 12 hours to clear the snow or you will be fined. It this true?

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    What a snowy day!   Been coming down all day since 7 o'clock this morning in Sheffield.  I've cleared front  driveway twice and its covered yet again.  Looks like accumulation of 6 inches, quite a lot for this elevation and its the first time we've seen as much since we lived at this house(1997).

    Sorry to hear about Liz, hope it was only temporary and she is okay again.

    Be careful if you do have  a cold,  I STILL have a cough after all this time.  Perhaps I should have not been running in those early days of infection but then again my coughs do take a long time to disappear.
    The gym I first used before getting into running outdoors had a fitness trainer built like the proverbial outhouse( polite definition) who was in his mid-40s and said  " I hope I can run on treadmill as well as you do when I'm in my 60s" .  Even the current gym has trainers who look pretty much overweight and a bit out of shape ! 
    On t/mill after a warmup I vary the gradient to simulate some undulations as well as taking into account air and wind resistance.  It's easy to forget that there is no air resistance when using the moving belt.

    Haven't seen or heard anything about RV 10k for this year.  As you say, it was a bit of a shambles last year with the park's inability to cope with larger influx of cars due partly to event being teamed up with Theo 10k race.   Let's hope they have got better ideas for this year's race.  Really the park needs another way in or at least another way out to ease congestion.

    Surprised to hear your snowfall today has been light,  lucky youimage  And again lucky you with having Tenerife to look forward to. A great place to do training,  no doubt you know that too.

    As others have said at least some of the serious possibilities have been eliminated.  Hopefully the prognosis and what to do about it will soon be realised for you. But maybe self help will do it anyway, you manage treadie running ok .

    Good average pace with that fartlek session, the biting cold air didn't stop youimage

    I always say when needs must,  a good walk is better than nowt.   Today I did just the same, a goodish walk as for me it had to be a NRD.  Also some snow clearance x-training as a little bonusimage 

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Evening all

    Portsmouth and surrounding area is at a standstill, we are just not used to this white stuff. People can't get car's up or down Portsdown Hill with any degree normality, quite a few are doing a good impression of crab !!

    Thanks for your good wishes, we are now waiting for the CT results.

    Mike T

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I personally never have a problem with breathing in the cold air, but I do know some people who do. It seems to trigger an asthma attack. Another problem is your nose hairs freezing, it feels a bit odd but isn't a problem. A much more serious problem is wind chill. It can catch you unware, you head out with the wind behind you, start to sweat and then turn into the wind and finish up with frost bite.
    I have entered your numbers, very reasonable targets for you.

    I have never heard of such a bylaw and it is a little impractical as we can get 2 feet of snow and most Canadians are not in good enough shape to shovel that amount of snow. You are not allowed to dump snow from your drive into the street.

    As soon as I get a bit of time I will code up a utility to import the Garmin tcx file and export the summary and lap data to a csv / xls file

    Good luck with the CT scan.

    The conditions for my run today were not up to much, -8c, light snow and windy. I had to wear my Yaktraxs again. No chance to go to the gym unfortunately, but off to a class with the ladies tomorrow morning.


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    Come and run in Dagenham as we have no snow.

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    Go back home we are all white now too image
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    Tracey starting to snow here too and quickly
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    Morning snow bunnies.
    Have a good day and take care everyone, hope you are all able to do whatever you set out to do.
    Bestest to Liz and Mike.

    Down here on the SE corner coast last night....

    Mr S and I decided the roads weren't too bad and drove to track. The weather is perhaps less severe here than elsewhere.

    It was cold of course, with a couple of flurries of snow. The back straight and 200 bend had an inch or two of snow in lanes 2-8  but at least the entire home straight was ok for running

    Jog lap didn't go too well - I was disappointed that bum pain kicked in after 200 metres. So I split it up into 3 x 200 with 100 walk in between and then got stuck into a load of drills again, hoping that as I warmed up by going through all the different movements - broken down components of the sprint action as most of them are - then the pain would become at least manageable. More discomfort than pain. I honestly DO know better than to run through real pain. Drills were fine again, and strides were okish so I elected to do a truncated version of the main session.

    We were easily the biggest group. Nothing like the usual number of children and the main middle distance lot must have been out on a run, but there were 15 of us, plus P. -  full house. Three girls (including me) and twelve blokes. We really could do with more girls!

    Session was 3 sets of the following:
    150 wind up, 110 - 80 - 60, all with walk back recoveries.
    200 walk between sets.

    I ran everything at about 75%, - more like strides. P. said if I was going to try it I should keep to the straight for everything and just ease into each rep.

    So I did 3 lots of: 100s for the wind ups, which were just about ok, and 80, 60, 60. I pulled up on a couple of the 80s but that was chiefly because I panicked when the boys came charging up behind me and I knew I couldn't push it like I usually do.

    Glad to have got through with no ill effects. Got home and stretched for once before eating. Seem ok this morning. Wish I had slept longer though...

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    good morning
    another 2" overnight so for once discretion rules and no run so farimage

    thanks for the offer - there is no hurry but it would be fun to manipulate data at some time in the future

    that's the problem with modern cars - they fit too well so that the very small gaps soon get iced up. A friend of mine who has  a car with one of those proximity keys simply could not get the door open and had to resort to a kettle of boiling water - fine if you ar outside the car but not so good when in it!!!

    Strange that the effects are more noticable when running outside unless you were running on a road or path with a considerable camber on it causing the outside ot the leg to be stretched a bit?? There are any number of muscles and nerves running down the leg which could trigger it - as I have found to my cost recently.  My wonder physio says she likes to diagnose and treat the cause not the symptoms

    Snow in the South - whatever next?? Fingers crossed for the CT results

    Hope the plane gets off - enjoy the sun!!

    that sounded a committed session despite the pain in the bum!! Hope you were a bit more colour coordinated last eveningimage

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    A snow plough just went down our road. Now I didn't know Dagenham had one of those.
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    never seen one of those Tracey
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    Pammie - it is just an attachment to the gritter lorry.
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    TS But I am always colour co-ordinated, however many layers I am forced to toil under. I think if you consider the evidence carefully you would realise that my Sunday session was a stylish symphony of blues, greys and blacks.

    Last night was a similar theme but with an extra layer of schoolgirl grey. Two jumpers and  two cardigans once the jacket was removed. Two layers of tights too, once I reluctantly relinquished the trackie Bs.

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Exceptionally white for down here, just watched a car slithering out of our road, and it's just started snowing again.

    Taken the day off as can't afford to get stuck at work with Liz in hospital. Had text from Liz this morning to say that most of the staff on this morning had slept there overnight.

    Thankfully Hannah stayed at work last night, although she thinks she will now have to do the breakfast shift and possibly the evening shift - a triple whammie !!

    Mike T 

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good snowy morning,

    A good dump here overnight, but not quite as yet as much as Feb last year. But maybe if it continues to snow we will have later.

    Stewart had elected to work from home today when we heard the forecast yesterday. Good job he made that decision. Waitrose's have just text us to say our order has left the depot but may be delayed!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There was fun and games on the green last night well into the late night as youngsters made use of the small inclines with their sledges and trays. this of course is just below our bedroom windows. But I would have done the same at the same age.

    Sounds like you have a good plan for your leg. However, I would have thought the time for icing the area has past and that it should be alternate hot and cold compresses applied to the area for maximum healing. Cold on it's own at this moment in time will just prevent blood to the area, and circulating blood is what one needs for healing to take place.   It would seem that your ankle area is the one that needs attention to ease the pressure on the outside of the upper leg. But I am only making a stab in the dark at a helpful idea .

    Your shopping indeed sounds expensive, I trust you got a good dealimage

    Well done on your colour co-ordinated short sprint/strides last pm. When do your circuit sessions start again?

    All for now, I shall not be getting stuck in my car today, because I will not be taking it out. Stewart is forbidding me to run in the snow, I think I remember him telling me that before, but when do I take any notice of thatimage. I may give it a go,

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    it sounds bad in Hampshire according to the news.
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    Good morning (that's my wish to you all not a comment on the weather)

    5.08M; 1:04:30; 12:41

    Here's another comparison; same run as the last two but everything else is different: new fall of snow (about 2"), no Garmin (flat battery) hence no HR, splits by courtesy of mobile phone subject to the dubious accuracy of the prodding finger, that's only marginally less accurate than the G subject to my memory of where the mile splits occur (also dependent on G). Mostly run on untrodden snow or in the road, traffic permitting and where it wasn't too slushy. Temp 1°C so at least it wasn't freezing. Flat battery is a complete mystery as I always leave the G plugged into the laptop until it says, "battery charging complete", and seeing you only get that notice when it's not switched on I don't see how it could have run down; unless it got switched on by accident, which is unlikely as you have to hold it for a couple of seconds before it activates. So I'm poozled.


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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    I may be gone sometime !!!

    Just about to put wellies on and start the expedition to the hospital.

    No I'm not running !!

    Mike T

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I'm just off to the garage, for a stint on the treddie. Snow thick but wettish and very compact atlready, Both on road and pavements. According to Stewart that is, I haven't ventured out ,but can see what it's like. It's still coming down too.
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    PussyPussy ✭✭✭

    Sorry AWS. I have to comment on the weather. Just to say thanks a bundle to you all for sending the snow down here. Not a commodity we either want or enjoy. Sheep feed can't get down from Exeter and getting to the pickup point requires navigational skills beyond my capabilities. No club run and looking dodgy for the rest of the week.

    Right, have had my moan! Will try to read back and visit you later.

    Please look after yourselves in these conditions and don't go falling over.

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    Hope MT gets there and back without too much difficulty.

    Very atmospheric photos, TS.

    Snowing here, but very small flakes, and only a centimetre or two on the ground. We seem to be in a small area with less snow - 10 miles in any direction and it's a different story. Managed to fall over in the garden when taking out bird food, so can't see that running is an option, and no gym accessible either. image

    At times like this I could do with a treddie, like ceal & JJ.

    Graham, Tenerife will be wonderful - hope all remains clear enough at your departure airport.

    sharkie, great training fitted in before weather got worse.

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