
Shades Marathon Training



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    I'd go with that then Laura. The website is bound to be a little general - if experienced people have looked at you and two different lots come up with the same answer then believe them.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    i was just a little confuzzled to tell you the truth LMUH, it kinda went against what both guys said.

    do you think i would need special shoes thought if i roll out then in??

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    You won't roll out - that will be where your foot first strikes the ground before rolling in - which is the over pronation part. Go with the 2150's.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    i got you now.

    thanks very much for the advice, do you reckon they are good shoes?


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    VR - LOL!!!  Stuck my head out quick and shot back in when I heard your girls were having a ding dong.  Poor you!!  image

    Shades - aaaaaaaaaww, cute little calves.  They'll probably run alongside you to play if you run that way again.  Agree it was wonderfully cool this morning and am thorough enjoying the early morning runs.  image

    HY4 - great running and you got out there before the heat started getting really silly.  image

    xxxpancho - hope you had a good day today.  Don't do hot very well, so this early morning running is far more enjoyable.  image

    SiJ - sorry to hear about your glasses and agree to send them back.  All my runs are hilly.  All speedwork (if you can call it that LOL!) is done on hills.  Anyway, flat is really boring.  I know Milton Abbass and Puddletown quite well - glad you like Dorset too.  image

    Laura - glad you got your shoes sorted.  Am a neutral gait and love Asics Nimbus and Kinsei.  image

    It was so hot today, I wore a skirt image and was teased mercilessly by some good buddies at work LOL.  Guess what I'm doing now and can't believe that it's happening - am watching England and Slovenia.  What is wrong with me?  I never watch football!!!  Even Flossette has stayed back at school to watch the match on the big screen in the Sports Hall.  At the end of the day, guess just want to hear some success for England and am more patriotic than I thought.  There you go!  Second half......here goes imageimage

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    flossie i am kind of the same when it comes to the world cup it is the only time i watch the football and i think becuase A - scotland are not int the cup and B- i have been in england for 5 years now i become very patriotic towards the games aswell, its really the only time i watch football hee hee!!

    just got myself a lovley pair of ascis 2150 blue and white for £55 free delivery!!!!

    the best price i could find elsewhere was around £70.  i was so worried they would be fakes or not the correct kind but after 1.5 hours of close inspection i feel amazon are just giving a way a bitty of a bargain


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    meh bang goes running sunday what with F1 at 1pm and england at 3pm

    at least the  useless wazzocks actually learnt how to play today

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    Always Sunday morning Keithimage
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    Quick post before I go and torture myself at the Gymimage

    All these early morning runs are very impressive you lot, wish I could be bothered to get up a bit earlier. Just feel 6am is early enoughimage

    LOL at you threatening to punish yourself LMUH, thats one way of motivating yourselfimage

    That is a great bargain Laura

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    SL - well done on your shoe purchase.   LOL at the 1.5 hours inspection!   Running shoes are relaunched every year and sometimes twice a year, so it gives us runners a chance to pick up the not so new models on the internet at a better price.    My favourite shoes are now on their tenth (GT10's)launch so I've been able to pick up some of the ninth (GT9's) at half price this year.    Asics 2150 are a great shoe.

    Keith - yes you'll have to run Sunday morning now and early if you've a long run planned!image

    Hot again here today, I'm fed up of this weather  <<prays for rain>>

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    Just back from a rather warm 15 miles - but all these things are relative aren't they - my last two 'A' races have been much warmer than todays 24C so it's good to get acclimatised.

    LOL at Flossie with the football!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    10 miles so i can go out AFTER the footie image

    I'm not stupid image Be lucky if i make it downstairs for noon at the weekend, got a hectic weekend really and i'm on call.

    Carlisle saturday for hair cut and visiting granny, whitehaven destival weekend so i'll go down on the saturday, lots of food stalls so will carefully select bag to run down with, i have a 55L rucksack somewhere from ten tors which should be big enough

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    Laura - excellent shoe deal there and must keep an eye on Amazon in future.  image

    Keith - they played well today - the other night was absolute hell watching them.  LOL at your rucksack training to the food stalls - all in a good cause eh!  imageimage

    Mrs Mac - gym for me too tonight as busy tomorrow night walking my friend and her doglet.  image

    Shades - don't pray for rain!  image

    LMUH - excellent running.  You torturing yourself in the heat for not going earlier?  imageimage

    Won't be back on tonight as Flossette is back and staring at me to get off the computer.  image  Flossette has just put down Moggie, whom she has held for far too long - hisses like a snake when she's upset.  imageimage

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    UltraCasUltraCas ✭✭✭

    *waves to the Shadies*

    Just popping in as I was thinking of LMH today - I ran on the High Peak Trail this afternoon and it reminded me of last year's White Peak Mara image But how is it the uphills from Parsley Hey towards Matlock still feel uphill the other way???image

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    Its not training though, merely maximising carrying space image

    have you seen that game at Wimbledon 46-46 in the final set, been playing over 8 hours now and actually started last night.

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    Shades, can you add a bit to the end of your prayer that states 'none North of the border please'?!image

    Hi Casimage

    Keith, I'm watching it now! Its really boring tennis but strangely fascinating!!

    Well done on the 15 miles LMUH. When you said you'd go for a run after your food settled I assumed you meant 4 or 5image Should've knownimage

    The gym was roasting tonight. Did intervals on the treadmill and felt like I'd been dunked in a bath afterwards. Just binned the t-shirt I had on as it was a bit whiffyimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Waves back to Pancho.


    Can you take them back & get your money back?




    Thanks.  I've checked the weather for my race and it's going to be about 26C at the mo.  But there are parts of the course which are in the open so think it will be a hot race.


    If both shops say the same thing the 2150's should be okay.


    What about getting out in the morning?  I'm watching that match at the mo.  The poor sod who wins has to play tomorrow.  Not sure what's going to happen if the match is still tied when light stops play tonight if it goes that far because they both look knackered.


    I very nearly had a CBA moment.

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    Flossie - no, not this time - couldn't have got out earlier as was at work and swam on the way home!

    Keith - I love food festivals and the like- hope you find lots of nice things.

    Funnily enough I was thinking about you the other day too Cas - obviously you're back running again, how are things after the op? What were you doing in my neck of the woods?

    Shades - no rain required here either thank you!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HY4 - I er dont really do mornings image i do however do food. Makes Saturdays ten miler piss easy as its about a 10 mile round trip to town and i can easily whack a loop on at the start if i want to. Although i do have a haircut at noon a hours drive away so i'll probably not bother going down, all depends when i get home.

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    Well that race was horrendous. 4.33 miles of hell! It was sooo hot even at that time. (7.30pm)
    as I was chugging along huffing and puffing all I could think about was What on earth was I doing and never again.. I wore my bright blue shoes though. Very comfy and felt really light. Lots of people were interested in them, well, you could hardly miss them image

    Anyway I did 35 minutes with a sprint finish with another lady which was fun. My first mile split was 7.42 image
    I've still got a beetroot face!

    LMUH - Cheers matey! for reminding me about the school hols!

    Shades - Don't listen to Flossie about rain. pray harder. It's hose pipes at dawn down the allotment. My poor little purple sprouting broccoli plants are getting scorched image 

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    *bimbles into the garden to water flowers*
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    VR and Shades - STOP praying for rain immediately, still haven't seen sun for more than half an hour up here! Otherwise me and Mrs Mac will come down and sort you out!

    VR - that sounds very speedy.

    Got to steel myself to buy some new shoes.

    Two mega days at work coming up so it probably will be sunnyimage.

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    Elspeth - Might have to take drastic action and ask Butler to do a rain dance. It won't be pretty.
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    Well said Elspethimageimage

    Sounds like a scary race VR, even worse than 10K's image 

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    It was. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I think I'm traumatised image image  
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    UltraCasUltraCas ✭✭✭

    LMH - I'm up here for a quarry exhibition in Buxton for work...heading back south tomorrow. I'm back in full training now...ran 16 miles on mon, 13 today image

    Still getting a few pain through the scar but it's healing pain where the nerves are knitting back together. I'm still getting problems with the left side but I'm going to try and achieve a few targets with running over the next 12 months before I get that fixed.

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    ClagClag ✭✭✭

    VR - if Butler's doing a rain dance, none north of the border except for Aberdeen would be grand. Too hot here! Went out for a run last night and it was like running in a fan oven, as it was on Tuesday! Too hard.

    image Mrs Mac - binning your t-shirt!

    Got the podiatrist tonight - bit worried as I'm sure the toenail will be off. image The others aren't looking bonny either but will hopefully get sorted out. Bloody Edinburgh marathon - had absolutely no problems with toenails, ever, until that hot hot day when I could have done with shoes 3 sizes bigger, I think!

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    Flossie - as VR says we desperately need rain here, everything is scorched and parched and dusty and food prices will soar soon if we don't get any, we're at the stage when crops are about to fail.   Don't think there's any forecast for a while though, I hate this weather

    Cas - so good to hear you're back running distances again, what are you training for now?

    VR - well done on your speedy race, blinding first mileimage

    Clag - I'm sure the podiatrist has seen lots of runner's feet in a worse state than yours

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    Strange - I was sure I posted earlier. Never mind.

    Cas - glad to hear that the operation seems to have been a success. Do you still have IM aspirations?

    VR - short races are tough - not for us slow twitch types. Well done on a hard effort.

    Elspeth - hope the weather waits for your days off to warm up.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    Shades - your prayers aren't being answered. It's too hot here. image

    Ultra Cas - glad you're back running. image  I'm having the same kind of optical illusions. I run what I think is a slight uphill incline, thinking it'll be down on the way back, then when I turn round it's still uphill! image

    Flossie - laughed about Flossette and your computer. My youngest teen's laptop has finally died and all he ever says to me is "How long are you going to be on there?" as he again plugs in his computer just to prove it doesn't work. image

    Nice little calves??? Went for an out and back run yesterday evening. Cows were all over the far side of the field so quite OK to run on the path. But when I came back there were calves all over the place, the cows were heading towards the path, and I didn't like the look of the big black one with the ring through his nose. image No option though, so I walked very quickly at the far edge of the path, keeping an eye out for the bits of the fence I could scramble over!

    VR - another speedy run, you're whizzing along at the moment. Well done.image

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