
Over 60s training.



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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    aws, nice run, all 11s. And best pace of 7:06 I notice! Mine often shows up best pace times which I would be lucky to maintain over 50 meters flat-out. Odd, but I suppose it's something to do with sampling rates etc. Or did you put in a spurt somewhere?
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    Graham - Thanks. That's the very last bit of the last downhill bit just before home and it's only the fastest pace I touched for probably a whole secondimage. I couldn't possibly hold it for longer.image

    The bit I don't understand about this Garmin Connect thingy is the "Moving Time" as opposed to the "Time" that's clearly the o/a time which is shown by the 305. It seems to imply that I stopped somewhere, but I didn't. I didn't even have to pause even momentarily for traffic or anything yet there's 14sec difference! That's a quarter of a minute. How could I lose/gain thatmuch without knowing? Maybe Mick6 can throw some light on it.


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    K2 - With us it would have to be gwoutfrswm cwswvgot nwhayrtw swmindwrs.


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    For a moment I thought K2 - and then Aws - had gone into Welsh (which rejoices in many "gw" and "sw" combinations).

    Went out just before 8 this morning, ran to the lake, then 2x(1600m), each in 10 minutes, with 800m jog between. Kept passing a walker, who was circling the lake in the opposite direction. 

    Aws - Whereabouts is The Old House? I'm sure I've seen it, but can't think where. 

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    Hi there

    I'm 60 on August 8th so will be dipping into this thread.

    Mainly been doing triathlons of late and fitted the running around biking and swimming but now want to do more running. Plan to run everyday  for 30 mins...ie 5K and see how things go. Not worried about pace but need to build up some consistency.

    Plus just love the early mornings and running before breakfast.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Morning all

     Welcome Susie. You don't have to be 60 to be on this thread, as we take all ages image Hope you have a fab 60th Birthday image

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Mike - at least the weather is warm for having now window for a while. It will be a bit of entertainment for Liz.. I hope Liz is feeling more comfortable than she was. Please give her a hug and kiss from me. Good luck with your race along the sea front, hope you don't have to run around too many people taking a stroll in the evening sunshine.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Hiya susie,
    You are very welcome here, don't wait until you are 60 just dip in now whenever you want to. We are a very friendly bunch of peeps who bumble along doing our own thing but enjoy each others company. In fact we are a strong unit of friends on here. I am in awe of you doing a triathlon, I know how much dedicated training it takes to complete a tri. Tell us a bit more about yourself. Where do you live for instance. I am 70 yrs old myself, only by just over  a week and I live in Guildford.

    Grrrr to the window delay yesterday but hurray to the work being done today. I have just been out running and can confirm that it is windy. I hope it won't be too bad this evening, not sorry i am missing the race.

    an excellent run from you this morning. It does sound like you lose a signal somewhere along the way.

    your mile reps have been noted, well done, I bet you made the walker feel a bit intimidated each time you lapped her..  


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    For me today it was 6 x 200 m's at 1500 m pace with 30 sec jog recovery. av 1500 pace could be anything from 3.54 m/k to 4.00 m/k

    I ran them on our local football pitch.

    Warmed up for 2 miles at 8.18 mm pace, av HR 120, MHR 135

    did all my usual prep stuff


    6 x 200

    45 sec, hr 112/136, av pace 3.49 m/k
    50 sec, hr 129/139, av pace 4.13 m/k---I clearly got this one wrong. started too slow I think.
    46 sec, hr 133/143, av pace 3.54 m/k
    46 sec, hr 137/149, av pace 3.58 m/k
    46 sec, hr 137/149, av pace 3.55 m/k
    46 sec, hr 141/150, av pace 3.54 m/k

    Jogged home for 1 mile.

    Total mileage for the session 4.2 miles.

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    Columba - It's some years now since I was last in Hereford and I only remember that the Old House was pretty well at the centre, not far from the cathedral. Googling it produces many links of which this seems to be one of the best The Old House.


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    Did an barely average 100 and piss poor 200 last night. I think I'm racing too much.

    Came away in deep gloom but on the bright side...

    Kelly Holmes was there! She was very smiley and TINY. Really petite  - not in the least bit muscley looking, actually very similar to me in build. But that sounds like I think I'm tiny! Which I don't.

    You'll have to excuse my musings this morning, I got up at 4 am. Typical late night racing effect.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    Humidity very high now. Ran yesterday with a friend and it was 35c with a humidex of 45c yuk. Today is suppose to be worse. I don't mind running in the heat but the air quality has deteriorated as well with high dust and pollen. Looks like I will be working out indoors today. Not sure what machine to use, hate the treadie so will probably use the rower. 

    It sounds like you can get your pre-race nerves working for you. I don't feel nervous at all before races but my HR can be 10 to 15 bpm faster which impacts how hard I can push. It only seems to happen on the more important races.
    Very consistent times apart from the funny one.

    The moving time is easily calculated by looking at the distance between each trackpoint.
    This is a typical TP analysis of a short run.

      Total number of trackpoints  = 349 ( 100 % )
      Total number of usable trackpoints   = 348 ( 99.7 % )
      Total number of usable trackpoints per km  = 64.3
      Average distance between usable trackpoints  = 15.6 metres
      Max distance between usable trackpoints  = 23.1 metres occurred at 5.1   Kms
      Average time between usable trackpoints  = 5.2 secs
      Max time between usable trackpoints  = 8.0 secs occurred at 0.1   Kms

    The 305 puts down a TP every 5 secs or so. The average distance calculated between each point is about 15m. The accuracy of a TP is about 15m so you can see it is easy for the 305 to think that you have not moved between each TP.
    You only need 3 TPs in your run of 100s of TPs in your run to get this error of 15s.
    I hope all that makes some kind of sense.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Interested in your comment about how people look. I find it very decieving to try and assess how fast or strong a person is by looking at them.
    This seems particularly true about runners. Some people with very unatheltic looking bodies and strange looking gaits can really move fast.
    The gym is a great place to people watch. There are definitely different muscle types and bigger is not always stronger.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Our new family member


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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    oooooooooooooo very kissableimageimage
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    Mick Verdict on new family member: CUTE or what!

    You are dead right about bigger is not always stronger. Also about how interesting the subject of different body types, what they look like, what they are capable of (and how they might go wrong!). This is a constant source of conversation between Ceal and myself. We never tire of it!

    I was discussing similar matters last night with Mike (the one who is going to teach me to high jump.) He was explaining how different body types deal with the high jump their own way - and we got on to one of our pet theories... I call it the Dawn of the Tall Skinny Runner. Skinny is a BIT of a misnomer - they tend to be sinewy rather than skinny (which implies weak) Of course I'm mainly talking middle and sprint here.

    Top of the list is Mr. Bolt - who in old style thinking wouldn't be able to sprint at all. AHEM.He's hardly skinny - but has already set a trend for less bulk amongst the elite.

    Martyn Rooney is our best 400 runner. He's a 6 ft 4 beanpole.

    On my own level Mike is in great shape - but he's over six foot and was certainly skinny until he got to grips wit the weights. Mr. S is tall, thin and fast.

    And how about a distance running example we all know?

    I give you

    ascending star...


    I rest my case with this tiny sample of 5 people. image

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    Lunch break!
    Taking an extra half hour as I went back to work last night as one of the tags was triggering the alarm.

    Welcome to the thread . I'm another early morning runner usually. I have a park nearby which is great at eight. Poetry...........
    I'm 61, live in Bristol, used to teach but now work for a well-known running specialust.
    can type ok but am usually in a rish.

    Very frustrating! Don't let me start on poor customer service.

    Woohoo! KH.

    Oh, gorgeous.

    And the new puppy. image

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    And if there's an entendre to be doubled it usually is!
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    Swam 8 lengths before work.
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    And, susie, I'm totp queen, though I do sometimes let aws post a picture.

    Gotta go. Have lovely afternoons, people.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    susie - I am 45 and live in Dagenham, Essex with my husband and 2 kids. We are such a friendly bunch that we even met up in Hyde Park, run a 5k and then have lunch.
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    Mick6 - Do you cuddle it instead of your teddy bear?

    You've convinced me that I'm not really interested in Moving Time and you wasted all that explanation when two words would have done: fergit it image


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    Hi Susie - I'm the oldie on here and I try to keep t'others in order but no-one takes any notice whatsoever. However, I do let K2 have the totp enough for her to think she's the Queen of the totp, when I don't need it for a painting display that is.

    Mind you I don't really know what I'm doing on a RunnersWorld forum, 'cos I can't run for toffee, not that I would, I don't like the stuff. Toffee, I mean. The only thing about me that knows how to run is my nose, you could say I have a nose for running.

    No-one likes my jokes, though come to think of it I don't even like them myself, that's why I have to get rid of them somewhere.

    You must take notice of JJ, although I'm the oldest, he's the Daddy of the thread - he started it, so it's all his fault. If you look back at the very beginning you'll see. I have to admit he knows some stuff though.


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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Welcome Susie, as others have said stick around this is a good place to be very friendly and informative if you have a question someone here will know.

    I think im the baby of the thread at 42 also live in Essex work nights and have just taken up riding a bike (just for getting around on) in the last week

    Talking of which cycled home again this morning another 7 miles or so slight detour from yesterday

    Rest day for me today, did 7 miles fartlek yesterday i think i gave it a good effort on the fast bits and didnt slow down to a slow pace on the recovery bits

    K2 your race report from the other day was really good enjoyed it well done

    Empty - Good luck tonight

    JJ - Just 4 K you say  just check with my bank manager (if only)

    Mick love your new editiion very sweet

    Rest day for me today 


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Hello and welcome, Susie. I've only been on the thread myself since last Autumn, but feel all the regular contributors are friends. Have even met most of them in London's Hyde Park, though I live in mid-Wales. I'm 66, started running at 58, am not fast and never will be, but thoroughly enjoy it and am gradually extending the length of my runs. I race only rarely. No way will I ever be doing a triathlon, but my elder daughter (in her early 30s) has just completed her third.

    Aws - Now I realise I did  recognise the Old House but couldn't place it because of the unfamiliar surroundings, - am used to seeing it surrounded by throngs of people shopping, eating ice-creams, etc.

    I think what MickC's explanation amounted to was: "It's a fluke".

    And, (((Aws))), I  like your jokes.

    Ceal - the walker was going clockwise and I was going anti-clockwise, so although we kept passing each other I wasn't overtaking her. 

    MickC - the new addition to the family is VERY cuddly. 

    JJ - you wouldn't catch me running in those temperatures. Nor D-I-Y-ing.  

    My right heel/ankle is feeling hot and bothered. I am resting it on a towel-covered bag of frozen peas. Shall not be running for the next few days, as climbing Snowdon at the weekend with daughter Catherine and her husband. Snowdon is a mere molehill for her, as she's done Mount Kilimanjaro. Nevertheless, she has emailed me a list of essentials which includes everything from sunscreen and sunglasses to waterproof trousers and a warm hat.

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    Rather envious of your going up Snowdon this weekend.  Hope you'll enjoy it, of course you will image


    In answer to your question...... I have had some physio treatment sessions and been given exercises as homework from the sports therapist.  Also our Ceal has given me some appropriate exercises to follow too.  Started with pilates a couple of weeks before our holiday but found it wasn't doing a great deal of good, but I may return to doing it  later on.

    The hip flexor stretch you referred me to seems to be fairly effective.  I have used it both during day when not running as well as after a run session.  Today's run did appear to feel a little easier if I am not imagining things !

    Started with the usual cautious warmup mile,  hence 12m.09s time on first mile along the trail before entering the country park and circling the lake.  It was the same route as Monday and same total time,  well only a tenth of a mile further !   Only on the 4th mile did I feel the sense of a twinge and paused to do a hip flexor stretch but decided to not try to do extra mileage.  Very gradual increase will be best I reckon.
    Lap times(better than previous) 12.09, 10.51,  10.29 and 10.49

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    Beautiful looking Westie image    Looks like you have some good company for a good few years.  What is his( or her) name ?


    Know how you feel being let down by lack of communication from window firm.  Why is it a lot of these companies just fail to let their customers know of  any holdups.  I guess we've all experienced that frustration !
    Hope your Portsmouth race went well this evening.

    May I welcome you too.  Like others have said,  it's a very friendly thread to be in. 
    I live in Sheffield, aged 71.   Not a fast runner by any means, basically I like to run to keep fit but also like to run in races occasionally.  At the moment it is not even occasionally as I am struggling to get rid of a persistent niggling injury but hopeful to get back  into the back of the pack competitiveness image

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Mick - You noo dog is so lovely, Please give her/he a cuddle from me.

    Hopefully going running club tomorrow as have not been since before I went away to Le Mans.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    JJ - Good heat training for you. Where is your sons place?
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