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The Runner's World team


Roth 2010



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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭
    Sounds as if discretion was the better part of valour, IW. thanks for the report.
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    Bad luck UW, saw you coming through the finish but didn't realise it was a dnf.

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    Hi all, just got back from Roth ... and directly to work ... the joys of shift work.... 

    Thanks everyone for the support ... and sorry for keeping everyone waiting...  it was a bleeding long day... 

    Some super performances and some big dissapointments on the day... Rodeo Clown I was gutted to hear you had to pull out image ... but you'll be back...take care of that knee! 

    Quite sore and really looking forward to get out of this office and have some 1 to 1 time with the sofa...  

    Will write a race report later

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    Commisserations IW, but as you say onwards!
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    Lovely report IW. Rotten luck on the injury, but really pleased you'll be in Regensburg next year! x
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    super report IW - be good to meet you next year x
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    I forgot to add, super job by Artful Goose, Artful Hen's sherpa, he is a really nice lad and put up a very good performance himself in the Junior Challenge sprint tri race on Friday evening. A credit to you AH, and a Junior Pirate with ambitions for himself in the future - welcome to the Pirate community AG, I'm glad to have met you and your mum.


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    It sounds as if it was a great event. Can't wait to read all the reports - a particular well done Pkim looking forward to reading all about it!

    TB - what happened mate? image

    Kanga - as discussed on the phone mate - schocking bad luck but next time remember to carry a spare tyre.............simple image

    To everyone - sounds a superb day and congrats to all. Hope to see a few of you next year in Regensberg. 

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    Tough luck IW....not much you can do when an injury like that hits you.

    Looking forward to seeing you next year at Regensburg...

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    Great race reports......thoroughly enjoyed reading them.   Well done Cheerful Dave on a great raceimage  A bummer with the bliddy injury UIW hope it clears up for you and you get that race result you want for Regensburg.
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    there were 4 other DNFs but I'll leave it to them to report their stories.

    Regensburg will require a great deal more hill training on the bike! The area is very lumpy.

    Chrissie Wellington was in the finish arena until late, greeting everyone, I asked her what time she did and when she said 8:19:13 I replied "Bloody hell! How do you do it?" Her answer - "I honestly don't know, I just love racing so much". What a woman!

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    fat buddhafat buddha ✭✭✭
    good evening world! me, Petal and Min are sat on the ferry back to Douvres and finally have an internet link! long drive back but nearly there.

    good few days out in Roth and some great results and PBs but sadly some DNFs. and as usual some beer and festivities on Monday...... image

    more tomorrow when normality is resumed

    PS - and the old gits relay team did well........image
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    Hmm Chester Tri Kit blue and white  Pirate yellow and black... You didn't trip over the guys guide dog did you ?

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    Great report IW - hope you get that injury sorted out soon - and what a fantastic comment from Chrissie - she's always appears so happy and smiley but she must be made of steel (or iron?) inside!

    Looking forward to your report Pkim (although I'll be patient as I dont' want to come between you and your sofa!) - I can imagine you finishing as I remember your huge smile as you flew past me on an upflat at Bala last month image

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    IW Sorry to hear about the leg - hope it mends soon.
    Have a good year and see you at Regensburg next year. Sounds like your biking is getting stronger...
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    lol about the chester kit being yellow and black, I gave every single brit/irish competitor a shout on the bike on the way round, slower than I expected for the bike which puts Chrissie's time into perspective, albeit pro's don't suffer in the wind as much as us mere mortals for her to knock 4 mins off last year when the course was 'perfect' is just awesome, and all the times by the pirate massive over the weekend are superb, some great fast finishes, some gutsy struggles and some people who had a bad day and most of whom have said they will be back.

    Great week for us, just chilling now, last people here, packing tomorrow to hit Belgium for independance day and then head home after a lovely pirate trip. And regensberg is another 100km further to drive, bugger, I knew this supporting lark was tiring !!!

    and well done to the Auld gits !!

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    Germany 2 Meldy 0

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    joddlyjoddly ✭✭✭

    Really sorry things went pearshaped for you, Meldy. Next year, then?image

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    3rd time lucky Meldy. ....... Germany cannot beat you. image
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    Top marks for brevity, Melds- hope you've managed to pinpoint the race day problem.
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    Next year Germany 2, our Meldy 1 image

    Evening all - just read back - lots of people supporting on here as always, thank you.
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    Good to have u all home safely !
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    M...eldy wrote (see)
    Germany 2 Meldy 0

    Hmm, can't decide between a gratuitous 4-1 world cup reference, or yet another cheap joke at Plum's expense, but as a DNF perhaps I should just STFU for a change ....

    Germany 1 Kanga 1 for me, not quite the outcome I had in mind, but happens that way sometimes. Will bang out a race report tomorrow, I need to get some sleep before riding into work tomorrow (with no feckin' blowouts this time ...)
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    What is it with germany and blow outs ? Weird. Gutted for you UIW, Melds and Kanga and co.

    I'm sure you'll all bounce back - and as someone else says - all the cool kids have DNFs.

    Great reports so far - look forward to the rest. Welcome home pirates !
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    what Cougie has said - well put!
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    I notice that Kanga isn't on the Regensburg list..

    Shurely shome mishtake........(that's as close as I can get to a Sean Connery impersonation - in case you were wondering...)

    So Kanga....get signed up and get revenge on the Germins....

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    nice report meldy! in the same style germany 1 mellifera 2.

    though i think my second point was more of an own goal by germany!

    many thanks for the support.

    i had a great trip overall all. race a bit slow but some positives to be taken from it - paced the biked really well and it seemed over very quickly, despite a painful run i didn't slow down too disastrously. conditions were about as perfect as they could be - wish i'd made the most of it by getting enough down me on the bike. absolutely no problem with my guts - i just miscalculated what i was taking in.

    the company was top notch! thanks everyone!

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    oh, and i made bassy cry!

    i wanted a quick blub on DrM's shoulder in the few minutes before my swim wave went. his wave was a hour later and when he is nervous it's like watching the normal bassy but on speed and pressing the fast forward button. i asked him to bugger off so my nerves could do their blubbing.

    and what a cheap tart deb is! a hundred quid to lick carl's thighs. mind you, when oxy actually got two fifty euro notes out she seemed to back out of the deal.

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    fat buddhafat buddha ✭✭✭
    "I notice that Kanga isn't on the Regensburg list"

    that's because he's heading back to convict land RB......we've finally got rid the the bugger!

    my verdict on Roth

    as an event it is excellent - great course (the bike was harder than I expected but great all the same - much like Austria in many ways) but it is a fecking logistical nightmare due to the split transitions and getting to the swim start. we were there before 5am as the road from the campsite was going to be closed shortly after - the relays didn't start until 8:40 so we had much hanging about to do.

    and having everyone split up in 2 main areas (campsite and hotel) sort of put a damper onto Monday as some had to drive

    the showers in T2 were interesting to say the least - a pervs heaven.... image
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    FB, did you have to watch out for folks finishing their shower then going back and rejoining the queue?
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