
Over 60s training.



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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    morning all

    Empty--Nice work on website wish i could do that

    Ceal--Have a good holiday if i am not to late

    Aws--Thats a clever way of pacing.

    Wish all who are racing this weekend a good one,Pammie know you are running southend so just get to the turn on way back and hammer it back along seafront,wind permitingimage

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    We appear to be in the lull before the next storm, unfortunately it's a NRD for me as really tired for some reason.

    I think we will regret our choice of long run tomorrow round Portsea Island, the weather forecast is decidely unpleasant and I think will be a challenging 14 miles. Our reward ? coffee and cake on completion  image

    Thanks for the comments on the website, I can't claim credit for the overall design my element was getting the text in place for the appeal and making sure we used the branding and navigation effectively. Monday see's the calm reflection with Hospice to review pages and make amendments in relative calm.

    Mike T

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Thanks JJ and Busbar

    JJ - You have a good run too, nothing too strenuous (sp!) today mind

    Busbar - was joking about the wind to the group leader how we wouldn't mind a tail wind on the return journey  quipped how it would be good to have one of those freak winds tail wind on the way out just to suddenly turn on the way back

    Tomorrow in reality will be a benchmark though i will overtake as many as i can first 10km since June last year and only done 5kms this year plus a 10 miler in Feb. The last mile may hurt

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Oh yes got my recharging cradle today for my Garmin Well i got it Thursday started using it but it suddenly malfunctioned so sent it back to heartratemonitor.co.uk with a note explaining

    I must say excellent service received a new one back this morning and Garmin is fully charged  image

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    Good luck Pammie and JJ for tomorrow.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    JJ - Lewis Carroll (attr. Humpty Dumpty).

    Good luck tomorrow. Also good luck Pammie.

    LSR today. Decided to run for an hour and a quarter, then turn round and retrace my steps exactly, then look up the distance on the Fetch mapping facility. Turned out to be 11.77 miles, in 2 hours 33 mins 22 seconds. Probably the longest distance I've run in my life.  I shall feel it tomorrow. In fact, I'm feeling it now.  I'm consoling it with a piece of chocolate brownie cake, described by the friend who gave it to me as "the work of the devil".

    Aws - I'm sure there was something in a recent RW mag about how many steps per second people run, and relating it to length of stride as well as overall speed. Frequent short steps seemed to be preferable to longer and less frequent ones. 

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    Columba, well done! You deserve the chocolate brownie. I don't think you need to worry about the calories after a run that long image.

    I volunteered at the Newcastle park run this morning, handing out finishing position numbers at the end. There were quite a few new runners today. One guy in particular certainly gave his all at the end. The expression "eyeballs out" almost applied literally. A lady virtually collapsed in front of me when she finished but said, don't worry, I've got a hiatus hernia. Er, that's OK then...

    I did a slow 8-miler this afternoon but just can't shake this cold off competely and still feel a bit below par.

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    Pammie - good luck for your race, and good luck JJ if you race also.

    Graham - very good of you helping out at the end of the race. It's very interesting how people finish isn't it. Some look like they are going to die, others very happy etc.

    Columba - nice long run.

    I did a 17 mile run on the hills. Started at 6.30am with my Saturday morning group for 3 miles then met up with another guy who is running Auckland marathon too, and ran with him to the mast and back. The Saturday morning group has got very slow as most of them are training for Ironman NZ and they have got different priorities now, like thinking about the big bike ride they will be doing the following day!

    Was not sure how I would go as lower back a bit sore and not a lot of eenergy, and hip still not right, but managed the run just fine. Now I just have to hold it all together. I've got one more 20 miler next wweek, and then it is cut back time to the marathon so hope I feel a little more energetic by then!!
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    JJ - great pics - looks like a lovely course!!
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Good luck to the racers tomorrow.

    JJ you certainly powered past those youngsters.

    NZC good long run with hills at least now it's just one long run left and then the taper, which actually I always find the hardest part !!

    Mike T

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Graham - lol at the hiatus hernia (though I'm sure it's no laughing matter).

    JJ - link worked; good pix, - looks as though all the discarded plastic cups were quite a hazard. 

    I'm ploughing on with the 10-mile programme until I've done a 10-mile race (which will be early November, I think). Then I look forward to doing a few unplanned, unprogrammed, unscheduled runs. After that I shall be open to suggestions, e.g re improving speed. But my next target after the 10-miler will be a 1/2 mara. 

    NZC - what a long way you ran, and seem to think nothing of it!

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    NZC - When is your marathon? My next long run is on Monday, not looking forward to it.
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    JJ - Like the pix. Good to see someone can take decent pix of moving objects.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    What are great looking course, very very jealous. I would love to run it. I like the non-technical footing that is it is not covered in rocks and roots but the course is still lots of ups and downs and twists and turns. I really enjoy those types of xcountry running. Around here they are just too technical as we live on the Canadian Shield with bed rock very close to the surface.
    I will have to plan a trip to the UK at this time of year assuming that I ever get over this AT problem.

    My heel is much the same so no running. Still doing the gym and biking thing so hopefully I am not losing too much fitness.

    Busy buying new cars as both our vehicles need changing. I decided to go with an AWD SUV. Lots of room for my bike and dogs in the back.


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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Mick - sorry to hear about your bothersome heel

    Wasn't looking forward to today despite the fact i'm not as fit as i would like but high winds and heavy rain, thankfully the rain held off till we finished the wind was only felt it on the return journey.
    Very slow at start and haven't got an km splits i didn't see any apart from the 5km mark. Very congested but knew that would be the case anyway
    The marshall of the day had to go to the energetic young lady at around 1½ miles in (plus on the return journey who was high fiving anyone who fancied it don't know where she got her energy from for going so long. Credit to her

    I saw a few club mates so tried picking them off took a while to catch B got there in the end though.

    Arrived at halfway checked watch 27:25 blow me. 9 days ago ran a 5km in 27:22 so either it was going to go badly wrong or... i never gave it a second thought
    Passed the water station dodging the plastic cups back to the seafront and into the wind Bummer

    Just really worked as hard as i could picking off runners where i couold nowt exciting. Best thing being club mates shouting your name or even other people/marshall shouting your club name

    Finished in 55:11 so i calculate i slowed 21 seconds in the 2nd half so about 7 seconds a mile - i can live with that considering the wind

    Looking forward to Billericay

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Well done, a second half split of 27:46 into a head wind is excellent. That is great progress and it shows your endurance is really coming back.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

     Afternoon all

    Pammie great performance, fantastic 2nd half into the wind.

    Mick hope that heal makes a leap forward in it's recovery soon.

    This mornings run was round Portsea Island keeping as close to the sea as possible. Right from the outset it was windswept but half way round the rain came and we got "rather" wet. The last 3 miles were pretty tough back into the wind.

    1)  - 1m - 9:17(9:17/m) - 129bpm avge  - 154bpm max - 131cal
    2)  - 1m - 8:51(8:51/m) - 129bpm avge  - 136bpm max - 133cal
    3)  - 1m - 9:48(9:48/m) - 125bpm avge  - 135bpm max - 133cal
    4)  - 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) - 137bpm avge  - 142bpm max - 134cal
    5)  - 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) - 136bpm avge  - 143bpm max - 134cal
    6)  - 1m - 8:56(8:56/m) - 135bpm avge  - 142bpm max - 133cal
    7)  - 1m - 9:06(9:06/m) - 134bpm avge  - 143bpm max - 130cal
    8)  - 1m - 8:34(8:34/m) - 135bpm avge  - 147bpm max - 133cal
    9)  - 1m - 9:15(9:15/m) - 139bpm avge  - 148bpm max - 133cal
    10)  - 1m - 9:15(9:15/m) - 134bpm avge  - 146bpm max - 134cal
    11)  - 1m - 9:40(9:40/m) - 133bpm avge  - 146bpm max - 128cal
    12)  - 1m - 9:39(9:39/m) - 143bpm avge  - 153bpm max - 132cal
    13)  - 1m - 9:26(9:26/m) - 148bpm avge  - 153bpm max - 134cal
    14)  - 1m - 9:43(9:43/m) - 140bpm avge  - 151bpm max - 128cal
    15)  - 1m - 9:14(9:14/m) - 143bpm avge  - 152bpm max - 133cal
    16)  - 0.92m - 9:07(9:55/m) - 145bpm avge  - 156bpm max - 124cal 

    15.92 miles in 2.27.48, ave 9.17, wHR 68%, ave HR 136. Happy with that, felt strong throughout even in the last miles against the wind.

    Hopefully next week's have will have better weather.

    Mike T

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    Afternoon all

    Back from retaling at OPS 10. By eck - there's some speedy vets out there. I'll post the link when the results are up.

    Pammie. Empty
    Good to hear you  both sounding happy with your runs today.

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Oh, I forgot the most important part of today's - hot chocolate, with a mountain of cream and marshmallows, and a pecan and chocolate brownie. They were superb, made the 15 miles worth it, might  need a similar run to lose the calories  image

    Mike T

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Thanks Mick , Empty and K2

    Empty - Great run today almost 16 miles. I was thinking of you today on your run was talking to a fetchie at the race today who knew someone was racing in Newquay a bit further west than you i think. It was torrential there we knew it was heading east

    Met two delightful dogs today a German Shepherd called Pre (guess who he was named after) and a doodle called Bonnie. Her fur was lovely and soft
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    good day

    the rain lashing here has just finished - now sun is shining

    17 miles on the hills is good preparation - and it's best to stay clear of those tri folkimage!!

    that sounds a very good race from you - you did good girlimage
    Getting so close to your recent 5K time at half way was excellent

    Character forming run there - nice to see you slipped into bad habits afterwardsimage

    Patience - it will come right eventually
    Are cars as cheap in Canada as the USA? I have been looking here recently and they seem to be getting more, not less expensive!!!

    The camera man knew where to stand to catch the effort!!

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    Was the dog running? I might know the guy with him - very good runner from South Wales.
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    TS Cheers

    K2 - No but dog belonged to member of our club. Guess its a common name amongst runners with dogs
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    I wonder how many are called Paula or Haile?

    If I can't get to sleep tonight I'll be thinking of unlikely runners' names for dogs......................

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