
Over 60s training.



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    mavamava ✭✭✭

    morning all.

    Crikey what a lot of thread.

    amazing training from sharkie again.

    JJ - agree with busbar - perhaps the speed session wasn't such a bright idea after a 10k. 

    Happy birthday NZC - prepare to start placing well in your new age category. 

    No snow for us either up the hill from JJ but it is pretty frosty this morning.   I really need to get over to the local gym and join up so I can use the treadmill.  I do so object though to having to pay an exorbitant sum of money for a compulsory gym induction to use equipment I don't want to use but already know how to use, which will be given to me by some kid who was at junior school when I first started going to the gym!  Hurrumph!   They don't force me to do an induction before using the swimming pool and that is more dangerous to use than a piece of gym kit!   But, needs must when the devil drives and the snow last year was responsible for me breaking a streak so I want to have access to a treadmill.  

    Not sure what running I shall do today.   I failed to get up early enough to get to do Bromley Parkrun.  I will have to do that next week as a sharpener for Thanet 10.  Today i will probably just potter off for an hour or so in the frost.  

    I will report back after my run. 

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    Another few inches overnight, making a total of at least a foot so far. No surprise to get an email this morning to say the cross-country today has been cancelled. Disappointing though as it would have been my first and I'd bought a pair of Mudclaws for it. Still, they could come in handy for when I brave the snow and ice this afternoon around the area on a run. It's last winter all over again, with no end in sight. That's the difference I think - most years we get a cold snap or two and snow but it's only a matter of a few days, not weeks.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    A another dusting of snow, all very Christmassy

    I don't think your mileage that week really would have made much of an impact. There would have been some left over from your race but not that much. I would put it down to an off day.

    Belated birthday greetings

    My gym waivered the induction as one of the PTs knew me and my athletic activities and said it was a waste of time.
    This last year has been a revelation to me. The gym work has really had an impact on my body. I have lost a lot of discomfort that seemed to be creeping up on me, the stiffness getting up or after sitting for a long time or standing etc. Once I am back running I will definitely continue my gym activities.

    I have a good gym session yesterday and worked on my hip flexibility, weights on the legs and 30 mins on the elliptical. Today is a rest day as the body is complaining a bit.


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    8 miles this morning.


    Average pace 10:04









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    Good run Tracey!

    I have that make of goggles too, Columba, though can't remember the model name.

    Pretty good do last night, and now busy getting dinner party for 6ready - I'll need my long run tomorrow.

    Bitterly cold here, but no snow yet.

    Even later birthday wishes, NZC - sound as though you spent the day most enjoyably.

    Good to catch up on your training activities, sharkie.

    Hope today is not too wearing for ceal.

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    NZC = Happy belated birthday sorry i'm late hope this new decade is full of fun times

    Back at work now so running is a bit of hit and miss, its getting busier now colder too, very frosty this morning no snow at present half expected it after my sleep met office reckons Wednesday for the area it was suppposedly tomorrow we shall see

    Sorry can't keep up

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    First snow fall for us,  just 3 inches.

    Belated happy birthday to NZC image

    V.good day for mum yesterday with the family celebrating her 90th birthday.  Great to see my two nephews children (both 1 year plus of age) as we hadn't seen much of them up until now. Nice slapup meal at local pub too.

    NRD.........too brrrrish as well as treacherous underfoot.

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    mavamava ✭✭✭

    evening all.

    I pootled out for a 7 miler in the end.  It was a bit of an effort, because of the booze last night, but not too bad considering.  Hope I can do a bit better than that next Sunday.  I PB'd at Thanet last year, although I have since knocked 3 minutes off that time. 

    I'm mentally preparing myself for a long run tomorrow as it is still possible I'm doing that track marathon on 18th December.   Don't know for sure but have to assume so until I hear otherwise.  I might hit the track tomorrow to do a few laps to see how it feels.

    Right, now for a lazy evening in front of the telly.

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    Didn't risk running on lumpy uneven frozen snow, but walked fast into town, did shopping, visited Mum, admired sparkling snow under sunlight and brilliant blue sky. Friend of mine gave me a lift most of the way home, - I was prepared to walk it but nice not to have to carry the shopping far. Main roads clear but haven't attempted to get the car out as it's on an up-slope and I'd have to clear the snow from the drive in front of it and some way beyond into our little road, to be moderately sure of getting it round to the main road.

    JJ - your leaves weren't frozen to the ground, then?

    Happy birthday Impey's Mum. My Mum turned 90 this year, too, but was not at all happy about it. "I never meant to live this long" she said, and still says from time to time. 

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    Happy Birthday Impey's mum imageimageimage

    JJ - the aim of todays run was to run 10:00 pace. Was just outside my target pace but very happy with my run.

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Evening all

    Belated birthday wishes NZC, sounds like you had a great time and happy birthday to Impey's Mum.

    Ceal, hope you enjoyed your busy day at the running show.

    Columba, I too can recommend the googles that Ceal uses and like her I have few mistakes laying around upstairs - googles that is, not children image

    This last week didn't quite go according to plan 

    Monday: Lower back muscles had really siezed up, so uncomfortable day walking round like a hunched up old man

    Tuesday: Relief, lots of painful bits but I could move again after my massage but no club run

    Wednesday: Side tracked by the arrival of my Kindle, amazingly I read all the guide and still couldn't connect it to my wi-fi. Amazon support very helpfull but unsuccessful. Finally late on tried one last desparate attempt and bingo, it connected.

    Thursday: Asked to develop an initial layout for an e-mail newsletter for Hospice. Purchased first book for Kindle. Club run of 6 miles at 8:30 pace.

    Friday: Acting as Hannah's PA in getting, hopefully, the last bits of her paperwork for her flat finalised and sent off. Gave blood in the evening before being Hannah's taxi !!

    Today: Oft to watch Darrell play football, it was very cold watching almost wished I was out running. Unfortunately they conceded a late equaliser but Darrell continued his run of good form and seems to be cementing himself in the 2nd XI.

    Tomorrow: Club run, not sure how many people will be there as some "ran" the Hellrunner race today and more will be racing the Hayling 10m tomorrow.

    Some of you may remember that some time ago I commented that I had read my first book in ages but since then I have been struggling again, strangly since getting the Kindle I have been reading it 2 or 3 times a day without any problems. I can only assume it's because it doesn't look like a book - my brain seems rather "quirky" since my depression image

    Congrats to all for all the great training going on.

    Hope all those with snow aren't too badly affected.

    Mike T   

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Today I arranged for my parents to get a card from the Queen for their 60th anniversary, I was ammazed how easy it was as General Register Office handles the whole thing. I was under the impression I would have to get a copy of their certificate and then apply to the Palace, so that's another bit of the celebrations organised.

    One of our members was featured in our local paper today as he is taking part in the 10 in 10 challenge next May. The mileage he has been clocking up in preparation is immense but he has a slight hic-up as he is due to be posted abroad, in the build up, and training will be difficult .

    Mike T

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    Impey  Happy Birthday to your mum, even if i'm a bit late, sounded like you had a fab celebration

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    mavamava ✭✭✭


    16.25 miles done and dusted.  Took myself off through Otford, did a little circle towards Shoreham then up onto Pilgrims Way on the Down. I didn't see one other runner although I saw a few cyclists as the Pilgrims Way is a popular route for cyclists.   Reasonably pleased to see av pace 10:51 m/m for av HR around 132-ish considering I did walk quite a few uphills.  Elevation profile below:


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    Looks a challenging route Mava - well done.

    Another 10 miles or so for me across the frozen forest. I've just about thawed out again now!
    1)  - 1m - 10:16(10:16/m) - 130bpm avge  - 144bpm max 
    2)  - 1m - 10:37(10:37/m) - 139bpm avge  - 145bpm max 
    3)  - 1m - 10:44(10:44/m) - 144bpm avge  - 155bpm max
    4)  - 1m - 10:37(10:37/m) - 145bpm avge  - 150bpm max
    5)  - 1m - 10:51(10:51/m) - 145bpm avge  - 153bpm max
    6)  - 1m - 10:55(10:55/m) - 147bpm avge  - 152bpm max
    7)  - 1m - 11:42(11:42/m) - 142bpm avge  - 151bpm max - not sure what happened here - maybe regrouping walk
    8)  - 1m - 10:56(10:56/m) - 143bpm avge  - 147bpm max 
    9)  - 1m - 11:19(11:19/m) - 143bpm avge  - 150bpm max 
    10)  - 1m - 11:09(11:09/m) - 145bpm avge  - 151bpm max
    11)  - 0.41m - 4:36(11:09/m) - 145bpm avge  - 149bpm max

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    Morning imageimage

    Well done Mava and Diane on your runs doing very well

    I have awoken but had a really weird dream had my first dream about the London Marathon 4½ months before the race

    I was at the start it must of been early because there was only a few people milling about the organisers decided as we were there me and this other bloke could start early - well it was all chip timing. So we were off. Bloke shot off ahead of me but not too far. we then headed off road for a little while there was a man-made lake in the middle. Bloke just promptly dived in and swam across. I just ran round. Out of the off road and crossed the road. I felt i was going quite quick i was puffing a bit thinking as it was only the first few miles i better slow down a bit or i won't finish.

    There were a few people behind not many guess the organisers let more start saw a womean from work not a runner but she was doing quite well. I looked down and noticed i was wearing a long (shin length) grey denim skirt didn't know what to do this might impede my running, there were people on the course stopping the odd runner checking a few things out. Then i was stopped. Lady looked at my bare feet (i had no shoes on) asked me to show her my soles she gave a sigh said they were looking a bit sore thought at first she was going to let me run on but then she said no more running you're out

    Going for a little run later but only little

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    Pammie - what a really strange dream.  I wonder will you have a whole series of "marathon" dreams leading up to the real thing.

    Surprised this morning to hear the name of my home town on the national news (radio 4), - apparently the coldest temperature over the whole of the uk was recorded here last night, -17.  Made no attempt to get the car out, walked to church over frozen lumpy snow (must be good for the core muscles), which took 3/4 of an hour (can run it in 27 minutes), then on to visit mother (blissfully warm in her place, very efficiently insulated), then walked back home. Made the homeward journey through the Rock Park, and diverted to look at the stream; it goes over several little waterfalls, all more-or-less frozen though with some water running underneath.  Sun bright, sky brilliant blue, wherever I looked could have been a suitable subject for a Christmas card, - or for Aws to paint. 

    Apparently there are blizzards forecast over the whole of Wales on Tuesday, so doesn't look as though I'll be going to Aberystwyth this week.  

    Congratulations Diana and Mava on running those distances in this cold weather. 

    Interesting about the effect of the Kindle on motivation to read, MT. Can you change the size of the font, colour and brightness of the background, colour of the print etc?

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    Empty, good that you're running again after your bad back. Keep up the reading!

    Pammie, what a strange dream. But I suppose most are when you think about it.

    Diana, mava and JJ. Well done for getting out in the cold and doing long runs. I hope you enjoyed them in spite of the temperature - sounds like you all did.

    I got out myself again today in spite of the snow. I wore my normal running shoes and to be honest didn't notice any difference between them and the Mudclaws I wore yesterday. Of course, in mud it would have been a different story. I did 9 miles at 9:48 pace but that felt more like a minute a mile less due to the conditions underfoot.

    So, 37.8 miles for the week, nearly half of those in the snow. One interval session on Wednesday before the Arctic arrived here.

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    good evening

    many happy returns - belated on notimage. Sounds like you had a fabulous evening and one to remember

    sounds like you had a good time too even if it was not your birthday.

    IT eh??!!!!
    pleased it is working for you anyway. LOL at your PA role - know all about that!!

    very good core exercises there - and spiritual ones as well

    It was Matilda's 4th birthday on Saturday and a large party for her and her friends was held in the local community hall - an excellent venue for such a gathering!!!!
    It was a very good and hectic day and good to see so many of my son's friends, who were all frequent visitors to our house, there with their families as well. The circles are getting completed..........................

    excellent run there in the warm south - don't let JJ tell you otherwiseimage - about the warm south anyway

    ditto on your run - maybe Garmin gave you a bit more distance as the HR and pace look very similar tot all the other miles - most consistent in fact

    i was talking to friends who live in Newton and they were snowed in so you did well to get 9 miles in.
    Classic remark by one of the commentators on the Newcastle Chelsea game. - he knew it was cold on Tyneside when he saw a girl in town last night with a coat on!!!

    at least you weren't dreaming about pizza!! or was it after pizza???

    That wasn't cold - nearly a summer's day. sometimes runds just turn out that way

    I waited a little while before going out this morning but at 0800 it was still -10C but at least there was no wind. In fact there was nothing, the cold seemd to have silenced everything apart from the harsh crunch of snow under my feet on a brilliantly bright morning.
    The distant hills beckoned me on beguilingly, flashing with jewelled touches as the sun played across the snow on their flanks - "come on, they implied, it will be sooo good up here" - but I resisted temptation and stayed on the lower, but still hillier routes than I have been running of late.
    some back slip in places but mainly pretty good underfoot and enjoyable once I warmed to the task and did 10.1 miles in 88:02 and avHR129 (WHR 64%) and a max of only 141.

    01m 9:42 hr118 it was cold!!!
    02m 8:48 hr127
    03m 8:40 hr131
    04m 8:01 hr126
    05m 8:25 hr130
    06m 8:35 hr130
    07m 8:51 hr130
    08m 8:46 hr131
    09m 9:13 hr133
    10m 9:15 hr136 Hipps Hill and solid ice as it lies on a north facing hill!!!

    Quite please with that outing despite the cold - my hot choccie tasted quite good after!!!

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Graham great mileage for this week, particularly with the weather you are suffering from.

    Columba, you can certainly change the font size but so far haven't found any need to look for ability to change anything else. The screen is different to a computer or phone screen, it uses an ink display and is very similar to a books page - even sunlight doesn't affect the quality of the viewing screen.

    I can only assume as it doesn't look like a book the mind doesn't object - strange.

    Very cold run this morning, almost 11 miles but the legs weren't keen.

    Mike T

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    ..................oh yes, whilst I watched the match another 2" of snow fell in half an hour!!!
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    but you had all that nice warm seas to keep the temperatures up image!!!

    Good to hear that the sun does not affect the screen - that was my biggest concern - oh and that other folk would not be able to see what learned tome I was readingimage

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    Blimey, there has been a lot of running today. TS and Empty too. TS, it's so good to see you out and about again. I'm sure you'll be tackling those hills before too long.

    Not a bad result for Newcastle. Daft thing is, I was going to a home game a few years ago which was cancelled on safety grounds as there was so much snow round the stadium area. Less than today from what I remember!

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    JJ, you're right! You may remember me posting a year or two ago that I was worried about injuries if I increased my mileage to twenty a week. Don't want to tempt fate, but the assurances you and others gave me that one's body adapts have turned out to be right so far.
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    Graham - can you throw some of your snow to my daughter as we haven't got any and she wants some.

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