
Sub 3



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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭
    Hey guys

    Lots of interesting discussions on here recently, but with only being on my phone and 5 hours behind you it has been a little difficult to join in. Having followed the P&D plan for this campaign, I think it was the 90M+ 15 week average that got me in the shape I was in rather than any of the particular sessions it included. Think I will probably try experimenting for my autumn campaign, particularly with the long and medium long runs.

    Have got out for a few runs this past week and the legs actually feel pretty healthy. In fact, only real issue is with the calfs and I think that is more from the rests days than the marathon!

    And for TR, met and had a chat with Steve Jones at the expo. Nice guy, still looks in good shape but only runs when he feels like it these days. But could probably still kick my ass! image
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Good to see recent marathoners back to a few miles & TR turboing & lidoing.  Nice to hear that Selbs is improving & DanA is back on the pavements (& spread betting!).

    Nice ebaying from Mr Boat, anywhere suitable in the home for making puddles on the floor?

    TJK.. very nicely written, are you sure that was your last marathon?

    RB.. nice early 22!

    Just back from a long weekend in the Lake District.  For those who know the area or who aspire to the Bob Graham round our hill clambering took in the following..

    Day 1.. Helvellyn & Rays
    Day 2.. Red Pike, Scoat Fell, Steeple & Haycock.
    Day3.. Scafell (west wall traverse route)
    Day 4.. Harter Fell

    Managed 3 out of 4 days of sunny crystal clear weather, Saturday was a bit cloudy/misty.  We had a large party of chums & familes with us for a cracking weekend.  One of the bunch was an 18 year old lass that runs for Wycombe Phoenix.  She has a 3k PB of 10:11 as a 17 year old & plays football better than most lads.  I always reckon I climb well on the hills but I had to run to get anywhere near her going up hill!  Certainly earned the evening beers. 

    Congrats again JAP, that was a cracking PB.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    JH1 - home time required indeed, I get that one in the neck at times

    Nice to see Wardi enjoying some RnR - well deserved !

    JAP - only runs when he feels like it ? I bet its still loads and all done on feel. Shame you didnt meet Deek too. They were proper heroes them two !

    U11s knocked off the 88 runs required to win for the loss of only 2 wkts with over 4 of the 20 overs still remaining. The team looks good so far.

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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭
    TR, he says he goes for a couple of months where he just does not feel like running, so doesn't. But then when he does he will head out and do a couple of hours. Not sure I could just head out and manage that after a couple of months off.

    Sounds like a top weekend Wardi. Particularly with the weather. Must have been lovely.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Agreed, all at mach 1 as well I bet !
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    I've managed to mash my legs a fair bit from my bike ride yesterday. I missed the gold standard by 3 minutes - should have spent less time (12 minutes) at the feed station! Still very happy, only about 30 people faster than me, and most of them were in a cycle club chain gang that didn't stop at halfway.

    Nice report from TJK a page or so back.

    Noakes is the best book - but a) it does need a decent editor, b) the central governor theory is neat but is it really the whizz-bang answer to everything and c) doing eveything in km is irritating. But it is excellent.

    I also read the Sports Scientists blog (two ex-students of Noakes). Always worth following.


    I followed the P&D plan to try and get some good training discipline in this campaign. It worked to a point, but I'm going back to rolling my own.

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    Wardi - never say never, but the only way to produce my best is to treat every race as the last one. (Ian Wright the footballer celebrated every goal even those in training as he might never score again) I also struggle to fit in my job which I guess is true for everyone on here, but I also fancy a new challenge and 80 miles a week which is the next step looks too much at the minute.

    Reading JAP's summary of how he did a good time, I can only agree, more miles, forget the specifics and for me, do lots of hills.

    I'm in Moscow this week where they are practicing for the May parades, strange to see tanks in the streets!! No running outside for me this week. I've only ever seen 3 runners outside here and I've been here 15 times in the last year. Very few bikes as well in Moscow... But when you get out in the towns, lots of bikes and still no runners

    Dan A - will order T-shirts at the weekend when TJQ makes her mind up on orange vs green

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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the http://www.sportsscientists.com/ link MtR, I hadn't seen that before. I agree about Noakes needing some editing! He gets very repetitive in places in his keenness not to miss out any relevant piece of research.

    Wardi, you did so well to have such fine weather for your Lakes adventure. While I thoroughly enjoyed doing the BGR (in bits) last summer, I must have had a clear view from only about 3 of the 42 peaks!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Have met Noakes and Fordyce the SA Ultra Distance runners and they have all sorts of good ideas. My training plans are a hotch potch of what I think works for me.

    Was at the track doing maximal 500s this morning. My body was not impressed trying to run 4.30 mile pace at 6am but it did. The funny thing is I have retired from track yet here I am doing 800 metre training with the lads.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    MtR - I assume that you'll be trying to juggle swim and bike too next VLM campaign so you'll have to roll your own anyway.

    Gobi - nice one

    60 min turbo including 3x10min efforts bagged today, I hit some record HRs today (not sure if that is cos of VLM still being in my system though), but it was a good session and I actually got to a point where I was in aerobic difficulty rather than leg burn being the limiter.

    Going to don the trainers for the first time since VLM tomorrow

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    nice (fast!) reps there Gobi, esp at 6am.

    RS- cheers, io hope so to!  although i got a phone call from the consultant about my scans and x-ray yesterday (he left a message, i see him officially next tuesday).  he said that i have "abnormally shaped bones" and the MRI indicates a small tear in something (cartilage i think) and will discuss treatment (surgery i think) options next week.  basically though, i'm feeling good enough to run 50+ mile weeks and have done 3 in a row now, and likely to be 4, so i'm not inclined to go under the knife unless he offers compelling reasons to do so.  and the possibility of future arthritis is not compelling enough to me, as that could happen anyway. the one thing that sways me slightly towards trying to get it "fixed" if possible, is that i don't ever want to give up snowboarding, and it seems that i always get this injury, and now worse and worse each time, doing that sport.

    Wardi- that sounded a great trip - and you timed it sweetly with the weather.  i love it up there, but my wife is not as convinced with the hiking, so dont get there as often as i'd like.  might have to look into a bob graham mission one day... i would want an accomplice though.

    MtR- great cyclingl very impressive.  since my last bike was nicked about 3 years back, i haven't been on one.  if i was in NZ, i reckon i would bike as much, if not more than i run now, would be right into the mountain biking and tri type stuff there, but i just don't fancy it somehow as much over here so for now focusing on running.

    TR, nice work, well done to the U11's.

    well, my cold (and yesterdays efforts) have definitely caught up with me.  a slow and poor HR jog commute in today.  think largely down to the cold and lack of sleep, legs actually not feeling too bad so that's promising at least. but need to shake this lurgy, wouldn't fancy trying a 20 the way i felt this morgin!

    OS - cheers for the confidence - but i don't really have years and years of running in my legs - i've got one properly completed full marathon campaign where i got the desired 8-9 20 milers in, other than that i have 2 injury interrupted campaign's with 3-4 20's each, and another 2 abandoned marathons!  so even though i plan to be only "jogging" it, i sense 26.2 miles will still find me out without getting at least a couple of decent long runs in!  looking back at since i started running i have only racked up:

    2008 - 894 miles (17mpw)
    2009 - 1,074 miles (21mpw)
    2010 - 2,122 miles (almost injury free!!) (41mpw)
    2011 - so far 545 miles. (33mpw)
    i think if we add it ALL up, then we might get to 1 years mileage for some on here!  and i don't cross train (except when injured) by cycling/swimming etc...

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    oh and RB - nice miles, and nice early morning 20+.  how ar ethose le (nutters) joggers going?  where can i follow their blog if they have one?
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Wardi - sounds like a great trip and glad you got some good weather. Perfect retreat after the marathon. I think in the Lakes you almost earn the right to some good walking weather because you have to walk through enough of the bad stuff most of the time there! When you get lucky up there it's amazing.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    totally agree with that RS - it's like the skiing mantra "earn your turns" as well.  if you want that fresh powder, generally you need to go and walk/hike/work to get away from people and find it OR you need to spend a lot of rubbish days up the hill, to earn that perfect one when it all clears and you have blue sky and fresh powder.  or i think it's also a bit like fishing, especially game fishing, again u can go many many times, to have nothign happen at all, but yo put that effort in for the one day when it all goes nuts!

    probably not that dissimilar to marathon running.  one day for everyone who puts the work in, it will all come together just right for that almost perfect race!  hope so anyway.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Selbs - by the way I might do the Regents Park 10k race on 1st June, I can't do the May one though. Actually think it's the same weekend as the Beckenham 10k so maybe not.

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    Plenty of good discussion here.

    Regards training i have tried various methods. I'm a believer in flexible schedules doing what feels right for myself within weekly target parameters (long run, Midweek longish run, Aerobic and some interval sessions with a certain amount of MP work always). I've put together a combination of what seems to suit me. It needs to be flexible to fit around family and work. If theres a will theres a way.

    All that said i'm still laid up since my calf bust at 24 miles in VLM. The physio says that i should be good for some running next week. Until then its a few swims though. I suppose theres no better time to be injured than a period when you intended to take it easy anyway. I'm getting towards the end of that period and have a few targets for later in the month.
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    Always a more interesting story somewhere.  Makes njord's pitstop hardly worthy off comment.  Probably a bit hot on his side of the blue line.

    As you were.

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    Wardi – should have done Blencathra on Saturday – Chris Bonnington was climbing it. “Climbing it”, as in walking it slowly like a normal person – not carrying a 200lb load, suffering severe frostbite, eating freshly shot husky and callously leaving a few dead friends behind.

    Legs – Hilly, without fail I always have terrible DOMS after a marathon and it doesn’t seem to matter how much training I’ve done. Cannot walk downstairs for 2/3 days, cannot run for 6 days (literally). Always worst in the quads and could be that my running style goes completely to pot later on in the race. I believe over striding may be the cause?

     eBay – don’t know what happened this year, but only got £50 for my London medal/t-shirt (got £80 in 2010). Do you think it’s the recession, or just that there’s so much more shit in the world equally worthy to waste your money on? Or was it because the t-shirt really was so dreadful? Anyway, I’m reminded of the train journey from Charing Cross to Blackheath when I told a fellow runner on the train that I would have my medal/t-shirt for auction within hours of finsihing. SHOCK F***ING HORROR…..It was like I’d just slagged off Lady Diana/told a racist joke/worn my Doc Marten’s at a wedding -  judging from the reaction around me …. Time stood still, Tumbleweed really did roll down the coach before someone broke the silence with a defiant “Well, I’d never sell my medal”. I was tempted to stand my ground and say something witty and amusing in reply, and make them feel small. However, with all eyes focused on me, it was I that felt small (and mute).
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    can't believe people pay so much for something that can mean nothing to them if they haven't done it (I know there is a charity/fraud angle but . . . . .)

    Hilly, Dids
    , bad doms here for a couple of days but I take a week off, mo jo definately not in residence.  Having to slow myslef donw now, but have got a very painful left foot (plantar fasciitis I think).

    Did a walk in the wolds on Monday, about 8m, and instead of wearing walking shoers or boots, I wore an old pair of motion control shoes thinking they would better for my foot.  Could hardly walk when I had finished.  A couple of days later, doing exercises and icing it, and a 7m run later, it seems fine.  I think I better be careful.

    Wardi - glad you had a great trip.

    Really want to get back on the marathon trail, classic response after a disapointing race, trying to restrain myself and use the motivation to up the mileage in the summer hols and do an autumn maratho.  Considering Mablethorpe at the moment.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Dids - I really missed not doing London this year. I'll give you £100 for the medal and t-shirt. I've now got about 200 medals and cotton race t-shirts from the past ten years. They are all very special to me. Particularly the XXL fruit of the loom number I got from last year's Chiswick Park Yellow Umbrella charity 10k - which I won.

    OK, £150.....but I'm not going above £200.....
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    coroniumcoronium ✭✭✭

    LD - with his 4 x 9/1 winnings you know DanA has cash to splash! 

    Wardi - sounds like you had a brilliant weeknd of walking!

    I've picked up a bug from the kids, haven't been feeling too good so I've had a few days off. What are people's plans for the wedding on Friday; I was thinking of a very slow 10M and hope it's over by the time I'm back.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Coro - i'm with you - hoping to head out for a longish run on Friday (a very slow 10 for you will be no where near long enough, u might need to go for a slow 20!) - around 10am ish, and stay out till after midday at least.... although i will be able to tell by when my wife plonks in front of the telly the exact timing.  hope to get a 20 in, but will see how i feel on the day.

    assuming i get rid of this lurgy as well.

    was hoping there wouldn't be many people about!  but i guess i better not run down to the river then. Hilly hampstead Heath and Regents park it will have to be i think.

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    Coro - I'll be running part of the route covered by Njord et al this morning, followed by an easter egg hunt for 4 kids. Then if it's still on I'll be drinking myself into oblivion.

    LD - I had a massive argument with my mum about selling medals etc, she calmed down once I bought her some pretty flowers.

    Crab - Great link, fancy spending so long on the shitter during the final miles of a marathon.

    In other news I did a track session, the first one in 5 months. I was proper shit, fat and shit. the only way is up.
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    LD - Jasus, i must get my tee-shirt out of the "for cold start throw away" pile and get to ebay. Dont know where the medal is - but i'll find it if the pair is worth stg£50.00. I'll even throw in the postage!
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    I assume that bloke was trying to chat up Sophie Raworth?

    SL - you did a track session. image. That's enough.

    coro - simple. My employer has decided it's not a national holiday at all, so it's work as normal. Although based in West Belfast, we weren't about to have a street BBQ anyway, TBH.

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    Tom.Tom. ✭✭✭
    i'm not particularly precious about race awards or memento, they usually end up at the back of the wardrobe or get given to the grandchildren for playing with. The only exception are three age group awards that I won at the Bath HM, purely because they represented the fruition of a lot of very hard work.

    Runningwise, having had a couple of pain free weeks, I had to abandon this morning's 8 miler. At about 4 miles the hip flexors started to ache so I ran/stretched for a couple more miles and left it at that. A bit disappointed as I have put a huge amount of effort in stretching and strengthening core and glutes over the past three weeks. I'm hoping it was just irritated by the offroad terrain and will settle down when I get back onto the road.
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    Odeon1085Odeon1085 ✭✭✭

    Dids- I got £63 for my medal/t-shirt combo, selling it to someone who had feedback from you for the medal he bought off you last year! That'll go towards either Take That or Foo tickets, not decide yet. Saw Foo's at Wembley so might be time for something different.

    Drifter- I'll be at Mablethorpe this year as it's my works championships. We normally add 70-80 runners to the field which should increase it by 30%and normally 10 or so sub3

    Selbs- Good to see you on the mend and running again. Like you say, it's the snowboarding that ruins you, has done for the last couple of years. But...it's worth it to you so keep at it.

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    Odeon1805 - you swine.... stealing my customer and getting £13 more than me! However, as I can get Take That or Foo Fighter tickets free (and have done previously) then maybe some sort of justice is served.

    Stuart - you mummy's boy!

    Paul the Builder - our street is having a full blown street party. 34 out of 35 houses signed up, with some added guests coming too I believe. My daughters are also staging a rival teenage piss-up at our house .... like a Sex Pistols' Jubilee Party no doubt.

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    Damn! Forgot about the egg!

    "The egg?" I hear you cry.

    Yes, the f***ing raw egg that some chump threw at me from a car last night. Hit me in the midrif at a relative velocity of 50mph (I'd guess). Shattered all over my top, shorts and ran down my legs.

    I would not have cared, except some people were walking towards me at the time .... thereby putting me in that situation of "what the chuff do I do, how do I behave"?:

    a) pretend it never happened - surely they'll think it normal to run dripping in raw egg?

    b) turn round and curse the offenders, shake an angry fist in a futile gesture, as they speed into the distance - thereby looking like Victor Meldrew

    c) stop, tut loudly, and wipe off the mess with tissue as best as possible, unwittingly making it look like I found running massively sexually exciting (and that I carried more sp*nk in my ballbags than a lonely elephant with a picture of Pamela Anderson in his cage)..

    Which is what I did of course.

    By the time I got home, I was glazed.

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    Odeon - have a look at ebay! A medal just went for £155 about 30 mins ago ...... how, what, why????
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