
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Firstly, all the best to Matilda with her ENT procedure. Very traumatic for both Mum and daughter. Ice-cream will be Matilda's reward, or at least an iced lolly. I expect Grandpa's get a bit anxious too.

    I think you mean 4 miles in 34 mins not 24image. My first glance thought wow 6 min milling!!!

    I forgot to look how many calories my 50 m stride used!!!

    I used to play Cricket at school and I was quite good at it. Better at bowling than batting, when not bowling I would be out on the boundary, as I had  a good throw in those days. I was well away from getting hit with a ball. ~ I, too was a fast bowler (for a lady/girl) but did nothing too fancy with the seam.

    Now, you didn't say how many downs you had, so we could calculate the final scoreimage

    Thanks for your support over what I did today, I have to say I do feel less tired today, than I have been doing recently.      

    As for the Kindle subject, I had EVERY intention of buying one before I went on holiday this year. But so many people have passed really good books on to me that I can't justify buying one just yet. But Oh, yes, my suitcase would be so much lighter without the books. NEXT YEAR for sure I will buy one. I will have to refuse all books that friends want to pass on to me.  

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Can  i be excused from running? Woke up this afternoon headache feeling sick i ate soething and prommmptly threw it back up. Feel a bit better now but still a little yucky

    Did i hear talk of Cricket i love it I mmean playin it back in primary school we girls played netball i hated it  probably because i was no good. In my last year there my teacher was male the only male in the school and we girls didn't have to play netball we got to play non stop cricket - now this was fun.

    We continued playing it out of school in local parks really fun stuff come to think of it hpeless at ball games but stick a bat in my hand and its  errm a different ball game Cricket rounders etc

    TS all the best to Matilda that was me when i was 6 remember being in hospital but thats all. adenoids and Tonsils. Best wishes to her  she'll be alright.

    Ceal good luck with your 3000 i must have missed it is it sunday in case i don't get to pop in before. What will you do about track when you move will you travel or improvise?

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all

    Another belated birthday wishes for Diana.

    Well TS that should ensure no one hits too many sixes or takes too many wickets. I was the opposite to yourself and Ceal when I played in my 30's as I bowled very slow and loopy occasional turning off breaks, they were so inviting that I picked up lots of wickets caught at cow corner or bowled when the batsman played too early and actually had time for a second attempt. 

    Hope all goes well with Matilda's op. Hannah was disappointed when she had hers out as they only offered her toast and crisps rather than ice cream.

    Ceal what a shame you had a frustrating morning at the track, glad you are taking a rest from packing now until after Sunday. Good luck with the 3000.

    When I was first made redundant/retired I couldn't get interviews for love or money for the part time admin jobs I wanted. Now 18 months later I apply for one and suddenly I might be what they are looking for, strange world. Monday will see the suit being dusted off, shoes polished and oft to an interview. It's half time hours and will fit in well whilst Liz is still confined to bed, I can't see her getting out and about much before next spring so this will fit in well if I am successful; if not I'm happy to carry on as we are.

    Well I think I have reached that stage in marathon training where the runs are always tired whilst the body is adapting, hopefully over the next two weeks I will start to come out the other side.

    Last nights run was a 7.5 mile club run @ 9.03 where I stayed firmly towards the back. Today I scheduled a 10k with 30 mins at marathon pace, being lazy I settled for 4 miles at MP (8min m). Splits below

    1)  - 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) - 139bpm avge  - 148bpm max - very creaky warm up, first 400 was very uncomfortable
    2)  - 1m - 8:02(8:02/m) - 150bpm avge  - 151bpm max 
    3)  - 1m - 8:03(8:03/m) - 152bpm avge  - 154bpm max -
    It was hot, even at 8, so HR was a couple beats higher than I hoped for
    4)  - 1m - 7:51(7:51/m) - 154bpm avge  - 156bpm max 
    5)  - 1m - 7:48(7:48/m) - 154bpm avge  - 156bpm max

    6)  - 1m - 9:00(9:00/m) - 145bpm avge  - 153bpm max - warm down
    7)  - 0.24m - 2:06(8:37/m) - 146bpm avge  - 147bpm max - car in sight !!

    In total 6.24 @ 8.17, ave HR 149, wHR 78% - happy with 4 at ave 7:55'ish.

    Tomorrow's delight is 18 miles. 

    Mike T

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I am tired and stiff just thinking about your workouts, good luck with the 18 miler but I suspect you need more than luck.

    The very best for yor 3000 amd your packing. I know which one I would prefer.

    I think you can be excused running, throwing up in the bushes is for the end of a race not during a training run. Get well soon.

    I am sure your granddaughter will remember this for the rest of her life so it is nice that you are with her.

    Today we decided to go for another bike ride rather than gym and run. 50k on the trails. It was very dusty as we have had no rain for a few days and I got caked with the stuff. I wore my HRM to see how hard my cardio system was working. There are no big hills but lots of long uphill drags on the old railway track
    I pushed hard on some of them.


    Subjectively in terms of effort this was equivalent to an hours run at a comfortable pace with a few quick bits thrown in. As you can see I spent 90% of the time under 60% WHR with an average of 49% which I never do running.
    At one point I tried hard to get my HR up but it didn't get above 70%. My legs start to give way.
    Bicycling seems to work my leg muscles harder but well within my LT


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I have decided to do a duathlon, 2.8km run 37.8km bike and another 5.1km run. There are two to chose from one in Sept and one in Oct.
    We have scheduled a practise next week, a 60k ride with a 5k run in the middle, it should be interesting if nothing else.
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    Hi, and thanks for the welcome. Yes, I been overwhelmed by the depth of knowledge on here, and the generosity of the folk, who put so much time and thought into their responses. Good people.

    I've seen suggestions of 7,8 and 10 years as the length of time significant improvements can be made by “mature” people undertaking a new sporting endeavour: if I can match your seven years, I'll be pleased. Coming up to three, at the moment. Serious research on the subject seems sketchy, though.


    Canada has been the country my wife most wanted to visit after we retired. We may have left it too late, though: an inner ear problem could mean that she is not allowed to fly. We shall have to wait and see.

    Torque Steer

    Often used to take my daughter to the races to watch the horses. I've never been interested in the betting, though.

    Are you from, or have you lived, in this area?


    I do my intervals as part of my runs around a lake, so recoveries are controlled to some extent by topography. Recoveries are walk and jog. Eventually, I shall have to chose a section of the run and repeat it, or find a track.

    Johnny J

    The hard part of intervals seems to be selecting the correct level of effort to maximise the benefit, within the context of wider progression. I suppose you get better at it with experience. They hurt today: 6 x 400m in 96s, 93s, 95s, 96s, 97s, 98s, with my shape dropping off towards the end, in spite of my good intentions. I tried to follow your prescription, but must have started faster than I should have. Hope to do the parkrun tomorrow – probably not the best preparation.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    TS - hope your granddaughter op goes well. Had mine out when I was 3 1/2. They gave you ice cream then.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Hoping to do Brighton & Hove park run tomorrow.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Had to laugh when I looked at my emails this evening. For a couple of weeks I've received no notifications from RW as to when messages have been posted following one of mine (even though the box was ticked to say I wanted them).  Now tonight, suddenly my inbox is full of notifications, - all the ones I should have received and hadn't.

    Ceal - foam roller - yes, thinking of getting one after looking at some of those exercises. 

    Wool-filled duvet - I have one (don't know if it's merino wool, though). Very snug. 

    TS - best wishes to Matilda.

    MT - Toast and crisps doesn't sound at all the thing after a tonsillectomy.

    Hope you enjoy - or at least, survive - the 18 miles tomorrow. 

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    It was yesterday, and thanks for the birthday wishes. Luckily I don't need the tuna sandwich, as I was taken out for a Thai meal.

    5 miles across the forest this evening - much more comfortable in cooler conditions, but rather uneven grass was hard work.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    Phew that was a close thing, that tuna sandwich as been around for years, despite what JJ says. A Thai meal sounds infinitely more favourable. 5 miles across the forest is perfect.

    sorry to revert to old name, but when you are feeling ill then it is the name that needs the commiserations. I do hope you are feeling better today. Not sure if I will travel to a track, 'cause I don't know where there will be one. I expect I will improvise.


    All the best for the interview, if that's what you want. I hope the suit has not gathered too many cobwebs. All the best for the 18 miler, I expect you are out there now getting on with it.

    Interesting to view the evidence that bike riding doesn't raise the HR as much as running. Although, I think I am right in saying the LT level is different for cycling than that for running. I know it is for swimming. I, too, used to work so hard on the static bike, with a resulting low HR, but with legs that just wanted to give up.

    I am thrilled to hear that you have entered  a duathlon, I will follow your progress with great interest. A new challenge will, I am sure,  give you even more energy and interest than you already have for just running. .

    I didn't know that was the reason why Lane 1 was to be kept clear. It makes sense. I don't use Internet Ex 9.

    All the best for your parkrun with 400 interval-ed legs!


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Today was hill reps, the number of them depending on the time I took for each rep. Found a suitable hill yesterday, not far from home, up which I could run in 1min 20 s, which suggested 7 or 8 reps. There was a lot of warm-up first. Run up fast, jog back down. When I was actually running them, found I was doing them in 1 min 10s, so decided defnitely better do 8, maybe even 9. Half-way up the second one, thought to myself, "TS is right, I should disinherit this son"; later on, too brain-dead to think anything at all. Stopped at 8 and jogged home for very-much-needed shower and breakfast.

    Now off to join the rest of the church choir for a practice and to sing at a wedding at 12 noon. Have to wear black-and-white with a coloured scarf. 

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    Hope Pammie is feeling better.

    Also positive vibes to MT for the interview (and the 18 mile run!)

    No, JJ - IE8 for work and Google chrome on 'play' laptop. I also sometimes use Firefox. The problem with chrome is that it doesn't allow any enhanced characters or URLs when I first post on RW, I have to edit the post to put them in. Behaves quite normally on other sites.

    Neighbour who is getting back to running wanted to go out this morning, so just back from 4 easy miles in refreshing light drizzle.
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    good morning

    thank you all for good wishes to Matilda - all went well, or as well as it can for a 4 year old, and she is coming home later todayimage
    Empty was right about the crisps - it is standard procedure to help alleviate scarring after such an opimage!!

    Hope the suit fits - and the job too if you want it!!
    enjoy the 18 miler today - I supsect there will no tbemuch in the lags after your most recent sessions - and a race!!

    Night owl
    you are excused running - for a day!!!

    sounds a nice birthday day - the Thai meal that is, not the woodland run, far too far for me just now.

    enjoy the duathalon - you seem tobe pretty much there with your training anyway so it bodes well
    No weighting bearing on the bike makes a big difference to HR

    it was a very good kick indeed by Farah - shows he has more than one way to win a race
    I have Explorer 9 and wish I had not upgraded. It takes far longer to load, keeps crashing and causes problems on a lot of offical sites notably HMCR which are designed to run on Explorer 7. Some of the defaults have to be changed to get the sites to work and even then some functions such as print are not reliable.
    I have installed Opera as an alternative and it is lightning fast in comparison to load and run programmes. It also has a useful function in that I have set it to open on my speed dial pages of which RW Over 60's is one and it opens direct to here!!

    the essence of intervals is to keep the recoveries the same so that you are comparing like with like in the efforts. It also helps to run the intervals over the same ground so that again they are comparable.
    I would suggets it is about time you started to treat the Parkruns as part of your training rather than a weekly race and say prioritise one race a month as a target to do well in otherwise the effort gets a bit much racing each week.
    Plateaus are dependent upon so many things that there is no certainty about when they occur at any age. Changes in training routine can effect improvements at any time so don't get too hung up on time passing. Biggest problem for mature athletes is natural degregation though ageing and doing something about it!!!
    I am an exiled Geordie living in Harrogate for the past 25 years so not too far away from you

    good luck for tomorrow- run well. The weather has now broken and it is pouringdown here!! No more packing today - that's an orderimage!!

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    yesterday's mild sprint (not the 6:24m/m ceal remarked upon!!) left me with stiff quads so it is something I will have to repeat more often when fully recovered!!

    Simple experiment this morning to see where my aerobic base actually was. 3 Miles run in 25:10 and avHR131 (66%WHR) and a max of 146

    1m 8:35 hr119
    2m 8:18 hr135
    3m 8:17 hr140

    drift is clear to see on each mile as the laps of the field were identical and the times for 2 and 3 were also identical.

    Tomorrow I venture away from my comfort blanket of the field for the first time so it will be interesting to see if I can keep it aerobic..................................

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Thanks for the good wishes for the interview, the job sounds like it could be interesting but I will decide once I have interviewed the panel image. Life is quite pleasant now so there is no pressure one way or the other, a nice position to be in.

    18 miles completed.
    Garmen Connect blurb reads "  Knew this one would be hard, body tired but it will soon adapt. Set off and settled into a comfortable 8:50-8:55 pace. Had to work hard to maintain this along the seafront, yet again running into the "breeze". Decided to try and pick the pace up a bit for last 3 miles; 8:32. 8:16 and 8:10 were just what the doctor(?) ordered. It was nice to be able to finish strong - here's hoping that will be the case on Oct 16th !!"

    1)  - 1m - 9:13(9:13/m) - 138bpm avge  - 152bpm max - 126cal
    2)  - 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) - 144bpm avge  - 146bpm max - 128cal
    3)  - 1m - 9:00(9:00/m) - 144bpm avge  - 148bpm max - 130cal
    4)  - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 142bpm avge  - 144bpm max - 129cal
    5)  - 1m - 8:59(8:59/m) - 138bpm avge  - 146bpm max - 125cal
    6)  - 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) - 140bpm avge  - 145bpm max - 128cal
    7)  - 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) - 140bpm avge  - 142bpm max - 128cal
    8)  - 1m - 9:04(9:04/m) - 140bpm avge  - 142bpm max - 128cal
    9)  - 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) - 140bpm avge  - 142bpm max - 128cal
    10)  - 1m - 8:49(8:49/m) - 140bpm avge  - 143bpm max - 129cal
    11)  - 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) - 139bpm avge  - 143bpm max - 126cal
    12)  - 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) - 142bpm avge  - 143bpm max
    13)  - 1m - 8:45(8:45/m) - 143bpm avge  - 145bpm max : Along seafront, extra effort shown by HR
    14)  - 1m - 8:49(8:49/m) - 143bpm avge  - 147bpm max
    15)  - 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) - 142bpm avge  - 146bpm max                
    16)  - 1m - 8:32(8:32/m) - 144bpm avge  - 147bpm max  : Pick up begins
    17)  - 1m - 8:17(8:17/m) - 147bpm avge  - 150bpm max 
    18)  - 1m - 8:10(8:10/m) - 149bpm avge  - 151bpm max               

    19)  - 0.09m - 57(10:54/m) - 144bpm avge  - 150bpm max - 12cal

     Ave pace 8:50, HR 142, wHR 73% - happy with that.

    Mike T

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    Glad it went well for Mathilda, TS - I has so much catching up to do that I forget to wish her well in advance.

    Wishing ideal race conditions for ceal tomorrow too.

    Great run MT - love how you managed to pick up the pace for the last 3 miles! Really good attitude for the interview too; great to not feel under pressure,so you can be relaxed and probably come across even better.

    I think ceal asked about younger grandson & his broken collar bone - he now seems 100% again, and rushing around as much as before.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Columba - well done on your hill reps image
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Did Brighton & Hove park run.
    Average pace 8:49

    1:16 (7:46 pace)
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    Hello everyone.

    Two days ago our youngest cat was run over by a car so I've been a bit down.

    This morning I pushed myself out the door to do 10x 30-second bursts, sandwiched into an 8k run. I got my HR up to 186-187 for most of them, close to LT, so was content with that. But when I got home I checked the schedule (my training from March to May, with much input and advice from Ceal) and found I should have done 20. Oh well, early days...   

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭

    A belated happy birthday to Diana. Close thing there with the tuna sandwich...

    A big hug for Matilda. I expect she'll get some ice cream at home for being a brave girl.

    Another hug for Pammie (but perhaps no ice cream). Hope you are feeling much better today.

    Your track session yesterday sounded most frustrating and infuriating.

    You are right about running backwards on grass, of course, but the grassy bits around here would be more uneven. Perhaps I could get a strip of astroturf and lay it on the road. Then I would get some funny looks...

    Well done to Columba for the hill reps and MT for the 18 miles.

    I'm from England originally and moved to France in 1983. I've also had French nationality since 1991.

    I shall follow your duathlon training with interest. That's something I've always fancied doing.

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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    I keep reading about park runs. Are they a charity event? Anyway, well done. I suppose 3.16 miles is near as dammit 5k.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Chouette - park runs are every Saturday morning. They are free, you just register and print off your personal bar code and take it with you to the park run.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Chouette - sorry to hear about your cat image

    Empty - great training again! 

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    Parkrun pb – by 1 second – 21:47 (7:19   6:37   7:15, age grade 74.29%). I'd intended trying for a middle mile of 6:30 and not worrying about overall time, but I got into an entertaining tussle with three other runners and enjoyed the racing. Lovely morning for running.

    Torque Steer/Johnny J

    Many thanks for looking hard at what I'm doing and aiming me in a better direction. I really do need to tidy up my training now, both individual runs and monthly plans. Bit by bit I'm understanding the processes involved.


    I'm beginning to see the value of the 400m intervals – they definitely fed into today's run. I felt my striding becoming more controlled and more consistent. Lots of soreness in my glutes now – overstriding, or just a bit too much hard running in two days?

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    TS now you've reminded me that is the explanation we were given for Hannah being given toast and crisps, seemed rather harsh to me.

    Columba well done on the hill reps, I'm glad my son's not coaching me I think I'd be on my knees within the first week.

    Chouette I'm sorry about your cat but glad you forced yourself out the door today.

    Tracey you are allowed to take a holiday you know image. Good time at the park run, I'm sure the kids (and Bernard) are keeping you on your toes as well.

    That's the joy of a hard session and a race I think Colin but you will need to check that you aren't overstriding.

    Mike T

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Empty - I can just about do 2 miles at 8:50 pace. I like doing park runs and have wanted to do this one for a long while.

    Colin - Well done on your small pbimage

    Was pleased with my pacing today. Next goal is 27:30, still a way of my 26:48pb.
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