
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    MrB - indeed, top post, its great to see folks on here improve and be part of it. Esp when folks first get their sub3.

    NS2 - nice one, thats a better return.

    13 more base miles bagged

    Happy new year !

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year, thread. I tested my legs out with 3.5M this morning. Right achilles is still a bit tight so I'll stick to short runs at this stage. I also need to decide whether to be brave and pull off the toenail which is attached on only one side... <winces>
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Happy new year to you all.image

    Dan - quality park run win

    Marmite - how are you mate?

    MrB - you've had a good year

    Jools - ouch. Well done again, could only manage a small donation but better than nowt!

    CW - (when you get to read this) Is the Inov8 Talons you have for fell running? I want something for fell running option and for general off road stuff (local park run included)

    Selbs - whats that 1km interval workout you do on the treadmill? Is it like full throttle down for 1km then easier running for the next km and so on?

    Training question - I'm entered in Watford half on 5th Feb and my main race for spring is Reading on 1st april. I did however enter Milton Keynes ages ago and that's on March 4th. Is three halfs in 3 months too much or not that much of a big deal effort wise? There's a 10k same day at Regents park which I'm leaning towards doing instead. Just thought I'd ask.

    3rd in yesterdays local park run but it was a bit of a farce really, lol Half of the route is basically cross country after rain and in normal trainers I was just slipping all over the place, almost went down hard on one of the first turns. So ended up running almost flat footed on a lot of the root. Still it's all good for fitness. Going to try finsbury park park run next sat which is all on proper paths and flatter.

    16 miles this morning in just over 2hrs so a slight increase from last weekends 15 miles. Off to the pub for new years day drinks!

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Don't be silly, RS78, it was very kind of you to sponsor me at all. The parkrun sounds eerily like the sodding River Avon/Kennet & Avon canal towpath. Bliddy hard work! I would say 3 halves in 3 months is ok; you could always take the middle one easier and do it at about marathon pace (~15-20 secs/mile slower). It would still be a tough-work out but shouldn't compromise intervals the following week in the way that a flat-out half would.
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    RS78 - I'd second Jools' suggestion of doing the middle one at MP.

    18M for me today with a couple of mates, 82M for the week. Planning to hold the mileage around that level whilst adding some quality back in from this week. Going for a nap now.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Happy New Year to all!

    229 miles in Dec, making 1937 for 2011.

    Heres to a year full of sub-3 marathons, and pbs along the way!!!!

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    RS78 - i nicked the session from Gobi - yeah tend to do a warm up then 1km at goal 10km pace and 1km at steady pace and repeat x 6 then cool down.  But i have only done it, a couple of times, mostly steady running lately.  Might try it pre Regents park 10km next Sunday actually, maybe tomorrow!

    Too many injuries for me to have a great 2011, but i snuck a small 1/2 PB in 77:29 and did manage another sub 3 in Stockholm.  Have come back from calf straing a lot better than i expected so hopefuly for a nice start to 2012!!

    Happy New Year all!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Parkrun triple today, did nothing special with all 3 done around 6.15 pace. A few miles here and there saw 12 miles total.

    Delighted to say Rach did this as well, pretty solid effort from her and considering she hasn't run over 5 miles since April I was impressed.

    Nice to see JH1 at the end, he was finished some time before me.

    Looking back to 2011 I am happy I still nicked a sub 3 way back in Feb and disappointed that I got injured AGAIN in August.

    Looking forward it is all about the Comrades, nothing else matters and come June 4th I will either be entering a late season marathon or giving up distance running.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    RS - race all 3 of em, you have 4 weeks between each and dont have to worry about spoiling VLM !

    jools- no wonder you were a bit cahy you've just had a week off !

    Brian - I think I did ~180M in december, ready for 3 months of 200+ now.

    Selbs - I have a 10k 2 weeks today, the legs are in for a shock !

    pbs would be nice, but I dont race other distances much and dont chase little picture pb's, so I'm only interested in a 1/2 decent VLM performance. Still bothers me that at 23M I was on for an approx 2min pb and yet cramped up and finished 6 secs slower than my actual pb !

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gobi - hopefully entering a later year marathon then ! You cant go back to tri !
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - hell no will be doing more track
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    TR: I think what happened to you at VLM11 could have happened however well you've prepared; it all depends whether it's 'your day' or not once you get past 22/23 miles. I will say though, that I use a lot of electrolyte leading up to the day and during the race and haven't had the cramping problem (yet!). You probably do this anyway...just a thought.

    2 weeks into my schedule and today I feel I did my first proper 'test the water re. pace' run. 17.4 miles inc 8 mi @ target MP(6.15). Managed to average 6.17 for the 8mi which included a couple of hilly ish bits, a couple of miles into heavy rain and wind and the last mile down wind. Didn't feel too bad and managed to average 6.34 for the whole run; HR looked happy as well. Who knows, 2:45 may be on. LSR

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Gobi - not in the winter, so you had best do an Autumn mara

    MrB - 6:17s is great stuff already. Very nice. ........ Agreed, I've had hammy twinges every time, just that this time they started earlier and actually stopped me. I did try and push on a bit at 23M and should have just maintained pace. I do the electrolyte loading but only from the Friday, Macca's book says that deep tissue hydration takes 7 days though, so I'll be starting earlier next time. I also need to put some MP running in, and will do the MMH at MP rather than MP +15 sec. Lastly I'll take a bottle on to the start line and drink it in the first 10M, I'm carp at drinking enough during the race and sweat loads cos of being a bit heavy.....if I dont try and fix it it'll turn up again, I still have a sore hammy at times now though so maybe its more than that........its probably best to concentrate on slowing down at 23M too rather than trying to speed up !

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    nice run Mr Boat. What's your marathon HR average normally?

    couple of enforced rest days today and tomorrow for me, as my hip niggle is beyond manageable at the moment so hoping the rest might help... will get out for a cold game of golf tomorrow instead. funny thing is it doesn't hurt that much when running, but is really sore to touch/massage. spent yesterday doing a nice 11 miles around oxford where wife and i had gone for the weekend which was nice to see somewhere different for run.  few drinks for New Years eve bu for me fairly well behaved image

    i guess i will start my non scehdule schedule after the Brass Monkey half in a few weeks, and use the Bath half marathon in March as a pointer for what to aim for.

    TR good luck with the 10km - i am a bit like you in that i have never really focused on the smaller distances for a real push at a target time.  But this next Sunday i will have a go for a 10km PB by not running too much beforehand - just a mile or 2.  Might even rest on Saturday so i can give it a proper blast - although that's my usual LSR day and i didnt get one in this weekend, so will depend on the hip.  Good luck with yours - they are useful pointers anyway i think.

    Gobi - yeah hopefully it sees you entering a marathon for autumn.  Would you recommend that Nice one - i liked the look of that!

    Joolska - hopefully back to it soon but go carefully - VLM hopefully has sub 3 on it for you!

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Selbs: I had my 'breakthrough' 3.07 run at FLM in 2007, so it would be lovely to finally take the final 3 minutes and 10 seconds off come 2012...
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Selbs.. Keep yourself wrapped in cotton wool before the York BM, a very fast course if the conditions are good.

    Very impressive run Mr Boat, any races on the horizon?

    Congrats to Dan A on a very speedy PB.

    Nice Park Run combi Gobi.

    Had 12 chums around last night for new year drinks & tucker.  Mrs Wardi prepared enough fillet beef wellington for all, washed down with some rather nice Australian red (13 bottles consumed by 11 drinkers!).  7.3m today to blow away the cobwebs.  Hope the rest of you had a decent New Year, all the best for 2012.

    Not the best year for me, benched late April to mid August so spent the summer on the steed.  Just when I thought I was stuck with the injury (no improvement at all) it simply disappeared overnight.  Hence I've been back running since late August without any problem, so at least I finished the year as a much happier bunny. image

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    Happy New Year to you all.

    MrB that's a great training run and bodes well for VLM target.

    December for me was very disappointing and only 114 miles. Ran one half marathon and one xc race. No pb's at all in 2011. To be honest think my pb days are well gone.....but you never know!

    Had a gentle new year at home with Mrs Tigerrunner a few beers and glasses of red. Got up and raced the New Years Day Hangover 5 at Wirksworth. It's a tough course with over 640 ascent and decent. First 2 miles down hill in 11.30 got to 3 miles in 18.30 the last 2 miles were up hill and came home in 34.19!

    Really enjoyed it though and the 2 pints of bitter after the race.

    Going to do a bit of speed work this week which I very rarely do. This is because its the Derbyshire xc champs on Saturday and I want to run well.

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    Happy New Year........I hope 2012 is a good year for you all. 

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    TR: On the day I carry a 130mls bottle of high concentrate 'SIS Go' and try to sip it after 8/9mi. Dropped the bottle at Abo this year on about 12mi; did look for it on the second lap but it was gone. I think the old 'throwing the kitchen sink' approach isn't for me towards the end, and at Abo it was just a case of really concentrating for the last couple of miles. If I'd really pushed it I think my quads may have given up on me.

    Selbs: ave HR at Abo was 170; VLM11 171; VLM10 176. HR dropped off from about 13 miles during VLM11 where I crashed and burned but was rock solid all the way around Abo where I got just about everything right in the build up. Hope you hip sorts itself. May see you at Bath but still may do MMH instead.

    Wardi: Not too many races planned; I'll just take them as they come if I'm free. Your party sounded fun; just reminded me I had the best part of half a bottle of port last night and shouldn't have felt quite so fresh on my run today. Glad your running year's ended on a happier note and hope  to see you on the red start again in April.

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    Congrats on the PB Dan A

    Thanks for the link about Sammy Coro.  It's amazing to think that his times are already fading into the background.  A terrible shame that he isn't out there still re-writing the records.

    A belated congratulations to Jools.  I hope that you reap some long term benefits from the training as well.

    Go for it HR

    Nice triple from Gobi. Is that the maximum possible no. of parkruns that can be done in one day?

    Looking good already Mr. B.  Interesting that your HR for Abo was lower than for VLM 11.  Suggests along with your current training that you should be well able for <2:45.  I promise not to egg you on to going for 2:3x this year image

    A mixed year for me.  A couple of half PB's and a 10k PB in the lead up to London where I had a shocker was followed by a bit of a loss of focus.  I recovered that in the autumn, got myself into better shape than I had been in the spring but picked up an injury just before my goal race in November and haven't run since.  I hope to pick up my new orthotics on Tuesday and have some ideas to work on with my physio about injury prevention.  Tentatively looking at Dublin for my next marathon.

    Happy new year to everybody!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    MrB - thats the idea, but I intend to sip on it early on so that its all gone by 1/2 way.

    Clearly - here's hoping you have a better year, What are you doing posting at 3:08am ?

    Backed up y'days 13M with 13M more today. In the 10 (enforced) days off work I've bagged 6 runs in a 3x13, 2x14 and 1x16 stylie, so thats a nice bit of cake baking.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    TR, Your gonna have a good'un at VLM this year, I feel it.

    As regards cramping, I started to at Abo at about 21M and on reflection put it down to the lack of MP miles. Just didn't have "time" for my usual 4-6 10M stints due to the linmited build-up (PF injury), and looking back at my log found that I'd done just 1.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Brian - who knows, but one year I'm going to go well ! So, it looks like I need to include 4-6 10M MP efforts then, thanks.
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    TR, You know all about impact miles. All the 80% work you're doing is good prep for these too.

    Tigerruner, Glad to hear your back. Be careful at the XC.

    Wardi, Been following your progress and you have put in a good solid stint of training. Looking foward to some good results over the next few months.

    I've done 6 weeks of S&C work now, and although I'm a little heavier and not particularly faster,what I've found is that I recover from harder runs much quicker/easier. For example I did the parkrun Saturday, didn't pull up any trees, managed 6:03m/miling (Bradford is a hilly one), but felt no after effects at all. Infact couldn't even tell I'd ran. Whereas before the S&C work, I would struggle to even get out of the car after any sort of hard run. The personal training sessions have finished now (I've had my 10) but he is continuing to set the sessions for me to do alone, and wants to follow my progress and advise me till VLM.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Brian - indeed, I'm bagging plenty of uphill and downhill impact miles, but some consistent MP stuff would be good. The 80% stuff on the turbo is a decent effort, what sort of running pace does 80% usually relate to ?
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Hi TR, You're on my favourite subject, and knowing you (virtually), you may be humouring me.

    80% over 10miles for me at the moment amounts to 7m/miling. At best, I've had it at 6:45-6:50 pace. 83% amounts to MP, so generally current MP, being about 5 beats/sec more than 80%, equates to about 15s per mile faster than 80% pace.

    I hope that makes sense

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    Brian I'll go easy at the xc race. Like you, I'm having PT sessions at my gym, had 4 up to now with another one planned for tomorrow. After each session I have ended up with soreness in muscles I never knew I'd had. Does it get any easier?

    I hope the sessions pay dividends and improve my core strength and so help to prevent my tight glutes and hamstring. If I can crack this I know I'll be able to run under 3 hours at VLM.

    Must get my Garmin fixed so I can run to my heart rate or treat myself to a new one!

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    A slightly belated happy new year to all. 

    Nice going on the triple Gobi.  I ran over to Banstead for the parkrun and splashed through the mud for second, only to find that the guy that won had already won at Bushy and was off to Riddlesdown for the third.  I was surprised to see he was 'only' second there.  It looks like most of those doing the triple went to Nonsuch for the second rather than coming to Banstead, but having slithered around Nonsuch on Saturday Banstead was more appealing.

    Tadworth 10 this afternoon, my club's annual race.  1am start as the horses get the downs to themselves before noon on weekdays, even bank holidays, but it didn't seem to affect the race much other than putting the sun in your eyes in a different part of the course from usual.  A decent field at the front which disappeared off up the hill on the first lap, I had a disappointing first lap but then things came together second time around and I made up a few places and won the sprint for first vet in 1:00:47, my best on there for a couple of years so I can't complain.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    CD - nonsuch was nice underfoot, some chap turned up at Riddlesdown who had not done any others :¬)

    Selbs - Nice is NICE so I'd say do it

    Clearly - if someone puts one on at 1200 then we will do 4, as long as the distance between events is no more than about 12 miles and you run no slower than about 25 mins you can make it between venues.

    Ran 10.4 today and did 80 minutes on the bike. Body feels good.
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Congrats Cheerful dave on the dodger prize, great time too.

    Good tripling too (Gobi also).

    Tiger, yes it does get easier. After my first 2 sessions it took me a week to recover! Not running on those days either. But I started doubling up with easy runs in week3 and coped ok. I've missed a week (the gym is next to work, and I've been off this week), and am really looking forward to the sessions wed/fri this week. Just hope I don't revert to how I felt week1!!!!

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