
Paris Marathon 2013



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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    No weedy-shaped dent, though...image

    kaz, isn't that a bit of the ' ankle-bone-connected-to-the...'? Your legs aren't usually sore.Standing for 9+ hours can't be good.


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    Mmmmmmmm ATM, possibly a case of changing posture to take strain of my side kindo thing?? image

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭
    Anyone heard from DLR?
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    Another thumbs-up for Barcelona from me. Did it last year and it was absolutely fantastic, I'd only done the one marathon prior to (Edinburgh in 2011) and it made that look like a village fete fun-run. The atmosphere, the build up, and the course itself were unforgettable experiences.

    Think it started at 8.30am, and it was still dark on the walk down to the start line, then whoosh, at about 8am, the sun came up, the music was booming and it was like a kaleidoscope of colour!

    Cheesy and predictable I know, but they played Freddie Mercury's 'Barcelona' beforehand after hyping it up on the mic; "This is OUR City, this is OUR song". It was proper hairs-on-the-back-of-your-neck-sticking-up stuff, everyone in the pens was buzzing!

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    Thanks Bedders - that's my mind made up image

    Orbutt - I've had a bit of chat with DLR on email, he's still with us image

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Hello all,

    Weedy - you're very lucky. How are you feeling today?

    DV - I've switched to a low GI diet and its taken a while of getting used to but I really find it makes the world of difference during a race. What do you normally drink for ffuel?

    Yer maj - I'm still tempted for Barcelona this spring... I still need to work out the logistics/ cost but I may be able to give you a his years report.

    Kaz - take it easy! The first day back is always the hardest!

    Eggy - get well soon! How are you feeling today?

    All I can say is that I'm glad the weekend is here. Had a horrid week.
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    TD - mail order soup sounds good right now.

    Weedy/Emmy - Feeling a bit more human today, but still confined to the couch. Feels like I have a heavy weight on my chest when trying to breath.

    Weedy - Glad to hear you are ok. Cars can always be repaired. Its good nobody was badly hurt.

    Kaz - Try and take it easy.
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    The 2013 supporters guide is finished and sent out to those that PMd me.  Pete burke, you didn't include your email so to make it a bit easier.  Anyone can translate and email me on "radar underscore sal at yahoo dot com dot au" (no, I'm not australian).

    Eggy - get well soon!  I've had a stupid cough cold for the past few weeks and it sucks.  Last night was the first time I got 8 hours sleep in ages.  Felt soooo good!

    and in running image I ran 7 kms today!!!  and as yet nothing appears broken.  YAY!  am way behind any schedule but should be able to manage a toodle around with kaz and orbutt (and DLR & NB if they appear).

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    And me....image

    If I survive this rubgy "match" that is....image

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    oh be quiet you in the multiple 20 mile run cheap seats. image

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    Well I may not be running, but I have managed to briskly walk 10.5km the day! Only took 1hr22mins too, well impressed with my walking speed!!! If all else fails..........image

    Legs feeling slightly better for it. An absolutely lovely winters day - Calm, bright and very very chilly. My jacket I got from BF for Xmas got its first outing. It gets the thumbs up..............for walking anyway!!!image

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    Thanks for the northern hemisphere welcome!

    TD: I hope I get to see some more of you all too!

    After 43 hours of travelling, we slept the sleep of the dead last night. Isle of Man turned on an absolutely stunning, clear, blue day for us today.

    Kaz: it would be an honour to run with you! Take it easy. Remember you are recovering from major surgery. A former ICU nurse once told me it takes the body at least 6 weeks to process a general anesthetic and get it out of the body. When do you finish up and start your new job?

    Eggy: you poor poor fellow. I wish I could something to help. How about cyber-soothing-of-fevered-brow?

    Weedy: good to hear you're OK. While you're right, it's minor and you're all insured, it's still pretty annoying and inconvenient.

    On the subject of gels, last year I ran my long runs with them and took one every hour, up to a max of 4. More than that and my stomach couldn't cope. I realized during Paris last year that by about 3.45, I needed some proper food.

    This year, I'm not tolerating gels at all. My next long run I think I'm going to try jelly beans and some wafer biscuits.
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    MM - welcome to the top half of the world image ,

    Good to hear the plague-ridden are feeling a bit better, and you're managing to get out RS. And, by the way, can you explain what a large posse of Kiwis were doing hanging around Kensington High St this morning, many of them wearing sheep-shaped onesies image ? I wonder if it was a rugby thing? I don't think I can bear to watch the Calcutta Cup, the men with odd-shaped balls will have to get along without me.

    Weedy - ow. Never good to be hit by a Volvo, they're way too solid.

    Dannir - I was talking to a girl this morning who did the Goofy as well this year. She mentioned it was hot image.

    Emmy - long distance hug. Are you still travelling around like a mad thing?

    16 miler tomorrow, which, according to Mr P and Mr D is a 'medium-long' run - apparently it doesn't become 'long' until you get to 17 miles.
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    RR I'm watching for you.  Come on Scotland!!!

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    MM - Officially end my present job on 23rd Feb, no comfiramtion yet of start date for new one but  shouldn't be too long after that. At present they are doing all the security checks required! Welcome to the UK!  image

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭
    Maus image Are you alright being upside down.?

    RS - congrats on the short run image I did a paranoid 7k last night full of psychosomatic muscle mumbles. Absolutely terrifying. Still here though. image

    Another couple of short slow runs before I'll be confident enough to say I'm back in training.
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    YM - commiserations, great 2nd half recovery though...

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    Second half was amazing.  First half was woeful.  Story of our lives...

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    We will lick our wounds and come back stronger against Italy. Hopefully.
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    MM - glad you've touched down safely.

    Okay, ladies and gentlemen of the jury... on trial is the supermarket chain Morrisons

    May I present to you Exhibit A - a humble pot of cottage cheese? If it would please the court to take note of the nutritional information, namely the fat content of 1.2g per half pot of cottage cheese. So, in a 300g pot, there is 2.4g of fat.



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    And may I present to the court Exhibit B, a pot of cottage cheese, also purchased in Morrisons.

    Please note the label proclaiming 'less than 2% fat'. Now, on the side of the pot is the nutritional information revealing that a half a pot contains 2.1g of fat - 4.2g of fat per 250g pot, the equivalent of 5.04g of fat per 300g. There's more than twice the fat content in the 'low-fat' cottage cheese than the 'normal' cottage cheese.

    The normal one cost 59p whereas the 'low-fat' one cost £1.


     The prosecution rests m'lud.

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    RS - how much do you wannabe and Australian? Just thought I'd ask. image

    I've heard from Rob too. He normally doesn't like to talk about running when he can't do it. He prefers eating pies. And anything else. He'll be back though and he'll be in Paris, but probably cheering rather than running.

    Got caught in a snowstorm today out riding my bike. Very weird having hailstones bouncing off my face on a bike. Not normal.

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭
    Glad to hear DLR is ok - after all, he is family.

    I made the mistake, in Corcorran's, of asking RS what part of Australia she was from. Luckily, she didn't punch me image
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    Orbutt - what part of Australia is RS from?!
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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭
    From what I recall, she"s from somewhere called "IBEATYOU" which is apparently in a suburb of Australia called New Zealand (boy am I in trouble).
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    Weedy - guilty as charged. Hanging's too good for them. Although frankly, you could fill a tub of cottage cheese with truffles and I still wouldn't fancy it - nasty stuff image .

    TD- I bet your complexion was lovely afterwards though - high speed facial exfoliation image .

    Currently porridging up for this morning's effort. Have fun, anyone else doing the same.
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    Yesterday morning there seemed to be a higher than usual number of runners out...  is this weekend a big one for those following a marathon plan..?

    Weedy..  I hate that stuff...  not as muh as I hate actual cheese, but its still the sperm of the devil..


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    Running Rodent wrote (see)
    Good to hear the plague-ridden are feeling a bit better, and you're managing to get out RS. And, by the way, can you explain what a large posse of Kiwis were doing hanging around Kensington High St this morning, many of them wearing sheep-shaped onesies image ?

    It was probably for Waitangi day (6th Feb, NZ national day when the multi-linguial treaty, that was awful translations by an amateur who had no idea what he was doing, was signed).  There used to be a circle line pub crawl but it doesn't circle anymore image

    Orbutt wrote (see)
    RS - congrats on the short run image I did a paranoid 7k last night full of psychosomatic muscle mumbles. Absolutely terrifying. Still here though. image
    Another couple of short slow runs before I'll be confident enough to say I'm back in training.

    Yup, that's about it for me too!  I'm not chancing another one today.  To the TURBO!  Did I say I got my gait analysed by physio and she picked out a few things to work on and they SOOOO explain why what's gone wrong has gone wrong.

    Iain Moore 2 wrote (see)
    Orbutt - what part of Australia is RS from?!
    Orbutt wrote (see)
    From what I recall, she"s from somewhere called "IBEATYOU" which is apparently in a suburb of Australia called New Zealand (boy am I in trouble).

    SOOOO wrong you two.  I'm from the Eastern Isles of Australia.  Very similar relationship as with the Western island and the engerland mainlandimage

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    Weedy Gonzalez wrote (see)

    May I present to you Exhibit A - a humble pot of cottage cheese? If it would please the court to take note of the nutritional information, namely the fat content of 1.2g per half pot of cottage cheese. So, in a 300g pot, there is 2.4g of fat.


    AND that's if the packaging is correct.  "Beef" burger anyone? HA HA HA NARF!

    The best way to monitor your food, I've found is to get food smart (as the ads say) know the basic nutritional makeup of foods (horse burgers excepted but if you were being a good food geek you would have made your own from steak) and look at the ingredients for additives of sugar, fat etc.

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    Just logged onto jantastic January and the top three in the bench were all scots , we may be crap at rugby but by golly we can run
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