
Sub 3h15



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    Go Manchester runners, go!!!!

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Woooooo! Manchester Runners! *waves pom poms*
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Last 13 miler done on trail trying very hard not to twist ankle / similar silly injury.

    WHERE are our racers? *taps fingers*

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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭

    Lorenzo-great time and placing.image

    MSE- great to get the last one done image

    6 easy today on tired legs image

    who's racing then ? KR is anyway , come on,come on, don't be sh*te !!!!!!!!!! image

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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭

    3:03! image

    Decided to be bold / stupid and go with the 3hr pacing group - hung on til 24 miles then faded. Realised the sub 3 was off and cruised home. Very happy with a 9minute PB on an average of 25miles per week. Good return! Wahoo.

    Frankfurt in October anyone?
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    Fab SJ. Sounds like it was the right decision!
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    BadbarkBadbark ✭✭✭

    SJ - Huge congratulations on your shining new PB! That's an awesome performance on such low mileage. I couldn't get below 3:10 until I started running 70+ mile weeks regularly. I see good things for you in the future!

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭

    Big PB - job done, and done well ! Nice one  . . .

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    Well done Slokey!!!

    PB for me too today, 3.03.48 (I think didn't stop garmin immediately). Was going ok then got a few calf cramp twitches from 16 miles so had to ease off the pace to get round. Will do a report later. Fraser was going very well from when he went past at halfway....
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    wow, well done KR and SJ for big and great PB's

    Good fasy parkrun from me yesterday (19:36) and a solid 75 mins today with 30 mins at MP

    A good friend and coach has been following my training and we caught up for pizza the other night as wanted to discuss the issues I have had with MP running during this training campain... we decided that i shoud not necessarily target the 3:15 but run the first part conservitively (bearing in mind I do like to blow up if I go out too fast) then pick up as I go if it is there. This is mainly due to the hamstring tendon issue I had near the start of the campain, which are just about sorted now..... bizarely I feel in a good place with that desicion....

    Take care

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    KR that's a fab time, many congrats. 15.5 here and 42 for the week. Serious taper now.

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    Been lying low during my taper.  We'll done Slokey Joe and knight rider big PB for me as well 3:04:11.  It's nice when everything goes to plan, second half in 1:31 and my last 10k was the fastest.  A celebration is in order I thinkimage

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Excellent marathon time chaps, really well done.

    SJ - that's particularly impressive off such low mileage.

    JF2 - That's a great negative half split for your marathon.

    KR - That was a long time coming for you. Great stuff!

    RFJ - Speedy parkrunning!

    15 miles for me today in the sunshine. 9 miles on the coastal cliff paths and 6 on the flat back to where me and a mate dropped the car. A full English was devoured after that run. Marathon was on here too but can't see results anywhere yet.


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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
    Very well done KR and JF2 - we must have been really close together. I did ask a guy who looked a bit like KR if his name was Colin, no it wasn't. It was a very brief chat.

    My time isn't on the live results! Although a guy with the same name and 1 number difference on the bib ran a 2:54. Should I claim that one?

    How did Fraser and ssc get on then?

    Legs seem to have recovered well - not looking forward to tomorrow though.
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    SJ - that is an astonishing time off such low mileage. You did brilliantly! How is the hip holding up?  Will you be able to build in a bit more mileage for the autumn?

    KR - fabulous time too!  You must be so pleased with that?  Well done! 

    JF2 - you dark horse! That is a fantastic time.  I think you were professing to aiming for sub-3:15 weren't you? Although, in fairness, that is exactly what you did.  I do recall thinking your training paces were suggesting a fast marathon.  Excellent work!

    Now stick those compression tights on and let's see when Fraser and ssc report in... *drums fingers impatiently*

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    SJ - I am no expert but if you were able to run with the sub-3 group until 24 miles I would have thought the only thing to stop you doing it in the end was your mental strength?  It will be interesting to see your splits and analyse that one.

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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
    Hip was ok until I stopped running! Very sore for an hour or so but the tablets have kicked in. The low mileage is offset somewhat by 150miles of biking per week so I'm not really freakishly talented (or at all) but it shows that there are several ways to skin the marathon cat.

    Definitely a shift in volumes for Frankfurt but maybe edge up to high 30s low 40s and still plenty of biking. Any higher run volume would result in injury (which is where the hip is the real limiter)

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Slokey - I was going to say the results have you as quicker than that! We done to you, KR and Fraser. Were you all running together?
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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
    The quads just seized up MsE and as a result the workload went up to an unsustainable level. I was gurning and pushing hard but still falling back. The lack of mileage did just catch me out I think. I did ease off as soon as I realised it wasn't on and could maybe have buried myself for a low 3:02 But definitely not a 3:01 even if my life depended on it but my main race this year is Wasdale X in June so did a mental trade off. Lose a minute or so and be back training as soon as poss.
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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
    Minni, the start was so packed it was impossible to move around and look for each other. so we probably ran together but completely unaware!
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    MsE I was wondering about your long runs this time around? I remember you not doing many (if any) before your last marathon. How many have you done this time?
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Sounds like you ran a sensible race SJ.  Glad you have found a formula that enables you to race marathons competitively and keep the hip happy.  Rest now! *stern look* image

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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭
    Although I'm planning on keeping my "run every day for a year streak" going. It won't be fun tomorrow!
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Minni - I have done some this time!  You are right, the last time I only ran a handful of 16s but this time I have done  2 x 18s, 1 x 20 and 1 x 21 plus a couple of 17s.  I think they just about add up to around 100 miles of long runs so hopefully that will help me with the endurance side of things which definitely was lacking when I last raced a marathon. 

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    BTW SJ you do realise you have to post a photo of you gurning for us all now? image

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    KR, SJ and JF2: WOW! Great runs from all of you. My only complaint is that you didn't hold hands en routeimage
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    BadbarkBadbark ✭✭✭

    KR -  Brilliant PB and I look forward to your report.

    JF2 - Another great PB, enjoy celebrating!

    With SJ's result too we might have to rename this thread to Sub 3hr 05.  image

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭

    big results to add to SJ's, KR & JF2 - excellent work !

    how far you planning tmrw, SJ?

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