
Sheffield Half-Marathon



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    Aitch you will be fine. The buzz from being in a race is worth at least a week worth of training, 11 miles is well on track and if you feel like giving up the rest of us will be on the look out for quitters to help kick up the assimage

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    I'm NOT a quitter - I will run it even if I feel crap!

    Wow well done Caterpillar! Sorry to hear about your injuries.... did you see us supporting at mile 17?! Were you in one of the support teams?
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    Aitch - Were you part of the RW support team? I saw the sign saying you were coming up then totally missed you. I didn't put my name down this year as it as been touch and go if I would be running but had excellent support from the team in 2006 and 2007. Much needed at that point.

    Fingers crossed that you'll be joining me next year eh?

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    Yeah I was supporting with RW at Mudchute. It was such a fab day I really enjoyed it and loved cheering everybody on and giving people a much needed sugar and energy boost at mile 17!

    Possibly might be joining next year and I think I'll be first on the list for support if I get a place...I'll need all the support I can get!
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    Aitch, really hope you get in to london next year, you deserve your chance after your selfless supporting ,good luck
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    Thanks Andy! Very very scary prospect though.... If I don't get in I'll be back supporting, come rain or shine - I had a fab day and was happy to support everyone!
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    Well done caterpillar! image

    I've entered the ballot too.  Fingers crossed...

    Wish I'd been there to support on Sunday (well done to Aitch and the rest!), but my financial situation being what it currently is, I couldn't make it down.  Looked great fun!

    Did my longest run on Sunday - 12.5 miles in 2:11, so a bit slow for me, but this was a training run, and the route was ridiculously hilly so I think I'm still on track for the Sheffield Half.

    Now, although I love hills, I do sometimes wish I could find a flattish route for long training runs.  I know the hills during training have the effect of making most race routes seem 'easy', but sometimes it would be nice to run a long run in training where I can actually gauge a pace that's nearer to what I might run in the race.image

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    How do you plan your long runs lady p. ??
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    Hi Andy

    I have a general round route which I run, which has various opportunities to lengthen/shorten/loop off a certain point in order to vary length.

    I've been increasing the mileage of my long run by somewhere between 0.5 and 1.5 miles a week depending on how strong I'm feeling that particular week - because of the routes I run though, none of them are round distances (i.e. they're not exactly 9 miles, 10 miles, 11 miles etc, although the one I ran on Sunday was pretty much dead on 12.5).

    Am thinking it might be wiser to start running a shorter, slightly flatter (!?!) route and doing several laps, but I'm not particularly keen on repetition.  If I'm planning to train for a marathon, though, this may well have to be the option I take.

    As well as my long runs I also do one or two easy/recovery runs per week, plus one session of intervals, hills(!) or tempo.  I do have some shorter, flatter park areas which I use for speedwork (or if there's no other option, I'll resort to the treadie) but these aren't big enough for a long run.

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    Hey Lady P, nice running lady! image

    So, are we all meeting up beforehand? Or afterwards??image

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    Hiya Claudi *waves*

    BOTH it is then.....
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    Ha, just realised my reply made no sense image *waves back*
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    Well, I didn't like to say anything hon.......image
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    Hehe image Well, at least we will meet up image

    But no-one knows when image

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    lady p.

    have you tried using one of the route planners online, like on fetcheveryone, also you could try following a river or canal for a flat route

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    Andy will you be joining us when we meet up?? Think one or two of the ladies on here would appreciate seeing your legs image
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    Hi all,

     Sorry to jump in but I notice from earlier messages that the main hill in this half is Ecclesall road. Can anyone tell me where this hill is? I lived in Sheffield for two years and remember Eccie roal as a very flat straight road from the bottom of Hanover way to Hunter's bar. Ecclesall road south is pretty steep as you turn left at Hunter's bar; is this what people mean? image

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    Hey Westley,

     No no, we're not running to Ringinglow, it's ok! The run is from Hanover Way up to Hunter's Bar, and then back down again. It's the first bit that is up hill - doesn't seem like much on a day-to-day basis but it catches ppl unawares during the race (at that crucial halfway mark, too). It's definitely not flat, as it continues the contour that starts in the Peaks and travels all the way through Ecclesall park...and down and down. Not severe but enough to hurt if you're not expecting.

     Sayin that, the crowd support there is normally the best, so perhaps it balances out!

    LadyP - If I remember rightly, you live near me. Send me an email if you like, and I'll divulge all my 'flat run' secrets (ok, so they're not completely flat, but they're limited to one or two hills). I trained for my mara here last year and managed fine image

    I'm currently fighting off a chest infection/cold thing. Have Redcar on sunday but it looks like it'll be relegated to training-run status...Annoying! I haven't been ill this year!

    Cake - Thanks for the suggestion. I've driven/cycled past LadyBowerInn many times - on your word I'm gonna go investigate it!

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    I reckon the worst hill is the bit past Waitrose as you turn off London Road and head up past the church and the flats on the left hand side.  It's not too bad though and is immediately followed by a bit of downhill and then Ecclesall Road which I think is probably the best bit of the course.
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    Bunny - you have mail image

    Aitch and Claudi (and everyone else) - I'm definitely up for meeting, both beforehand and after!  Methinks meeting up somewhere for some food afterwards would be good.

    Eccy Road's definitely the best bit, in terms of support.  Really lifts your spirits!

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    Ah, thanks Barry K and BunnyPhobia, now I know what you mean. Didn't realise it hung a left past Waitrose.
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    The worst bit I think is when you see the stadium with still about 3 miles to go.

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    LP - I agree about food for afterwards! Any ideas where we can go? image 
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    Iron Tractor Boy wrote (see)

    The worst bit I think is when you see the stadium with still about 3 miles to go.

    Definitely.  Hard-going when you feel like you're so close!  Support in the industrial bit of Attercliffe is quite lacking too.

    At least - once you've got through the whole 'running round the stadium' thing - the track is nice to run on to finish off with.

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    Claudibird http://www.justgiving.com/claudiabauer1 wrote (see)
    LP - I agree about food for afterwards! Any ideas where we can go? image 

    Hmm....not sure; don't know what's available near Don Valley.  Would it be worth heading back into town?  Or maybe somewhere like the Fat Cat in Kelham Island (not too far away) - good honest re-fuelling pub grub (and decent beer if anyone really feels like it!)?

    Ideas welcome!image

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    Ah, the Fat Cat....Good pub image

    I would join you all, but I think my dad may get a little intimidated if I took him to lunch with a load of random runners...

    LP - Not got the email yet....Maybe it's got lost in the interweb-ether?

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    Meeting up afterwards could be good.  I'm actually moving back to Sheffield the day before so I have no idea what state I'll be in after the run.
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    BunnyPhobia wrote (see)

    Ah, the Fat Cat....Good pub image

    I would join you all, but I think my dad may get a little intimidated if I took him to lunch with a load of random runners...

    LP - Not got the email yet....Maybe it's got lost in the interweb-ether?

    Think RW's going a bit funny.  Loads of people seem to have had emails go missing. image

    Might head over to the website bugs forum and complain!

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    LP - It's ok, its found its way! You could complain anyway, that's always fun. I'll reply this aft, as I've got to dash off now...And obviously after the secret ceremony to ensure you can be trusted with the secret 'flat runs' of Sheffield...

     There's like a portal and a key and everything!

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