
IMNZ 2010



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    Did it last year Egoman and will probably go back and do it again sometime.  Gives me a good excuse to visit some very good friends who live in NZ image

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    First swim in 3 weeks this morning - managed 130 lengths (appx 20mts/length). It could have been far worse.

    PUP - I don't know about Ego's regime - your coach seems to have you on a tough regime. I think you will be the best pirate as your training seems to have been more consistent. As it is I struggle to get to between 10 - 12 hours a week in and following a schedule can be a bit difficult. Still, I managed IMCH on less than 8 hours a week, so I'm staying the right side of positive! As with you, my work is getting in the way again next week, I have to go to Edinburgh for 2 days, which at best will mean I only get a run in (and a swim if I can get a hotel with a pool), though I have booked 3 days off next week also and hope to get some last minute (read, panic) training in!

    Thanks for reminding me Ego - we need to book a car also. Hopefully get a good deal as we're there for three weeks but we'll be flying out of Christchurch so we get to see some of the South Island.

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    3 weeks in new zealand ...i am jealous. this is my first IM and my goal is to finish.

    SP you win the award for dedication -- very impressive how you have kept on, considering your work in SA.

    looks like I will be coming to this race alone. sophie has to go to china.

    might need mrs. P or PUP to take my picture when i run through the finish....

    PUP will have collected her medal, will probably be all showered and cleaned up and eaten a meal, called the family, taken a nap and had a coffee by the time I come through.

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    image We'll take you piccy don't worry - you also get official one taken but you have to pay for them, but they are nice.

     would you believe we have the bleeding snow again down south - have NZ marked up on the calendar and can't wait to get away from this weather we're having over here this winter.

    I'm sure I don't really have to go for a run in this, nice large white wine seems much more appropriate image

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    hey all <shuffles in, knackered> Can I have some of your wine, TL?

     you are very kind to say that about my training, but you will be waiting for me at the finish, I guarantee it!  I will get the boyfriend to take your pic ego. 

    I am so so tired. Been in birmingham for two days for new job and had a total training washout. 5am start to get down yesterday, which ruled out training before work. Then had a horribly frantic day running around trying to meet people and take in information, finished about 6 and went to find my hotel. Got lost - I don't know Brum AT ALL. I did find the hotel in the end, only to find they had no record of my booking, and were full, so I had to call the work travel agent to find me somewhere else, which took another half hour. Trailed round to new hotel, who did thankfully have my booking and finally got to my room about 7. I was starved and knackered but thought I should try and do a bit of training,  i am trying to be an IRON woman, so I TTFUd and off I tooled down to check out the "fitness suite" (no way was I running outside when I'd already got lost once image) only to find the code didn't work. So instead of getting changed and working out, I cried and went to the pub instead. I felt a lot better after a bowl of chilli and a glass of wine. 

    Woke up  this morning at 5.50 determined to fit something in before work only to find I had packed neither socks nor sports bra. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So instead of training, I went back to bed and read my book.

    I got back here in time to fit in a 1.30/30min brick, so at least I've redeemed something, but I am pretty strung out. So much for the bigweek, eh?

    To finish me off this evening, I am doing the race in aid of cancer research and when I went to check my page just now, my good friend, whose father died of cancer only last week, has sponsored me £100. I'm blubbing everywhere image

     Gonna do this.

    Now, bed, I am clearly as over-tired as a tantrumming toddler! 

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    Hey PUP its all sent to try us, you've done great and you will be an IRONMAN (even though you're female image )

    Take it you're back home now?  SP has to go to Edinburgh next week for an overnighter, but has booked the days around it as hols so he can try and get in some training.

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    hi there

    dont come onto the website very much now, but something just triggered the date and made me realise the IM is coming up very soon.

    cant believe its nearly a year that we were there on holiday and managed to get to Taupo to watch the IM and support the pirates racing.

    its an amazing place, so good luck to all of you, especially SP, from IMCH days, cant believe that was almost 5 years ago

    have an aesome holiday all of you, it will give you itchy feet to go back


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    Hi Jellybabe

    Just had to help SP get his bike gear of as his come back frozen ( fecking snowing down here again), his just got changed to go for a run.

    I will be glad to get to NZ for some warmer weather except got to do some marathon training out there, never had to train whilst on hols before.

    Have to catch you at some event sometime.

    Take care


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    Hey all,

     Well, my prep for the ironman very much took a back seat this week. Basically, my house burned down on Thursday night  image The outline of the story is that I had gone to bed about 9.30 on Thursday night, read for a while, then turned out my light to go to sleep. I was expecting boyfriend back about 10.30, he'd been away on business in Tunisia, so I left the light on his side of the bed on so he could find his way in. About 10pm, the light suddenly went out, as did my clock radio. I thought it must be a power cut and lay there for a couple of minutes feeling pissed off and waiting for the lights to come back on. I started to hear some noises from the stair and my first thought was that I was being burgled, however when I got out of bed to see (sometimes I really wish boyfriend didn't work away as much) I had barely set foot on the landing when I saw that the cupboard in the bathroom where the washing machine was was on fire.

    I ran for it - I could see immediately that the fire was going up into the ceiling and there was nothing I could do to stop it so I just grabbed my phone, my coat and some shoes and got the hell out. THe fire brigade were there really quickly, however the fire was extremely fierce and it took them many hours to put out. Luckily it didn't spread to neighbouring houses (we live(d) in a terrace in the New Town of Edinburgh) however, the roof was destroyed and half of the celings in the house came down with the water. The fire inbestigators initial impressions are that it was caused by faulty electrics, however we haven't had their final conclusions yet.

    We don't really know what we have left,  as we need to go through everything with the loss adjusters this week - we have managed to rescue some essentials and things like photos etc seem to be OK, so the irreplacable stuff is OK, as are we and my cat, which is the main thing. However, we are now effectively homeless and living in a hotel while we think about our next move. My bike is fine , as are my cycling shoes and running trainers, and though I haven't found my wetsuit yet, I think it should be OK. Most of the kit I was intending on wearing on the day has been burnt or smoke damaged, but I will be able to replace it. So I will really be embracing the pirate motto of always trying something new on race day!

    Mentally, I'm feeling very vulnerable and haven't been able to train or give any attention to ironman stuff, but I am still intending on being there and competing - I've worked too hard to let it go at this stage. I just need to get back on an even keel as soon as I can.

    Ho hum. Would appreciate your kind thoughts at this very difficult time.

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    Hells bells!! We have never met but I've dipped in from time to time and have been mentally wishing you well. What an absolutely horrible thing to happen. I am so sorry for you. If you are size 10-12 I can lend you pirate kit if you need - and wetsuit if it comes to that.

    I can't believe it.... imageimage


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    Bliddy hell PUP image

    Thank goodness you were still awake and you (and your cat) were able to get out ok.  Not surprising that you're feeling vulnerable and shaken up.

    Good to hear that you're still planning on going to NZ .  Would be the last straw if you'd had to pull out after most of the hard work has already been done.

    If you find there's anything critical that you're missing, let us know and I'm sure someone will be able to help out.


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    Holy shit - don't have wet  suit, but depending on your size I'm sure I know someone that can help if you need kit - PM me if you need anything.

    Take care PUP, as I said earlier SP will be there Tuesday over night if you want to meet up with him (both work and whatever part of Edinburgh your in and he's working permitting).

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    Bloody hell PUP - really don't know what to say to that - I'm totally lost for words! Makes my woes pale into complete insignificance. You don't need this at any time.

    Someone really doesn't want you to do this.... hang in there girl and glad to hear you're still taking part - you've come too far to let this get in the way.

    Let us know if there's anything we can help you out with gear wise. Even small things like gloves, sunnies and the like.

    Just remember - you ARE DOING THIS!!! We're both looking forward to meeting you in New Zealand (and Ego!!!), as TL says - if you're around on Tuesday evening - I'm working in Edinburgh Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Take care.

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    Hey - and glad the bike is ok!! image
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    thanks guys. I'm just totally up in the air at the moment, don't know if I'm coming or going.

    SP - sunnies! I hadn't even got to that level of detail yet! Thank you for the offers of kit - we sneaked back into the house this afternoon (not really supposed to as it's still unsafe) and I found my favourite goggles, two swimsuits and my cycling shoes. I think that my wetsuit is probably OK as well, the cupboard that I think it was in looked intact, so I am assuming that wettie is OK inside.

    Went out for some beers with the tri club tonight (so please excuse typing) and they have all been very positive with offers of kit etc, so thank you also for all of your offers of help - it's really much appreciated. Everyone has been so wonderful. I will know more about what I do and don't have after tuesday. I am hoping insurance will just write me a cheque and I can go on a kit spree! As a 6 foot size 14 female, my options for borrowing are a leeetle bit limited image

    It's all part of the journey!

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    PUP - the attention is in the detail but I'm sure you have rather more important things to think about right this moment, than a silly pair of sunnies! However, I think on this occasion it seems like you can forget all that and let everyone else worry about that for you! You're gonna be fine come race day and you'll probably end with more kit than you can shake a stick at.... image

    Anyway, you're sounding a little more upbeat there - a little inebriation will do you no harm!

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    mrs P said it best "holy shit!"

    PUP i just logged on and read your story .... incredible, but you were lucky you were not asleep. sorry to hear of your accident.

    no matter what, even if its difficult now dont pull out of IMNZ.  you have come so close so try and make sure you go.

    soon you will be enjoying NZ and your burned down house will be miles away!

    have a good week everyone, esp PUP!

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    Bloody hell, PUP, you were incredibly lucky to get out of there, thank God you woke up in time. I echo the others, do get to NZ and do the race, you've invested so much time and effort in it, and it WILL make you feel a bit better about what happened.


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    thanks guys,

    I wish I could say I'm a bit more upbeat today but I'm just not. I'm absolutely devasted about what's happened and I am struggling to get it together - mentally and physically -to get packed and ready to go to NZ on Saturday.

    I don't know what I can do to get my mental strength back - I had loads (I think) and now I don't seem to have any.

    I've put so much into Ironman that I can't bear the thought of not doing it, but equally, I couldn't run round the block right now.

    Can I get it back in time?

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    It's not at all surprising that you're reeling; that's one hell of an experience you've been through.  I wonder if you are suffering from delayed shock.  Having said that, I have no real idea what you might do to help come through it if you are.  

    I had assorted negative life experiences in the months leading up to IMNZ last year though nothing as traumatic as yours.  I actually experienced a huge sense of relief when I got on the plane - almost as if I was leaving all the bad stuff behind.  Very odd.

    Going from cold, wet, UK winter to warm, dry (mostly), NZ summer lifted my spirits as well and being 'in country' really got me focussed on final preparations.

    Really wish there was something more I could do to help you through this.


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    Hey PUP come on girl just get your harris to NZ image

    I have been in this situation before (not the IM bit thank god) happened when I was a lot younger early 20's living at home with family and you do feel lost, and yes you've lost everything and some of it can't be replaced , but you're both OK and have a bloody lot to look forward to esp buying me and Chris a drink once you and SP have finished IM we will need it hard work this supporting larkimage.

    Joking aside it takes tiime to come to terms with this and you'll have a few wobbles on the way, but you'll survive, forget about whats happened you can't change it, but you can and will do IM you've trained hard for this so bloody well get there and do it.

    You can thump me if you want when you see me at IM but I do body pump so be warned image

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    PUP .... i cant imagine what you are going through, but since you are already booked your trip you must go .... then  when you arrived to NZ, "your troubles will be so far away" and you will get excited for your race.

    but ... if you arrive to NZ and still dont have the energy or focus to do the race, you and your boy friend  will at least be in a warm, gorgeous enviornment. 

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    any updates PUP?  life getting back to normal?  hope to see you in new zealand!
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    PUP - I can't begin to imagine what you're going through, but what I do know is that you've put a bloody lot of hard work into this, more than the rest of us. Is there any way you can delay your departure date to give you a few more days to get your head around what's been going on?

    Once you're out in Taupo, the build up to the IM day is an incredible experience in itself - you all know you're going to be taking part in something really BIG. There's a lot of camraderie, nervousness and excitement, and walking around the expo will take you're mind off things that are many miles way (and relieve you of several hundred quid....image).

    This has been a hard training ride for all of us, you with your house, Ego and his disappointment with missing IM Oz and me with my business travels not forgetting the weather cocking up training plans and everything else we've had to endure along the way. Just think - you will be a much stronger person when you come out the other side of this and it will make finishing IM all the sweeter!

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    hey everyone

     thank you for all of your concern - i am pleased to report a bit more of a positive day today. 

    I've located or bought replacements for just about all of my kit and I am just about organised now to leave on Saturday, or certainly getting there. There's a few logistics still to come together, but I have a week and a half when I get there to organise this stuff. 

    I'm going! It's all organised and I want to do it. 

    I havne't managed to train this week, but I've been training for a year so I'll just have to trust to that to get me through. See you in Taupo image

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    Hooray!  In case you don't pop in again before you go, have a safe journey. 

    And in the event you're having too much of a good time to get on line after you get there, good luck and enjoy  image

    Oh, and we'll need all your race numbers at some stage so we can follow your progress on the day.image

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    You dont know me but i have been following this thread for some time.  Terribly sorry to hear about the fire but very glad to see your last post with your positive message.

    i wish you the very best in NZ and will be following all of your race reports with great interest

    Best wishes


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    thanks trogs, thanks slim! And SP and ego & TL & giraffe & ultra iron wolf too image

     I am feeling a LOT better this morning, I actually woke up and wanted to get up, and it was at 7 am rather than 4am which it has been all this week. 

    I can give you a weather report - it is 22 degrees and sunny in Taupo, and it is 25 degrees and sunny in Cambridge, where I'll be spending my first week! Woo hoo, imagine that, sunshine. It's baltic in Edinburgh just now, so I am really really looking forward to sunny rides, warm runs (not too warm though) and open water swims. 

    I am finally excited! image

    Have a good day everyone.
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    Hey have a good flight and see you in a week image

     Trogs I'll post their numbers over the weekend as I can't remember them image

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    trogs thanks for your interest! 

    my race number is 582


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