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Low Carb (high fat) Pirates



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    I spent a couple of hours reading last night which have totally crystallised my understandingimage

    Someone lent me a copy of “The real meal revolution” by Dr Tim Noaks, the recipes are great and the principles of the “Banting” LCHF diet are well explained.  But OMG the research data in the back of the book is so compelling, it’s just not funny anymore.

    If you can get hold of a copy (I think the data may be available on-line but is possibly not as conveniently put together) and you have a few hours to read and understand the data I think you will be totally motivated to stick to the diet and will then reap the rewards.

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    +1 for The Real Meal Revolution. 

    Their website is really informative too . I regularly dip into their recipes.

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    My festive period was far too festive. In fact, I had probably come off the LCHF wagon a few weeks prior to Christmas. Since the 03/01 I have been back on and it's incredible what a sort space of time it takes for you to stop feeling so rubbish because of all the crap you eat. My sweet spot is about 50g of carbs per day and I've kep to that for the last 10 days. I have not touched any alcohol in that time either and don't feel the urge to have any at the moment. Biscuits and chocolates were my big problem but now I've just turned my back on them with an apparent ease and don't miss them at all. My biggest problem is coffee. I can't stop having either a latte or a milky coffee every day which takes up about 30% of my daily carb allowance. I still have a filter coffee with cream but struggling with the milky version. Any thoughts/tips appreciated or is it just a case of going cold turkey ?

    My training is going alrightish, although it just doesn't feel quite right and I can't put my finger on what's causing it. I became fat adapted last year (before the extended festive celebrations) and I think my body seems to be adapting a lot quicker this time round. I'm trying to do all my long runs fasted but last weeks rather muddy, hilly 16 miles saw me struggling from the very start so I had to take on a bit of chocolate and a gel. Last night's 10 miles on the road was run too fast but I was able to keep going and even made it up the 1 mile climb to home without stopping. Definitely heading in the right direction and I would ideally like to race the Hardmoors 55 in March as fat adapted as possible

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    I so wish I could do this diet, but reality is, I like wine, chocolate and decent, good bread too much.  My typical day would be ham and eggs or eggs and mushrooms/tomatoes for breakfast, salad or stir fry (no carbs) for lunch but I always have a piece of chocolate or Penguin type biscuit in the afternoon.  Banana before exercising in the evening and then get home and might have a couple of slices of toast or some chunks of chocolate.  What do you eat as a treat/snack between meals, or don't you?

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    I hardly ever snack between meals but if I do then for chocolate I have a few pieces of Green & Blacks 85%. 3 pieces contains 3.6g of carbs. A banana now and again isn't too bad I don't believe. And there are recipes out there for Banting bread; I have made one and it didn't taste as nice as a 'normal' bread. You can make your own snacks, maybe start on Pinterest as there are loads of recipes where you will be directed to other websites where there are even more recipes. Good luck !

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    Carterusm, have you tried using a hand blender to blend a tablespoon of butter into the coffee. Road to know where I found that after a week or two the cravings for all the things you mention evaporate.
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    Road to nowhere wrote (see)

    I so wish I could do this diet, but reality is, I like wine, chocolate and decent, good bread too much.  My typical day would be ham and eggs or eggs and mushrooms/tomatoes for breakfast, salad or stir fry (no carbs) for lunch but I always have a piece of chocolate or Penguin type biscuit in the afternoon.  Banana before exercising in the evening and then get home and might have a couple of slices of toast or some chunks of chocolate.  What do you eat as a treat/snack between meals, or don't you?


    Beer and pizza, isn't it Duda? 

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    On occasions , and it was definitely an occasionimage

    RTK, snacks wise, macadamia nuts and Beffy Jerky/ Billtong are good. I have an Ice cream maker, so sugar free icecream makes a good treat you can use blackberries and blueberries to flavour it.


    I also recently discovered that Tapas restaurants are a pretty good place to eat and after a couple of months a glass or two or red is OK occasionally.

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    Don't tell Mrs M but I think I may be suffering form new toy deficit syndrome!

    Just ordered a Ketonix breath meterimage 

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    Duda - I've tried various combinations of BPC but none of them satisfy my 'milky coffee' cravings. So from this week I've decided to try and wean myself off them by just having 3 this week, 2 next week etc.

    A question. I was in maintenance mode with my macros but decided I needed to shed a few more pounds. I've been playing with my macros and have arrived at Carbs - 30g, Protein - 122g and Fats - 91g. I'm ok with the carbs and fats but struggling with proteins as I'm averaging about 170g per day. How do the proteins affect weight loss and do I need to hit my daily macro with them to achieve said weight loss ? Cheers

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    I think I read somewhere that if you are struggling to lose weight then you should look to your protein intake and potentially adjust them downwards (and increase your fat intake) image

    or was that if you're struggling to attain Ketosis? 

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    Cartersum, what's you body weight as that makes a difference to how much protein you should take 122g seems low to me. when I was measuring how much of everything I ate I was aiming for between 160- and 200 Gms per day, I am about 160 lb at the minute. remebre if you are training a lot you will need a bit more protein that the average as its needed for recovery/rebuilding

    It may be that when you come off the milky coffee you start to lose weight again.

    Ghost, to much protein  can inhibit ketosis because it converts to glucose in the liver but in my experience its difficult to do.



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    I found switching from latte to Americano with cream helped the transition. I can now drink tea black too.  Little steps...

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    Thanks for clarifying Duda.

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    Hi guys, my Ketonix arrived yesterday and I am currently trying to get used to how it works, its a bit clunky and not as easy as just peeing on a stick in the morning but you get graphsimage if that is you tell it where to save the data DooooooH!!!!imageanyway now sorted that problem and will use it in conjunction with blood glucose to try and understand how I work.

    As for Macros I am just eating what feels right (weighing food seems far too clinical) whilst I have lost a few pounds I think its body fat cos I am getting leaner!

    Duda do you mean its difficult to eat too much protein?

     Duda the Mutineer wrote (see)

    Ghost, to much protein  can inhibit ketosis because it converts to glucose in the liver but in my experience its difficult to do.


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    Sorry yes, it's quite difficult to eat to much protein rather than its easy for the body to make glucose out of protein. I think Christi Vlad (sp?) has some stuff on his blog about this.
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    Happychap - I do a filter coffee with a splash of cream but it only keeps the cravings away for a couple of days then I have a milky coffee. Hopefully I can slowly wean myself off it, as you say, small steps.

    EM - My missus doesn't get this way of eating, although she is better now than a few months ago. I can imagine her reaction if I was peeing on sticks and messing around with a Ketonix ! Have fun playing with it.

    Duda - I'm weighing in at 12st 6lbs. I have upped my training in the last couple of weeks and will be doing so over the next few weeks training for an ultra in March. Today, for example, I have had 200g of protein (made up mainly of gammon, chicken and bacon) and 84g of fat (made up of bacon, gammon and oil). Everything else I have eaten has been veg. The protein is well above my 122g target which I obtained from the Optimal Ketogenic Living chart which I am currently using. The fat target is 91g so I'm slightly under. My aim is to be in the weight loss zone rather than maintenance. I didn't realise my current weight was a factor so any further advice you could offer would be appreciated.

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    Carterusm. IMHO your protien target is way to low and I would be shooting for between 175 and 200 other wise you will compromise your recovery and adaption to training as well as risk future health problems. If you do decide to stay so low I would monitor hair and nail growth. Any abnormalities in this such as thinning brittle nail or hair stopping growing can indicate to low a protien intake. I had this problem my self in my early stages. I was eating about 120gms per day and I was 9st 3 lb.
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    Duda - many thanks. I haven't had to monitor my hair situation for quite a few years ! As I'm now upping my mileage I will also up my daily protein; I'm going to try it at 160 but will have your advice in the back of my mind if things aren't working out and increase it even more. Cheers

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    Since tinkering with my macros I have averaged 36g of carbs, 150g protein and 95g of fat per day. The latte/milky coffee is still proving to be a difficult nut to crack but I have slightly reduced the number I've had of the week and will keep looking to cut back even more. I don't know if I've lost any weight but I'm certainly feeling lighter/thinner as my clothes are feeling a bit baggier. Last night I went for a run and did 10 miles that included about 1000ft of elevation. It felt controlled and most of the time I was in zone 2 (perceived effort) and on the climbs I mainly stayed in zone 3 but crept in to zone 4 in the steeper sections and towards the top. I didn't bonk though and didn't feel as if I was going to. This feels like a big improvement and the fat adaptation seems to be starting to work

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    Morning folks..hope you are all well...

    after a slightly carb heavy crimbo, I have got back on the wagon and am trying hard to stay there. As far as I can tell, all is well and training seems to be going well. The only thing I am uncertain about is whether I am totally fat adapted yet or not. I'm considering buying a blood ketone meter as I still dont register on the ketostix, which is quite frustrating. I guess I must be adapted because the last 2 Sunday's I've managed 15 mile runs and still felt good after. No tiredness or fatigue and was able to continue with my weekend... I have been monitoring my macros and I average about 30g - 40g net carbs, 150g - 200g protein and 180g - 250g fat. Only rubbish thing is I'm still permenantly hungry...which is driving me insane...

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    Iain - you say you are averaging '30g-40g of NET carbs'.  Are you deducting the fiber from the carbs on the labels to get your net carb value ? I believe it is only in the US where they measure net carbs, we should be using the number of carbs on our food labels. Well done on the 15 mile runs, you must have fat adapted to a reasonable level if you can manage those and still feel good. 

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    carterusm - Most the forums I'm on are american based but a lot of the books I've read all use net carbs too but i probably don't eat enough fibre cause I seldom go over 50g of carbs a day...The 15 miles were done at around 6:50/mile and aside from tight legs and blisters energy felt good...I've got to get the indoor trainer set up and get on my bike as I'm missing my daily cycle..

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    Iain Firstly respect on the speed at which you run 15.0miles, however this only takes you 1hr 42mins which although being at the upper end of glucose fuelling you could still be running on a significant amount of glucose?  On the other hand your carb levels should have you firmly in Ketosis so my point might be completely wrong!  That's not very helpful is it, sorryimage

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    EM - I appreciate any advice/comments etc, as I am just as confused about whether I am in ketosis or not.. I want to know how I can use this way of eating to push forward with setting further goals. I think testing my blood will be the only way I can know for sure but i do feel like I have plenty of energy to get me through my work day and training in the evening. i do monitor my body fat, body water and weight and i do notice that my body fat goes down slightly after a long run but not sure if thats an accurate way of telling whether im burning fat...payday friday so ill get a blood meter and find out for sure..

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    I think that being able to run further and for longer without taking on fuel is the best indicator if you have become/are becoming fat adapted. Is it necessary to know if you are on ketosis or not if your performance is improving ? I'm not being argumentative, just throwing it out there for discussion as I am anal about recording how much of everything I eat each day but am not really bothered if I'm in ketosis or not. It's interesting to hear how other people approach it and if it benefits them.

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    Bugger it I am going to book a VO2 max test again, I did one 12 months ago and my efficiency/fat burning was shite!  this time it should have dramatically improved and I guess thats the only way I will find out!


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    Carterusm - the problem with seeing an improvement in performance, is the most of last year I was injured so I was sidelined apart from the daily cycle to work and back so my performance is nowhere near where it was the previous year..I am able to pick up the pace at any given point on a run whether it is a 5 mile or a 15 mile but that might just be down to experience. The main reason I want to see if I'm in ketosis is that I am fairly lean and I can't afford to lose any more weight, (I'm 5'5" and weigh 9st 7) so I want to know that the fat I eat is being used as fuel rather than any carbs I do consume. 

    EM - where do you book a VO2 max test... I think that would be an interesting "starting point" 

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    If you live in a university town the sports faculty might do it,but I Googled VO2 test and found a few locally.


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