
Swansea Harriers Seaside 5K Series - Race 2



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    Running KevRunning Kev ✭✭✭

    Well done Tracey.

    Enjoyed the gym and having a refreshing cup of tea now!


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    Morning all

    Wet out there.  Been to vote.

    So how did the race go WA?  Hope your ankle held out.

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    Morning all

    Tis wet out there NR, I hate the rainimage Sorry you wont be able to make it over tonight.

    I've got an awful feeling that we are going to wake up to a conservative government tomorrow!!!!

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    don't upset me FL............anything but..................If tories get in I will have to give up triathlon and races away from homeimage
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    Why Seren?

    I am still hoping for a Labour minority government. And for what it's worth, I think that woman probably WAS a bigot and I would have called her a lot worse things.

    Swimming at lunchtime and running this evening. I love Thursdays.
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    Yes, it is a bit on the damp side, not so good if you are working out in it, but nice and refreshing if you are having a longish runimage - Not that I am in any shape for even a shortish run!! image

    Don't understand why your racing would have to stop Seren - must have been some small print in the manifesto I missed! image

    Good to voteimage I will get my vote in much later tonight as I am still registered back in civilisation. I am not a fan of the tories, but I am less of a fan of an undemocratically appointed PM - any party that thinks it can just share power amongst itself as it pleases without any consideration for the voting public does not have my confidence. If their policies would stand to scrutiny then go to the ballot - the only reason not to offer the opportuntiy of a National vote is if you suspect you would be kicked out of office. Under those circumstances they would rather hold on to their jobs irrespective of National interests.

    I think MPs should get minimum wage and (genuine!) expenses only - then see how many want to run for office!

    If labour had elected a better leader maybe - that slack jawed goon is nore concerened about being out of a job than doing the job.

    Then again what options do we have? A party whos only real mandate is to oppose the current government and would spend our money undoing the good and the bad, or a party who have never had a realistic hope of governing, so put out a wish list of fanciful ideas which would doubtless crumble if given the chance - either that or we would overun and have no military answer to stop it!

    It would be funny if Liberals actually got the votes to govern - talk about brown pants! image

    I am a Liberal at heart - only for fairer voting if nothing else - the concept that my vote has no value outside of my constituency does not sit well with me. How can it be right that a party which has such a large share of the National vote ends up with only a handful of voices in Parliment? Fundamentaly wrong.

    Gordon Brown should never had desperately held on to office like he did, I havn't heard any justification for his action, so we are suposed to just lie down and accept that like good little puppies?

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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    Personally, I think I should be Prime Minister.

    "I think MPs should get minimum wage" - No, how are we going to attract the brightest and the best if they have to live on the breadline to work in govt. Why give up work as a doctor or solicitor to govern if you are only going to get £6 an hour ? MP's should each be paid a wage plus compensation for loss of their 'proper' job whatever that was they had before.

    I too don't understand why Seren wont be able to race under the tories ? Is there a family triathlon credit paid by labour that the tories won't pay ?

    I am only sorry that the Monster Raving Loonies are not standing round here.

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    Blimey Boff - just say what you think!! :0)

    I have just popped out to vote too and for the first time ever it wasn't red (hasten to point out it wasn't blue either!! - Even I have standards!!). Not that it will make a blind bit of difference here as labour have 35% majority, but I always try to remember how lucky we are to have a free vote and feel it would be rather remiss if I didn't make it to the polling station.

    Tried to have a little run this morning but both my calves cramped up after about 10 minutes, just lack of use I guess. Still at least I got my running shoes on, a great improvement in itself.

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    Easier that way!

    I'd like to think we have the brightest and the best in politics already - but somehow I doubt that! Perhaps I should go into politics, I could use a duck pond with a moat! image

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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    There is a Llanelli 5k Series once more. 7pm Llanelli Leisure Center, £6 to enter. Thurs 17th June is the first one.
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    under tories we were on so little money that it was extremely hard going bringing up the family........when labour brought in tax credits we did very nicely thank you................so life is nice and manageable............no I can't buy a £1000 bike but i could have a £500 one..............image

    if the tories came in they would reduce tax credits so that once again we would be just around the line of tough your working no dosh for you................

    so regardless of any other policeis i don't want the tories in................as I know for our family we would have  adrop in benefits

    right I have ran 2.7 miles ........ then spent 3 hours at toddlers group.then i ran 4 miles up caerphilly mountain and back down..then i swam 1K.......then I ran the 2.1 miles home............image

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    Seren - ah I see. That seems so unfair. Fingers crossed then.

    Boff - I would vote for you!
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    I've never really known anything other than a Labour government. They say "a change is as good as a rest" but after reading what you just said Seren, I'm not so sure. I really can't afford to have a reduction in benefits. Surely, if they get in, they will see that it works and keep it going? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    We will all know soon enough.

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    Has everyone forgotten Maggie? She wrecked the country I was paying 15% interest rates on my morgage, loads of people were made homeless and redundant. I could go on!!!!!!!

    I don't like Gordon Brown and totally agree with Boffin. But better the devil you know image.

    Afternoon allimage

    Off to do the club 1 mile race in a bit, I hate short racesimage. Don't get warmed up until about 4 mile in.

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    Yes FL, absolutely. Scrape David Cameron and that evil old bitch is underneath. Lucky you WM if you don't remember the Eighties, it was a miserable time to be alive in so many ways!

    My mortgage was also 15% and we had £15k negative equity and so couldn't move home and were stuck in Swindon for FIVE YEARS paying it all off. I was so homesick I used to sob while watching the five nations. Mind you, quite a lot of Welsh people did that...
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    But the 80's music was great traceimageimage

    Forgot about poll taximage

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    Tracey - you can't possibly be old enough to have had a mortgage in the 80s!
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    I was born in the 80s image

    (Sorry guys)

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    Bless you Sweetie!

    FL - name three 80s tracks that don't sound nauseating now. It was all shoulder pads, big hair, apartheid, Ronald Reagan, drum machines - bleugh!

    WM - a good decade for you then!
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    I got married the first time in the 80'simage.. and bought my first home....
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    for me the eighties were a blur of kids, scary interest rates and trying hard (and not always succeeding) to make ends meet.

    I don't actually remember much about the music of the time, only that Barry Manilow seemed to be on the radio aaaaallll the time!

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    Oh Mandy! You came and gave without taking!!!!
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    Evening all

    I remember the 80s.  The music was okay, clothes a nightmare. 

    How are we all?  Hope all injuries are well on their way now image

    No run for me today.  Hope to go in the morning before work.

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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    I remember taking out my first mortgage at 12.9% (fixed for 5 years) and thinking I had a bargain ! Oh how smug was I when rates went up to 15%.

    The 80's for me were simply a blur. Goodness knows where all the time went. Some music was good, some was dire. 90's was better for music with the emergence of trance & happy hardcore.
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    How did the 1 miler go WA?  Hope the ankle held out image
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    I spent the 80's off my faceimage so all music was goodimage.

    NR, the mile was great, although a bit damp!!!

    Alex, well run mateimage.

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    Running KevRunning Kev ✭✭✭

    Hi Guys, just back from Nando's - extra hot piri-piri chicken - mmmmmm...

    No training tonight image

    If Tories get it they will cause a double dip in the economic climate by letting out all the bad news by blaming labour in one go. They will then cut public spending. Less schools, hospitals etc. for me to build image

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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    Thanks Chris, Ankle held up nicely, comfortable 5:25 for me so next time I can try for a sub 5. As I said I used to run 1500m & 400m in my heyday so tonight was a pleasant throwback image

    I have had a large yoghurt, and a small lemon cheesecake thing to celebrate image Going to watch the election coverage now. I'll vote for whoever scraps VAT on running shoes, and pie.
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    Welsh AlexWelsh Alex ✭✭✭

    I have to say, now the polls have closed, that I voted for the 'All Night Party' and don't mind admitting it image
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