
Radio Worcestershire



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    I have iplayered, but its a lot to remember, and most of it is now obselete.

    Trickster - I never gathered a North Carolina team. Nascar is the possibly the biggest thing in the south and I never had time to get into it. I'm a Raiders fan, but baseball has fallen by the wayside. But yes, the Sox are probably the greatest team ever. I have stood on the batting mound in Fenway Park on the morning before a game too. That was pretty cool.

    I appear to have left it too late to wish Slacker good luck, or Mouse a good time, but I will think of both on Sunday.

    Hope all small child vomitting is over.

    Wotsit - bravo to your kids!

    Why is monosyllabic... not?

    The course yesterday was interesting. I wont bore you with details if you dont want to know, but I think they have designed a system that is good, under what would be appalling circumstances.

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    No, go on, bore us with the details (seriously, I'm interested)

    Is it like the joke about the brother who was babysitting the cat for his sister [summary version]

    cat dies
    brother blurts this out to sister
    sister says he should have broken it to her gently, firstly by saying 'I have something to tell you, Tiddles was on the roof...
    sister goes on holiday again
    on return, brother says to sister 'I have something to tell you, Mother was on the roof...'

    Morning everyone. loving 'tofumen'. loving vomiting somewhat less...

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    Well, no, not really.
    One thing I didnt know before was that it doesnt matter how the soldier dies or gets injured - if they die in a traffic accident, or whilst on training, or of a heart attack/ natural causes, or gets shot whilst on operations, the system is essentially the same.
    The Emergency Contact (EC) and/or Next of Kin (NOK) (if these are different people) are told as soon as possible. A Casulty Notification Officer (CNO) is appointed, who goes round to the house with an Assistant CNO, identifies the NOK and tells them. They said dont try to couch it in woolly terms, the NOK has generally guessed what you are there to tell them anyway, from your face and your dress, you just get it out as soon as you can, once you know you're talking to the right person, and have got them sitting down inside. Reactions will vary from fainting to screaming/ yelling/ throwing the CNO out of the house. Thats all fine - all the CNO has to do is tell them their loved one is dead. They generally know about 2 lines of information - that they are dead (or very seriously injured/ seriously injured), that they were on operation/ in an RTA etc. Thats often literally it. The point is just to let them know, before they find out through a third party. In an emergency (last resort) I could now be the Major's ACNO. You're not supposed to deliver the news on your own you see, so that your assistant can help with stuff like getting water/ tea, and they advise mixed sex pairs to go. And lets face it, its generally going to be a woman who is told. This job lasts about 60-90mins, and the idea is that you do not see the NOK again - the CNO is someone who does not know the family, so they wont go to the funeral or anything. This is so that a lot of hate/ anger can be directed at the CNO, with no repercussions - you are the bearer of bad news, therefore you must be to blame.

    The next day, the bereaved is appointed a Visiting Officer (VO). This is only a serving officer, I couldnt do it. They work with the family to help them cope with repatriation, funerals, wills, compensation, return of kit, housing, pensions... the job takes about 6 months. The VO holds their hands through the whole thing. Its a much more emotionally draining job for the VO. The padre also gets involved as well as "local faith leaders" where appropriate.

    Thats it, in a nutshell.

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    Sounds exhausting Flyaway, but yes an efficient as system as poss under the circs.

    Had a weird thing happen here - somehow overnight, my watch (bog standard Ironman Timex watch)gained an hour exactly. This wouldn't really matter, except Mr C stayed over and we thought we had over-slept.... Just rang him and he said he noticed as soon as he got in the car, but it's not all bad cos he could crack on with his admin that he hadn't been able to do yesterday cos of coming to see TT with me.

    Weird tho - how does a digital watch gain an hour?

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    Flyaway a very well thought out system, but a bloody difficult thing to have to do.

    Min, that is really weird 

    lol at tofumen 

    Crashie image

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    M..o.useM..o.use ✭✭✭


    *heads off to iPlayer*

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    Bojour Mouse

    Ca va? 

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    I am sat here at home waiting for a hire car to be taken away, at least I can get on with crunching yesterday's trials data in peace.

     Min - Does your watch have a multi time zone option, mine does with and I have one set on BST and the other on GMT, if you lean on the wrong button it can easily change over without you noticing.

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    M..o.useM..o.use ✭✭✭

    Ca va bien merci.

    Crashie et Squishy, bonne anniversaire (I think I may have just wished you a happy birthday by mistake).  Trois annees, c'est tres bien.

    Nous avons arrivees a Nice, c'est tres chaud, mes chambre est petit mais bien.

    Crashie, vous etes mal?

    Sorry, my french is rubbish but I doned my best.

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    Bonjour souris image

    Min - is the date set incorrectly on your watch?  Might it think its the day for it?

    I got nearly 10 hours sleep last night and am *still* knackered.

    Flyaway - hope you never need to use that training.  Guess its like CPR training.  Useful / essential to have but something you'd rather never have to be tested on, thanks.

     In the room behind me a Chemistry 'taster' session is going on, to encourage GCSE students to consider coming to college to do science when they complete their GCSEs.  There are some brilliant experiments, creating flashes & bangs going off everywhere.  Its almost making *me* want to do Chemistry... except I know the truth... image

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    gold star for you 


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    Wotsit I'm married to a Chemistry prof so know that bit mostly isn't like that but its a good way to trick the kids image

    Well done on the 10 hours sleeping 

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    Good thinking Wotsit, cos when we came out of the concert last night, I noticed it said 22.22 on the car clock (I notice sad things - looks like a row of ducks you see) and yet when I looked at my watch when we got in, it said 0.59. I just thought it must have taken longer to get back than I expected and I was too tired to really think it thru. Thing is, I've had this watch for about 3 years and it has never changed itself before! When I went to re-set it, it was reading 11.39, but flashing 9.39... Very odd. Anyway, tis fixed now.

    Bonjour Mouse et Slacker. J'espère que le temps n'est pas trop chaud pour la course et vous les deux a un temps merveilleux. Garder nous a posté.

    Il y avait un cheveux plus secs dans la chambre?

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    Morning all.

    Non, Oui there the extent of my french is exhausted, unless someone wants a kiss.

    Min no news on the traveller, we aren't allowed contact. They will call us if something bad happens, we have to contact the school if something bad happens here.

    Beebs you are probably right and he will come back in the clothes he went in.

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    Min - does that last bit almost looks like it could translate as 'are you having sex in the bedroom'!

    Mouse - addressing Crashie as 'vous'? Don't give him ideas above his station.

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    BarklesBarkles ✭✭✭
    Oh and congrats to Chrashicles and Squisicles
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    Bonjour Souris et bon chance Slackeur.

    Et bon anniversaire pour hier, Crashie et Squishy.

    Je parle Francais tres bon, moi.

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    Le chien de ma tante est sur la table de ma tante.

    Voulez vous couche avec un hamster?

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    Monsieur Ewok:

    Le chien est sur la table et dans un casserole?

    Non merci avec un hamster.

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    See now you are just being silly!!! image
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    Avec un 'amster? Mon dieu!!!

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    J'suis un (une?) Rockstar.

    And I know someone who is in the South of France.

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    NGL I was basing that on experience image
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    To an extent so was I. I am much better now though, I wash at least once a month whether I need to or not. He has been instructed to try and shower at least once over the 3 days, and to change his clothes. But we will see. image
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    Now I'm hoping my small boy's obsessive cleanliness will carry through (even in a dilute form) to his teenage years. 
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    No chance. Don't we become the opposite of how we were as we enter our teens? image

    Now then fillum buffs I was on nights last night and watched Withnail and I on DVD, is this a) a great film that I should love or b) cult stuff that isn't really very good?

    I am edging towards b.

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    My boys shower every day with no nagging.

    I do remeber one half term, October when S was about 10, he and a friend didn't wash or change their clothes from the Saturday to the following Sunday. We mum's agreed that we'd see how long they'd go!

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    sorry random grammar and spelling their
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    musketeermusketeer ✭✭✭

    Bon apres midi toute le monde

    Min, perhaps the battery is on it's way out?

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    NGL - re Withnail - Wickett and I disagree wholeheartedly on this one.  He thinks it brilliant, I think its tosh.

    I am always right.

    <does a little 'no more work for the summer' dance> imageimage

    Today I have discovered roasted salted macadamia nuts.  Probably fortunate that I got them in a taster sized box.  Yum.

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