
Mums Running Club



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    JT - you could try an antihistamine daily as well, and see if that helps. I would suggest cetirizine, which is once daily and non-drowsy - buy the non-branded stuff which such cheaper (or get on prescription!). I wouldn't listen to anyone who tells you not to run, but if you know you're allergic to something, like oli seed rape, then it would make sense not to run alongside a field of it when it's in flower I guess!

    Right, must go off to my concert - by some miracle both children are in bed and I'm looking semi-presentable, with make up on and everything! Oops, have just eaten 4 Ginger nuts whilst typing this, in lieu of any proper tea. Will follow that up with a large glass of wine when I get home later - classy!
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    JT - i had exercise induced asthma as a kid, and still to this day struggle with getting out of breath, even though i don't have an inhaler any more and haven't for 10 years. psychologically it is hard for me to run so hard that my lungs are heaving as i panic. so i know what you feel like...

    vixo - hope concert goes well. what are you singing? i miss choir, but it's a tues night which i can't make as it's a night when i always have the kids.

    back feeling much better today. lots of stretching, and will do some rollering later.

    took the kids to see the house today. they loved it. J's room really is very small indeed, so looking for a highsleeper for him as there will be zero floor space basically. the kids were so at home there though - both of them chilling out on the sofa eating the mini eggs that the vendor had bought them. very sweet.

    hopefully completing on 20th april, so not long to go...

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    Very sad to hear about your brother Karen - truly sucks doesn't it.
    JT sounds very very frustrating. I hope it gets under control and I agree you should change gp! I have just registered with a new gp. She is lovely (and happens to be English!).
    Feeling a bit frazzled, doing all childcare for 10 days plus looking after mum and keeping their house running in kackering! Dad has been great but I am looking forward to my sister arriving today - we have a couple of days to catch up then she's here for rest of week. She is typical bossy older sister so will take over and have us all sorted in no time! Usually drives me crazy but can't wait! Also she doesn't have a wee one so will not need to juggle so much.

    Hope all long runs go well this weekend. I know I have said it before but I am DEFINITELY going running when I get home - desperately need some me time! Hubby keeps offering so am being an idiot not taking it up!

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    What a lovely post CM, it must a huge relief to see the kids happy in what will be your new family home. I had a room so small once my dad cut the end off the bed so it would fit! Kids love kooky beds especially if they can hoard stuff under it!
    JT - Hope your chest gets better soon, I was marshalling the Rhayader round the lakes, lots of glum faces despite what I thought was pretty good conditions, but I guess it did chuck it down at the start, there is a killer 4 mile long hill and apparently it was gusty over the top..... Heyho was still jealous.
    Great runs from EF and JoB, hope your foot is ok Lotte.
    Hoggle - nowt like an older sis to whip things into shape!
    So tired I am DEFO going to bed soon...no excuses.... I won't even take the blimmin iPad upstairs.... It is evil..... I must resist....
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    camlo - yes, they were running around the house like it was theirs. at one point, E asked where her doll was, and i said on the table in the kitchen and she ran to get it, like she owned the place. we went out into the garden and J disappeared like a fox into the woods. you can crawl through a gap in the fence and get down into the woods (which are actually part of an iron age fort) behind the house. he said to me 'don't look at me. i'm going to disappear'. he was so excited.

    E was rearranging the cushions in the living room, and J was enjoying the fact that the vendor has Sky. he had no idea you could get a disney channel. unfortunately he won't be enjoying that luxury when we move in - i did have to explain that her 40 inch tv wouldn't still be there when we moved in!

    i also took E to see a ballet class this morning, as she has been saying she wants to do it. expected her to sit on my lap or hide behind me, but she just walked up and joined in. wearing her trainers. she loved it. so i think we will be starting that after easter.

    i did the Rhayader 5 miler the year i was pregnant with J. was about 6 months pregnant at the time and my dad was doing the 20 miler. it is sure not an easy course, although the 5 miler has lots of downhill in it. i didn't come last either...

    i am v tired tonight too. some more stretching for me and then bed.

    hope we all have lovely mother's days tomorrow image

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    My name is Camlo.... I am a padaholic.....
    Just checked results and OMG, the 20 miler was won by a guy in just under 2 hours and the 5 miler was won by a WOMAN in just under half an hour..... Now that's quick!
    Lotte & EF if you had done your training runs here think you'd have been in with a medal shout!
    CM could you ask the nice lady to leave the TV??? Fixtures and fittings?? Surely not worth her taking it down....
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    I think I am more of a padaholic CAMLO, but only due to current circumstances! How did new mothers survive before catch up tv?? Actually I remember reading loads of books in the night whilst feeding M - now I am reading absolutely nothing at all and am getting hooked on trashy telly image
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    Not sure why I wrote Camlo in capitals - I'm not shouting at you honest!
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    CM - sounds like a lovely visit to the house, and must have been great to see them so happy. The concert went well, thank you. We sang the Durufle Requiem, Faure Cantique de Jean Racine, Finzi - lo the full final sacrifice, a piece of mendelssohn, and a wesley. It was in the church of st cross in Winchester which is incredibly beautiful and very old, so the setting definitely helped! We have also had a different conductor since Christmas, and he's one of the BBC singers - and is very good!

    Hope everyone has a good mothering Sunday - sleep-filled nights, lie-ins and treats all round!
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    Oh, and we're padaholics too. Have no idea how we managed before!! Hubby actually gave it to me for my birthday the year before last, and when I first opened it i was really disappointed because I wanted a garmin, and so I didn't take it out of the box for a good few days because I thought i might take it back - now it's used many times a day!
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    I love the durufle Vixo. And the cantique is lovely too. Must have been a fab evening. Your choir sounds v professional!

    So if you have an iPad does that replace a laptop basically? (ignorant).
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    For me the iPad replaces a laptop, because I rarely do any proper 'computing', and since I've been on mat leave I haven't done any! We basically use it for the internet, and the odd game - mainly solitaire, which is horribly addictive - and Isabelle watches things on YouTube. I don't even want to think about how many times a day I use it at the moment - it's just to easy since it's on all the time and so quick.

    I don't think the concert went quite as well as the rehearsals have been, which is a bit disappointing,but I think it sounded ok. The soloists were people from the choir, two of whom were very very good.I was a bit thrown as I was standing in front of different people from usual, and they weren't all that good - knew the notes but their tone was awful - and they were a bit distracting. The standard is definitely better than the last choir I sang with, but is still definitely an amateur local choir - particularly in the tenor section!!!
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    We got an I pad after M broke the laptop, which was rather old fortunately. We wanted to switch to mac but the mac laptops are so much more expensive thn either a mac desktop or a pc laptop, so for the same cost as a rather small mac laptop, we could get a mac desktop with a huge screen, plus an I pad. the I pad was our b day pressie to each other last yr. also hubby had a work laptop with old job and doesn't with this one, so this way we don't have to fight over the Internet in the evening, we can each use one and send ech other e mails- how sociable!
    I find the touch screen typing v slow though, especially L handed!
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    I prefer my laptop - the kids are a pain with the ipad. Aidan just jabs the screen the whole time which makes it really difficult to look at anything. I'm not massively gone on apps either as there isn't anything I particularly need them for so far although I do play a bit of angry birds.
    Our laptop is on its last legs but I do also prefer a proper set of keys for typing on, rather difficult to touch type on the ipad.

    I love iplayer - makes it a lot more easy for me to see things I like in peace and quiet (masterchef) and they are repeating Monty Don's Italian Gardens on BBC4 which I really enjoyed and will probably watch again.

    Happy Mothers Day everyone! I am back in bed - not really feeling much better and still no sense of smell or taste - I think it might be creeping back really slowly but I don't want to get too excited.

    Karen and Hoggle - meant to say it was awful to hear about both your brothers, I really don't like the fact my brother has a motorbike - always feel that he is courting disaster!
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    Hubby bought the iPad 'for me' while Archie was in hosp. I thought it was a waste of money at the time and still only use it for about 5 favourite sites plus word jewels but it is on constantly and I love the fact there is no boot up/ shut down so I just open the lid and I'm back on instantly. CM you would love it! Also can fling in handbag.
    Glad you managed your run JT even if it did lead to probs after.
    My quest for sleep was slightly thwarted by eldest phoning at 3.45 am for a lift home.....and an hour later archie coughed until he was nearly sick...nice.
    Heyho, had a lovely cross country jaunt over the mountains and through the bogs which took 2 hours despite being only about 8 miles.
    Mothers Day -Had 2 handmade cards thrust at me but not convinced kids knew why they were giving them and certainly no presents or treats. Not even a mention of it from eldest.
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    Bit naughty of your eldest Camlo! 3.45am wake up and no card?!!

    I spent most of today in bed trying to kick this thing - not sure it has helped, I'm still totally bunged up. Still nice to be able to not have to really do much!
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    So have you all been spoilt today? Camlo I had a 4am wake up call and no card but I guess my little darling is only 4! Mothers day has been a bit of a non event here. Hubby never organises the bairns to do anything for that or my birthdays. It does bug me a bit but its only another day and I do know that I am appreciated! He was at an athletics event today 9-2pm despite non of our kids being involved. Sophie usually sorts things out but she and Dylan are away in Aberdeen this weekend on their athletics trip. They will be back tomorrow morning. Emily and Reece did make me sweet cards this morning while Daddy was out! I didn't have to cook tonight though as we were over at my sisters, Mam an Dad were there too so we all mucked in a had a lovely tasty roast.

    Hubby did bring me a cup of tea in bed but then told me if I wanted to get a run in before he went I better hurry up!  Two recovery runs for me today after yesterday's 20 miles.  This afternoon we took the kids out biking and then I did my second run while hubby and kids took pressies to his mum. Exactly 80 miles this week for my tired post race legs!

    Minks - did you get your 20 done?

    CC - how was the romantic night on the beach image The northern lights were visible here when I was up at 4am and opened the back door to let the cat in.

    MM - how was your course? 

    Shattered tonight. Was going to do some long overdue ironing but the though of an early night is far more appealing!

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Well, I'm officially on the bench and VLM now looks unlikely image  Rested Thursday, Friday and Saturday and put kit on to try a short run last night to see how things felt in advance of planned 20 today.  To be honest I knew before I headed out the door that it was a no-go, and I only got halfway down our road before having to turn round and come back.  Back was pretty painful all day yesterday, but I was on my feet most of the day as Kit and I went to watch hubby row the Head of the River race.  Awful day for it, rained most of the time we were watching, but we enjoyed it despite the weather.  It was a long day out - we caught the train at 9:50 and didn't get back home until gone 4:30.  Unfortunately at one point while we were walking along Kit wasn't really paying attention and tripped over - I was holding his hand to stopped him but it jerked my back which didn't help.  It seems to improve when I can sit down and properly rest it (popping plenty of ibuprofen too) but unfortunately my life is not conducive to sitting and resting so it's not going to get much opportunity to heal.  Thinking about phoning chiro again tomorrow and seeing what he thinks - he hasn't booked me in again until Thursday but I might go tomorrow instead.  Hubby thinks I should just leave it be and rest it with no intervention, but doing nothing doesn't seem to be having any effect and I don't want it to drag on.  Really gutted about VLM but more concerned about not being able to run at all for ages - God only knows how long this is going to take to feel better image

    On the plus side, I got to have a lie-in on Mother's Day instead of being out the door at 6:45am, and Kit had made me two beautiful cards and I had flowers, which was lovely.  Have spent the rest of the day entertaining though - Mum, brother and SIL and their two children, so it hasn't exactly been a relaxing day for me.  Bit annoyed with my brother as well - they picked my mum up on their way over, but decided they weren't going to take her home because they wanted to go home via the M25 and it would have meant a bigger detour.  So I had to turn out, which is fine but it would have been easier for them to go via her house really.  And they always leave mid-afternoon, but today announced they were staying until 6:30 so that the kids could have tea at ours and then sleep in the car going home.  I hadn't got anything in for tea for the adults as I wasn't expecting them to stay until then, so we just had tea and cakes.  Hey ho.  It was a nice day though.

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Boo to all the lurgies and your asthma, JT - hope you can get that properly sorted.  Your week sounds manic, MM, but at least you're running again.  I shall probably go and watch VLM as my training partner is running it, but I shall feel pretty gutted about not being able to go for it myself.  I guess if this can get sorted this week there's still a chance, but I have a feeling it's going to take longer than that.  If I can still get to the start line I guess I could just aim for a GFA time and try for the sub-3:15 next year, or just defer.  Trouble is I'm thinking there won't be that many more years where a 3:15 is realistic as I'm not getting any younger, and it seems that I am getting injury-prone in my old age!  Every time I try and train over 40 miles a week, I end up with some sort of injury.  Happened in 2006 but I got away with it, then last time I did less mileage and was fine.  But I need to do 45-50 a week to stand a chance of 3:15 I think - I know that sounds low to a lot of you but I know I could achieve it off that mileage.  That's all I want, then I will give up marathons!

    Hope you've all had lovely Mother's Days and been spoiled ...

    Now I have a pile of ironing to go and do so best get off here!

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    Minks how about a week of absolute REST (I know that seems a lot so close to the race) and then try again next Sun, not for 20 but for a run at least and see. I guess if a week of nothing doesn't help then it will be over as it is getting close, but dont give up yet! And over the next wk really do try and rest as much as poss....frustrating as it is!

    I had just over an hr with no kiddies today - best mothers day pressie ever! OK, in the time I tidied, cleaned, put washing away etc, but I did it in peace image Hubby also made me yum dinner and I got several cards and some chocs.

    My turn to moan - me knee hurts and I'm not even running!!!!! Inside of right knee been sore since last wed and I have no idea why - I didnt consciously do anything that hurt. It has been getting worse ever since! Argh.

    Think I'm going to call my physio and see whether she has any interest in post pregnancy pelvic issues......
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    I agree with Caro Minks. Give it more rest, more ice more ibuprofen etc. See Chiro Thursday or even before then? but keep resting.

    they key to mileage in our 'old' age is core Minks and that is my one suggestion to you for next time and maybe proper recovery runs. There is NO WAY I could run 80-90 mpw and not have a strong core. Maybe when I was 21 I got away with it but even then I went to circuits and to the gym.

    Course was exhausting. At time svery frustrating as I have the skills needed for coaching but the language they use is bizarre at times and confusing. I also worry about the other guys doing the course. Some of them have only been running a year and have zero experience of event running and training. It worries me that these people might be coaching halfs and marathons for people??

    Anyway, day 3 in May and lots to do before then. Joy!!

    Ran 6 miles before I went this morning at 8 min miling. Felt good.

    One massive tip for you all to think about on your easy runs to start with is posture and helps your core engage and keeps your pelvis stable. Imagine a helium balloon pulling tht top of your head upwards. Immediately your shoulders relax and arms are in a better position. Secondly imagine your pelvis as a bucket full of water that has to be kept level to keep the water in. Pelvis tileted back and water purs out slowing you down, pelvis tilted forwards water pours out again. Both of these positions effect your drive especially in the faster paces of running but they can also prevent injury.

    Anyway signing off as totally shattered after my 20 mile week and 6k of swimming!! image

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    No thats what I find so amazing about these guys JT. They are intending on coaching some quite good people and yet they have hardly any running experience themselves. Some of them had no idea at all on how to design a session let alone a whole mesocycle block of training. I do wonder if the new system of coaching courses is really working?

    Anyway. It is very hard, but mainly only in the things you have to remember to say and do to pass the exam at the end and the homework also time consuming but not overly hard. Finding a support coach is tricky as they have to be able to come and watch your sessions. I also take part in my sessions which they seemed to think was a big no no, but once the warm up is done and all the drills etc there isn't much actual watching required and I can do that while I am running too. I am a woman and a Mum and can do two things at once!!

    Anyway, I will have to somehow sacrifice two sessions before the next training day and now is a good time while I'm coming back.

    6.2 miles for me this morning. Was hoping to go swimming too but Harry has an appt at the hospital for his eyes so we're off on a trip to Bath this morning.

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Good to hear you're coming back, MM.  Coaching course sounds hard work and agree that it's frustrating that virtual novices can train to become coaches.  I have to say I would not be overly keen on being coached by someone who has far less running experience than me.

    I will take the advice to rest - I have no choice really, as running is painful anyway.  Have been reading up on sacroiliac joint pain and it seems that there is not much treatment other than rest and manipulation - classic symptoms include pain putting on socks and trousers, anything basically which involves putting all your weight on that side.  Think chiro is right in that it was probably caused by me doing the last 2-3 miles of last Sunday's long run at MP - although my pelvis was straight and the muscles in the correct place, they need time to strengthen in the 'new' (correct) position as they have been used to being in the wrong position for so long.  That and the 10 miles fast I did on Wednesday moved everything out of alignment again - pelvis was tilted again although spine OK.  It's a real pain no because no quick fix - it will take as long as it takes.  MM, I will look into some Pilates classes when it's better - I probably do need to work on my core to stop it happening again.  I do do proper recovery runs.

    Glad you all had good Mother's Days, although not sure what happened with your eldest, Camlo.  Would not have been impressed at being woken for a lift at that time and then no card!  Hope Archie OK.

    JT, glad you got a decent run in despite the coughing afterwards.  Definitely go back to GP and ensure you are taken seriously - "performance-enhancing drugs", WTF???

    Glad kids like the new home, CM - where is it in relation to where you live now?

    Still not sure if I should see chiro today or leave it until Thursday.  I'd rather do Monday appointments because the Thursday ones involve me having to leave work early which I can't get away with indefinitely - at least on Mondays I'm at home anyway.  I might call him later and see what he thinks - I could always go today and then rest it until at least the weekend.  Just to add insult to injury, it was a gorgeous sunny morning yesterday and the same again today!

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    Ah Minks - that's a shame. Hope some rest does help.
    How did your hubby do in the race? Mine went to watch with a friend - I have basically cancelled doing anything myself until I feel a bit better....

    Lotte - your mileage just amazes me!

    Sunny day here - getting loads of laundry done which is good. Aidan has conked out for the second day running for a rather long nap so I think he is feeling rough too.
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    Quickie from me on the phone as work pc still not right. Grrrr.

    Right hip clunky and right hip flexor painful. Any suggestions for how to achieve a good stretch on it? Got slow recovery run tonight. Often my niggles do sort themselves once i warm up and run again but i do feel a wee stretch would assist. Keep meaning to get a massage but the question is really when!!

    My mate nelly (Neil mackay in the run 2012 group) got a cracking PB at half mara yest 1.22.39. He is aiming for sub 3 again.

    I worked out that if i can just do another 6.2 at even slightly slower than sunday's pace then i should manage 3.44.59. Nervous about the wall though!
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    Actually i should be a wee bit quicker than that if i could do that but all i care about is sub 3.45!
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    and that would be Saturday's pace. Goodness I am half asleep today!
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    Woo hoo I worked out how to login and I'm back. Well briefly as I really ought to do some work. Knackered today.

    We had a horrible couple of hours last night when my brother in law phoned to ask if I knew anything of my niece's new boyfriend - which I didn't. She was missing. Hadn't been seen since 2am Sat when friend dropped her off in a taxi. She's 17. THe police had just been to Pete's house and the problem was that all anyone knew was that the bloke is called Glen and he's just moved to Aberlady and he supposedly played for Tynecastle Boys Football club but Pete had called all of the coaches at Tynecastle and no one knew of a Glen. Horrible horrible 2 hours until she turned up at home. She apparently sent a text but it hadn't got through as her phone, which we had known, was out of battery. I am to get a full update tonight but for now we are just so happy that she is OK. I think that I will be much stricter than Pete is with her re going out etc. especially as she's still at school but the fact remains that she could in theory move out and go to college and do her own thing so he prefers to give her some freedom and have her there. She'll be 18 on Lou's 5th birthday in July. We ended up on the phone with Andy's mum at midnight all just so relieved she was OK.

    Anyway happier things. Had a lovely day yesterday. Lou's swimming was cancelled as another blooming kid was sick in the pool but as the weather was lovely we made the most of it and hoiked out a huge shrub from the garden which was just taking over and now the garden looks massive. Got it all taken to the tip as well. Nothing particularly mothers day ish - got a vase made at pre school on Thurs and did get 2 cards from Lou but no treats or anything in our house especially as Hearts were playing hibs at lunchtime and Stoke were playing Liverpool in the afternoon!
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