
Mums Running Club



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    Karen - 9.15 sounds about right for 8.45 race pace, but you could do even slower. For marathon training I used to go about a min/mile slower at least for the really long runs. You can always do the last couple of miles at race pace.
    You're scaring me by saying its only 3 weekends away! Still not sure I'm fit enough to do it, will try over 10 miles at the weekend as a tester.

    Agree with Karen about the napping JohBo, Maggie is asleep in her cot right now, took a bit of time and she has woken up once for a wail but I should be able to get an hour from her. She only had a 15-30 min nap this morning even with being up since 6.30am.
    Have to admit its easier to get her to sleep in the pram or bouncy chair (which more often happens, I just happen to be at home lots today and am making an effort!). When we're out and about she'll manage on only a couple of mini naps all day (15-30min). This does lead to a tough time after about 5pm though and she crashes by 7pm on the dot.
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    Hi All, I hope you don't mind me jumping in, but I'm looking for some advice. My youngest is now 7, so not really a case of getting back after pregnancy. But I had a c-section when he was born, and for his sister before him. I've been lucky and have almost 100% sensation back, with just a couple of wee spots that are perpetually numb. What's troubling me is the sagginess of my stomach muscles. I've been running on & off for a few years now and when things were at their best I could really see the change in the rest of my body. Core exercises helped strengthen me, but nothing seems to help tone my stomach and I'm looking for something that'll help. I can't do sit-ups 'cos I have a weird thing going on with my back, but I'm happy to do press-ups and squats and anything else that doesn't involve lying on a hard surface.


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    Karen I am so happy to hear ypu have a 3 yr old that naps.  M was 2 in July and we get a good 2 hrs out of her everyday normally 1-3 and I have been drerading the day that stops.  So far it shows no sign of stopping so long may it continue!

    Sonya I can't think of any reason why you can't give beetroot to a baby apart from the mess!  No need to wean onto bottles unless you want to, I BF M till 14m old, and just gradually cut down the no of milk feeds as the solid intake increased.  At about 7-8m old she would be having milk, then breakfast, then milk, then lunch, then milk, then supper, then milk - so about 7 meals a day!  It took up alot of time but I'd do it again with another one.  Then at 8m she went to nursery, and shortly after that we cut out one of the day time milks and swapped it for a banana.  Then I think it was about a yr before the other day time feed went, then I think I dropped the evening feed, and finally at 14m we were going to a wedding for the wk end and my dad was looking after M, so there was no morning milk for her and that was that and she never looked back.  At 12m we introduced cows milk in a cup as well.

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    Sonya yes if you WANT to stop BF then just swop feeds for formula, but do it very gradually otherwise you'll get engorged. Was worse for me last time as obviously I was BF twins, hoping it will be easier this time.The natural way is probably mid morning feed first as this one would probably go by 7-8 months anyway and have lunch instead around 11.30am. Then the last one I think for me was the morning feed. It took me ages to stop wth the boys around 6 months. I felt I'd done my bit and wanted 'me' back and wanted more energy to train and race. I can't run more than 40-50 mpw while BF, and need to run 70+ to get the good times back under my belt.

    Karen yes, long run pace should be at least 30 secs slower per miles than race pace, up to 60 secs per mile more. Threshold runs are where you practice race pace, and reps should be quicker more like 5-10k pace depending on the session and recovery. Very easy runs should be 60 secs per mile slower and should really be run as you feel and very relaxed. Often good idea to run without watch for these.

    Sophie sleeps between 12-2pm too, and has about 30-45 mins in the morning at the mo. Boys were the same, although Joshie I'm afraid dropped his at 18 months!!! Just used to climb out of his cot and come downstairs!! Harry kept his sleep until about 3, and will still fall asleep in the car at nearly 4, but I don't let him sleep for long otherwise we have bedtime nightmares!! If they start being a nightmare going to bed then thats the time to drop the lunchtime nap. If J has even 5 mins sleep in the day now he will not go to sleep until about 9pm!!

    Also can't see why can't give baby beetroot, might be a yucky poo though, and maybe purple wee too!! But no worse than blueberries!! If I was weaning S she would be on courgettes and aubergines every day!! Still 8 weeks to go until that happens yet!!

    Right lots of fighting going on over trains, and S joining in with loud vocals too!!

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    Hi Cragchik, thanks for the tip re. pilates. The back 'thing' is something that happens when I lie on a hard surface, the tailbone area seems to seize up & I then have trouble getting off the ground. It used to be worse & there were days when the kids would be watchign as I rolled around on the floor trying to get onto my knees so I could get up again image. Nowadays, it just seems to happen if I try sit-ups. So I avoid sit ups. Which bugs me 'cos I'm convinced they'd help.

    I don't think baby jelly belly ever goes away does it? So I'm happy to accept I'll never look like Liz Yelling, but it'd still be nice to get past looking still pregnant! (It's amazing what clothing can cover up which makes running gear scary!)

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    Roslyn- some yoga exercises might help:-

    Abdominal Lift – Uddyiana Bandha

    The abdominal lift is one of the easiest yoga stomach exercises. It consists of two separate parts, and can also be performed for internal cleansing.(lovely)

    1. Stand with the feet about one foot apart, with knees slightly bent.
    2. Lean forward from the waist and place hands just above the knees.
    3. Inhale deeply while pushing the abdomen forward, then exhale, pulling the stomach in. Do not take another breath.
    4. Pull the stomach in even farther, and hold your breath for about ten seconds.
    5. Inhale deeply while pushing the abdomen forward again.
    6. Exhale, pulling the stomach in, but this time, rapidly push the stomach in and out ten times before taking another breath.

    Another exercise good for stomach muscles is to stand up straight, shoulders back and relaxed, raise arms straight above your head and look at your hands, then relax backwards from your hips/waist, you'll probably only be able to lean back an inch or so to start with.  You might also find you can do stomach crunches on a swiss ball. Once your core starts to strengthen you could also try one of these :-


    I used one of these when I was working with a personal trainer a few years back and it was really good, you have to make sure you do it in front of the sofa or a wall though so you can't over stretch and hurt your back.

     TT ;0)

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    Links insert button not working either now as well as the smileys going bonkers.

    TT ;0)

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    Lidl are doing running tops and leggings just now in case anyone planning on buying stuff, also doing lights and reflective armbands and velcro adjustable supports for knees etc.

    TT ;0)

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    MM - worse still my cooldown was non-existant as session went on longer than normal and I had to dash off to pick the girls up from girls brigade so only had time for one very slow 400m jog. Did do a lot of rolling on my foam roller after I got the kids to bed. I am so enjoying training with others, i see it as a privilege to  get the chance to train with them and it really does focus you on giving 100%. There is 5/6 of us and as I am the slowest I get set off first so that we all finish at the same time and so knowing the others are coming behind me really pushes me on. But your times are still a long way off for me yet!!Try not to stress about your weight, like you say there is little else you can do. Frustrating though when you feel like your wardrobe is needing a revamp. Hope you got your club run in tonight. Whats your long term plan re running? VLM next year?

    CC - Shame that first week we are away clashes with your holiday but yes will communicate nearer the time and see if we can fit something in on the way back up. When does your school go back? Ours isn't until the 28th.Thanks for the nice comments btw. I still think I will probably end up injured before I get a chance to get any evidence down on paper! 

    I notice that there is a 5k race in Aberdeen the first weekend we are away in Oct. Would a 5k 8 days before my marathon be a bad idea?

    Welcome Roslyn. Another pilates girl here. Although even that and running 50mpw will not shift my baby pot belly!

    Caro - my two are 2.5 and still have 2 hours naps. Long may it continue!

    It is a wild wild day here. Tonights boat to Aberdeen has been cancelled and Sophie was meant to be on it for her first swimming trip. Instead they have wangled flights for tomorrow morning - she is getting picked up at 5.50am!  Not sure how I will manage to run in the morning given that the forecast is for steady 40mph wind gusting up to 60! Not even sure if the plane will get out in that.

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    All this talk of core work is making me feel VERY bad. I've hardly done any since having James, which is doubly bad since I suffer from intermittent lower back problems. You ladies have given me a virtual kick up the bum, and I will start looking for a pilates class.

    Not been on for a while, so lots to catch up on. Big boo to stolen bikes/trapped fingers/mouth infections and itchy littles ones.

    Kinsey - sounds like your mum is in a bit of denial about how serious things are. I really hope the endoscopy knocks some sense into her and she starts thinking about looking after herself, even of its just for the sake of her grandchildren. Its quite surprising and sad how many of us on here have been affected by alcoholism/heavy drinking in some way. My paternal grandad died about 10 years ago from liver failure apparently accelerated by years of too much vodka (he was Polish, so part of the culture in his time).

    JohBo - We had to work quite hard to get James into a good napping routine. Until he was about 4 months he slept pretty exclusively in his pram, as I could jiggle it around to help him go off. I started to get a bit sick of this, so spent a week working hard on getting him to nap in his cot. He didn't like it at first, and cried a fair bit, but I just stayed with him and stroked his hair/tummy until he was too knackered to stay awake! I never picked him up as this just seemed to make it worse. I never understood why he didn't like his cot in the day, as he went to bed like a dream at night. Anyway, it all worked out fine, and he loves his cot naps now, and sleeps far better and longer than he would in his pram. Hope Jacob starts giving you a bit more time in the day soon!

    I have a running question shock horror! I would like to start doing a bit more off road stuff, as this is what I enjoy the most. I only do one track/bridal path type run a week at the mo, the rest on pavement, but after my 10k in October, I'd like to start increasing the off road, to make it my LSR every week (in daylight at the weekend). My question is, how essential are off road shoes? I realise they give you more grip etc, which is obviously pretty important, but I've got no idea what else they do. I overpronate quite a lot, suppose I'll need to go to my running shop to get fitted for some off road shoes.
    Any tips on shoes/general off road running in general would be lovely!

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    TT Thanks for the yoga tip. I love Yoga. In my 'only 2 children' days I used to get up before everyone & spend a while on it. Then I got lots of viral infections and had another 2 babies in quick succession and never quite got back into it. But I'd love to get going again, so I'll give this a shot.

    Lotte, which islands are you on? I'm on Benbecula.

    Kattykin, are off-road shoes not a lot more supportive of the foot in general, so that when you're slipping & sliding all over the place you don't sprain your ankle or worse immediately? Saucony & Asics do some nice off-road shoes & Saucony have a few 'cross' pairs that might suit so you can use the same shoe for both.

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    Kayykin I bought off rd shoes last winter when it was so icey and snowy -  they are Canadia, I think made by addidas.  They certainly do not feel supportive compared to my normal shoes, and for my forest runs I have to run a mile each way on rd to get to the forest and I can feel it!  But in the winter when parts of the forest turn to a muddy, slidy, slippy surface I would go head over heels in normal shoes, but the grips on the off rd shoes keep me upright.  I have worn them for my last 3 10 mile runs as I have gone to the forest, but each time have wondered why as the forest is still rock hard.

    Lotte - yes!!  Don't do it..........

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    hi there

    i am a massive overpronator (i freaked out the woman in the running shop who called over her boss to marvel at the way i run too...image). i have been dabbling a bit in xcountry running and would say that my trail shoes are an absolute must. just because i don't know how people can run down the muddy slippery slopes without extra grip. they aren't great on hard surfaces and offer little/no support underfoot and i really notice it when the track becomes a wee paved path, especially in the latter stages of an event, but in a world of trade offs, i'd rather have grip on the hills than road trainer comfort on the short stretches of road.

    and i got mine off ebay for about 40 squids. brand new. they are a hideous luminous yellow, but a season of muddy running has calmed them down...

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    Well that was a hardcore 10 miles this morning.  5 miles into the wind and then a flying 5 miles home. Bloody wind. First two miles were 10.12 and 10.19 on the way out but the same two on the way home were 7.20 and 7.11!

    I was only thinking about the 5k because it just happens to be on when we are there and I don't have a 5k time.  I thought a wee blast a week out might not be that bad but if you guys are against it then I will heed the advice. Hate being so bloody limited to races and having to pay so much to travel to them. And it is unlikely I will ever go to the hassle/expense just for a stand alone 5k.

    Roslyn - I'm in Shetland. What ages are your kids? We have 6, Sophie the eldest is 10 and the youngest are 2.5year old twin boys.

    Janie - yum donuts and turkish delight. I have some friends coming over for lunch today so have made soup and CCs flapjack and will bake some soda bread later.

    Pilates for me tonight. I have missed the last 2 sessions due to being away so i think its going to hurt!

     Phew just got a text from Sophie saying they made it to Aberdeen. 

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    Lotte - Noooo. Step away from the 5k!! You really don't want to undo all that fabulous running. I am looking forward to seeing your marathon time (bet it will be under 3.15)

    JT - bet you can't wait to get back to "normal" not long to go now.

    I too have a pair of trail shoes, Asics I think which are great for slippery muddy slopes and feel fairly supportive on the road as well. I'll dig them out and let you know what they are called.

    Hubby not very well again. He has some enzyme which has showed up as high on his blood tests which indicates muscle damage although he hasn't done anything strenous. He is also experiencing muscle cramps in hands and feet and some quite bad shoulder pain. They are taking him into Charing Cross next week to do some muscle tests which sound highly unpleasant. It looks like they are testing for neurological disorders such as motor neuron which is very scary as he is only 38. Very worrying.

    On another note, I walked into the front room this morning after breakfast to find Leila standing over her potty and pointing "look Mummy - sausage!!" at her poo. Oh the joys...

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    Oh Anjelicals that is a worry about hubby (()) Really hope it is nothing too serious. I doubt it will be under 3.15 but hopefully a couple of minutes off my 3.19 would be great!
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    Angelicas hope they find nothing serious with hubby, but I know how worrying it is.

    Here hubby has a job interview on wednesday next wk - a new role with the same company he is with now, but we know there are 3 people being interviewed.

    I bought 12 pairs of pants for M in tesco yesterday...........am going to see a cousin toorrow who has 3 kids so will ask some potty training advice, then prob just bite the bullet and go for it.  I plan on bringing some incontinence pads home from work for the car seat!

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    Now I on the otherhand would say that a 5k 8 days out from the marathon would be fine. The last 4 weeks before a marathon should have some serious VO2 (5k and 10k pace) max session like Lotte has been doing anyway and racing a 5k should be fine. I always advocate a 10k two weeks out for the chaps and chapesses I coach for the marathon. However that would depend on how Lotte's various ailments are the week before the race. Any niggles and I wouldn't risk but it would make a very good sharpner. Many people do the Southern Road relays and National road relays a week before the marathon which is 5k for a woman. Just through a fly into the ointment so to speak!!

    Good luck on the pants Caro. I found using patterned pants (thomas and iggle piggle at the time I think), and plain pants always worked very well. They got plain ones if they wet themselves and patterned if they didn't. I had to buy more patterned as they were so good!! image

    Good run at the club last night. Managed to hang onto the usual 3rd fastest lady of the club, I am quickest, and 2nd fastest is really ill at the mo, so this lady has had the limelight for the last year!!! image Anyway, warm up mile, then 6:54, 6:46, 6:54, 7:26 which is up the huge hill in Chippenham, and then 6:50. Pleased with that, but boy was it hard work.

    Right off to swimming lesson and meeting Sis in Bristol afterwards. Busy busy!!

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    Kattykin - I struggle with doing my core exercises too - not sure why as they are really important! Will do some in a minute!!

    Angelicals - hope your hubby's tests don't turn out to be too serious. Very scary indeed. Urgh to the sausage too!
    Martha said she was going to do a wee this morning on the potty but it just turned out to be a fart! I'm hoping this bodily function familiarisation will turn into proper potty training soon!

    Janie - hope you get a bit more sleep tonight - I have almost forgotten how grim being pregnant is!!

    Lotte - that must be some wind to make a 3 minute difference on your miles!!

    Hubby decided he wanted to use the rowing machine this morning so I missed my run - will have to do both days this weekend instead. Shame as its lovely and sunny here today!

    MM - I had the same wardrobe fatigue waiting for my weight to get back to normal and also to buy tops that I didn't need to breastfeed in - it will happen - its just a bit dull waiting for it!
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    The pants are a variety of colours and stripes, but the disney or peppa pig ones were twice as expensive as the tesco ones so guess which ones I bought!

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    TT - glad I can't see what my tummy is doing when I do that exercise - it feels very wobbly!!!
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    skim reading as really i should be doing housework while E naps (you all know that one, i'm sure).

    J in school from 9 - 2.30 this week so first friday morning without him around and it has been odd.  took E to a 'dance' session for toddlers in the theare.  she was the youngest, i think, but bless her, she tried REALLY hard. and really enjoyed it .she is so different from J at that age. she is q compliant really (in spite of having a wild streak). J would have been rampaging round pulling the fire extinguishers off the wall and turfing my bag out looking for snacks. whereas she let me manhandle her to do all the actions to the songs etc.

    no running this weekend for me as i have the kids imageimageimage (that'sabout having the kids, not about the no running). T's bday tomorrow so we are meeting up to go swimming and then go out for bday tea and i have bought a bday cake. but they are MINE and he's NOT having them to himself just because it's his bday.  image

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    ok so i did do my hoovering; and cancel a direct debit.  but i now need to put the hoover away and get E up as we are off into town for j's eye test at the opticians.  going on the bus 'for a change'(since we can now as we live somewhere with buses). am sure i will regret it later. buggy or no buggy for E... hmmm...
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    AAAArrgggg! smileys still not working for me. Was trying to give you some big smileys CM.

     Kinsey- It is quite amazing how much you can suck your stomach in doing that yoga exercise but yes it must look quite gross doing the jiggly in out bit, my eldest finds it's very funny to watch. Need to actually start doing them myself <img />(think embarrassed smiley), did used to do them when I was slim a few years back and definitely did more for my stomach than any amount of crunches ever did, and much easier to do, you don't have to lie down for a start LOL, can do them in the kitchen, in the bathroom etc etc. 

    TT ;0)

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