
2009 Halstead & Essex Marathon



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    I recommend a cat, for mice.
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    Crunchy - always crunchy! image
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    Agreed. Best thing for bait is peanut butter.
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    crunchy peanut butter on grilled mouse - yum   image
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    After suffering with cramps in the heat at London I have been keeping an eye on the weather for Sunday's Halstead marathon. At the moment (will probably change a few times before Sunday) it looks ok so I wanted to ask peoples opinions on how slow the 'undulations' make this course for a 3hr runner compared to a flat course?
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    I see Chris that you like your peanut butter the same as your snails. I wonder what your favourite confection is?!
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    Peanut butter it is then! Brilliant trap, CTP - will set that up tonight.

    Don't know about 3 hr pace, jtw101, but my PB is 4:12 vs 4:16 here.

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    number came through the post yesterday, last run this lunchtime.

    Mouse trap: I've caught four mice over last few months (sporadic infestation) - used peanut butter or chocolate, if I can prise it out of my daughter's hands (not easy!). Looking forward to Sunday, come rain or shine!  

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    After FLM disaster I am just looking to survive Halstead and put FLM behind me
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    ORB - my FLM didn't go too well either. Lets hope we are lucky on Sunday image
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    hi everyone, Slow But Far, long time no see . . whereas Tracey and I saw one another at London image

    I'm going to be at Halstead with my camera . . somewhere on the short stretch of road that you run along 4 times . . and I'll almost certainly be on top of a step ladder to get a better view, so look out for me and give me a wave and I'll snap away imageimage

    and have a great race as well image


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Richk - I now have a bet with one of my club mates that if I do a sub 5hr marathon he has to do Draycote Ultra next year.

    Night everyone.

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    Hi Tracey, yes I saw that, what a laugh . . quite an incentive for you eh imageimage

    G'nite image

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Look forwards to seeing you Rich, and the following weekend too.

    4 more nights......

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    Very much looking forward to my first marathon on Sunday.  I'd been losing sleep worrying that a swine flu epidemic would cause it to be cancelled!!

    Just looking back at the last two years results (I understand it was hot last year), the proportion of people finishing under 3 hours, 3:30, 4 hours seems to be low compared to other marathons.  Anyone have any idea if that due to the people that enter or the course?

    Anyone with experience of Halstead course vs Luton or London Marathon (two courses I have part run) courses would be appreciated, ie how much slower / faster they would expect to run..


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    Hi stephen

    I have done Luton, Halstead and London. Luton is hillier, London is flatter.

    Last year was exceptional - the heat added on about 20-30 minutes on a lot of times, so last year is not a good example. I didnt do the year before.

    The hils on halstead are not big, hence "Undulating" rather than flat - but they do get bigger on lap 2!

    I got my current pb in london a year ago and hope to pb at Halstead, this will be dependant on the weather and i dont think the undulations will stop this.

    hope this helps?


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    yes,  it is certainly true that the hills get bigger on lap 2.
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    thanks Chris,  I run the luton course in training so hopefully I should be ok...

    If anyone used the drink service, did you find it difficult to get going after hunting for your drink on the table?  I'm trying to think of a way of making mine stand out.    I wonder if helium baloons are allowed?


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    My experience of the drink stations was brill - as I approached the station, helpfull people checked my number, found my bottle and handed it to me as i passed - this is one of the things that makes the Halstead organisation stand out from other marathons.

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    I helped on a drinks station a couple of years ago, and we had one person slightly in front of the table shouting out the numbers of the runners that were approaching, so the marshalls could hand the drinks out.

    I have to admit that we couldn't find the drink's bottle for one runner as he went past, until a couple of minutes later - and then one of the girls chased him and made sure he got his drink!


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    The drinks situation sounds great. Is there any difference if you only want drinks on the second lap? Are they to be marked differently?
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    We do our best to give runners their drinks but you can make it easier for everyone by not approaching a drinks station in a big group and by calling your number out clearly and saying that you've got a drink waiting for you.

    Don't forget to say thankyou. image

    It's a good idea to very clearly your drink with your number. Don't just scribble your number in biro on the side. Find a good thick marker and clearly write your number on there.

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    if the drink is for the 2nd lap I just politly say that can i have it next lap please image
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    I'm a bit anal about these things so I not only mark my drink in big letters but I also put loads of tape over the label so that a. it doesn't come off and b. if it rains the number doesn't get blurry and hard for a marshal/me to read! Have got bright green bottles this time so that should help make them stand out!!
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    UK - you could go a step further and strap a roman candle to each bottle and equip it with a timing device set to go off when you are expected to arrive at the station.

    There will be no missing the 20 foot high shower of sparkleys! image

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    Now there's a thought!!!
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    I'll be on the drink station so please please please SHOUT your number out as you approach - we do try to spot people but on the first lap you're all in a big group (well front runners at least).

    Good luck to you all and hope the weather is not as hot as last year, sorry I don't want rain either if I'm standing in it for best part of the day image

    Our latest weather forcast in 16 and not windy as of last night.

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    I'll stop and say hello, Rich.
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    Can I ask what time for the drinks to be handed in please thanking you!

     Starting to get a bit nervous - is that normal? Dreamt last night I was at the start with out my running shoes and socks!

    Number 18 here by the way hopng for 430 but would be Ok with 5, really hope I am not on the sweep on bus!


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    How are they about runners offering their number to someone else if they can't run?
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