
2009 Albert Bartlett Edinburgh Marathon



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    RPM - Raw Power & Motion (spinning class in effect!!!)

    Yahoo Smout, new sofa. How's it feeling? You sleeping there tonight then??? image

    Man Kiwis, that does sound scary image  Must admit to being a bit of a wuss when dogs are around. They're so unpredictable you never know what they're gonna do. Maybe you could use the bigger dog for speed sessions image

    Speaking of saliva I managed to gob all over myself on Sunday while politely trying to avoid other runners, that was after I spilt much of the contents of a gel all over my face. Yeah, such an attractive sport running eh??

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    Caniggia33, you need to run somewhere else image
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    oh yeah Caniggia, i saw that on the news this morning! Crikey, it all happens up your way eh? Maybe you should consider relocating??? image 

    Hiya Smiffie!!! 

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    Yeah it was a bit disconcerting bedshaped.I quite like dogs but this was out in the country and they weren't on a bloody lead.A lot of people use this route for running,cycling and justwalking.It is not the first time this particular mutt has chased me.Normally you can tell if they are just messing around,but this one did look a bit angry,you could see it in it's eyes.Wonderful for speed work.

    Still leg intact!!!!!!! it will have to bite me first before I change my running route.I will not be beaten!!!!

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    O'er I'm getting a chivvy off bungee.  They are rubbage though.  LoL image  I hope you get them ok. image  It was so large, it wouldn't save in my sent mail.

    Kiwi, anytime you get chased by a dog.  Two rules, stop and walk otherwise they think it's a game.  If it growls badly, turn and stare it out and walk slowly away.  If it bounds after you, then hold the back of your hand out so that it can smell you and this usually works.  If you run, then you get leg chew!!  Doh Mr... image  If it bites, poke in eye or pull back legs apart, rules of last resort that one.... image  Meanwhile, give owners lots of grief about not controlling their animals.  Heh.

    Jees Can, saw about the body on the golf course earlier.  Horrible.  Hope you found another route!  Not the beach though. image

    RPM, LMAO.... Hehehe, sorry bedshaped that seriously amused me.

    Ran for half an hour tonight and then lots of weights and core work, arms dead...  I've whinged so much about the filthy carpet at work the last few days, because my asthma keeps getting bad when I'm in work, that my boss has asked the cleaning company for a quote to steam clean it!!  Heh, result. image

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    Poor Kiwi chased up the road... no excuse for missing the alarm call tho image

    Mr Bailey is asleep on the couch as I type.... says he has to do a change for work soon so can't go up to bed image.... admittedly around this time last night I was rolled in the duvet on the floor with some pillows image

    Yippee.... I'm on holiday image We're having another wee trip back to Fife and watch the airshow on Saturday.... hopefully the weather agrees with that plan! Back Tuesday so take my kit an try get a wee run round Anstruther while I'm away image

    Feels a bit annoying to finally have the sofa but then go away image It had to get forklifted in through the livingroom window.... apparently they mentioned scaffold at one point image Advantages of living on a building site I guess image I was in work well out the way so grumpy chops ... I mean Mr Bailey had to deal with it image

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    Sheesh I use image quite a lot!

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    You lot all gone to bed again image Finally get to sit down and they've all toddled off for an early night.... oh well.... may have to snuggle up on my sofa image
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    I found another route but am very tired now and off to bed.  That poor guy must of been having a really bad round image
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    Smout is revealing all her dirty secrets in the old house.  You shouldn't of all moved image

    Night night image

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    See Smout we waited but you'd gone.............. turn the light out Night image 

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    COME ON!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

    Thanks for info TripleS.I'll try that next time Cujo comes after me.Probably just common sense.I hate stopping after I have started running esp. if I am timing myself,however it may save me having my leg devoured!!!!!!

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    image OK I'm up! Morning.............
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    I'm up I'm up I'm up.... and on holiday image

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    ....... and now it's gone quiet and I've had breakfast I'm away back to bed before my mum arrives on her dry run journey to the house for cat-sitting duties image She thinks she might get lost ! Poor mum - no sense of direction at all!
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    Morning guys

    Have been quickly lurking but had 21 bodies at a 2 day course past 2 days, back to normality today. i'll read up in me tea break later. Behave all. 

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    OK Karen we'll behave  NOT image

    Enjoy 'not working' Smout image

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    Fed up of this cough and wheezing, so have booked the docs for tomorrow.  I dunno if they can do anything, but I can get checked out. image

    LoL @ Smout's Mum.

    Poor you Karen, you sound like you've been busy.

    I've got to give a training course next week and I'm so not organised.  Total disaster, because I've got to fit in all this information in two days.  I cannae do it captain.  Best knuckle down!


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    Caniggia33 wrote (see)

    Smout is revealing all her dirty secrets in the old house.  You shouldn't of all moved image

    Night night image

    Oh PMSL image
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    Opens door, peeks in, shuts door again.  Well I don't want to be only person not working today image
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    Hey smiffie,

    I'm bored to tears too.  Struggling today, just feel like I want to lie down.  I cannae wait not to have to come in here next week and put up with the constant comments that I've a chest infection etc.  My training manuals are a shambles so far!!

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    Smiffie do you never sleep, signing off at 00.26 and back on 06.31.  You must be a hard woman to keep-up withimage.  Now get back and do some work, its only Thursday........fancy being bored at work..........can't amagine that!!
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    Video clips of GSR @ http://www5.marathon-photos.com could be more embarrassing than the still photos!

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    image Just been out to get anti-histamines to try and help.  I got the fast acting version of the brand I normally take, get back to my desk to take them and the feckin things are full of gelatine.  Why???  Why???  I don't want boiled up bones in my medecine!!  Jees.  I should have thought to check, but being the same brand I just thought they'd be ok....  Pah.
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    Eugh Soph, that's pants. Hope you get on okay at the docs. Maybe you need a change of prescription? Do you have a steroid as well as a reliever?
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    Thanks bedshaped.  Yeah I do have a steroid inhaler which I take regularly, but I think the combination of having had a cold and high fungi spore counts at the moment among other things is pushing me over the edge.  Listening to the radio to stop me being even more foul mouthed than I just was when I found out I couldn't take the medicine.  image  If the doc prescribes me medicine that has gelatine in, then I feel I should take it.  In the western world we are at least priviledged to have access to this type of medicine, so I feel I should use it despite not liking the ingredients.  If I can avoid it though, I find an alternative.  I hate how they use it in so many medicines, NO NEED I tell thee. image  I feel at the moment like I'm living off my reliever inhaler, because my lungs are so irritated.  I normally wouldn't even use it in a week, maybe once or twice.  At the moment, I'm using it at least once a day.  That's why I succumbed and booked docs, because I know it's now out of control and I need some help.
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    Aw Soph. You take care and hope you get sorted soon. I've not had chance tor read back fully guys. image

    Hiya DCD, Smiffie early burd and bedshapedimage

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    Hi gang holiday update, booked through Thomas Cook, now all sorted , changed to Teneriffe fly tomorrow, thank goodness, its getting a busy little thread this .
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