
GULP just entered my first half marathon



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    Have good holiday JT enjoy!!!

    Just back from 5miler in the lovely sunshine image tad bit warm out there!!! 

    FE just get out there and do it- I fond today I was gagging to go out for a runbut had to eait til I did all my prep for tonights dinner......  Never thought I'd be gumpy if I didn't get a run in........

    Susiebe I was bit unsure of the lunars to begin with as had really sore calves and couldn't run very far but in hindsight his was probably due to overtraining and once i'd decided to cut out one run a week cos workd was so hectic my legs are back to normal and behaving properly!  And I love the lunars now they are very comfy indeed!!!

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    tara everyone. been busy packing, see you in 2 weeks.

    aye aye darren, will be round and round and round the deck...............trainers and running kit dutifully packed!

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    Long Run doneimageimage. Was meant to do 10 miles- tried a new route including some HILLS (proper ones) and was enjoying it so just followed my nose, found some completely new places and ended up doing 11 miles.  Really pleased with myself. Especially as well hot again.

    Out on bikes later to enjoy the weather and stretch aching limbs. New shoes seem good- done a 5miler and 11 miler in them so far.  None of the wearing in pins and needles problems I had with the Vomeros.

    Run miles 57.28 so more than July alreadyimage.

    Bon voyage JT - surely there'll be t'internet on boat?image

    Well earnt rest day tomorrow.

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     YAY... havent ran since my 13 miler on Monday.. and tra la la la laaaaaaa.. just ran 15 miles!! whoop whoop image it was sooooooooo hard.. all hail DC again (I consumed 1 carb drink before, 2 caffeine gels and 3 Jelly tots and a few slurps of water during and was still shattered!)... just pure determination kept me going for the last 5 miles, but feeling better now as thats two runs this week, when added together thats my weekly scheduled total!!

    Well done Foxy, its great when a run feels good.. specially over the hills, bet the time and miles just flew by! image Enjoy your bike ride, Im off on mine albeit to the local park to practice clipping and unclipping from my pedals on a safer surface i.e. The Grass... lmao, and MR F will be close by to come to my rescue should I get stuck!! hehe

     Hope you have good holiday Julia and get plenty of running in.. unlike me and my hols!!image

    Glad youre enjoying your running again Vik, Im feeling slightly better about the HM now, think the school hols are kinda taking their toll on me tho, will be glad when the kids go back to school so can get into a proper routine again.

    Hope you all having fab weekend image

    p.s. Foxy tried Jelly Tots.. OMG how do you manage with them... haha.. reminds me theyre still welded together in my pocket.. OOPs!.. image Ate 3 together as they were stuck.. didnt seem to do anything!?!.. How often do you have them?

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    Heh FE- great run you- well done!

    Jelly tots- I just bung a small handful in my mouth and slowly suck them. I will get through a mini packet in a HM, usually starting about half way trhough,

    If I have bigger jelly fruits I tend to start about the 6/7 mile mark and then have one or two every mile marker (if I am racing).  For a 10K I don't usually bother anymore but for longer races then I do. However I took some Jelly tots with me today and was pleased I didn't use them, just grabbed a few blackberries at one point which I am sure was psychological.   I just survived on a bowl of cheerios about an hour before I started running.

    My running partner is back from his hols- yippee, now we just have to try and co-ordinate two busy lives!

    Vik- how did the catering go? What did you do for main course and was the cheesecake a success?image

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    Dinner was a success image but am paying for it now my head is very sore!  Cheesecake went down a treat and now have to take some into work tomorrow!!!  Plumped for stuffed pork with stilton cos I'm a cheese freak!

    Just rehydrating now and hopefully i'll be able to go out for a run later........

    Whoop whoop for the 15miles FE imageimageimage and good running Foxy- backberries yummy, all that was offered yesterday on my run was a box of courgettes- not the same!

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    Courgettes- ummmmH.image

    I'm amazed by how much fruit there currently is in the hedgerows- plums, apples etc. Keep meaning to go back later and forage!image Think I'll leave the elderberries for the birds.

    Glad it went well for you- the pork with stilton sounds delicious!  Wait until it cools down a bit before you run!

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    Well done on the long runs everyone! And enjoy the holiday JT.

    My running mojo has pretty much disappeared so I think I will too before it rubs off on anyone else! For a few weeks anyway. I'll come back around the end of September ready for the two week countdown. Hopefully I'll have sorted myself out by then or I'll be walking around the course!

    Good luck all! image

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    Good evening all

    Well done on the 15 miles FE, my first run of 15 miles totally wrecked me to, but it does seem to get easier, well most of the time.  Are you thinking of a marathon?

    FL - Hill training and 11 miles you are inspirational in keeping to a schedule(most of the timeimage.)

    I rearranged things today to get my last long run in but had to get up at 6am to do so not the best time for me to run,  19.4 very hilly miles done,  one stretch 59 mins of all up hill with a climb of just over 670 ft, and another hill 14 mins with a climb of over 330 ft and a couple  more with 150+ ft, did give up and walked the last half mile home(which was the downhill bit)  as I was shattered which as lost me some confidence but trying to take the positives out of it.   Ran today pace wise as my aim for the marathon 9.14 M/M so may need to reconsider and do 9.45 M/M.

    Had a nice Roast Beef dinner with ALL the trimmings.  Pork and Stilton sounds good.

    Take care all (I'm currently chilling out have a nice glass or two of wine)

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    FW- Shall we rename the thread "GULP, I've just entered my last half marathon" for you?

    I'm going to be in trouble with JT- she's hardly gone an hour and Ed/FW takes a 6 week sabbatical.

    Well done Darren- personally I find your training is really inspirational and you're the first to bite the mara bullet.

    And I am mucking my schedule about next week- no time for a LSRimage. So hoping to do a couple of medium SRs instead. We'll see.  Planning an epic bike ride instead, got to get some duathlon training in somehow- some of the basics like not falling off required!

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    VikW wrote (see)

    Dinner was a success image but am paying for it now my head is very sore!  Cheesecake went down a treat and now have to take some into work tomorrow!!!  Plumped for stuffed pork with stilton cos I'm a cheese freak!

    Mmm... how good does that Pork sound... Yum.. image Better than my Fish n Chips I had last night thats for sure, The kids came in from the ex's whiffing of the Chippy and OMG had mega cravings.. must be years since I visited a chippy... lets just say the chips were good a little bit light on the vinegar and fish.. well.. not missed that one bit, was sort of over crunchy batter if that makes sense.. chewy almost!! image and I LOOOOVE Courgettes.. yes.. really I do.. will have to love them even more so in a couple of weeks as am going Vegetarian 3 days a week (one of the little ones I care for is veggie and she comes Mon - Wed) have armed myself with various veggie cookery books and TBH am really looking forward to the variety of food on offer and MR F says he is kinda happy to join in, (now that Ive bought a couple veggie cookbooks for endurance athletes as well ) but I have to throw a bit of fish in his, despite me telling him he wont need it!! Lmao.. image

    Sorry FW that your Mojo has vanished.. image but I think your secretly gona get all your training in before the 4 parks.. and then play your trump card finishing in a mega fast time and then acting all coy..image

    DC..Not really sure what Im doing if truth be known.. have to come to the end of my training schedule and with my holiday its all gone a bit wrong.. head up my bum a bit with running and lack of.. dont know if Im thinking that LSR's can make up for my lack of mileage in the week!!?!! maybe.. imageThe HM Im doing is supposed to be very hilly and of late I have done any hill work so am thinking that if I can do further on the distance it will help me with the hills on the course.. dont know if it will work.. but worth a go, and will try and get some hills in as well... I do go a bit random at times.. image.  Feeling better now as I have printed off another 4 week training schedule to take me up to the race albeit slightly faster times.. as advised previously by fellow gulper image and then Ive less chance of overtraining before the BIG DAY.. OMG.. haha

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    Hahaha.. have been advised by RW to split my message into 2 as was too long!!! image 

     FL.. sounds good, you know that you can do the distance for the HM, and the cycling will benefit your running so win win situation really.. image and the Jelly tots hmm... got too stuck in my teeth, can only suck them soo far.. before the need to chew!! lmao.. big kid.  Am gonna stick with the gels I think but not the caffeine ones, they didnt taste half as nice althou had no adverse reaction to them this time, just didnt feel that I got anymore from them as opposed to the caffeine free ones and ended up drinking a lot more on my run than my usual couple of gulps and at the end had stomach ache and a swishing sensation like Id swallowed half of the swimming pool!!! Not good.. image

    Me, am aching like mad today.. but still feeling good.. image am hoping to follow new schedule tonight and do the 4 mile that it suggests.. althou at the moment a date with a nice hot bath sounds the better option!!!image

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    Wow- it's quiet here. (Sweeps tumbleweed into corner).

    Hill session D&d for another week.  Wimped and did short hills, but was joined by running partner which helped with the motivation.  He's panicking about the Bristol Half in a couple of weeks so we're trying to get some training in.  Might get some swimming in later if the weather stays nice.

    FE- glad you've got a new training plan to follow, cant believe you have time with work and HLs etc so good for you.  Not sure about all these gels; it's another thing that puts me off a Marafun- the idea of sorting the nutrition side out properly.

    Miles this month

    Running 62.28m


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    Hi all,

    Quiet day here after working last night.Swimming later with HLs though.
    Had a strange run yesterday evening,it was a run of 2 halves!The first two miles were awful,felt tired,heavy legged etc so walked for a bit then started running again and then ran 3 miles in 32 mins without any trouble!!Glad it was that way around,maybe I just didn't warm up enough?

    Quite a busy time coming up.We've seen a house we like and have put an offer in!Always on the cards to move at some point as HLs needing more room and good to have spare room for family/guests..mmm another HM in just a few weeks,possible house move,busy at work..I never make it easy for myself!
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    FL.. the gels.. was a thing for me too... was really dead against them.. haha.. posted my own thread asking what people did nutrition wise for Half Marathons and Marathons.. was really interesting the results!! More people do than dont.. I swallowed the bullet and tried them again (1st attempt was last Oct!! image) and this time with more success think I was more opened minded as had done some research, the carb drink was a big step for me too... now that really helps! image The gels, Im def sticking to non caffeinated as they taste better and I didnt get any difference from them.. I have the SIS gels (Tropical and Orange) and am tending to have them after the 10K mark as I know that I can do 10K no prob without taking on extra fluids or anything else, theyre kinda weird you expect to have an instant burst of energy but I think they just kind of take the edge off, from a non believer imageto a believer I think that they help me.. I will be taking 2/3 on my HM image only because I wont be carrying anything else i.e. jelly babies, water etc.

    Susiebe.. I really struggle with the first bit of my runs too.. sometimes up to mile 4 Im thinking of giving up, really good that you carried on.. power to you!!image Funny you should mention house move, I accepted an offer on mine yesterday morn after 2 YEARS.. OMG.. everything is up in the air now, and struggling to fit the running in as everything is consumed by me trying to save my stuff from MR F 'downsizing it'!!! Hope  your offer gets accepted.. fingers crossed image

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    Evening All

    A short 4.5 miler tonght but my word I struggled,  kept the pace to 9.13 m/m though.

    FE & FL.  I was also against gels but after reading what other guys use on here I took the plunge,  first started with the same Tropical SIS gels but now using the caffine gels.  FE the lucozade gels are quite tasty in a strange sort of way.

    Susiebe and FE Good luck with the house buying/selling.

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    GULP, I've just entered my first half marathon! Leeds 2010.

    You know those challenges you take up when you've drunk a bit too much and you're running/drinking partner says "now you've done 10k ......"  image

    Well, seeing as it's her fault I've entered (she bought the gin!) she can come on the training runs. image 

    10k is the furthest I've done so far...only been running about 18months and 13 miles feels a loonnnngg way. I'm giving myself plenty of time to get up to that milage though I hope. And it's a laugh reading through the previous posts on this thread.... I can see the trials and tribulations I've got to come. image

    Bought a new training log today just for a bit of motivation and to start as I mean to go on!

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    Darren Clarke 3 wrote (see)

    A short 4.5 miler tonght but my word I struggled,  kept the pace to 9.13 m/m though.

    At this point you did better than me, was supposed to be a 4 mile easy run, that got shortened to a mile mile run.. and haha.. couldnt even manage anything remotely that fast... but hey, bright side, 3 miles is better than nothing and it incorporated some incline, so not toooo bad I spose image.  The training for tonight should be a 5 mile Tempo.. OMG how much do I hate tempo runs image, but all part and parcel tho if gonna give this HM my best shot. DC I saw the Lucozade gels on a website yesterday and hmmed and ahhhed whether to give a go (also saw the lucozade carb powder) but ended up bying more tropical SIS and bargain (if not out of stock) PS22 powder.... £25.99 for 2.7kg!!!!!!!!!!! Bought it in Lemon as the best flavour for me, and MR F has the SIS GO Electrolyte Powder so not an issue, however MR F then complained that didnt like Lemon and arrrrrgh I ended up placing another order for some Orange!!! image

    Hi Leedslass congrats on entering image Will make you feel better youve been running longer than me!!... didnt start til this time last year and then couldnt run for approx 3 months earlier this year due to injuries (2 separate falls, dont ask!! lol) Up to starting my RW training plan I could only run 10K too.. I started my training plan on the 25th May this year and 3 months later have more than double my distance... the RW training plans on here are great they let you adapt the plans to suit you, and hahaha.. nothing to be scared of, its just hard thats all... sometimes you feel great about a run and other times it doesnt go to plan.. when it doesnt and you feel like youve let yourself I down, I just think back to how far Ive come and my Brother the lazy lump who cant even run to the end of the block even tho 5 years younger than me!!! image

    Okay chatted far too much again.. ciao for now...

     P.s. FL youre shaming me with your mileage both bike and run... hmph image but well done!!

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    just a quickie before work  FE big tesco sell lucozade gels and SIS but only in tropical an are about 20p cheaper than sports places!

     Welcom Leeds lass!!

    No running for me since saturday just been ejoying my lie ins before work but will be hitting the aprk tomorrow again!!!

    Enjoy the sun all!!!

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    Haven't had to use them yet as I can't run quite that far.   image  but in preparation for when I do have to run for 2 hours without eating proper food, is it better to take the gels and drink water to help them down or does it make more (financial) sense to buy powder and make it up yourself?

    I'm used to carrying a water bottle and thought I'd probably find it easier to mix my own - powders seem pretty expensive - I'm presuming they've got the same make up as the gels and do the same thing! Guess I should try it and see. image

     Actually, I might just eat a packet of jelly babaies on my way round..much tastier! image

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    Thanx for that VIK.. is that via your Mum? image Managed to get a good deal on a whole box, hopefully will work out cheaper in the long run £25.00 for 30 (83p each).

    LL for me, I have just started over the last few weeks on the gels, MR F reckoned I should start having additional to the water after the 10 mile mark (was very very sceptical)... and he is my guru!! hehe.. I dont always listen tho image.  Before my long run, which these days Im classing anything about 9/10 mile (haha get me never thought Id write that).. I have a Carb drink in the hour before.. i.e. lucozade sport, gatorade.. altho I am using now as it works for me and is in the house SIS PS22 powder form (lemon), and then dependent on how the run is going is whether Il have a gel or not... I never have a gel before 7 miles.. As for the Jelly babies they dont work for me but Foxy and Julia swear by them! If you buy SIS gels you dont need to take any fluid with them.. they are the only ones you dont.

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    Morning FE and LL and anyone else out there.

     Still on target with the training plan- 6 mile run early start this morning, went out with running partner again which is great although he is not cooperating with keeping my HR down and keeps finding HILLS for us to run up.  Still ave HR was 143, ave pace 10.42.  Legs are feeling pretty tired so I suspect the dramatic increasing in training is having some impact.

    Having to juggle the runs around this week due to social life getting in the way of training, so LSR due tomorrow evening- another 10-11 miles planned.  May or may not squeeze in  fartlek session on Saturday night, and then doing an epic part off road bike ride on Sunday morning.  Cycled a bit last night too.

    Leedslass- JT loves her jelly babies, I prefer jelly tots.  Not sure if it works out cheaper!  Would if I could get them in bulk I suspect.  Suspect Dextrose sweets woould work well too.

    Mileage:  68.35 run Bike 36. 

    If it wasn't for the muffins and chocolate biscuit cake I'd be fading away by now!!

    Happy training all.

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    No training for me for a while image. As I posted on the 10k thread....one session too many and my troublesome calf/shin has flared up again.

     What comes of not keeping a proper track of how much I've being doing and upping things too quickly. I've run much more in the last few weeks than in previous months - ironically as I've been pain free for the first time in ages. School boy error!!image

    So, I spend the next week letting things settle down again then put to work my new training log... and FLIPPIN' STICK TO IT this time! image Boy I'm cheesed off!

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    Evening all!

    Met up with a friend and her 2 year old for lunch today at a garden centre.Sounds civilised but the 2 yr old kept running off and in the end had to be strapped in his buggy!!A few disapproving looks from some of the middle aged ladies who probably had forgotten how energetic 2 yr olds can be!

    Ran this evening.Just a 3 mile burst in 33 mins,ave pace 11.14 planning a 8 miler on Sat.Looking forward to it as cooler again,so much easier for me when its not too warm.I'm ordering some cool,drizzly weather for the HM,hope no one objects!

    leedslass easy to overdo things!lesson learnt!!Sure you'll soon be back.

    FL,good running especially those hills!I try and include a few slopes(can't call them hills!)
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    Morning all!!

    FE I filled up the trolley with gels and powerbar bars the other day and PH was just shaking his head and grinning in amusement thin he's still waiting for me to get bored with all this running lark image

    Had ovely day off yesterday- headed off to bournemouth and arrived in the middle of the airshow so that was an unexpected bonus!!!!

    Managed a 5mile plod when I got in and then refulled with curry and a glass of wine and watching the athletics- man Bolt is fast

    But had really strange feeling on the underside of my foot from about the 2mile mark last night, turns out my socks were rubing and have left a blister/cut under the ball of my foot! Off out tonight with running buddy for another 5 miles so will wear thinner socks ans see how it goes!

    Drizzle is fine by me Susiebe order away.

    LL hope calf is on the mend- I made lots of schoolboy errors too, now older but not much wiser image

    Well done for the cycling FL!

    ANyone planning to watch the marathon at the athlectics on sunday?  Think I will just to see how its done proper like.....image

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    Evening everyone,

    Back from an ever so not sunny Scotland, several family visits and family wedding ticked off for the year.  Have just skimmed through, sounds like some good running, especially  from FE - 15 miles - in awe!!!!! image  

    I took my kit on holiday and over the week managed .............................. a measly 4 miles with my father on the first day image  Still, he lives in the Peak District so it was all hills (and I did think DC would be proud whilst I was staggering up the umpteenth incline......). I went out this morning for a fast (ish) five miles, followed by a very slow plod around 1.5miles as older Hl wanted to come out too, bless her image.  Am considering joining the local club run tomorrow am but we have to be at a another blinking wedding in the afternoon, so not sure if it will br frowned upon if I go and tehn duck out at a certain time??!!  

    So, with seven weeks or so to go until four parks, can someone please give me a tremendous kick in the behind please, or I will have lost so much fitness I won't get round the blinking thing.... It will get easier when HLs back at school/nursery, won't it??????

    Hope everyone who has been away has had fun - welcome to anyone new image

    P.S - Garmins rock!!!!  Totally a fan and can completely see how they become obsessive FL.  A spreadsheet and everything - yay!! OH keeps laughing at me image

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    Hi runningsnail,

    I'm iced up & aching at the mo due to over training image but I'm using the time wisely in searching out my next pair of trainers  and other essential kit.

    Have you recently invested in a Garmin? If so, can I be cheeky and ask which one and what you think of it? I'm rubbish at pacing myself - I have no real idea how fast - use the term loosely -  I'm plodding and tend to use goodle maps to try and work out how far I've gone. So, with a birthday on the horizon I was thinking of buying one. Don't think I'm too keen on the heart rate monitor side of things though. image

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    Hi leedslass,

    Sorry that you have injuries - hope that you are on the mend?  Glad to hear that you are resting htough - my OH fell over (as in head over heels school boy slapstick fall) when running, refused to 'rest' and is still hurting about two months later....

    I bought a 405 forerunner last week and have only been out with it four times so far, but............. it's great!!  As FL said to me, it's practicall obsessive once you see your times/splits in miles/pace etc.  And you get groovy maps, spreadsheets and graphs when you upload the info too image  I bought it from amazon as that was the cheapest one I could find anad considered a 405 or 310 (? the big chunky one) which was cheaper.  I got the 405 as it is smaller and I have skinny little wrists.  The only complaint people seemed to have about it in reviews is that the dial is over sensitive - mine isn't, so maybe they have changed it since it first came out?  I got a HRM with it but my heart rate has always been higher than the normal range in gyms, so I'm loathe to use it as it makes me think I might keel over image  Any advice on that from HRM users????

    I thought about it for a couple of months and the someone said to go for it as you'll end up with one at some point anyway - it's true and I wish I' got one earlier......... even though I now know that I speed up and then slow down consistently so will definitely have to work on my pace - grrrrr!!!

    So what have you been (over) training for?  

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    I've done a few 10k races, albeit nothing quicker than 66 mins. Got one more to go in November which I'd like to complete in less than 65 mins. Been running about 18months so it's time I started improving now!

    My running mate challenged me to do the Leeds Half next yr with her so, why not I thought. However, I've always suffered a bit from shin/calf pain. I've been fine for a couple of months and did the usual thing of one long run too many in too short a space of time image. especially on hard surfaces. So I've got to let things settle down for a few days before I start up again.

    So, I thought a Garmin would be just the right thing to keep me to my traning plan and keep me on track. I will get obsessed with it though! Don't really want the heart rate monitor bit as my Other Half has a serious arrythmia and I've seen enough scary heart rate print outs to last me a life time thank you! image

    I was looking at the 205 for that reason - didn't see the point in paying for a bit that I wouldn't use. I can be persuaded if the higher spec ones have got nice things to play with though.image

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    Good Evening All.

    Hi Leedslass,  I really get alot out of my Garmin and use HR all the time.  I have  the chunky 305 and the size doesn't bother me.  Hope your injury heals soon very frustrating I've had a few problems brought on by myself mostly to much hill training.

    Welcome back Running snail a bit of rest will not do you any harm,  usually inspires me for the last few weeks of training.  Well done on those hills very proud of you.

    well I'm supposed to be tapering so went out tonight and got caught in between ideas, first idea was a quicker half marathon and the second was a longer run without using gels etc.  So just with water and a few jelly babies to munch on, just went out to see what happened.  Eventually did 18 miles at 9 M/M pace HR 144.  This is quicker than my intended Marathon pace and started to struggle at the 16 mile point,  no jelly Babies had been eaten at this stage.  So will take the gels on race day but must run a little slower.

     must now start to taper.  Hoping I've done enough but to late if I haven't.

    Have a good weekend all.

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