
GULP just entered my first half marathon



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    LL- I would get one with HR- even if you don't use it initially, you may decide you want to use it later on and you can't add it on to the 205.  My running partner has just got the 405, it wasn't as small as I expected.  Can't comment any more and he hasn't really figured out how to use it!  You don't get an ecg off it- just a HR tracking as you run.

    Hi Runningsnail, good to see you back, and VikW- Hello.

    Just done an evening run -arrgh!  Just over 10 miles, legs felt dead around the 7 mile mark and no jelly tots!!  Glad to get it out of the way for the weekend. Kept HR at 141 average and ave 10.51mm. Rechecked myRHR last night- dropped to 42 at one point!

    Did the same "new" hill as Sunday and it was definitely easier than last time so maybe the hill training is paying off.  Beautiful evening and got home just as the sun was setting.

    Made choc chip muffins today, could be one for 4parksimageimage.

    RS- re your HR, you can do a "home" max HR test. There are guides how to on this site. For your Resting HR, you are meant to check it in the am as you wake, but the shock of waking up is all too much for me, so I just lay down with the Garmin and HR strap and dozed in front of the TV for an hour last night to get mine.  You can get some odd peaks and troughs if the connections aren't good so give the contact points a good dampening before you use it.  I find mine shoots up as I set out, but settles by about 3/4 to a mile.  I try and set out slow to avoid this and it is getting a bit better.  Hope that helps in the absence of JT.

    Oh and I read something really interesting (must remember to tell JT when she gets back), you shouldn't use HR when doing intervals, especially short ones as there is a delay on HR rise so it may peak after you have finished the interval, so do them according to pace or Perceived effort.

    Anyway- enough geekdomimageimage.

    Running miles 78.5 in August.image.  Rest or speed work tomorrow...........................image

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    Eveing all!!!

    Foxy we must have been running at the same time- did 11 miles, first 6 with running buddy and then ran a long route home.  Foot ok not hurting as such like last night but have big blister- don't think my feet like my new nike socks image  but running buddy did bring me lots of goodies (she works for lucozade) so now have gels and bars galore to read all about and work out when to use them- that'll keep me busy sunday afternoon!!!

    I only have garmin 50 which I only use for the heart rate monitor because my nike+ tells me my pace etc but am thinking about upgrading but can't justify the money just yet but at christmas I might well be singing a diffrent tune!!!

    Well done DC- how long is it to go now?  I hope you don't suffer to much from taper madness!!!

    After being inspired by DC and FL I might head off to richmond park on sunday and do some undulating running- does that count as hill work or do I have to serach out a big one image and run up and down it????  Really didn't mean that to sound as it did?

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    Hi VikW- nice to run with you last nightimage!  Cool to have a lucozade source; if my mizuno link works out, maybe we can do a dealimage.  GO find a hill, I'm sure it must be doing me some good. Think 4parks is flat mind you!

    Hope your blisters improve. Must be the season. I had one on the end of one toe; didn't hurt or anything. preceeded new shoes so not blaming them. After about a week or so of it remaining unchanged, I drained it with a sterile needle, then found a "family" of little tiny ones on the side of a toe on the other foot.  Drained them too.  Gave myself a nice footspa and pedicure and cleared them all up.  The black toenail is going blue which apparently means it is slowly detaching because the new one is coming through.image

    Oh the joy and gruesomeness of runners' toes- hope it isn't TMI for this hour of the morning. On the upside, the 2 nails that fell off and regrew were looking almost normal again.image

    Anyway, in the interest of not upsetting the general public, they are now repainted a nice shiny pink!

     Hi Darren!  Hope the tapering is OK, you must take it seriously and your body will thank you on THE BIG DAY (apparently! What do I know?)

    LeedsLass, carry on resting, you'll be fine soon- have you tried massaging it with arnica or anti-inflam cream, or both?

    Please send me +ve vibes for the mojo to do some speedwork tonight!

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    you do speedwork tonight foxy i'll do hill reps up richmond hill tomorrow image deal?
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    Sounds like a done deal FL & VikW.   Fortnight on Sunday untill race day GULP.  Rest day today then a few runs between 3 - 5 miles and one long run next Sunday of 8 miles, and I will stick to itimage.

    Take care all - enjoy your hills and speedwork

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    Hi all,

    Lots of posts to read through!

    Darren,enjoy your tapering.You deserve a rest!I'm glad you still call 8 miles a long run though cause thats what I did this morning!Set off at 8am and really enjoyed it.Longest run since Reading HM back in March so pleased to get that one under my belt and finished quite strongly too.Ave pace was 11.25,ave HR 166,included two uphill inclines(can't call them hills!)

    Talking of toes I've a small blister on one of mine.Still think I pull my socks on too tightly as my toes dont seem to rub on my shoes just against my socks!

    FL an VikW,hope you both enjoy your respective sessions!

    Leedslass I got a Garmin back in april.Find it invaluable though don't use all the functions yet.Before I had it I had no idea of how fast(or slow!)I was going.Now I have it beep if my pace drops and its made such a difference.I've got the 305,once its on my wrist it doesn't feel too big/heavy although its a bit brick shaped!!
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    VikW- you're saved, I appear to be wimping! Altho there is now talk of adding a tempo run to my bike ride tomorrow for a bit of duathlon training....................

    I made the mistake of snoozing on the sofa this arvo (having been awake in the wee small hours which sometimes happens if  do a pm run 'cos I wake up starving) so just played catchupimage. Whoops, sorry.

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    Hi folks. Thanks for the Garmin feedback. Food for thought. Don't have to make my mind up for a few weeks yet....resisting 43 yrs young as long as I can. image

     FL - I've been icing it and putting  Nurofen Gel on it ....arnica cream....thought that was for bruises. Does it do poorly muscles too?

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    Hi LL

    I've done a calf and a hamstring in my time, and on both occasions in desperation I used to rub a combo of Deep Heat, arnica and anti-inflam cream on all at once. It smelt luverly! 

    Never sure if it was the massaging or which thing actually helped but I got going again.

    Did end up with some scarring in the calf which I had to massage out over the next few weeks/months. 

    And I used to sit at my desk with an ice pack strapped onto my calf!

    And the reason we do this is?image

    VikW- you have to run 2moro, bike ride is replanned to incorporate tempo run session and thus some transition training too!  Got to keep the mileage up......................

    I've certainly carboloaded tonightimageimagehic!

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    I will be popular at work with that lot on! image Will give the arnica a go though.

    Trying to be patient but i's very difficult with shiny new trainers smiling at you waiting to be let out. image

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    Good Morning all.....image

     My running total for this week... RUBBISH.. 5 paltry miles... image The house sale has really thrown my world upside down, having to give notice for work, sort out kids new schools as relocating areas, pack etc.. bit of emotional roller coaster, plus went to cemetry to see Mum yesterday so that throws my day too.. all in all weird week!!! On the plus side, lol.. have learned to the the good in the crap now.. took bike out yesterday to try again to get used to the clip in pedals and try my new HR and bike computer (its ace but not told Mr F yet that bought it!! image) haha.. as well you know Foxy.. lmao.. fell off my bike whilst stationary as I unclipped the wrong foot first!! Ouch, landed with a right thud and my elbow took the brunt of it!! image.. serves me right... tooooo cocky!! Am hoping may get run in later, but if not need to get bike on turbo trainer and do a quick intense session as its better than nothing, altho am getting a panic on re mileage now... VIK could do with a few pointers for the Garmin 50.. I only use it for my HR dont know how to set it etc.. could do with knowing how to do minimum and maximum HR if it does it???

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    Good morning all

    Just been for a recovery run and did the three miles that schedule says.  Very windy so worked a bit harder than should of, but felling good going to take HL's swimming now and then have a bit of lunch out.

    FE -  seems like you've had a nightmare of a week.  I wouldn't worry to much about this weeks mileage you are well ahead of your target and hopefully the week of non running may just refresh you, a week off when i'm busy/injured  as never done me any harm.

    So hill training and speedwork today is itimage no excuses.

    Have a good day all

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    Glad things going good for you DC, have read back thru a few posts and smiling that you still running too fast.. if only I had that trouble... haha.. Im a plodder.. image and of late I seem to always be having a week off!! lmao.. enjoy swimming and lunch.. image 

     3 miles already, Im only just having breakfast... really need to get a wriggle on tho if any form of exercise is to be done today!

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    Chin up FE as DC says a week away from running might refresh you and when you back into it it'll give you some time away to chug things through in your head- thats what happened to me anyway!

    Not best oto help with the garmin as i just strap it on and run- mate work did twll me of a good website will try and dig it out later!!

    Well I managed 3 reps of Richmond Hill up and down and man I thought I was going to die but by the thrid it was ok and I wasn't the only nutter braving the heat and sun.  All in all managed 6miles, plan was to run all the way home but melted and gave up at 6 and jumped on the bus!  Now refuelling with poached eggs on toast and watching the marathon from Berlin!

    Enjoy your sundays all image

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    Afternoon all. Bit tired here. Cycled a total of 24 miles, but also took a break and did 2.55tempo run miles towards the end. Wow. Like running through treacle; felt much slower than actual run pace. 28deg at the time, hence shorter than planned as was trying to keep in the shade.

    Off for a nice cool shower now.

    Vik- well done on them hills,

    DC- well done on the taper

    FE- well done on surviving thus far!  Trishorts are very expensive btw, think will try to survive without adding them to my kit drawer.


    Total mile so far this month: bike 50, run 81!image

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    Afternoon all,

    Enjoy your tapering DC - hope that it doesn't drive you too bonkers not running as far as you have been doing over the last few months image

    FL - thanks for info on HRM, will search this site and work out  my resting heart rate etc then give the monitor a go - something else to think about other than my aching legs......  Wow on the mileage btw - are you training fora duathlon at the minute??  

    FE - sounds like a nightmare week, although I have to say that your bike clip story made me laugh out loud - not from being nasty, I really hope your elbow is ok, it just gave me a very vivid mental image and is totally the sort of thing I would do imageimage

    Vik - well done on your Richmond hill reps, I still think I'll never come to embrace hills the way DC appears to image but I am sure that they do wonders for fitness leves (and for speed?).  The park route that the local running club goes on does up and down hills throughout and I found it easier the second and third time I went along (ok, so I've only been three times so far....).

    Have finally started to get my behind out there again - we went swimming after the run on friday, which was nice.  Nothing yesterday as we had another wedding, but did 7m at average 8.5 min miles (legs sore.now though)  this morning and another family swim.  Think I may be overcoming my fear of looking silly in a pool and start going once a week when HLs back at school (I need a cross training exercise, all this wedding/hen party dancing doesn't really seem to count......image).

    How's the injury LL?

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    Hi All!!

    Back from holiday...and I am engaged..complete shock but getting used to it now!

    I Have a 10mile race this sunday..Hope it isn't as warm as yesterday!

    Will read all posts and catch up hope everyone is Ok??


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    Morning all,

    Runningsnail - injury getting better, thanks. Always take about a week before I can get going again. Dull ache & soreness that goes from being there all the time to just being there when I walk to hardly there at all. I'm at Stage 2 at the mo but should be at Stage 3 by the end of the week! image

    Hoping so anyway as I'm going to the North York Moors for a week in a holiday cottage and it should be a fantastic place to do some short but hilly runs to get back in the swing again.

    + I've got some new trainers, a new Buff headband and a new Ron Hill top to wear in! New gear always makes me feel better! image

    Did a good upper body workout on Saturday though - re-decorating at the moment! image

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    Icclesuez imageimageimageimageimage  Huge congratulations on the engagement!!!!!!  How does it feel to be a fiancee????  Sounds like you had a good holiday then! 

    Where is your ten miler?

    LL - re-decorating, that is a good workout.  Last time I painted anything in our house (and it all needs re-doing.....) I ached for days image  New kit is always an incentive for me too - have promised myself some new winter gear when the weather changes as an incentive to keep going in the cold!  Having now given up the gym membership to save pennies, I HAVE to keep running outside over winter - none of my usual retreat to the dreadmill - eek!  Hope that you keep improving with the ache.

    Was supposed to go out for a shortishh run this am but today is OH's first day back at work after the two week break and he was up and down all blinking night getting stressed about what might have gone wrong in his absence.  Evidently, I was also up most of the night and far too tired to go out at 6 - grrrrr.  Hopefully he will be back before it's dark so I can go out this evening.  Fingers crossed!

    Have a good day all x

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    imageimageimageimageimageAnd a few more to add to the Congratulations to Iccle, Wow!

    RS- I ran in sleet, snow and hail last winter- it's character building.  You will need:  a warm hat, gloves, long sleeve top, outer warm top, running tights, and a waterproof running top. And obviously at least two paris of trainers so one pair can be drying out as you get the next pair soggy!! Happy shopping!

    I was lucky- my first winter a friend went to the US an bought me stuff over there about half price.

    Just been out for a 4mile recovery run, leaden legs after yesterday, hope it works as doing more another bike run session tomorrow and the run is intervals, maybe should run first?

    85 miles run, might make my silly target yet, so much for not running in the summer.......

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    Hi all

    Too much to read having been in France for 2 weeks. No running as didn't take stuff and was so hot I wouldn't have gone anyway. Back late last night and in work today feeling slightly shell shockedimage. Due to run tonight - will prob manage about half a mileimage

    Congrats Iccleimage

    How long to toenails take to regrow Foxy (I seem to remember you losing 1 previously)? 1 of mine got kicked off on hols and is still v sore and looks daft!!

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    Quick post as house full of children who seem to be getting very noisy and excited.Great hols but Sept 2nd is thankfully not too far away!Saying that I don't miss the lunchboxes and the endless letters they bring home from school!

    icclesuez,many congrats.Thats great news.Was it a shock or did you have an inkling?

    Sally,welcome home.My hols seem like a distant memory now.Hope your knee(?) is fine now!

    Offer accepted on the house!!Only moving less than a mile away but still lots to think about!Looks like move will be early Oct so doing a HM on the 11th will be welcome relief from the stresses of moving house(hopefully!)
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    Well done Susiebe- hope it all goes smoothly- you and FE can support each other through the trauma.

    Sally-welcome back, a rest is good.  I know a great runner who always takes some time out every year to allow some R&R.  Toenails- I've lost two so far but both "naturally". First was casualty of the 2HMs I did a week apart end Feb/start March, 2nd was from HM in May.  First is looking relatively normal now and the other is almost there. I'm currently awaiting a third to fall off. (last HM in July!).

    When you lose them through running, in my experience, they feel sore and take a while to come off. One was like a book, it gradually lost contact with the toe down one side, then the bottom, then hinged on the last side. When it fell off there was a baby nail growing through, but it has been very weak all summer. The other one also had a new nail growing underneath but sort of grew out in situ (so there was a double layer for a while and then fell off. ) There is still a ridge visible where the overlap was but it is almost normal.

    When I researched it, everyone said do NOT pull them off, let them come off naturally and if it is annoying keep it taped on for as long as possible. Apparently this helps prevent permenant damage, so I am encouraging the current dodgy one to stay in place even though it is blue.  I spoke to a chiropodist about it and  she was of the opinion permenant damage is quite common image.  I think you are often left with either a weak or thickened nail as a result.

    In conclusion- 4-6 months depending which toe it is ie how far it has to grow; I would keep it well protected, you can get little padded gel toe caps from Boots and I ran with one of those for ages infact until I just went up a size in my new trainers. Only since then have I risked long runs without it.  Hope that helps.Sounds ouchy.

    Been waiting for rain all day, given up and gone in to work to do some watering, and now it looks gloomy!  At least I got some washing dry and harvested my garlic and another load of runner (hoho) beans.  Must stop procrastinating and get the hoover out next.

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    imageimageimage Congratulations Iccs imageimageimage

    Good luck with the move Susiebe.

    No running today and just a few miles at race pace lined up for tomorrow, whatever race pace is?

    Take care all

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    *sneaks in*

    Congrats Iccle! And belated Happy Birthday Princess! image

    *sneaks back out again*

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    Congratulations Iccle! imageimage

    I've just be given a charity place for the London Marathon next year- GULP!!!!!!!!! 

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    Vik - woohoo - how exciting!!!! Which charity?  I'm still waiting to hear from the ballot (which should be early Oct I think?) but have registered interest with a couple of charities.  What was the charity acceptance progress like?   Was it hard to get a spot?   Hee hee, another marathon name down from the thread............

    Fl - was the first sign on your nails the turning of colour?  I have very thick little toe nails (always have had) and if I run more than two days in a row they ache.  One is purple already - is it likely to come off???  Am going to search out toe guards in any case!

    Finally got out last night - yay for five miles.  They split into mile 1 @ 8.5mm, 2 -@7.5mm, 3@8.5 mm, 4 @ 7.5mm and 5@ 8.7mm  (approx).  I did run deliberately hard on miles 2 and 4 so can I count it as long intervals and therefore speed for this wekk? (please someone tell me I can.....).  I know that to improve fitness and pace I must do speed sessions but I  absolutely blinking hate them.  I was thinking that I might try the  PT/intervals thingy on my garmin (if I can figure it out) as a way of making them more"fun".  As far as I can make out, speed work can be long intervals, short intervals or tempo runs, with hills also counting as improvement sessions.  Is this right??????  Am confusing myself even thinking about it image Any advice gratefully received!

    Hi to everyone, hope you all have a good day!  Off to print out membership application form for local running club - make myself official image

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    thanks guys - a complete shock, still trying to get used to it!

    Vik - woop woop!

    FL - I too have a toe nail thats not too nice! Boots do a foot butter for runners which is lush!

    Mersea 10 on Sunday, Just entered Wix 5 and Bardfield 10 to lead up to Royal Parks Half!

    Did a nice 3 miles this morning before work, very motivated at the moment, swimming tonight then a 4miler 2moro before work.

    Happy running everyone...it's lovely out again image

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    RS- purple is not good, but I think blue is worse, it may just grow out. Fingers/toes crossed!

    Great running- sounds like a tempo session rather than intervals, but counts as your speed work done for the week.  (I think anything longer than 800m bits is tempo but am ready to be corrected).

    If you run 4 times a week I think 2 should be "easy recovery runs", 1 LSR and 1 hills/intervals/tempo session.  If you do five maybe you can do tempo as well as hills or intervals. Sumat like that!  My HR book is all for increasing the mileage of the easy runs and keeping the speedwork brief and hard with a good warmup and down.  But that is time consuming. heho.

    Iccle- wow you are in the zone, excellent.

    VikW- awesome- how much do you have to raise? Well done (I think!)

    FW image Almost didn't see you there!

    I had a great morning.  Celebrating our last child-free day before term, friend and I headed to a local beauty spot with bikes: did one loop (4.21m) I then ran it as an intervals session- 1 mile w/up, then 15 sets of 200mfast/100m recoveries which went really well as it was "undulating" with a couple of steep hills, then another 4.3 miles bike. So in one session- duathlon transition practice, hills and intervals.image

    Did get caught in a huge storm towards the end though.

    Tomorrow planning an easy 6 miler and then Thursday a well deserved rest day and sports massage.  Still on target with the mileage:

    Run: 89 Bike 58.5.

    Incidentally I don't intend to take up duathlon seriously- it's hard enough training for a running race, let alone both and the bike to run transition is hard work.  Not sure how I can fit it in when I am back at w*rk.

    Happy running all.

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    FL - dead jealous! Another week yet before mine goes back to school!!
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