
Amsterdam Mary & Half 17th Oct 2010



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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    parkfunfan - how many LSR 20s are you going to knock out pre Amsterdam and over what time span? Just curious image

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    parkrunfanparkrunfan ✭✭✭

    Probably 10 (or at least 8) in the 13 weeks before with one at 28!

    And yourself?

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    A 28!!!!! ANIMAL, lol

    Not sure mate, probably about 7 over 12 weeks I reckon. I think I'll run a few of them slower than I ran them pre London though. I might even run a couple earlier and space them out a bit more so I can recover a bit more between them and have a bit more gas in the tank for the race itself. Going to be running 15ish most weekends so a couple of 20s early doors might work. I don't want to overdo it though having done lots of running for London and with miles still in the legs.

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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭

    RS, I find not stopping the LSRs after a spring mara works well for an autumn mara. First one about 3 weeks after london, then every couple of weeks of so. Don't worry about the pace, I often go for hilly off road routes just so I do not worry about the speed at all. Then 10-12 weeks out from the autumn mara you can start concentrating on the pace in long runs, asyou already have the endurance to get through them ok (you do not end up feeling a wreck after the first couple as you usually do).

    I wont be doing a 28 though. Well probably not.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    JAP - cheers that sounds like a good idea. To be honest apart from 2007 where I did London 2 months after Tokyo, doing an autumn marathon off a spring marathon is a new experience so any info like this is great for meimage

    I think the plan is to do atleast a 15-16 or 2hrs most weekends and then like you say go up to a proper LSR distance every now and then but just run them nicely slowly. I think i just need to find the right balance, keep the endurance topped right up without overdoing it and getting injured.

    Speed and tempo work is definitely the key for me too though. I did some decentish stuff for London but not nearly enough and not nearly focussed enough.

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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭
    RS, I think the best thing about the autumn mara after a spring one is that you are starting from a much better position and get to concentrate on what you felt the weakness in your spring prep was. If endurance was lacking you can pretty much stick with the LSRs throughout the summer and get loads of 20+ runs in before the autumn one. But if endurance was good you can just tick over the LSRs every 2-3 weeks whilst really concentrating on some speed work. Loads of 5k & 10k races to play with. And all the training is far more fun with the sun out. image
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    I haven't done an autumn Mara since Berlin in 2005 so I am looking forward to some daylight training.  I have a 10k series ongoing (one every fortnight) until July which should take me nicely into the peak training for Amsterdam.

    Flights.. I have some Jet2 points to use which mean that the base cost of the flights will be almost zero.  However by the time the taxes, seats, luggage fees, card fees etc etc are added on...

    RS.. this weeks AW magazine has some interesting session advice for anything from 800m to the marathon.  As speed is my downfall I am currently looking more at the 10k schedules rather than the marathon ones.

    Murph.. one of my veteran clubmates (a sub 2:30 runner) told me that you should never change your regular habits before a marathon (it confuses the body apparently!) so tipple away image 

    Have a good run on Sunday JAP.


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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Wardi - yeah like you i think speed is where I need to focus. I mean I'm a lot quicker than I was as proved by my 1.20.47 half but I've never really worked on speed consistently. Think it could really help me in the last 10k of the mara., VO2 max, leg turnover etc.

    JAP -  Cheers for the info! Yeah I do feel like I'm starting at a much better position for autumn. London was my 5th marathon but first for 2 years and followed lots of stop starts due to niggles and then a full bout of illness all last summer. I think actually thinking of going down the EPO route for AMsterdam, lol

    Good luck with your race tomorrow, hope it's not too hot!!

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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭

    Well that was a little warm today! Still, very happy with 57.57 on a toughish undulating course. And 70M for the week so far. Looks like training for Amsterdam has just kicked off. image

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    Wow, some of you are doing some serious mileage already. And so many 20 milers! Respect image

    I'm at the other end of the spectrum. My Hal Higdon Novice 2 plan has just one 20 miler image

    Had another steady week - 4 runs plus gym and the routine is starting to feel comfortable again. It was a bit toasty yesterday but maybe it means I'll get a tan this year.

    146 days to go image

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    Good effort on the 10 miler JAP especially given course and conditionsimage.  I did a 12 mile tempo run on Saturday afternoon and found that v hard going - was very pleased not to be in a race as couldn't hit the pace I was looking for.

    Cheers for feedback on drinking, particulary on weight - one of the reasons I started running was to lose weight and have dropped 3.5 stone in 2 years.  I don't drink nearly as much as I used to but still enjoy the odd blow out if I can time it so it doesn't interfere with my training.  As I said in earlier post I need all the help I can get to hit target so will cut out the blow outs last 6 weeks - little point in putting in the effort on the roads only to blow it in the bar.

    Cheers for the countdown Little Nemo - seems to be approaching quite fast.image

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    Off on a work trip for 10 days now so I suspect the running will take a back seat.  I'll try!  Keep trucking everyone...
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    Ultra ShazUltra Shaz ✭✭✭

    Back from my adventures in the Far North-West

    Had a mostly good week of races but absolutely gutted to DNF on the marathon - did 22miles but after about 15miles started losing it and by the time I'd got accross the ferry to do the last 4 miles I wasn't in a fit state to stand upright, never mind run. Not quite sure why so I'm gonna put in a few 20+ milers for this one and try n suss out where it all went wrong.

    On the positive side I'm still in one piece and legs feel suprisingly good so I'm gonna start my official countdown/training for Amsterdam now... er, how many days to go Nemo?

    Any news how Carrot got on in Edinburgh?

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    Ultra ShazUltra Shaz ✭✭✭

    H - Have a good trip!

    Murph - Never mind drinkin in the build-up, we had the offer of a wee dram o' whisky on the way round the marathon on Sat. I turned it down but maybe the extra calories would have helped things along a bit...

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    Shazza sorry about your marathon image but great effort considering how many races you do in total.  Maybe they were putting whiskey in the water at the feeding stations - would explain why you couldn't stand up......anyway glad you are back in 1 piece and you can now kick on for your sub 3 at Amsterdam.  How did your other races go?

    BA permitting on Saturday I am off for a weeks warm weather training in Sardinia, aka the kids half term holiday but am sure I'll manage to get out for a few runs in between pool and sun lounger.

    I have my most important race of the year tomorrow so wish me luck - yes its the fathers race at kids school sportsday, never been much of a sprinter so just hope kids are talking to me afterwards!!!

    Have a good week one and all.


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    Sorry to hear that Shazza, it was a scorching day on Sunday to be running a marathon image

    I just planned to go steady, set off easy... plenty of cloud cover and around 10C in Edinburgh until around 9:49am, marathon started at 9:50am, the clouds parted and someone turned the sun up to full power! Was pleased I slapped on plenty of factor 50 image My boyfriend said he would stick with me, what with it being his first marathon and all, only to shoot off at around miles! Caught the poor lad up at 22 miles, walking with cramp in both calves. I stayed with him for a bit before carrying on to finish in 3:46:57, not a bad effort for just taking it easy! It all went really, really wrong last year in pretty much the same heat so I was wary of it all going wrong again. It was fab getting to Gosford House, where the wheels fell off last year, and just carrying on regardless. Not a PB for me but only 4 weeks after my 3:38 at Edinburgh, I was a happy girl.

    Re: drinking while training for a marathon - I tried that last year for Edinburgh, and as above it went majorly wrong anyway. I don't drink alot normally but like the a few glasses of wine on occasion, or a good few Kronenbourgs every now and then! Moderation and all that, I'm by no means an elite athlete so don't think it really makes a difference.

    Good luck for the race tomorrow Murph! Chances are the rest of the dads aren't sprinters either so you could have a good shot at it image

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Very nice effort Carrot, many congrats (and to your other half).  Hope you managed some celebratory wine between you!

    Much sympathy to Shazza, lick your wounds & try again.  FTR I tend to do between 8-10 20+ milers in a marathon build up, plus the same number of 11-15 milers most midweeks.  Helps a lot in the latter stages.

    Just booked my flights & hotel for Amsterdam today & entry is confirmed so all systems go.

    Very impressed with JAP's 10 miler .

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    Ultra ShazUltra Shaz ✭✭✭
    Nice one Carrot! Thankfully it was nice n cool up where I was. Hope you and the boyfriend recovering nicely.

    Wardi- that sounds a bit like the schedule I'm doing for amsterdam - P&D?

    Anyway, Cape Wrath was a brilliant experience so not gonna get too down about the marathon. Scenery and people and atmosphere were amazing - thoroughly recommended if anyone else fancies a bit of a challenge! If nothing else Ive got the excuse to go and do it all again next year.

    Murph - i did 1.34 for the half marathon and won the 8mile XC so was well pleased with that considering the hills and lack of training. How did u do at sports day?

    onwards n upwards n all that.. looking forward to getting stuck back into training - gonna try and get acclimatised to 50 mile weeks again, then on with the schedule.

    Happy Bank Holiday Weekend everyone image
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Shazza - sorry to hear about your race mate. I guess unfortunately thats the way it goes sometimes in terms of not feeling 100% on the day. I've been looking back over my notes for London this year and I did 5 x 20 + LSRs, 1 x 18 and lots of 16s. I got injured in Feb which ruled out some long runs and if I'm honest I think that probably showed at the end of London where I faded.

    You live and learn I guess and I suppose we can both knock out plenty of 20s for the "Dam" to ensure solid endurance!!!!!!

    Carrot - sounds like you walzed round Edinburgh on a sunday jaunt, lol

    Murph - hope your race went well! Was there plenty of elbowing going on?

    Wardi - I've just ordered the P & D book. The 8-10 20s, does that mean you're pretty much doing 20 miles most weekends back to back in a marathon build up period, say over 12 weeks? I guess it's plausible to do this off the back of plenty of endurance for months before the key period.

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    Sorry about your marathon Sh@zza - bit unusual to have a ferry ride in the middle of it! It must make it v. difficult to get going again even if you're feeling good.

    Well done on your marathon, carrot. That's a cracking time image

    How did the race go Murph1, did anyone take it really seriously and turn up in spikes?

    18 miles for the week and one more week of pre-marathon training to come. First week of training will only be 19 miles so it won't feel too much of a struggle to start with.

    139 days to go image
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    Little Nemo, what time are you looking at?
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    Probably around 5 hours, TB. PB is 4:54 so if training goes well I may start thinking about going for below 4:50. My main problem is actually getting to the start without getting ill again so I'm going for a low impact schedule.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    RS.. I normally build up to a marathon over 4-5 months rather than 3 and amass the 8-10 long runs (18-24m) over that period.  As an old goat of 50+ my legs can't cope with a run of circa 20 miles every weekend.  I reckon I usually average 2 long runs every 3 weeks in the main period, perhaps a race or some speed/tempo work on the other Sunday.  I have found the P&D book very handy in the time I have owned it.

    13.2m today, got alternately baked & drenched in 25mph winds.  Lovely stuff.

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    Afternoon all. Great to find a well established thread for Amshterdamm. Good to see a few other pals from Paris Mara have migrated over here as well (suspect there are more to come!).

    Will be running the Mara on Oct 17th with MrsTD and some colleagues. Ran the Brussels 20K yesterday and was delighted to clock up 1h23, so this has confirmed my stretch goal of 3h05 for the next 42.2K race.

    Do we have to provide any vital statistics if we are new to the thread?!  What's the best way to introduce yourself here?

    Tot ziens jongers! image

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    Ultra ShazUltra Shaz ✭✭✭


    Little Nemo counts down the days for us image, you might get asked how many 20milers you're doing but thats about as far as it goes... at least no one asked me for any other stats image

     So consider yourself introduced and welcome! Nice time for 20k too.

     Just looking at hostels, has anyone got any recommends at the cheaper end of the scale? Looks like its gonna be 20bed dorm for meimage

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    Ultra ShazUltra Shaz ✭✭✭

    Oh and today I finally did the 15miles that I've been putting off all weekend - decided it was better than doing the revision I've been putting off all week!

    It was alright in the end but I only just managed to stop myself shoving a few small children, dogs and cyclists in the canal on the way image still, good practise for 'dam I guess...

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    Welcome to the thread, Tricky Dicky!

    Here's the latest list if you want to add your name and time:


    • Tiggers Bouncing
    • The Hoose-Goer
    • Marathong
    • Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • parkrunfan                   (Sub 3:00)
    • Neil Mac
    • David Ennis                  (Sub 4:15)
    • Little Nemo                   (Sub 5:00)
    • Digger                            (Sub 4:00)
    • H.                                    (Sub 3:45)
    • 'Sh@zza                         (Sub 3:00)
    • R Salter    
    • Murph1                           (Sub 3:15)
    • Lorry Dodger                 (Sub 3:00)
    • Rockhopper Penguin        (Sub 3:30)
    • kazzy96                           (Sub 4:13)
    • kazzy96's OH                 (??????)
    • JAP                                  (Sub 2:30)
    • Carrot                                (Sub 3:30)


    • Mr Tiggers
    • Mr Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • Curly45                    (Sub 1:40)


    137 days to go image

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    AlanBAlanB ✭✭✭

    Hello All,

     Can i join too? I'm going to book up for the full marathon this week.

    This will be my first trip to Holland and more importantly my first ever marathon so was hoping for some advice from the regulars regarding accommodation and flights?

    I'll be flying from Glasgow on saturday and there is two flight options, 5:50am and 3pm. The 5:50am means i'll probably get a poor sleep on friday night and the 3pm means i'll be struggling to pick up my pack on time. Does anyone have any opinions on which would be better?

     As for accommodation i was looking for a good hotel reasonably near for under £100 a night (for me + partner), could anyone give any recommendations?

     Thanks in advance!


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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Seems my time isn't on there, or what I'm aiming for anyway:


    • Tiggers Bouncing
    • The Hoose-Goer
    • Marathong
    • Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • parkrunfan                   (Sub 3:00)
    • Neil Mac
    • David Ennis                  (Sub 4:15)
    • Little Nemo                   (Sub 5:00)
    • Digger                            (Sub 4:00)
    • H.                                    (Sub 3:45)
    • 'Sh@zza                         (Sub 3:00)
    • R Salter                          (sub 3.00)
    • Murph1                           (Sub 3:15)
    • Lorry Dodger                 (Sub 3:00)
    • Rockhopper Penguin        (Sub 3:30)
    • kazzy96                           (Sub 4:13)
    • kazzy96's OH                 (??????)
    • JAP                                  (Sub 2:30)
    • Carrot                                (Sub 3:30)


    • Mr Tiggers
    • Mr Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • Curly45                    (Sub 1:40)


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    • Tiggers Bouncing
    • The Hoose-Goer
    • Marathong
    • Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • parkrunfan                   (Sub 3:00)
    • Neil Mac
    • David Ennis                  (Sub 4:15)
    • Little Nemo                   (Sub 5:00)
    • Digger                            (Sub 4:00)
    • H.                                    (Sub 3:45)
    • 'Sh@zza                         (Sub 3:00)
    • R Salter                          (sub 3.00)
    • Murph1                           (Sub 3:15)
    • Lorry Dodger                 (Sub 3:00)
    • Rockhopper Penguin        (Sub 3:30)
    • kazzy96                           (Sub 4:13)
    • kazzy96's OH                 (??????)
    • JAP                                  (Sub 2:30)
    • Carrot                                (Sub 3:30)
    • Tricky Dicky             (sub-standard)
    • Mrs Tricky Dicky      (sub-liminal)


    • Mr Tiggers
    • Mr Hornet Girl (tbc)
    • Curly45                    (Sub 1:40)


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