
Talkback: Lucozade Sport Super Six: Vicky (sub-4:30)



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    Lostkat, we use the bread maker for pizza dough too. It works well.

    Warmer here too, with heavy grey skies, but no snow as yet.

    I struggled to get round 8 miles this morning, things are getting VERY slippery. It took me over an hour and a half, and I had the sensation of running with resistance bands round my thighs!

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    Hi all,

    Just got back from my 10 mile long run, really enjoyable a bit windy and a bit of snow but by using the roads where I could  and taking care on the snowy bits it worked out really well.

    The gym sessions this week have been really helpfull, much as I didn't want to join a gym again it has proved to be the right decision, anyhow its only till the end of April. X training definetely will help, getting the heart rate up is the answer I think as others here have previosly said.

    Hopefully while the weather is like this I will be able to do the long sunday run outdoors and use the gym for the other days, if we are really lucky the snow will melt soon image

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    Looking for high mileage runners to help us beat RWUSA.

    There is a little competition taking place between RWUK and RWUSA seeing which forum can accumulate/average the most miles.

    We're looking for some high mileage runners who dont mind joining in and regularly logging their mileage .

    Please come and help us drive the yanks into the sea, its a good bit of fun and also an extra motivation to get some good training in.

    You must sign up before the end of today (sign up deadline) and can backdate your mileage from 1/1/10.

    [b]RWUK v RWUSA thread link (instructions in 1st post)[/b]

    Many thanks in anticipation
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    10 very snowy miles for me and I feel on top of the world. I think it was more of a psychological thing that I needed to do this weekend, having had a week of sick. I set out with the intention to do 8-10 and was on 9.75 when I got home, so I ran around the block to bump it up to 10.04 image Really happy with myself though. Marathon training is well and truly GO GO GO!!

    Anyway, I've just finished a heart-warming bowl of home made tomato & lentil soup with some home made bread (well, the bread maker made it really). Going to spend the rest of the evening feeling smug and tweaking my marathon training plan I think image

    seren - I get very cold when I'm back for a run. Initialy, I'm far too hot when I get indoors, but I quickly get cold and then have to go and get in bed to warm up. Strange! My temperature out running today was perfect, even though I was a bit wet (kept snowing on me). Felt really comfortable.

    Well done to Diana & Rod on your runs too image

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    Thanks Lostkat  I feel on top of the world too but then that's one of the joys of running, I have never felt that good after leaving a gym although it does have benefits. I like the fact you ran round the block to get the miles up to over 10 shows willing image . So tonight I will bask in front of the fire and hope I can do my next scheduled run on Tuesday outdoors. I will do light x training at tjne gym tomorrow, I am going to get maximum use out of it while I am a member, well done Diane and everyone else who got out today too. This forum will be really usefull for those on it I think.image
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    Hi Barley - I'm already signed up but if anyone hasn't it's well worth doing.    The American friends thread in clubhouse is great, it had me laughing so hard yesterday that I had tears rolling down my face

    Oh this is fab - I've been out all day and come back to find my thread full of old friends talking about pizzaimage

    Seren, well done on your run but shorts????image

    Cookie  I don't have ITB pain thankfully (except when I'm rolling up and down a rolling pin!) it's just that it's a bit tight so that's what's causing the runner's knee.  Your ratio of bike to running sounds about right, I had to push the intensity up to something much heavier than I should have  and really ramp up the speed to get my heart rate up to anything equialent to even a very gentle jog, but 4K done and no adverse effects.

    So I headed off to the dreadmill, hoping all would be well.  It wasimageimageimage 

    I lumbered my way  through 1.5K at which point a hideous funky version of Harry Nilsson's "Without you" came over the speakers.  Now  I'm sorry, but sometimes the world is sending you a message.......   It struck me that here I was, successfully running pain-free but not enjoying it one iota, whilst at home the roads were clear.  Bonkers.  So, much streching, jumped in the car, drove home, dropped Blouse at the pub with the hashers and ran four glorious miles outside, happy, listening to fantastic music, and pain free.  Waaaaahoooooo!!!!!!

    Nipped back to pick Blouse up from the hash, mistimed it, and was spotted in the circle wearing new shoes.  Thankfully the look on my face must have been enough to stop anyone suggesting a down down from them (i.e. pour a pint of beer into my brand new support shoes and get me to drink it).

    Pizza recipe and next week's training plan follows when I've finished inflicting a bit more therapeutic post-run pain on myself

    All in all, a fanfeckingtastic day.

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    2 x posts, that gives you some idea of my typing speed

    Lostkat I so know that feeling.  There's CCTV footage of me running three laps around the car park at work to make a training run up to the nearest mile - apparently the security staff were suspiciousimage

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    BB ✭✭✭

    Well done to everyone who got out there today. I manage 10 snowy miles too. It's harder work in the snow and slush isn't it? I think was feeling like you Lostkat, I haven't done a proper long run since before Christmas and psychologically I really wanted to get to double figures, so I too was running past home to add the final bitimage The temp has been above freezing today so the snow is melting here, I'm hoping it is the beginning of the end ...

    Seren I couldn't believe it when I read you ran in shorts! I had thermal longs under my running tights and my bum was still cold! But thank you for your post because after I read that you had done your whole schedule ths week I thought HTFU and get out there image I managed 6.1 on the treadie Monday, 5 with intervals on the treadie on Wednesday, and 10 today, so not bad, andI have also done quite a bit of weights core work and lots of extra walking. Onwards and upwards,happy running in week two folksimage

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    I'd just turned up to see how it went, and, as luck would have it, the report of the day appeared.

    And such good news!!imageimageimage

    Glad it was so successful Hash.

    Mind you 'the circle' sounds positively sinister.

    Looking forward to pizza recipe.

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    BB ✭✭✭
    slow typist here too Hashimage Glad you are having a great day, agree running outside is sooo much better than the treadie
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    great that you got out there Hash and enjoyed it pain freeimage
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    Fantastic news Hash!

    OH is making pizza as I type - yum!

    I had thermals under my tight today too - southern softie! Did anyone see the x-country yesterday - several girls in running briefs and vests! A certain Hayley Yelling did quite well too!

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    Brrrr, briefs and a vest??? Eejits! They'll catch their death out there (OK, I'm feeling old all of a sudden, lol). I just had my running tights on today, but noticed that my legs were bright red in the shower. I didn't feel cold, but I must have been!

    Well done Hash! Cracking work.imageimageimageimage Feels so good to be out there doesn't it. Those dreadmill addicts really don't know what they're missing out on.

    Well done to B on your 10 snowy miles too image

    So everyone's having pizza tonight huh? Well, I'm bucking the trend with seared tuna & black beans.image One of my favourite Gordon Ramsay recipes. Yum!! Trying to up my oily fish intake from once a week to twice. We've got it three times this week because the sardines on the fish counter looked so tasty and I'd already bought my tuna & salmon. 

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    well done Hash 3 miles on a treadmill feels like 10 miles on the streets and you're right the music in those gyms defies belief ! You did the right thing there much better to get the cold air trough your lungs than getting hot and bothered goung nowhere  image
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    Aw..... thanks everyone, and a massive well done to everyone who ran today, either outside or in.

    Lucythis is what I was spared as a penalty for turning up in new shoes. This could be because the Cambridge Hash are nice people, or because the threatening look on my face was very scary.  Or bothimage

    Right, which first, pizza recipe or training plan.  Need I ask?

    I make mine in a bread maker, but you could just as easily do it by hand.  Unfortunately I've been doing it for so long that I don't know the exact amount of flour, but here goes:

    Put 180ml of lukewarm water in the bowl.  Sprinkle a goodish mound of extra strong white bread flour on top.  Put 1tsp salt in one corner, 1tsp of sugar in the opposite one.  Sprinkle a tsp each of garlic powder, oregano and thyme on top.  Make a well in the flour, but not all the way down to the water, and add about 3/4 tsp of dried yeast - the sort that is designed for breadmakers and doesn't need to be activated in advance.  Switch the machine to the dough setting

    Watch it mix to start with - if it forms a dough ball, it's too dry, so add some water.   If it stays in a slurry at the bottom of the bowl, it's too wet, add some more flour.  The aim is to get a sticky blob that has a bit of  texture to it.  Once it's finished mixing and rising, take it out immediately (that's really important), break it into two, roll it out and spread onto two greased pizza tins.  Then I add napolitana pizza topping, more of the same herbs, red onion and cheese.  After that just pile on what you fancy - smoked ham and mushrooms is good.  Left over fajita mix is really yum too, as is chicken (did I say that?image) marinaded in hoi sin sauce and chinese five spice.  Bake at 220 degrees, with something above it in the oven (an empty baking tray is fine) so that the top doesn't burn

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    Liz's amended training plan for next week has runs Tuesday and Thursday, but because Blouse's brother is going back to America (where he lives) on Wednesday, there's a mass family curry on Tuesday night, so I've shifted my runs to Wednesday and Friday:

    Mon - rest

    Tues - rest 

    Weds  - 2m jog, then 2 x 1.5 m (or 14min) tempo pace, 4min jog rec, 2mile easy.

    Thurs - rest

    Fri -  2miles jog, then 2 miles or 18min brisk, 2miles jog.

    Sat - rest

    Sun - 9 miles.  So if the weather fairies could please shift any snow that comes down next week by Sunday, that would be muchly appreciated, ta.

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    I like the idea of adding the garlic powder, oregano & thyme to the dough. Definitely going to try that next time! Thanks Hash image

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    Great recipe Hash. Will be giving that a go (also have breadmaker). Had never thought of using garlic powder in pizza dough.

    And that circle stuff, well, I was right, positively sinister. Beer  image out of a shoe imageimage (could be worse, they could be old shoes, I s'pose)


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    You're both very welcome.  Let me know how you get on.  For a bit of extra bite, roll the dough out in polenta or wholegrain flour.

    Some of the hashers are so much better sports than I could ever be.  One girl had a brand new pair or Ugg (sp?) boots a few months back and got the same treatment.  To be kind to her, they gave her the down-down in a pint glass tucked inside the boot, which was fine and dandy until her boyfriend swiped it off her, poured the beer into the boot and thereby ruined it.  I'd have had a thousand fits, decked him and dumped what was left, but good on her she actually played along and drank from it

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    Yes Hash they are good sports they certainly seemed to be having a good time in that video image
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    I should say that they're not my lot, that's just random yanks from you tube, but it gives you a flavour of what goes on.  Very silly, and very lovely - the people and the traditions
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    Hash, what do they make you do if you've got a new... I don't know... sports bra?
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    Something that's best not revealed in a circle full of hashers in sub-zero temperaturesimage  Basically if you're awarded, for example, a new top, you're expected to try it on on its own, not over the top of anything else.

    Mercifully the hash sports bra hasn't yet been modelled, at least not that I've seen.

    *edit* - my speeeling is atroshusimage

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    mmmm lovely sounding pizza!

    This past 8 days is the first since my first couple of weeks running way back last February that I've been out in longs!!! Probably over-dressed a bit, but it was pretty windy in places (same north wind seren) and cooold at 9am!! I'm obviously not as hardcore as you Seren! Anyway, ran 3 and a third miles this morning, up a hill near my house I've always avoided. Walked for 30-40 secs twice on the way up, though irritatingly after I'd already done the hardest bit!

    Went back out this afternoon to prove to myself that I could do the hill and did it!!! Same route but faster (less walking) though had warmed up to a balmy 1 degree centigrade by the afternoon! Back in the saddle now with a positive mindset again!!

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    This is the program I'm following so far -
    This week WEEK ONE   
    Mon 2M (miles) (I run 21:39) slow   
    Wed 3M (I run 33:10) slow   
    Sat 6M (I run 64:01) run/walk    
    next week WEEK TWO   
    3 Mon 3M (approx 35 mins) easy   
    4 Wed 4M (approx 45 mins) slow    
    7 Fri 7M (approx 75-80 mins) run/walk

    Im also traning Tuesday & Thursday's for an hour Kickboxing

    Will this enough training to be following the 4:30? or should I step back to 5:00??

     Thanks for all your help image

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    Fantastic BB, good on you for conquering that hill.

    Mark it sounds like you're pretty much on target time-wise, as 4.30 equates to 10 minute ish miling.  I'm just wondering if the long runs might be a bit on the short side?  On the other hand, I have no idea what kick-boxing involves.  

    I ran a 4.40 marathon last year on three times a week, but the long runs were pretty long (to make up for the shortish midweek runs).  I ran a half in the first week of February, then blagged a last minute charity place the following week, so just kept ramping up the distance on the long runs by one or two miles a week up to a maximum of 20

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    Finally got out after my bug, and got my training started - at last.

    Did an off road trail run in the snow. Very pretty, but damned hard work. However I felt fine, not too much coughing and spluttering.

    I can't believe how much snow slows you down and uses so much more energy:  For a 4:30 schedule the programme suggests slow / long runs at 11:30 pace at up to 78% MHR.  Not  a problem.  Today an unbelievable 12:45 pace (!!) at 85% MHR - shocking, although was a bit hilly.

    Not sure what to do in these circumstances:  Do you keep to 70% MHR and end up really slow and get no training benefit, or do you run to pace and end up with HRs approaching that of a tempo run?  Would appreciate any of your thoughts/advice.

    BTW, is anyone getting the RW marathon e-mails?  I am signed up, but so far nothing arrived.

    Well done to everyone who got their runs in today. Roll on week 2.

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    My long runs will every Friday as I work weekends

    7,8,10,12,14,12,16,13,18,18,20,17,10 then the final long run of 26 miles

    what do you think?

    Also how do I work out what my HR should be?

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