
The 2010 Marathon Thread



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    Sorry Gobi didn't mean to miss you out but you love pain.......

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    6 miles on the treadmill tonight watching an episode ot The Sopranos lol.

    Rest day tomorrow. Going to running club's Xmas party. I'm driving so I'll be OK to run Saturday morning!
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    Got my intervals in yesterday on the treadmill - 8 x 500m with 250m recovery and a mile-ish slow either side of that. Phew! Trouble is today's schedule says tempo and I usually hate doing two hard sessions in a row, which wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't missed a day. So might give that a miss and venture outside to do an easy paced run in the snow...image (might need the shades as it is really bright!)

    Surely some mistake with that full English Mr Spoons? Isn't it meant to be buttered white bread to mop up the baked beans....what, no baked beans?image Oh, and you forgot the builders tea with full fat milk and three sugars.

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    Well I guess bread or toast makes no difference...
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    Mmmmm... full cooked breakfast image

    Mr S - Those swimming sessions sound a killer. Not sure I could even do butterfly... I'd be ok on front crawl, breaststroke or backstroke, but not for such an intense session!

    Freemers - get outside it's much better image

    12.3 miles over the mountain in the snow yesterday afternoon. Worst conditions were on the icy towpath on the way back from Cross Keys to home. Lots of nice drifts and deep-ish powdery snow higher up.

    Out for a 6 mile off road dark run through the forestry a bit later. Like you I'm loving the headlamp business Spoons. Adds a new dimension to regular trails image Haven't seen any panthers yet, but plenty of foxes, bless 'em.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Still on food

    I have never eaten a full English Breakfast EVER !!!!!!

    Did 5 miles on the roads at Lunchtime and it was fine. Disappointed to hear that Luton is cancelled.

    Replanning in progress for my long run.

    Eastleigh ParkRun will be on
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭
    Not going to read back tonight as not in a fit state & running/knee rehab on complete hold as slipped over this morning on way to work & now have broken shoulder & it's painful even typing this with my good arm/shoulder.  Will be back on as soon as things are more bearable.
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    Shit HY4 you're having rotten luck at the moment.  Look after yourself

    All the pavements are sheet ice around here so not risking it. 

    I'll either hit the treadmill or go off-road overthe weekend.

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    Norwich parkrun has been cancelled and XC race I had planned on Sunday isn't looking hopeful either. Still, nothing compared to those hoping to do Luton. Not good at all.

    Running for me has been dicey this week to put it mildly. Took my first tumble of the winter yesterday but was well padded with all the clothes I was wearingimage so no damage. Not a lot of snow here just lots of icy roads and paths.

    Only ever have a cooked breakfast when staying in a B&B, just can't resist them then. I think it's the fact someone else is doing the cooking that makes it irresistible.

    Keep safe all and enjoy the weekendimage

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    HY4 - Oh my goodness that is awful. Take good care of yourself. You really are due some good luck!
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    NP, your certainly upping your training.
    Hy4, really hope things improve for you.
    Zion, hope your ok after the fall. I fell into the same trap on holiday with brekkie.

    Just did 10k on the treadmill and now off for a nice cuppa ...
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    54 x 25m this morning and had a 5 mile treadmill run cut short due to a large fire, snow chains had to be fitted to all the cars and appliances just to get to the incident, very cold when your out in it for a few hours. Had to make sure everyones fingers where ok with using a lot of water which just turned to ice after hitting the ground.

    AGF onwards and upwardsimage

    Zion take care and HY4 hope everything is ok.

    Jay well done with your off road run.

    Gobi my plan is 10 tomorrow (my hill) and 16/18 on Sunday no matter what the weatherimage but not in shortsimage

    Free well done on your intervals.

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    OMG HY4 - awful news. get well soon.

    It certainly is treacherous out there and however annoying these cancelled races are, it has to be better to stay safe and not break something.
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    I chickened out of going outside and did 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning.

    My instructions for the day from Mrs Spoons is to put the Xmas decorations and tree up image
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    Much better here today Mr Spoons. Lots of rain last night which has made the roads much better. Nice easy 30 mins for me just in case the XC goes ahead.

    Would never trust a man to put up my Christmas decorationsimage Enjoy!

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    Good luck with the tree Mr S, did the XC go ahead Zion?

    As for me up and down my hill, road closed to traffic but nice run in the snowimage.

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    NP have just found out it has been cancelledimage Glad you managed to get a run done outsideimage

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    Bedtime for me now up during the night at work.
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    wish it was bedtime for me (just because I'm lazy)
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    HY4, take care, you are having some bad luck. Get the lottery numbers on, your owed a great big slice of good luck.

    mmmmmmmmmmm full English, not had one for some time.

    We kept our Parkrun open, got quite a few runners as all the other local events were off.  Just started raining here and the snow is starting to clear image

    Powerplates, Pilates 3M treadmill and 40 x 25 crawl today.

    NIce running peeps.

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    Good training Tom...

    The same job for me today me spoons...I also bought  all my christmas presents today too...

    Just managed 3 miles round the block... a loosener for a night out with friends...

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your good wishes guys.  Well done on everyone's recent training.  If your races this weekend are still on good luck with them.


    I do have a Thunderball ticket on although signing it would be difficult as it's my right one & I'm right handed.

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    Well done on another win Gobi. I thought all the park runs were 5km? I can't see the Facebook pic. permissions error.
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    HY4 - I'm sure you'd manage for 250K image

    Yep snow all disappeared here as well so 2M w/u 1M hard (5: 59) 11M c/d.

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    69 runners at Woodbank MrS alternative courses are usually a little longer to avoid messing up course records etc.... shorts again Gobiimage (think I'm getting soft with all this treadmill running) I can't see the facebook picture either

    With your luck HY4 you can probably sign it in blood sooner or later image I do hope it comes in for you.

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    Gobi- can't see photos eitherimage, but sounds like a great run in difficult conditions. Shocked that you've never eaten a full Englishimageimage- seriously think that you need to put this right at least once- just skip a couple of pizzasimageimage

    NP- brrrr!!!!!image

    HY4- you have had a really bad time over the last year- hope things pick up for you soonimage. How long's the shoulder going to put you out for?

    No snow for tomorrowimage forecast- so hoping to do the Aberystwyth 10k tomorrow- and just to jinx myself and heap the pressure on, I'm hoping to get 1. a PB and 2. my first sub 40 10kimageimageimageimage

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    62 at MK parkrun according to the results list
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    My 10k cancelledimageimageimage
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    Hi everyone,

    After a 9-day break I'm back to running. Did 45 mins offroad in the snow yesterday and an hour today. Blimey, but it is hard going. My breathing is still screwed but I went to the doc on Friday and he said as long  as I don't  overcook things it will be OK. I am using the inhaler more than I like to but hopefully things will get back to normal over the course of the next week.

    HY4 - no way! You really are a bit of a disaster area at the moment. I am so sorry to hear about that recent misfortune. Get well soon.

    Tomorrow will be the first session of my VLM training plan. 9 miles. I have a small stretch of snow-free road on our doorstep so I shall be running up and down, up and down. Great.  Still, better than the dreadmill image.
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