
for all new runners ..... (part 2)



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    Morning campers!! How are we all this fine sunny day? image

    Been for your 12 miles yet trigger? I'm off for a 10-12 mile cross country with a mate from RC after lunch. It's SOOOO beautiful today that I'm really looking forward to it. It's my 'yoyo' week this week. I've dropped my mileage on my LSR and will crank it up again next week.

    Done your 11 miles yet Cheetara? Hope it all went welkl and you were completely niggle free. Enjoy the rest of your weekend image

    Burnie. Now why am I not suprised at you getting excited over a women's running mag. lol. Do you completely sit out the lunges or do something else instead? There are a few people who have trouble with lunges in my class and just do squats instead. Might be an idea. Apparently, we don't use our quads a huge amount with running (esp. long distance), so squats are a great exercise to strengthen them. Enjoy your rest day image

    Katy - I always say hello or at least smile at other runners (& dog walkers) when they go by. It annoys me too when they completely blank you. Ignorent gits!

    It was freeeeeeeeeeezing last night and there were only 7 of us at running club so we went out as 1 group (it's usually a fast group and a slow group). I ran with a couple of guys from the fast group and there was another guy who is pretty slow who was at the back. He kept shouting for us to slow down and I ALWAYS have to go out with the slow group (I'm a group leader) because nobody else will do it, so I thought "f**k that, I'm being selfish for a change". Thankfully, someone else ran back for him and then ran him in, but it actually meant that I got a decent quick run in for a change. I'm fed up of being stuck with people who are a lot slower than me, just because I'm not a 7 minute mile runner. It's got to a point where I'm thinking of canning one of the club nights per week just to get a decent speed run in. This was a nice change though and I ran with oen of the other guys who's running his first London Marathon. We had a good chat about training and cars image
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    Morning LK I dont blame you realy,I must admit Im pretty selfish on run nights,although my running is no where near your standard,we have a walker in group and I refuse to hold back and walk because thats not doing me any good,glad you got a good fast run.

    Morning everyone hope you all ok.

    Well hubbys off today so hoping for a run of some description,got to get him and kids out soon as we are all signing up for the Great Midlands Fun Run,we are going to run as Team Cameron,be able to sign up soon,Hubby is thinking of dressing up as Iggle Piggle,cant wait for that now either.

    Hi to any newbies I have missed.

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    Morning all.. lovely day for a run.. freezing cold though! saw several runners out but no hello's.. not even a nod or a wave! all miserable in bristol today obviously. did 10k in 50.49 so im pleased with that seeing as i felt like i was dying 5 minutes in.
    How's everyone else? i hear more snow is on the cards so make the most of the un-icy roads while they last!
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    Morning Sally C,well done on your runs 10k in 50.49 is fantastic,I would be very pleased with that time,Im going out in a bit,it is very cold though,may take while to warm up.
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    hi all,

    I went for a run in Epping Forest but I couldn't get settled into a nice rhythm did a very uncomfortable 3milesimage.............strange as earlier that day I had a perfect rhythmimage. I love working from home on Fridaysimage. Also returned home sweaty to find my boiler has packed up, so with my 2 Children went for a shower at the Gym.

    The weathers fab to day but now waiting for boiler person? hopefully go out on the Bikes with the Kids Sunday.

    Hope you all enjoy a Run this Weekend or a Flirt? bye

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    Hi All

     LK - it's great out there, freezing cold, with the sun on my back and a smile on my face - happy days! image Yep i'm all done and dusted, it ended up more like 10 miles but just cos i miss judged the route so i'll just add a bit extra next week - but it was just one of those perfect runs.  I love it when it's cold but sunny, proper runners weather.

     So enjoy your run LK - it's fab out there!

    Doremouse - i know where you're coming from, we had no boiler all over xmas cos we had to wait for a part to be delivered -aaaaaaaaaaaah freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!  You'll have to think of some games to warm yourself up! image ENJOY!!!!

    Hope everyone else is happy and getting out there!

    Well i've done my big run for the weekend and off to Derby to catch up with my big sis (and a big girls night out) image i sense a hangoever coming!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy the great running weather all


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    Doremouse - i know where you're coming from, we had no boiler all over xmas cos we had to wait for a part to be delivered -aaaaaaaaaaaah freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!  You'll have to think of some games to warm yourself up! image ENJOY!!!!

     Games thinking send Kids to Grannies go for a good bike ride and scronge Dinner and Shower.  Iv had a few nites out in Derby!!!!!!!

     U ENJOY!!!!!!!!!image

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    Well I'm absolutely shattered now. Had a fantastic run though. A super hilly 10 mile cross country. I feel like I've ran about 30 miles. Everything aches!! Very pleased with myself though as it was fab!! The 5 mile XC race tomorrow is going to be a killer... and I'm running home too, which is another 5 miles *waaah* Thank god I changed my mind about running there too, hehe.

    Well done on your run Cheetara. It's nice when they feel GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD isn't it image Sorry to hear yours was a bit crap though DM. Hope the boiler got fixed. 

    Great time on your 10k too Sally. You must be dead chuffed image

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    Hi Cheetara glad you had a fab run well done,sounds brill,hopefully will get to 10 milers one day.

    LK well done on your run too.

    Doremouse sorry  you had a crappy run,I have had plenty of those lately too.Hope you get boiler fixed tis proper cold out there.

    Well Im proper chuffed today cos after all my ankle troubles and hardly being able to run without being in pain I have just managed a slow run pain free,did 6k in 44 mins,almost ran every bit of it,even hubby and kids(who were following on bikes) noticed the improvement with my new trainers,if only I had gone to proper running shop in the first place.

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    Brilliant news Ecky, I'm so pleased (but won't say we told you so about the trainers image ). Hopefully onwards and upwards from here on in. You'll knocking out the 10 milers before you know it!!
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    loads of luvverly running going on guys - I am sooooooooooooooo jealous.
    Slowly going stir crazy, although I did manage to get out for a couple of hours for a meal last night with some of the netball girlies. Really struggled getting from the car to the restaurant and back, so looks like I won't be attempting to get to work next week!! If daytime TV doesn't get any better (ha, like that's gonna happen!!) I will go completely mental next week
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    Lol LK I know Im norty sure am listenin now,I just think I had the idea I would have to pay a small fortune at a shop and as am on tight budget was trying to avoid themhowever ended up spending more anyway,lesson learned.image

    Oh Kwala so sorry that you struggling so much,that sounds so painful,Im afraid daytime tv is pants,Jeremy Kyle can get a bit addicitve though and Chav watching does wonders for self esteem.lol

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    Hello All. Sorry rather lacking posts from me the last couple of days.  But as I've done 0 running this week and this is a R*N dedicated forum....thought i best duck out a bit.  BUT have been reading all your achievements.

    LOSTKAT! GF...you go from strength to strength!! I agree about the running with the slow-ees.  I have to say that as a giving type person...i end up nurturing the newbies and miss out on my training.  OK now and then but i find they get a bit clingy and dependent on you..... image and almost no one else will do!!  The thing that maked me MAD as hell...is having set up and coached 10 week beginner runners programmes many times.....the runners that really make me image are the ones that dont commit....come to 50% of the training.....every body else progresses.....and then they expect someone (often ME) to hang back and look after them cos they cant keep up with the pace!! Dont get me wrong...I will go back for slower runners over and over and over if they are just slower - but committed with grit and determination...but it's the lazy F*ckers...the selfish ones annoy me.....and now I can't be @rsed with them.  And they say "well you find it easy"....yeah right...!?!?....   they have failed to realise running always hurts.....if you are racing and it dont then frankly you are just not maxing out!  RIGHT??? image

    THat 's half the rant over (it is a full moon you know image)

    Runners ignoring you on a run.  Well...I ALWAYS say really loudly "Good afternoon"  "Good Morning!"

    "Lovely day for it...."    and all other greetings in between...and Like my SIS MO say thanks for them moving aside, or holding their dogs, ........   On the whole I find most people do respond back... and ften with positive things.  Especially when i train up in the woods.  People walking their dogs - say "Oh well done!"  and "I'm puffing and i'm only walking....I could never run that hill" etc etc   and often over my shoulder i will pant ..." you should try it sometime....come join us"   (I'm with my sisterhood at the time...and NOT my imaginary friends image)

    I never wait for people to respond first.  And the face has to say it too.  If you mutter "L.O...under your breath..they may have their IPOD on...."  I do...mine is SOOOOoooo cranked up loud i can only lip read

    Can recognise all sorts....  image

    On some of my routes...which seem to attract the  w*nkers in white vans or speeeeed merchants..I always make sure i wear my flourescent gloves so they can see my "special" wave as they go past image

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    Seeing all your Marathon training miles - so brings me back to my winter training last year!  Miss it...in  a perverse way - but love that physical challange of a long tough run that nearly breaks you - but you dig in....and do it - despite the pain, the tiredness, the nagging voice saying "Give up!"  "Walk" - "It doesn't matter"   Cos we ALL know it does matter.  The plan you have set yourself is the one that has to be achieved.   And that can be as simple as your walk breaks are shorter and your run segments are longer - right through to cracking those big meaty distances when it's early, the weekend and bl**dy freeeeeezing!

    Lostkat - your Xcountry 12 miler today - big achievement.  Add atleast 10-15% more on the mileage for the XC bit (FACT).  I have done a few of them - make you tough and resiliant !  Go sister! 

    I must say I do think your plans for 2m are a little over ambitious (and a little foolhardy) BE CAREFUL!!! PLEASE!  If you dont follow the "RULES" you will be a washed up "has been" (like moi) at your tender age...!!!  Remember...I have 13 years on you ATLEAST!!!! LONGEVITY! 

    I want to be running when I'm 70+ and doing other things.... (use your imagination...imageand there is no reason why not..??? )

    Ecky....ATLAST!!! you did the trainer thing! image  Onwards my friend! Onwards!  Well done!

    Kwala - so know about the leg in plaster and the impact that has on every day life.  It's sh*te!  I could always come round and tell you some of my special Weeny stories image.  Would you be begging me for mercy..mercy mercy?? image

    Cheetara - fabulous running - but i expect NOTHING less from you SISTER!!! RRrrrahhhh image X

    Doremouse - Epping Forest!?! An Essex lad??  As I am very well connected in the running world....I wonder if I might have "rubbed shoulders" with you at any events image.  I know we are going to have a 6 degrees of separation thing going on here.....

    Interrogation commences:

    Do you belong to a club?  If so which one?

    What events  have you done?

    I read back you did a Duathlon...where was it and when?

    Do you know Slinky Binkster? image  If So are you a cylist?

    Sorry everyone...talk amongst yourselves for a moment.....

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    You know sometimes...the simplest things have the biggest impact.  On Friday a run sister - could see through the fake smile.....could see my pain.  A cuddle and a kind word - so precious.

    Also...tonight I have eaten a meal cooked spontaneously by someone - in their time - took time out of a busy schedule to make me a truely thoughtful and scrummy dish they knew i would appreciate and deliver over for me to have at my leisure....and I chose tonight.  I feel blessed.  And frankly...a MAN that can cook......hell yeah sisters image

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    Oh Weeny,Im sorry you are going through tough times,its amazing what a hug and caring words can do for you,my m8 calls em Booby hugs cos she has very large ones.lol. Yeh am soooooo happy I got the right shoos now,I was realy dreading running because of the pain but today my only aches were because I had realy pushed myself.

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    Hey Weeny, sending you kwala hugs. Sounds like you have some great friends and support around you, and a bonus if they cook for you too!!!
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    Interrogation commences:

    Do you belong to a club?  If so which one?

    What events  have you done?

    I read back you did a Duathlon...where was it and when?

    Do you know Slinky Binkster? image  If So are you a cylist?

    XRV Clubimage

    1, Duathlon Nr Chelmsford in the Autumn 09image

    Sb no, learning to ride a Tri bike she's feisty like her Sister.

     Life's fun at present I hope yours moves forward.................Smile on dark days, beam with pride, live with joy and run on the Sunny Side of the park.

    Wish you well Weeny P. If thats flirting I apologize p/s I can Cook!?!image

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    Following my first post on the thread, thanks to those who welcomed me to the forum as well as offerring their encouragement...I think I'll need it!

    Following on from my run from Tuesday night (2.5 miles in 18 minutes) I thought on Friday morning I'd head out again, which was a bad idea, particularly having witnessed snow flakes falling from a clear blue sky?

    Although I completed the same route in roughly the same time, as I turned right at the end of my street and faced a biting wind that seemed to blow in all directions, I quickly came to the conclusion that a stint on the treadmill in the garage (equally as cold but no wind chill) would probably have been the better option. 

    However, returning home, feeling slightly annoyed that I'd not ran as well as I had three days previous, my wife put things into perspective, by explaining that it may have been freezing cold, however, I'd perservered and hadn't returned home. 

    On reflection, I have to admit she was correct, given that I was probably concentrating upon how cold I felt, rather than focusing on simply running. 

    I guess it's one of those runs I'll just have to put down to experience. 

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    Hi usedtobefit ,yeh sometimes you just have to put runs down to experience and write them off,I have had plenty of them recently but my last 2 have been amazing and Im raring to go again,Wifey is right,even my hubby has to admit Im right sometimes.lol although not very often.
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    Hi Iused2bfit - Running ----all about the highs and the lows...the battles and the success'.   In time you will get used to the ranges of how well you can and can't run on some training sessions - and in time you will begin to work out what effects your running (good and bad) and just ACCEPT it.  Always think "Good...done the run I planned....better than not going at all, sitting on a couch just thinking about going"

    I think it's really important in the next few weeks to start planning your training to cover a range of different types of running/training.  Some should be a comfortable plod - even if that was slower than last weeks comfortable plod....also add some very basic speed/effort training into the mix.  I cant remember what level you are at - but if you can plod non stop for say 20 mins and that would be your normal run...why not add some strides (build ups) into that.  So you warm run (So walk briskly for 5 mins then proper slow plod for  example 5 mins so you are nicely warmed up..the lungs have got the message you are out to exercise them a bit) then for 20 strides you start building the speed up so you are pushing the pace (but NOT sprinting) then hold the strides at that built up pace for 20 strides, then start gradually reducing the speed down for 20 strides...then continue to plod.  Let your breathing regulate plod for 5 mins then repeat.  And repeat the same pattern for the remainder of the run.  But dont over do it to start with.  This can be used as your run distances increase.  You can say do it every half mile or every mile on longer runs.  It's good and more interesting than plodding and will make excellent improvement to your pace/fitness in time.

    Only do that once a week.  Then one longer run (increase weekly mileage by no more than 10% but each week choose a run that is going to be your LSR (long slow(er) run) and then perhaps another run where you run a little faster than your LSR - but should still be at conversational pace. (you could chat to someone in sentences of 1/2 dozen words without gasping)

    Hope this helps. 

    My moto - once a plodder...always a plodder ..but then I had a hard task master Raaarrrrrrr! image

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    Hugs to you Weeny - hope things get better soon.

    Completed my 12 miles yesterday on a light sprinking of snow and swam 24 lengths this morning so another week off my marathon schedule - 11 to go!  I have my schedule blue tacked to the inside of my wardrobe and a row of post it notes moves down each week to underline where I'm at - how sad is thatimage

    Keep warm - it's freezing out there at the mo.  Hope the boiler is fixed real soon DM

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    lol not sad at all. I have mine stuck on the fridge. I just filled out the final January run and am ready to stick the February one up now image Well done on your run yesterday and the swim today.

    Weeny P wrote (see)

    Lostkat - your Xcountry 12 miler today - big achievement.  Add atleast 10-15% more on the mileage for the XC bit (FACT).  I have done a few of them - make you tough and resiliant !  Go sister! 

    I must say I do think your plans for 2m are a little over ambitious (and a little foolhardy) BE CAREFUL!!! PLEASE!  If you dont follow the "RULES" you will be a washed up "has been" (like moi) at your tender age...!!!  Remember...I have 13 years on you ATLEAST!!!! LONGEVITY! 

    I want to be running when I'm 70+ and doing other things.... (use your imagination...imageand there is no reason why not..??? )

    I read your post last night Weeny, but didn't respond because it was bedtime and I was tired. I did take on board your advice though and got a lift home from the race rather than running back. It was one hell of a hard race. 2.5 miles uphill followed by 2.5 miles downhill and a really steep awful uphill at the end. Overtook someone on the crest of the hill just before the finish line. She didn't look impressed, lol. My legs were tired though and the extra 4.5 miles wasn't needed as it's not in the plan. I have to keep my sights firmly on keeping fit and injury free London. Rest tomorrow and then running club on Tuesday. Better have a look and see what my February schedule brings. I dropped my mileage on the LSR significantly this week because I was advised to yoyo my plan. Still kept it difficult enough to be a challenge though. Next week's LSR is a biggie!! Eek!! image
    Iused2bfit - take Weeny's advice. She really does know what she's banging on (tee hee) about image
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    Nice reading... and flirting doormouse..nowt wrong with it!!  (only jesting) image

     Managed another run yesterday (still on the treadmill).. didn't want to go out in case the niggles got too bad.. so flippin glad cos fri night had a very nice spicy chinese and a few beers with hubby.. consequently my 50 min run on the treadie was broken up with dashing to the loo every 10 mins or so (sorry if too much information image).  Legs didn't feel too bad though, only slight pain in right shin, and left hip sore after!

    45 mins exercise bike today and going to run tomorrow.  May see how the weather is and actually set foot outside the door.. we will see.

    Great running everyone else except K... keep your chin up, oh and I recommend Loose women for an hour at lunchtime to make you smile!  Doormouse, hope the boiler fixed, Weeny.. you always sound v upbeat, is that the fake smile?  Take one day at a time.. oh and all the hugs and meals anyone offers image

    Everyone else.. have a good week.  I have to become the tooth fairy for the first time tonight as daughter lost her first tooth today.. shall I dress up?? image

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    Trigger,well done on your training sounds like you are very commited to your programme,you will be fab.

    LK well done on your run,you are amazing,agree with what you say about Weenys advice,she sure does know her stuff.

    Strange one,sounds like a good job you didnt go out and get caught by the roadside,could have been messy,hope the stomach is settled now.Oh I love the tooth fairy although after a wahile our fairy got a bit slack and kept forgetting to take the tooth so we had to employ the tooth goblin,sure our 13 year old thinks we are crazy.lol

    I managed another run today before having a couple of rest days,wont make club til Thurs so thought I would make the most of the weekend,went down the Canal with hubby and kids and managed 9k in 59 mins,realy chuffed as the only aches again were because my legs were tired,longest I have run since troubles started,only prob was,dont think it was good idea to run after having wetherspoons full english,had given it a couple of hours before I ran but did feel a bit icky after 5kimage. My 7 year old ran the last little bit with me and made me laugh when he said"its not for me this running".

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    Just a quicky

    LK - still doing some great miles, how did the race go?

    Ecky - glad you've finally got the right shoes now, it's a comman mistake that many newbiews make, hopefully everything will settle down and you can start to enjoy running!

    Weeny - hugs to you sis in your pretty poo times.  Yup i loved my run on Sat and i know you expect nothing less of me - i'll put even more effort in next week i promise *salutes the Weeny*

    Kwala - not sure how much more crappy daytime tv you can take, but hugs to you too!

    Waves to everone else image

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    Ha Ecky.. not sure about the goblin.. daughter is 5 so woudn't go to bed tonight if she thought goblins were coming image  Great run too.. sounds lovely... along the canal!  I too have not yet had running properly assessed to buy the correct shoes, but it is on my list of priorities.. I have enough niggles to definitely warrant new expensive shoesimage
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    Lol thats only when they get older and you keep forgetting the tooth fairy money,My yongest is nearly 8 so goblins are ok and he's a boy so the more gross something is the better. I must admit,I wish I had got shoes sooner and although they cost £79 I realy thought I would be looking at lots more for shoes.Im sure they will look at shoes for any budget,mine were realy friendly and helpful.
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    There are cheaper shoes that are just as good, Strangeone, it's what feels most comfortable and suits the way you run. Unfortunately for me that meant expensive ones and sounds like the same for Ecky too. You could always get the gait analysis done, and try on shoes in the shop to find the ones that suit you best and then go and get them cheaper on the internet, but personally I'd feel a bit bad doing that!
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