
for all new runners ..... (part 2)



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    Kwala - Day time entertainment in the form of DVD box sets...????..*tut tut* image 

    LostKat - glad you got yourself out as per the fridge plan...or I may well have had to come and kick your sorry *rse in my most Weeny-able way image.  I remember when i was in the "zone"....yep I can still remember it image

    Ecky - talk of ferets, black pudding, eccles cakes and custard.  You nothern lot are funny bunch!

    Oh...yeah Hi Mo image

    Doremouse - How do you know I eat read meat...???  I think I did say my body is "a temple"..??

    What's with this liking body pump...fast and really dancy *mind conjours up all sorts of images*  image

    So....no fluffy pJs (even though you are a Doremouse???)  Is there no Mrs Doremouse??  So YOU really WILL be "COOKING" the food image

    I just got back from the woods. DIRTY DIRTY FUN! Utter filth! RESULT! Did 5 circuits - nearly killed me mind you....but fortunately it was having a similar effect on the other SISTERS of the hood too image

    Got back here to find Mr Energy assessor boffin type man waiting to be let in to do my ENERGY report for HIP.  So I'm sitting looking "filthy" waiting for him to bugger off so I can have a shower and get ready for work.  image

    I fweeeeeeeeeezing cold.  Wish it was a duvet day.... I need hugs.

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    Wow, thank you for the tips Weeny! I shall take them all on board, was so kind of you image

    That is good advice about the breathing, I think i'll try that the next time.  But you're right it is absolutely freezing! Especially running right along the coast and back! Looking forward to spring, not too cold, but then not too hot.  

    I think today I was just really in the mood and wanted to do it the best I could, but I've learned now that the best way to do it is to just take it slow.  

     You sound like a bit of an inspiration really!

    Speak soon (I'll post up how my next one goes in a couple of days!) image

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    Hi Shelley - welcome to the group.  Weeny is right, it's better to walk/run and build up gradually, so many people have injured themselves trying to do too much too soon and then it puts you off running at all if thatt's what it does to you!

     But you're right........Weeny is a legedn - RESPECT! image

    You made me laugh btw Weeny in your dirty cold runnig kit, bet mr HIPS man thought wtf? image

    Hope you're feeling better Albs, yep, get your priorities right 1.) Running 2.) everything else!

    Off for a 5 miler this evening, my legs feel like lead image and it's freezing - oh well all the reason to run faster!



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    Yey all hail the Weenster,I agree Weeny has been amazing and has given some brill advice.

    Doremouse maybe we should bring some fluffy pjs when we come to dinner,mines a hot pork pie with mushy peas and parkin to finnish.l will leave my ferret at home cos hes very shy.

    Hi Albs,glad you feeling better now,dont blame you having sickie,nothing worse than loud kids when you feeling poopy.

    Mo sorry you having a bad day,I still get that with my ankle so am having a couple of rest days,I wish I could be completely pain free.

    Hi Shell,welcome,yeh its a realy supportive forum with lots of good advice,I agree with everyone else though start off slowly and build up,I still walk run and I been at this for well over a year now,I could just about run from one lampost to the next when I first started but 2 half marathons later I reckon I have improved.Good advice from weeny too spesh the bit about telling us,we can get you through the good and bad bits.

    Cheetara,hope you get out for your run tonight,it is very freezing today.

    Im on rest day but Chub club tonight,just hope I have lost cos had a very norty week with food.

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    Hello all.. good reading as usual image

     5.5 miles on Monday for me (yes on the treadie, but my excuse was there was a lot of snow still on the pavements)!  Exercise bike yesterday and today but going to run 5 tomorrow.  Am aiming now for running 3 times a week, minimum of 5m twice and if I fee like it a little longer on the other day.  Seems to be working and keeping injury at bay for now (fingers crossed and every other body part possible!)

    Ecky.. I will join you with your choice for Doormouse's menu, but can we have mint sauce on our pies??  Don't live in Yorkshire now, but born and bred there image.  I have fluffy pyjamas too.......

    Mo, I too terrified of dogs, almost to the point it puts me off running outside! 

    Everyone else, hope you all ok..

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    Sone, It's a horrible fear !! Not that any are good!!  But Like you  my hart beats so fast.. I sweat and just don't know what to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You get the dog walkers who will hold  the dog back love them lol or the one that let them run free and tell you(((( IT WONT BITE JUST BARK!!!!!!! )))) Sorry but that dose not make me feel better...imageimage   Then your told don't show fear, If I wasn't scared then I wouln't !!!!

    I'm Lancs lass lol nout wrong with us ooooooooop north,image mmm mint jelly!!  ewww black pudding hate the stuff ... tripe ewww

    Any one got the snow we haveimage

    WEEEENY,   Down on my knees were not worthy.. You is a starimageimage

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    Snow?  Snow???  SNOW???  Where'd you all live....Narnia??? Step AWAY from the back of that wardrobe!!  image

    Hey...much as it's weely nice all your lovely comments ....I am SOOooo not worthy of bowage.....and spesh treatment.......NEVER forget  "I is an olden....and have made ALOT of mistakes"  image

    Albs...you still haven't said whats wrong with you.  Can we have the symptoms so we can put it through on line net doctor type thingie.........Can we catch it....virtually that is image.  My worst memories were of being ill with no help (surprise surprise) and being sick and having to carry on.  Terrible!  Sympathy Sister.....  Hope you feel better soon. S*d the running...just get better quick.

    Mo - mo mo (((((hugs)))))

    Shelley - you are welcome.  I ALWAYS have plenty to say for myself ...good and bad.  The others will back you me up on that one.  I talk alot of CR*P that is the beauty of skim reading eh folks? image

    Strange one - sounds like a plan to me ....although perhaps you could start making one of them 5 milers into an "effort" sesh.  That'll make you Raaaarrrrrr! image Strong!

    Cheetara - how'd ya 5 miler go??  Hate that heavy leg thing...although as I am a lump right now....everything is heavy.  *must address that*

    But yes you are right .....the energy boff clearly didnt "get" the ....."i've been for a run in the woods" statement! image He was vaguely telling me...my house is not very energy efficient.....i thought "who gives a F***.....I'm selling it!!! " image  image

    Apologies...I do like to use "sexual swear words" in my posts image Sorry if it offends anyone - but they are said with a nice posh accent and I do enunciate every syllable quite beautifully image

    Doremouse....looks like it's dinner and a sleep over image 

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    Hey all.

    Weeny, just accept the compliments, you are our very own running guru and very wise (and funny and norrty too!!)

    Didn't o/d on daytime TV today as TraceyG (on RW and on Fetch) popped over for a visit, was lovely to have some company.
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    Are you up north Scotland cardiomo? I'm down the south.  It was snowing yesterday, but better today.  Just wish it would stop!

     Well thanks for the warm welcome everyone.  My legs are in agony tonight - so much that I'm nearly falling down the stairs instead of walking down them!

    Speak soon xx image

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    Ok Strange one,I will let you have some mint sauce,Im not oop north any more,am in midlands now,fluffy PJ's yey sleepover.lol well done on your runs too.

    Kwala,glad you had company today,breaks up the monotony of crappy daytime tv.

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    imageimage  nice getting messages......

    Strange one - sounds like a plan to me ....although perhaps you could start making one of them 5 milers into an "effort" sesh.  That'll make you Raaaarrrrrr! image Strong!

     Hey weeny.. good advice but what do you mean?? Do you mean upping the speed or interval training or??  Seems like you are the wise one so up fpr listening to any advice from you

     Mo and Ecky ...Mmmm ...mint sauce and fluffy pjsimage uuurrgghh to tripe.  My hubby always enjoys reminding me of when we first met and he asked me what I liked to eat .. my reply was "I eat anything except tripe!!!"  Classy! image

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    Hi strange one image

    Yes...effort session could be long hill reps/short hill reps,  speed training (1/4-1 mile reps), fartlek, pyramids, tempo runs...

    Do them 1-2 times per week on a rotation - each have a different benefit and i have never known anyone who has incorporated some "Effort" sessions regularly into training NOT to benefit massively.  Each time of training has it's place.  Minimum one steady run, one effort, one long slow run (LSR) = balanced training image

    Can give more.....can waffle on FOREVER image

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    weeny - you, waffle on, never image
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    No Shelly I'm not far from Manchester!!!!  And there is lots of SNOW..image

    Kwala,  whats on the box tomorrow..image

    Strange One, Ecky, Did you ever have cornbeef ash??????????

    Sleep over!!!!! YEHHHHHH FLUFFY PJS image

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    Hopefully will avoid the worst of it tomorrow mo, I have a busy day lined up - hozzy in the morning for xray and update. I am hoping I will have had a miracle cure and they will send me home with a marathon training plan, but think 4-6 weeks in a cast is more likely image
    Then hubby is going to treat me to coffee and cake at Costa's. And hopefully hairdressers in the afternoon if they can fit me in image
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    Lol Strange one,I always remember a shop that sold tripe when I was a kid,I used to hate the look of it.

    Mo I never ever ate corned beef  hash cos I dont like the corned beef,didnt stop me muva cooking it tho.lol.

    Kwala hope you get some good news tomoz,coffee and cake in Costas sounds lovely though and being pampered at hairdressers.

    I been very norty this week and have gained half a pound at SW oh well back to being good tomoz,after this lovely bottle of vino.

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    Lol Strange one,I always remember a shop that sold tripe when I was a kid,I used to hate the look of it.

    Mo I never ever ate corned beef  ash cos I dont like the corned beef,didnt stop me muva cooking it tho.lol.

    Kwala hope you get some good news tomoz,coffee and cake in Costas sounds lovely though and being pampered at hairdressers.

    I been very norty this week and have gained half a pound at SW oh well back to being good tomoz,after this lovely bottle of vino.

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    It's only 1/2 lb Ecky, you'll soon get that off again.
    I'm dreading getting back on the scales!

    Anything like tripe or any offal - bleurgh! If I ever get back into the Paul McKenna thing that is what I will use in my visualisation to put me off eating norrty things
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    Kwala,  I've got the PM cd's lol..... Did nothing for me but I did fall asleep ever time I listened to himimageimage

    Ecky, 1/2 lb that could be a toilet break ...image

    Back later image

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    Barely have time to post, let alone read back, but just popping in to say I'm still about!

    Running going well, and weight has gone under 15 stone image

    Hope everyone is well

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    Hey everyone

     Weeny - you cheeky monkey, no we dont live in Narnia, it has snowed honest (you're the one that lives on button moon) image i was looking forward to a snowy run last evening but then it started raining and went real slippery and when i had a lift home, i took one step out of the car (the other leg still inside) and nearly did the bloody splits down the road! image

     This was when i thought i would abandon ship and miss my run, but then my training partner called and said he was doing his 5 (we have like virtual running days when we dont run together so it is still compulsory to "virtually" run and not to let the other person down)  so i thought image ok, i'll get me kit on and if it wasn't for him, i wouldnt have ran - but glad i did and really enjoyed it.  Hence my face book status " if carlsberg made training partners...........probably the best in the world"  he's a good 'un and made me get out there.  Another 6 miles for me tonight - i'm real tied this week though, training is tough. Rest day on friday - hurrah! image 3 miles Sat and another sneaky 11 miler on Sun image

    Kwala - hope all goes well today

    Mo - how you feeling now?

    Waves to everyone else (sorry i missed posts again)

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    Been back to hozzie this morning, didn't get x-rayed as only a week since the last one. I have a new plaster cast, full weight bearing, so I can gradually start to put weight on my foot. I am so looking forward to being more mobile

    Doc thinks because of where the fracture is, right at the bottom of my fibula, it should heal really quickly. Back in 2 weeks for another x-ray and fingers crossed could be out of plaster that soon!!

    mo - yeah, the PMcK CD sends me to sleep everytime, I have no idea what he says after the first 5 mins and I'm still fat so obviously nothing is permeating my sub-conscious!!

    FT, good to hear things going well for you image

    Cheetara - yay for running partners, real or virtual image Well done for getting out there
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    Hi FT - Well done one your weight thing you LOSER image

    Chetarah..... your running partner enspires you to get your kit ON??  I'm looking for a running partner (must be male) who enspires me to get my kit off ....... mwahahahah image

    would have loved to have seen your Bambi moment.... *imagines*   hehehehehe BUT well done for getting your sorry *rse out there despite the slipp-edy do dah day....  image

    I've got ANOTHER bl**dy cold!!?!?!  I've not had a cold for 3-4 years......this is my second one in 3 months?!?!   Grrrrrrrr!! image I blame the  vile twildwen at work....and of course the other big child in my world....enough to tap the most strongest of immune systems image

    Back to work for me......laters X

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    I could be so good 4 you Weeny P.

    Got 2 dash but thinking of you all in Pj's nite
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    Morning all! 

    Good news about your cast Kwala. Must be mind numbing not to be able to do anything. Will you still be off work or are you able to drive with the new cast? Fingers crossed it heals as quickly as anticipated image

    *hands weeny a box of kleenex* Poor bab! I prescribe wine & chocolate to help rid you of your vile cold. 

    Ecky, 1/2lb is NOTHING. I can lose/gain that from one day to the next. Onwards and downwards image

    Can't believe some of you have snow!! Well done for getting out in it Cheets.

    It was 10 degrees on the way home last night, which is positively tropical. I even took my gloves off during my run last night. Really didn't want to go out, but the fridge said '5 miles tempo', so that's what I did. Not really as quick as I'd usually do it, but marathon training is taking its toll and my legs are tired so I didn't push it too hard. Besides, I have a track session tonight... 800m speed rep. I know I'll hate them at the time, but it'll all be worth it afterwards. Really looking forward to a very rare LIE IN and rest day on Saturday. I've been assigned the task of doing tip runs later though. We're clearing the loft and it's amazing the amount of shite we have up there, only after 3 years of buying our house!

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    Morning LK yeh you are right,I reckon thats come off already,was bit down about it but think its just  a bad time of year anyway,Jan into Feb is when Cam had transplant and it always hits me,weither I realise it or not.Im good now tho so yeh onwards and downwards.image. Im so in awe of your marathon training,you are going to be brill,Im going to enter the ballot this year,would love to it.

    No running club for me this week as like you Weeny,I have a stinky cold,thats the second one I have had in a few months too and I never have them normally,I spose its the working with kids that does it,spesh when they sneeze and snot on their hands then want you to hold them.

    FT well done on going under 15st,thats brill.

    Sos not had good read back so will catch up later,hope everyone else is ok.

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    Phew - the week from hellimage

    Phone call came through on Monday that OFSTED were due in on Wednesday and Thursday.  It all really hit the fan then!  Early mornings and late nights at school took their toll on my training schedule but I did get out for 5 miles last night and have 13 scheduled for Sunday heaven help me.  Diet has also been on the back burner - if it wasn't nailed down I ate it!

    But anyway, although it's not official yet - we got a "good" which is what we were looking for!  Happy, smiley faces all round and drinks at 3.00image

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    Weeny - hope you're feeling better soon (((hugs))) i was the same, hadn't been sick for nearly 2 years, then at the end of last year i had 3 colds in a row -grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  As for training partner, yep he inspires me to get my kit on  (and off, but that's another story) imageimage

    Kwala - hope all goes well with the new cast and hope for a speedy recovery.

    LK - Well done you Mrs, i totally sympathise with you for Mara training.  I'm certainly feeling it this week, but what training plan says.....we must obey! image  Did my 6 miles last night, legs felt very heavy and shins are wrecking today!!!!  But day off today - hurrah image (and i've just purchased my wine for this evening) then back on 3 miles tom and a big 11 miler sun.

     Trigger - dont talk to me about OFSTED! Grrrrrrr - evil peeps that they are, we had a year from hell with them last year.  Hope all goes well and how dare they interefere with your training!

    Ecky -  Hope you're feeling better soon too, come join us in Mara training imageimageimage



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    Ohh KWala - sorry...missed the posting about x-rays and casts.....hope you are hoblling proper now ...well atleast as far as the nearest public house image *hic*

    LK - Your training is going well...and yep...so know where you are at with the fatigue thing.  With my previous on winter training...I would get to about 6 weeks or so into the schedule and every day i would get up and still feel soooo tired from run before....it got to be an exercise in looking on the fridge...seeing what had to do...doing it...ticking it off....sorted!  SOOoooooo tiring.  I was running 5-6 days per week! Dont miss that - but I was sh*t hot then....image!!   

    Cheetara.....come on....I'm homing in on the "kit off" potential....SPILL SISTER we are ALL Ears.

    Doremouse...YOU could be SOOO good for me...?!?!  image  Really?  How so???  *remembers ...does cook....BONUS*

    Ecky - seasons evoke so many memories - good and bad.  Anniversaries of anything can never be erased.  (((((hugs))))).   Onwards......ONWARDS!!!

    Talking of seasons...WOW...is spring around the corner??  Ran this morning with the hood and wore hat and gloves.....1 mile in...roasting!   Managed a 3 miler today - ran with one of the sisters I hardly ever run with.  It was really nice.  Had lovely chats about life and love and all sorts - and she kept me going (felt tough today) stress impacts so massively on me I think.... and she said she'd had the best run in ages cos she'd never have normally run it at that pace.  I'm still way off the pace of "TEAM ELITE"....but not quite in the ranks of TEAM NAUGHTY ...so I'm about settled in "TEAM WANNABE"  .

    Now it's MY WEEKEND - kids with Daddy - and it's time for me to have some "time"  Looking forward to it. 

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    Fish, chips & wine tonight I think. They're going for a carvery after the track session, but I just want to come home and snuggle up with buggalugs on the setee image Soppy, I know image
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